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Taxonomy of the genus Calumma Biodiversity of the family Chamaeleonidae

Bibliography of the genus
Calumma (Madagascar Chameleons)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Chamaeleonidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Calumma in general

Andreone, F.; Mattioli, F.; Jesu, R.; Randrianirina, J.E. 2001. Two new chameleons of the genus Calumma from north-east Madagascar, with observations on hemipenial morphology in the Calumma furcifer group (Reptilia, Squamata, Chamaeleonidae). Herpetological Journal 11(2): 53-68.

Brygoo, E.R. 1978. Reptiles sauriens Chamaeleonidae. Genre Brookesia et complement pour le genre Chamaeleo. Faune de Madagascar 47: 1-173.

Carpenter, A.I.; Robson, O.; Rowcliffe, J.M.; Watkinson, A.R. 2005. The impacts of international and national governance changes on a traded resource: a case study of Madagascar and its chameleon trade. Biological Conservation 123(3): 279-287.

Jenkins, R.K.B.; Brady, L.D.; Bisoa, M.; Rabearivony, J.; Griffiths, R.A. 2002. Forest disturbance and river proximity influence chameleon abundance in Madagascar. Biological Conservation 109(3): 407-415.

Schmidt, W.; Liebel, K. 2004. Chamäleons aus Madagaskar. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 57(4): 6-11.

Vences, M.; Glaw, F. 1996. Die Chamäleons der Calumna-brevicornis-Gruppe. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 49(4): 240-245.

Walbröl, U.; Walbröl, H.D. 2004. Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Gattung Calumma (Gray, 1865) (Reptilia: Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Sauria (Berlin) 26(3): 41-44.

Calumma amber

Raxworthy, C.J.; Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Six new species of occipital-lobed Calumma chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from montane regions of Madagascar, with a new description and revision of Calumma brevicorne. Copeia 2006(4): 711-734.

Calumma ambreense

Ramanantsoa, G.A. 1974. Contribution à la connaissance des comeleonides de Madagascar. Description d'une sous espèce nouvelle: Chamaeleo oshaughnessyi ambreensis n. subsp. Terre malg. 16: 239-249.

Calumma andringitraense

Brygoo, E.R.; Blanc, C.P.; Domergue, C.A. 1972. Notes sur les Chamaeleo de Madagascar. 10. Deux nouveaux caméléons des hauts sommets de Madagascar: C. capuroni n. sp. et C. gastrotaenia andringitraensis n. subsp. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Zoologie) (Paris) 42: 601-613.

Calumma boettgeri

Eckhardt, F.S.; Gehring, P.S.; Bartel, L.; Bellmann, J.; Beuker, J.; Hahne, D.; Korte, J.; Knittel, V.; Mensch, M.; Nagel, D.; Rostosky, C.; Pohl, M.; Vierath, V.; Wilms, V.; Zenk, J.; Vences, M. 2012. Assessing sexual dimorphism in a species of Malagasy chameleon (Calumma boettgeri) with a newly defined set of morphometric and meristic measurements. Herpetology Notes 5: 335-344.

Prötzel, D.; Lambert, S.M.; Andrianasolo, G.T.; Hutter, C.R.; Cobb, K.A.; Scherz, M.D.; Glaw, F. 2018. The smallest ‘true chameleon’ from Madagascar: A new, distinctly colored species of the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata, Chamaeleonidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 94(2): 409–423.

Prötzel, D.; Ruthensteiner, B.; Scherz, M.D.; Glaw, F. 2015. Systematic revision of the Malagasy chameleons Calumma boettgeri and C. linotum (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Zootaxa 4048(2): 211-231.

Calumma brevicorne

Boumans, L.; Vieites, D.R.; Glaw, F.; Vences, M. 2007. Geographical patterns of deep mitochondrial differentiation in widespread Malagasy reptiles. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 45(3): 822-839.

Brygoo, E.R.; Domergue, C.A. 1970. Notes sur les Chamaeleo de Madagascar. C. brevicornis Gunther, 1879, tsarafidyi nov. subsp. Les hémipénis des caméléons du groupe brevicornis. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 42: 311-320.

Jenkins, R.K.B.; Brady, L.D.; Huston, K.; Kauffmann, J.; Rabearivony, J.; Raveloson, G.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 1999. The population status of chameleons within Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, and recommendations for future monitoring. Oryx 33(1): 38-46.

Schifter, H. 1964. Beobachtungen am Kurzhorn-Chamäleon. Natur und Museum 94: 193-200.

Vences, M.; Glaw, F. 1996. Die Chamäleons der Calumna-brevicornis-Gruppe. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 49(4): 240-245.

Calumma capuroni

Brygoo, E.R.; Blanc, C.P.; Domergue, C.A. 1972. Notes sur les Chamaeleo de Madagascar. 10. Deux nouveaux caméléons des hauts sommets de Madagascar: C. capuroni n. sp. et C. gastrotaenia andringitraensis n. subsp. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Zoologie) (Paris) 42: 601-613.

Calumma crypticum

Prötzel, D.; Glaw, K.; Forster, J.; Glaw, F. 2016. Hibernation in tropical Madagascar? Unusual roosting sites of chameleons of the genus Calumma (Squamata, Chamaeleonidae). Spixiana 39(2): 272.

Randrianantoandro, J.C.; Andriantsimanarilafy, R.R.; Rakotovololonalimanana, H.; Hantalalaina, E.F.; Rakotondravony, D.; Ramilijaona, O.R.; Ratsimbazafy, J.; Razafindrakoto, G.F.; Jenkins, R.K.B. 2010. Population assessments of chameleons from two montane sites in Madagascar. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5(1): 23-31.

Raxworthy, C.J.; Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Six new species of occipital-lobed Calumma chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from montane regions of Madagascar, with a new description and revision of Calumma brevicorne. Copeia 2006(4): 711-734.

Calumma furcifer

Glaw, F. 2005. Über die korrekten wissenschaftlichen Artnamen der Chamäleons Calumma furcifer, C. globifer und C. parsonii cristifer. Reptilia (D) 10(51): 12.

Walbröl, U.; Walbröl, H.D. 2005. Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Gattung Calumma Gray, 1865. Sauria (Berlin) 27(2): 33-35.

Calumma gallus

Glaw, F.; Vences, M. 2001. Zwerge mit langen Nasen. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 54(10): 24-26.

Matthey, R. 1961. La formule chromosomique et la position systématique de Chamaeleo gallus Günther (Lacertilia). Zoologischer Anzeiger 166: 153-159.

Calumma gehringi

Prötzel, D.; Vences, M.; Scherz, M.D.; Vieites, D.R.; Glaw, F. 2017. Splitting and lumping: An integrative taxonomic assessment of Malagasy chameleons in the Calumma guibei complex results in the new species C. gehringi sp. nov. Vertebrate Zoology 67(2): 231–249.

Calumma glawi

Böhme, W. 1997. Eine neue Chamäleonart aus der Calumma gastrotaenia-Verwandtschaft Ost-Madagaskars. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 19(107): 5-10.

Jenkins, R.K.B.; Brady, L.D.; Huston, K.; Kauffmann, J.; Rabearivony, J.; Raveloson, G.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 1999. The population status of chameleons within Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, and recommendations for future monitoring. Oryx 33(1): 38-46.

Calumma globifer

Glaw, F. 2005. Über die korrekten wissenschaftlichen Artnamen der Chamäleons Calumma furcifer, C. globifer und C. parsonii cristifer. Reptilia (D) 10(51): 12.

Walbröl, U.; Walbröl, H.D. 2005. Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Gattung Calumma Gray, 1865. Sauria (Berlin) 27(2): 33-35.

Calumma guibei

Prötzel, D.; Vences, M.; Scherz, M.D.; Vieites, D.R.; Glaw, F. 2017. Splitting and lumping: An integrative taxonomic assessment of Malagasy chameleons in the Calumma guibei complex results in the new species C. gehringi sp. nov. Vertebrate Zoology 67(2): 231–249.

Calumma hafahafa

Raxworthy, C.J.; Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Six new species of occipital-lobed Calumma chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from montane regions of Madagascar, with a new description and revision of Calumma brevicorne. Copeia 2006(4): 711-734.

Calumma hilleniusi

Brygoo, E.R.; Blanc, C.P.; Domergue, C.A. 1973. Notes sur les Chamaeleo de Madagascar 11. Un nouveau caméléon de l'Ankaratra C. brevicornis hilleniusi n. subsp. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 98(1): 113-120.

Randrianantoandro, J.C.; Andriantsimanarilafy, R.R.; Rakotovololonalimanana, H.; Hantalalaina, E.F.; Rakotondravony, D.; Ramilijaona, O.R.; Ratsimbazafy, J.; Razafindrakoto, G.F.; Jenkins, R.K.B. 2010. Population assessments of chameleons from two montane sites in Madagascar. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5(1): 23-31.

Calumma jejy

Raxworthy, C.J.; Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Six new species of occipital-lobed Calumma chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from montane regions of Madagascar, with a new description and revision of Calumma brevicorne. Copeia 2006(4): 711-734.

Calumma juliae

Prötzel, D.; Hawlitschek, O.; Scherz, M.D.; Ratsoavina, F.M.; Glaw, F. 2018. Endangered beauties: micro-CT cranial osteology, molecular genetics and external morphology reveal three new species of chameleons in the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184(2): 471-498.

Calumma lefona

Prötzel, D.; Hawlitschek, O.; Scherz, M.D.; Ratsoavina, F.M.; Glaw, F. 2018. Endangered beauties: micro-CT cranial osteology, molecular genetics and external morphology reveal three new species of chameleons in the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184(2): 471-498.

Calumma linotum

Müller, L. 1924. Über ein neues Chamäleon aus Madagascar. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 11: 95-96.

Prötzel, D.; Ruthensteiner, B.; Scherz, M.D.; Glaw, F. 2015. Systematic revision of the Malagasy chameleons Calumma boettgeri and C. linotum (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Zootaxa 4048(2): 211-231.

Calumma marojezense

Brygoo, E.R.; Blanc, C.P.; Domergue, C.A. 1970. Notes sur les Chamaeleo de Madagascar. 4. C. gastrotaenia marojezensis n. subsp. d'un massif montagneux du nord-est. Annales Université de Madagascar (Med.) 7: 273-278.

Calumma nasutum

Hillenius, D. 1988. The skull of Chamaeleo nasutus adds more information to the relationship of Chamaeleo with Rhampholeon and Brookesia (Chamaeleonidae, Reptilia). Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde (Amsterdam) 58(1): 7-11.

Jenkins, R.K.B.; Brady, L.D.; Huston, K.; Kauffmann, J.; Rabearivony, J.; Raveloson, G.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 1999. The population status of chameleons within Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, and recommendations for future monitoring. Oryx 33(1): 38-46.

Rabearivony, J.; Brady, L.D.; Jenkins, R.K.B.; Ravoahangimalala, O.R. 2007. Habitat use and abundance of a low-altitude chameleon assemblage in eastern Madagascar. Herpetological Journal 17(4): 247-254.

Randrianantoandro, J.C.; Andriantsimanarilafy, R.R.; Rakotovololonalimanana, H.; Hantalalaina, E.F.; Rakotondravony, D.; Ramilijaona, O.R.; Ratsimbazafy, J.; Razafindrakoto, G.F.; Jenkins, R.K.B. 2010. Population assessments of chameleons from two montane sites in Madagascar. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 5(1): 23-31.

Calumma oshaughnessyi

Baraud, L.; Cadle, J.E. 2016. Natural history notes: Compsophis infralineatus (Lined Forest Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(1): 142-143.

Jenkins, R.K.B.; Brady, L.D.; Huston, K.; Kauffmann, J.; Rabearivony, J.; Raveloson, G.; Rowcliffe, J.M. 1999. The population status of chameleons within Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar, and recommendations for future monitoring. Oryx 33(1): 38-46.

Kauffmann, J.; Brady, L.D.; Jenkins, R.K.B. 1997. Behavioural observations of the chameleon Calumma oshaughnessyi oshaughnessyi in Madagascar. Herpetological Journal 7(2): 77-80.

Marx, H. 1955. Notes on the behavior of some Madagascar chameleons (Reptilia, Chamaeleontidae). Natural History Miscellanea 149: 1-3.

Calumma parsonii

Glaw, F. 2005. Über die korrekten wissenschaftlichen Artnamen der Chamäleons Calumma furcifer, C. globifer und C. parsonii cristifer. Reptilia (D) 10(51): 12.

Meier, H. 1975. Überraschende Beobachtungen bei Chamaeleo parsonii cristifer. Aquarium Aqua Terra 9(68): 78-79.

Mocquard, F. 1903. Notes herpetologiques. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 1903: 209-221.

Rabearivony, J.; Brady, L.D.; Jenkins, R.K.B.; Ravoahangimalala, O.R. 2007. Habitat use and abundance of a low-altitude chameleon assemblage in eastern Madagascar. Herpetological Journal 17(4): 247-254.

Schmidt, W. 1993. Freiland- und Haltungsbeobachtungen an Parsons Chamäleon Calumma parsonii (Cuvier, 1824). Salamandra 28(3-4): 195-201.

Walbröl, U.; Walbröl, H.D. 2005. Ergänzende Bemerkungen zur Nomenklatur der Gattung Calumma Gray, 1865. Sauria (Berlin) 27(2): 33-35.

Calumma peltierorum

Raxworthy, C.J.; Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Six new species of occipital-lobed Calumma chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from montane regions of Madagascar, with a new description and revision of Calumma brevicorne. Copeia 2006(4): 711-734.

Calumma peyrierasi

Prötzel, D.; Ruthensteiner, B.; Glaw, F. 2016. No longer single! Description of female Calumma vatosoa (Squamata, Chamaeleonidae) including a review of the species and its systematic position. Zoosystematics and Evolution 92(1): 13-21.

Calumma roaloko

Prötzel, D.; Lambert, S.M.; Andrianasolo, G.T.; Hutter, C.R.; Cobb, K.A.; Scherz, M.D.; Glaw, F. 2018. The smallest ‘true chameleon’ from Madagascar: A new, distinctly colored species of the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata, Chamaeleonidae). Zoosystematics and Evolution 94(2): 409–423.

Calumma tarzan

Gehring, P.S.; Pabijan, M. 2010. Eine neue Chamäleonart aus Madagskar braucht dringend Hilfe! Reptilia (D) 15(86): 60-64.

Gehring, P.S.; Pabijan, M.; Ratsoavina, F.M.; Köhler, J.; Vences, M.; Glaw, F. 2010. A Tarzan yell for conservation: a new chameleon, Calumma tarzan sp. n., proposed as a flagship species for the creation of new nature reserves in Madagascar. Salamandra 46(3): 167-179.

Randrianantoandro, C.J. 2012. New distribution record of the critically endangered chameleon Calumma tarzan west of the Mangoro River in eastern Madagascar. Herpetology Notes 5: 165-166.

Calumma tsaratananense

Brygoo, E.R.; Domergue, C.A. 1967. Description d'un caméléon nouveau de Madagascar Chamaeleo tsaratananensis n. sp. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Ser. 2) (Paris) 39: 829-832.

Calumma tsycorne

Raxworthy, C.J.; Nussbaum, R.A. 2006. Six new species of occipital-lobed Calumma chameleons (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from montane regions of Madagascar, with a new description and revision of Calumma brevicorne. Copeia 2006(4): 711-734.

Calumma uetzi

Prötzel, D.; Hawlitschek, O.; Scherz, M.D.; Ratsoavina, F.M.; Glaw, F. 2018. Endangered beauties: micro-CT cranial osteology, molecular genetics and external morphology reveal three new species of chameleons in the Calumma boettgeri complex (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 184(2): 471-498.

Calumma vatosoa

Andreone, F.; Mattioli, F.; Jesu, R.; Randrianirina, J.E. 2001. Two new chameleons of the genus Calumma from north-east Madagascar, with observations on hemipenial morphology in the Calumma furcifer group (Reptilia, Squamata, Chamaeleonidae). Herpetological Journal 11(2): 53-68.

Lutzmann, N.; MacKinnon, J.; Gehring, P.S.; Wilms, T.M. 2010. Ein neuer Nachweis des seltenen gefundenen Chamäleons Calumma vatosoa Andreone, Mattioli, Jesu & Randrianirina, 2001 aus Nordost-Madagaskar. Sauria (Berlin) 32(4): 65-66.

Prötzel, D.; Ruthensteiner, B.; Glaw, F. 2016. No longer single! Description of female Calumma vatosoa (Squamata, Chamaeleonidae) including a review of the species and its systematic position. Zoosystematics and Evolution 92(1): 13-21.

Calumma vencesi

Andreone, F.; Mattioli, F.; Jesu, R.; Randrianirina, J.E. 2001. Two new chameleons of the genus Calumma from north-east Madagascar, with observations on hemipenial morphology in the Calumma furcifer group (Reptilia, Squamata, Chamaeleonidae). Herpetological Journal 11(2): 53-68.

Calumma vohibola

Gehring, P.S.; Ratsoavina, F.M.; Vences, M.; Glaw, F. 2011. Calumma vohibola, a new chameleon species (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae) from the littoral forests of eastern Madagascar. African Journal of Herpetology 60(2): 130-154.