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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (www.repfocus.dk).
Latest update: October 31st, 2023.

Taxonomy of the family Diplodactylidae
Bibliography of the genus Amalosia
Biodiversity of the family Diplodactylidae


Amalosia Velvet Geckos



1984 Amalosia Wells & Wellington (type species: Phyllodactylus lesueurii Dumeril & Bibron 1836)
2012 Nebulifera Oliver, Bauer, Greenbaum, Jackman & Hobbie (type species: Oedura robusta Boulenger 1885; syn. Hoskin & Couper 2023)
Contents: 10 species, all of which are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: Since its description, Amalosia has been regarded as a synonym of Oedura by most authors (e.g., Bauer 1994), until its revalidation by Oliver, Bauer, Greenbaum, Jackman & Hobbie (2012).
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland [incl. Fraser Island], Western Australia).

Amalosia capensis

Cape York Zigzag Gecko


Cape York-zigzaggekko

2023 Amalosia capensis Hoskin & Couper

Distribution: Australia (Queenland).

Amalosia hinesi

Nandewar Zigzag Gecko



2023 Amalosia hinesi Hoskin & Couper

Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Queenland).

Amalosia jacovae

Clouded Velvet Gecko, Clouded Gecko


Broget Fløjlsgekko

2007 Oedura jacovae Couper, Keim & Hoskin
Amalosia jacovae Oliver, Bauer, Greenbaum, Jackman & Hobbie 2012

Distribution: Australia (Queensland [incl. Fraser Island]).

Amalosia lesueurii

Southern Velvet Gecko, (Lesueur's Velvet Gecko, Lesueur's Gecko)

Südlicher Samtgecko

Sydlig Fløjlsgekko

1836 Phyllodactylus lesueurii Dumeril & Bibron
Diplodactylus lesueurii Fitzinger 1843
Oedura lesueurii Boulenger 1885
Amalosia lesueurii Wells & Wellington 1984
1985 Amalosia phillipsi Wells & Wellington (Shea & Sadlier 1999)

Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland).

Amalosia nebula

Upland Zigzag Gecko



2023 Amalosia nebula Hoskin & Couper

Distribution: Australia (Queenland).

Amalosia obscura

Kimberley Velvet Gecko, Slim Velvet Gecko



1984 Oedura obscura King
Amalosia obscura Wells & Wellington 1989

Distribution: Australia (Western Australia).

Amalosia queenslandia

Queensland Zigzag Gecko



2023 Amalosia queenslandia Hoskin & Couper

Distribution: Australia (Queenland).

Amalosia rhombifer

Northwestern Zigzag Gecko, (Zigzag Velvet Gecko, Zigzag Gecko, Northern Velvet Gecko)



1844 Oedura rhombifera Gray
Oedura lesueurii rhombifer Cogger 1957
Amalosia rhombifer Wells & Wellington 1984

Introduced to: New Zealand.
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia).

Amalosia robusta

Robust Velvet Gecko

Großer Samtgecko

Stor Fløjlsgekko

1885 Oedura robusta Boulenger
Amalosia robusta Wells & Wellington 1984
Nebulifera robusta Oliver, Bauer, Greenbaum, Jackman & Hobbie 2012

Remarks: Previously assigned to a separate, monotypic genus, Nebulifera (e.g., Oliver, Bauer, Greenbaum, Jackman & Hobbie 2012). Reassigned to Amalosia by Hoskin & Couper (2023).
Distribution: Australia (New South Wales, Queensland).

Amalosia saxicola

Rock Zigzag Gecko



2023 Amalosia saxicola Hoskin & Couper

Distribution: Australia (Queenland, (incl. (incl. Hitchinbrook Island, Magnetic Island, Whitsunday Islands South Cumberland Islands Whitsunday Islands).