Comments regarding the taxonomy used in this website
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The higher taxonomical categories (orders, suborders, families) used in this website generally follows:

Squamata (lizards, snakes, worm lizards):

Pyron, R.A.; Burbrink, F.T. & Wiens, J.J.. 2013. A phylogeny and revised classification of Squamata, including 4161 species of lizards and snakes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13: 93.

The proposed family Calabariidae is nested within the family Boidae and therefore retained in this family, pending further studies.

The family Elapidae, previously consisting of only terrestrial species, now includes the sea snakes, formerly recognized as a separate family, Hydrophiidae. For mainly conservative and practical reasons, the separation between terrestrial and marine species is retained here as two groups within one family. The sea snakes, ex-Hydrophiidae, is thus continuously treated as a separate group, e.g., in the biodiversity statistics.


Rhodin, A.G.J.; Iverson, J.B.; Bour, R.; Fritz, U.; Georges, A.; Shaffer, H.B.; Dijk, P.P. van (Turtle Taxonomy Working Group). 2017. Turtles of the World. Annotated Checklist and Atlas of Taxonomy, Synonymy, Distribution, and Conservation Status. 8th ed. Chelonian Research Monographs 7: 1-292.


Zug, G.R.; Vitt, L.J. & Caldwell, J.P. 2001. Herpetology. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, London. etc. 630 pp.


Zug, G.R.; Vitt, L.J. & Caldwell, J.P. 2001. Herpetology. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego, London. etc. 630 pp.