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Bibliography of the genus
Eunectes (Anacondas)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Boidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Eunectes in general
Belluomini, H.E.; Maranhao, N.A.F.; Hoge, A.R. 1960. Contribuição e biologia do genero Eunectes Wagler, 1830. Estudo de seis ninhadas de "sucuris". Mem. Inst. Butantan Sao Paulo 29: 165-174.
Belluomini, H.E.; Veinert, T.; Dissmann, F.; Hoge, A.R.; Penha, A.M. 1978. Notas biologicas a respeito do genero Eunectes Wagler, 1830 'sucuris' (Serpentes: Boinae). Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 40-41 [1976-1977]: 79-115.
Deschanel, J.P. 1978. Reproduction of anacondas at Lyons Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 18: 98-99.
Dirksen, L. 1999. Mythos Anakonda. Reptilia (D) 4(19): 34-37.
Dirksen, L. 2002. Anakondas. NTV, Münster. 189 pp.
Dirksen, L.; Böhme, W. 1998. Studien an Anakondas 1: Indizien für natürliche Bastardierung zwischen der Grossen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) und der Paraguay-Anakonda (Eunectes notaeus) in Bolivien, mit Anmerkungen zur Taxonomie der Gattung Eunectes (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes). Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 50(1): 45-58.
Dirksen, L.; Böhme, W. 2005. Studies on Anacondas III. A reappraisal of Eunectes beniensis Dirksen, 2002, from Bolivia, and a key to the species of the genus Eunectes Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes: Boidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 12(3): 223-229.
Dunn, E.R.; Conant, R. 1936. Notes on anacondas, with descriptions of two new species. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 88: 503-506.
FitzSimons, V. 1953. Length of anacondas. African Wild Life 7: 346-347.
Haverschmidt, F. 1970. Wattled jacana caught by an anaconda. Condor 72: 364.
Henderson, R.W.; Waller, T.; Micucci, P.; Puorto, G.; Bourgeois, R.W. 1995. Ecological correlates and patterns in the distribution of Neotropical boines (Serpentes: Boidae): a preliminary assessment. Herpetological Natural History 3(1): 15-27.
Holmstrom, W. 1982. Life history notes: Eunectes (Anacondas). Maturation. Herpetological Review 13(4): 126.
Hoser, R.T. 2012. A new subgenus of giant snakes (Anaconda) from South America (Serpentes: Boidae). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 12: 36-39.
Matz, G. 1986. Elevage de reptiles en captivite. Recueil de Medecine Veterinaire de l'Ecole d'Alfort 162(3): 255-265.
Miranda, E.B.P.; Ribeiro, R.P.; Strüssmann, C. 2016. The ecology of human-anaconda conflict: a study using internet videos. Tropical Conservation Science 9(1): 43-77.
Müller, P. 1970. Über die Eunectes-Arten von Marajó. Salamandra 6(3-4): 140-41.
Petzold, H.G. 1996. Die Anakondas. 2nd ed. VerlagsKG Wolf (formerly Westarp Wissenschaften), Magdeburg. 142 pp.
Pewtress, R.K. 2003. The mystery of Fawcett and the Anaconda. Herptile 28(2): 46-51.
Trutnau, L. 1982. Einige Bemerkungen über die neuweltlichen Riesenschlangen der Gattung Eunectes. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 4(17): 14-21.
Eunectes beniensis
Dirksen, L.; Böhme, W. 2005. Studies on Anacondas III. A reappraisal of Eunectes beniensis Dirksen, 2002, from Bolivia, and a key to the species of the genus Eunectes Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes: Boidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 12(3): 223-229.
Quintana, P. de la; Pacheco, L.F.; Rivas, J.A. 2011. Natural history notes: Eunectes beniensis (Beni Anaconda). Diet: cannibalism. Herpetological Review 42(4): 614.
Quintana, P. de la; Rivas, J.A.; Valdivia, F.; Pacheco, L.F. 2017. Home range and habitat use of Beni anacondas (Eunectes beniensis) in Bolivia. Amphibia-Reptilia 38(4): 547–553.
Reed, R.N.; Rodda, G.H. 2009. Giant constrictors: biological and management profiles and an establishment risk assessment for nine large species of pythons, Anacondas, and the boa constrictor. U S Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1202: 1-302.
Eunectes deschauenseei
Colares Canto, A.L. 2000. Geographic distribution: Eunectes deschauenseei (Dark-spotted Anaconda). Herpetological Review 31(4): 255.
Dirksen, L. 1999. Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). 1. Eunectes deschauenseei Dunn & Conant, 1936. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 21(122): 12-21.
Dirksen, L. 2001. Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). III. Eunectes notaeus Cope, 1862. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 23(130): 22-34.
Dirksen, L.; Buongermini, E.; Strüssmann, C.; Waller, T. 1999. Protective balling-posture behavior in the genus Eunectes Wagler, 1830 (Serpentes: Boidae). Herpetological Natural History 6(2): 151-155.
Dirksen, L.; Henderson, R.W. 2002. Eunectes deschauenseei. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 755: 755.1-755.3.
Reed, R.N.; Rodda, G.H. 2009. Giant constrictors: biological and management profiles and an establishment risk assessment for nine large species of pythons, Anacondas, and the boa constrictor. U S Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1202: 1-302.
Eunectes murinus
Amaral, A. do 1926. Ophidia from South America in the Carnegie Museum: a critique of Dr. L.E. Griffin's "Catalog of the Ophidia from South America at present (June, 1916) contained in the Carnegie Museum". Annals of the Carnegie Museum 16(2): 319-323.
Araújo Bagno, M.; Albuquerque Brandao, R.; Peres-Junior, A.K. 2012. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Diet. Herpetological Review 43(3): 493.
Bellaomini, H.E.; Hoge, A.R. 1959. Contribuição a biologia de Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus 1758) (Serpentes). Observações sobre habitos alimentares de "sucuris" em cativeiro. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 28: 207-215.
Belluomini, H.E.; Hoge, A.R. 1959. Operacao cesariana realizada em Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus 1758) (Serpentes). Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 28: 187-194.
Belluomini, H.E.; Veinert, T. 1966. Observações em Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus 1758), Serpentes, Boidae. Cienc. Cult. Sao Paulo 18: 134-135.
Belluomini, H.E.; Veinert, T. 1967. Notes on breeding anacondas Eunectes murinus at Sao Paulo Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 7: 181-182.
Belluomini, H.E.; Veinert, T.; Dismann, F. 1971. Dados sobre a biologia e crescimento de Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758). Arq. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 54: 63-64.
Blomberg, R. 1956. Giant snake hunt. Natural History (New York) 65(2): 92-97.
Calle, P.P.; Rivas, J.; Munoz, M.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B.; Holmstrom, W.; Karesh, W.B. 2001. Infectious disease serologic survey in free-ranging Venezuelan Anacondas (Eunectes murinus). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 32(3): 320-323.
Campos, V.A.; Oda, F.H.; Custodio, R.J.; Felismino, M.F. 2011. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Diet. Herpetological Review 42(1): 99.
Cassia Lamonica, R. de; Abrahao-Charles, H.; Castro Loguercio, M.F. de; Rocha-Barbosa, O. 2007. Growth, shedding and food intake in captive Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Serpentes: Boidae). International Journal of Morphology 25(1): 103-108.
Cochran, D.M. 1944. Dangerous reptiles (popular). Rep. Smithson. Instn. 1943: 275-325.
Dirksen, L.; Böhme, W. 1998. Studien an Anakondas 1: Indizien für natürliche Bastardierung zwischen der Grossen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) und der Paraguay-Anakonda (Eunectes notaeus) in Bolivien, mit Anmerkungen zur Taxonomie der Gattung Eunectes (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes). Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 50(1): 45-58.
Dirksen, L.; Böhme, W. 1998. Studien an Anakondas 2: zum taxonomischen Status von Eunectes murinus gigas (Latreille, 1801) (Serpentes: Boidae), mit neuen Ergebnissen zur Gattung Eunectes Wagler, 1830. Salamandra 34(4): 359-374.
Dowling, H.G. 1961. How old are they and how big do they grow? Animal Kingdom 64: 171-175.
Duarte, M.R.; Almeida-Santos, S.M.; Cardoso, J.L. 2000. An attack on a human by a Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 35(7): 164.
Elvey, C.; Newlon, K. 1998. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda) and Phrynops giba [gibba] (gibba turtle). Predation. Herpetological Review 29(2): 103-104.
Ferreira, R.L.; Henriques, A.L.; Rafael, J.A. 2002. Activity of tabanids (Insecta: Diptera: Tabanidae) attacking the reptiles Caiman crocodilus (Linn.) (Alligatoridae) and Eunectes murinus (Linn.) (Boidae), in the Central Amazon, Brazil. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (Rio de Janeiro) 97(1): 133-136.
Freitas, D. de 2009. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Diet. Herpetological Review 40(1): 98.
Gay, M. 1997. The Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). A report of a second UK captive breeding. Rephiberary 239: 5-6.
Gilmore, R.M.; Murphy, J.C. 1993. On large anacondas, Eunectes murinus (Serpentes: Boidae), with special reference to the Dunn-Lamon record. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 28(9): 185-188.
Greenwell, J.R. 1996. Colonel Fawcett and the giant anaconda. ISC Newsletter 11(2) [1992]: 8-10.
Haddad, V.J.; Puorto, G.; Cardoso, J.L.C.; Duarte, M.C. 2012. Sucuris - Biologia, Conservacao, Realidae e Mitos de Uma das Maiores Serpentes do Mundo. Technical Books Editora, Rio de Janeiro. 82 pp.
Hero, J.M.; Santos, A. dos 1987. Life history notes: Eunectes murinus (Anaconda). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 18(2): 36.
Hunter, M.E.; Oyler-McCance, S.J.; Dorazio, R.M.; Fike, J.A.; Smith, B.J.; Hunter, C.T.; Reed, R.N.; Hart, K.M. 2015. Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling improves occurrence and detection estimates of invasive Burmese Pythons. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121655.
Infante-Rivero, E.E.; Natera-Mumaw, M.; Marcano, A. 2008. Extension of the distribution of Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Helicops angulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) in Venezuela, with notes on Ophiophagia. Herpetotropicos 4(1) 2007(2008): 39.
Jacomo, A.T.A.; Silveira, L. 1998. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Diet. Herpetological Review 29(4): 241-242.
Lüling, K.H. 1969. Überraschende Geburt von Riesenschlangen. Aquarium (Berlin) 3: 177-178.
Luttenberger, F. 1973. Die Geburt von Anakondas (Eunectes murinus [Linnaeus, 1758]) in Gefangenschaft. Aquarium Aqua Terra 10(2): 15-21.
Mendonca, S.V.; Fernandes-Ferreira, H.; Lima Cruz, R. 2009. Geographic distribution: Eunectes murinus (Anaconda). Herpetological Review 40(2): 238.
Michaels, S.J. 1985. Ophiophagy in two captive boids, Eunectes murinus and Candoia carinata paulsoni. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 20(1): 25-26.
Mößle, R. 2012. Haltung, Pflege und Zucht der Großen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus). Terraria-Elaphe 2012(36): 22-26, 28-32.
Orihuela, G.; Terborgh, J.; Ceballos, N.; Glander, K. 2014. When top-down becomes bottom up: behaviour of hyperdense Howler Monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) trapped on a 0.6 ha island. PLoS ONE 9(4): e82197.
O'Shea, M.; Slater, S.; Scott, R.; Smith, S.A.; McDonald, K.; Lawrence, B.; Kubiak, M. 2016. Herpetoculture notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda) Reproduction / facultative parthenogenesis. Herpetological Review 47(1): 73.
O'Shea, M.T. 1994. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus gigas (Northern Green Anaconda). Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 25(3): 124.
Petzold, H.G. 1980. Wie lang wird die 'grosste Riesenschlange der Erde'? Aquarien Terrarien 27(11): 375-379.
Pizzatto, L.; Marques, O.A.V.; Facure, K. 2009. Food habits of Brazilian boid snakes: overview and new data, with special reference to Corallus hortulanus. Amphibia-Reptilia 30(4): 533-544.
Quintana, P. de la; Rivas, J.A.; Valdivia, F.; Pacheco, L.F. 2018. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Dry season home range. Herpetological Review 49(3): 546-547.
Reed, R.N.; Rodda, G.H. 2009. Giant constrictors: biological and management profiles and an establishment risk assessment for nine large species of pythons, Anacondas, and the boa constrictor. U S Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1202: 1-302.
Rivas, J. 2015. Natural History of the Green Anaconda - with emphasis on its reproductive biology. Published by the author, Jesús Antonio Rivas, place of publication unknown. 206 pp. (Facsimile of the author's Ph.D. dissertation at the University of Tennessee).
Rivas, J.A. 1999. Life history of the Green Anaconda [Eunectes murinus] with emphasis on its reproductive biology. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Tennessee at Knoxville. 235 pp.
Rivas, J.A. 1999. Predatory attacks of Green Anacondas (Eunectes murinus) on adult human beings. Herpetological Natural History 6(2): 157-159.
Rivas, J.A. 2004. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Subduing behavior. Herpetological Review 35(1): 66-67.
Rivas, J.A.; Ascanio, R.E.; Munoz, M.C. 2008. What is the length of a snake? Contemporary Herpetology 2008(2): 1-3.
Rivas, J.A.; Burghardt, G.M. 2005. Snake mating systems, behavior, and evolution: the revisionary implications of recent findings. Journal of Comparative Psychology 119(4): 447-454.
Rivas, J.A.; Corey, S.J. 2008. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Longevity. Herpetological Review 39(4): 469.
Rivas, J.A.; Molina, C.R.; Corey, S.J.; Burghardt, G.M. 2016. Natural history of neonatal Green Anacondas (Eunectes murinus): a chip off the old block. Copeia 104(2): 402-410.
Rivas, J.A.; Munoz, M.C.; Burghardt, G.M.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B. 2007. Sexual size dimorphism and the mating system of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). pp. 312-325. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.
Rivas, J.A.; Munoz, M.C.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B.; Burghardt, G.M.; Holmstrom, W.; Calle, P.P. 2007. Natural history of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus) in the Venezuelan Llanos. pp. 128-139. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.
Rivas, J.A.; Owens, R.Y. 2000. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda): Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 31(1): 45-46.
Rivas, J.A.; Owens, R.Y.; Calle, P. 2001. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Juvenile predation. Herpetological Review 32(2): 107-108.
Rivas, J.A.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B.; Munoz, M.C.; Owens, R.Y. 1999. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Caiman predation. Herpetological Review 30(2): 101.
Ryerson, W.G.; Horwitz, S. 2014. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Behavior / sidewinding. Herpetological Review 45(2): 337-338.
Schreitmüller, W. 1925. Über Eunectes murinus L. (Nördliche Anakonda). Archiv für Naturgeschichte (Berlin) (Abt. A) 90 1924[1925]: 125-130.
Schweizer, H. 1953. Die Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) als Schlangenfresserin. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 6: 236-238.
Serie, P. 1914. Notes d'erpetologie. Boletin Sociedad Physis Buenos Aires 1: 442-445.
Serrano Filho, S.; Sawaya, R.J. 2012. Eunectes murinus (Serpentes, Boidae): diet. Herpetologia Brasileira 1(1): 37.
Silva-Leite, R.R. da; Roberto, I.J.; Loebmann, D.; Nascimento, T.S.; Costa Silva, P. da 2010. Geographic distribution: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Herpetological Review 41(2): 244-245.
Smith, H.M.; Gloyd, H.K. 1964. Nomenclatural notes on the snake names Scytale, Boa scytale and Agkistrodon mokasen. Herpetologica 19: 280-282.
Staedeli, J.H. 1961. Raising a giant snake. Zoonooz 34(10): 4-7.
Stejneger, L.H. 1935. The specific name of the anaconda. Copeia 1935: 144.
Strimple, P. 1993. Captive propagation of the Green Anaconda Eunectes murinus murinus (Linnaeus). Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 13(6): 199-204.
Strimple, P. 1993. Overview of the natural history of the Green Anaconda (Eunectes murinus). Herpetological Natural History 1(1): 25-35.
Strimple, P. 1993. The Green Anaconda Eunectes murinus (Linnaeus). Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 13(2): 46-50.
Strimple, P. 1994. Husbandry of juvenile Green Anacondas (Eunectes murinus) in captivity. Vivarium (Lakeside) 6(1): 52-54.
Strimple, P.; Puorto, G.; Holmstrom, W.F.; Henderson, R.W.; Conant, R. 1997. On the status of the anaconda Eunectes barbouri Dunn and Conant. Journal of Herpetology 31(4): 607-609.
Strimple, P.D.; Dirksen, L. 2001. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Escape behavior and respiration. Herpetological Review 32(2): 106-107.
Valderrama, X.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B. 2001. Natural history notes: Eunectes murinus (Green Anaconda). Diet. Herpetological Review 32(1): 46-47.
Vanzolini, P.E. 1959. Notas sobre a zoologia dos indios Canela. Revista do Museu Paulista (São Paulo) 10 [1959]: 155-171.
Eunectes notaeus
Albuquerque, N.R. de; Arruda, W.S.; Costa, A.S.; Galharte, R.C.V.; Vargas, L.G.H.; Moreno, I.H. 2010. A dicephalic yellow anaconda snake, Eunectes notaeus (Serpentes: Boidae), from southern Pantanal, Brazil. Journal of Natural History 44(31-32): 1989-1994.
Amaral, A. do 1929. Valor systematico de varias formas de ophidios neotropicos. Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 4: 3-68.
Barone, S. 2003. Eunectes notaeus Yellow Anaconda. Reptilia (GB) 29: 51-54.
Barros, M.M.; Draque, J.F.; Micucci, P.A.; Waller, T. 2011. Natural history notes: Eunectes notaeus (Yellow Anaconda). Diet/cannibalism. Herpetological Review 42(2): 290-291.
Bisplinghof, H. 2005. Eunectes notaeus Haltung und Nachzucht der Paraguay-Anakonda. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 58(6): 30-33.
Cope, E.D. 1899. Contributions to the herpetology of New Granada and Argentina. Bull. Philad. Mus. 1: 3-22.
Dirksen, L. 2001. Zur Kenntnis der Anakonda-Arten (Serpentes: Boidae: Eunectes). III. Eunectes notaeus Cope, 1862. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 23(130): 22-34.
Dirksen, L.; Böhme, W. 1998. Studien an Anakondas 1: Indizien für natürliche Bastardierung zwischen der Grossen Anakonda (Eunectes murinus) und der Paraguay-Anakonda (Eunectes notaeus) in Bolivien, mit Anmerkungen zur Taxonomie der Gattung Eunectes (Reptilia: Squamata: Serpentes). Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 50(1): 45-58.
Ernst, N.; Schmitz, A.; Chai, N.; Rigoulet, J.; Burgeois, A.; Kohl, M.; Hano, C.; Ineich, I. 2014. An unexpected occurrence - a case study on an intergeneric hybrid in giant snakes. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 121(3): 293-317.
Hunter, M.E.; Oyler-McCance, S.J.; Dorazio, R.M.; Fike, J.A.; Smith, B.J.; Hunter, C.T.; Reed, R.N.; Hart, K.M. 2015. Environmental DNA (eDNA) sampling improves occurrence and detection estimates of invasive Burmese Pythons. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0121655.
Lederer, G. 1942. Fortpflanzung und Entwicklung von Eunectes notaeus Cope (Boidae). Zoologischer Anzeiger 139: 162-176.
McCartney-Melstad, E.; Waller, T.; Micucci, P.A.; Barros, M.; Draque, J.; Amato, G.; Mendez, M. 2012. Population structure and gene flow of the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in northern Argentina. PLoS ONE 7(5): e37473, 1-9.
McConnachie, S.; Greene, S.N.; Perrin, M.R. 2009. A novel aquatic thermal mosaic for assessing preferred body temperature in semi-aquatic snakes. Herpetological Review 40(1): 41-43.
McConnachie, S.; Greene, S.N.; Perrin, M.R. 2011. Thermoregulation in the semi-aquatic yellow anaconda, Eunectes notaeus. Journal of Thermal Biology 36(1): 71-77.
Mendez, M.; Waller, T.; Micucci, P.A.; Alvarenga, E.; Morales, J.J. 2007. Genetic population structure of the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in northern Argentina: management implications. pp. 404-415. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.
Miranda, E.B.P.; Ribeiro-Júnior, R.P.; Camera, B.F.; Barros, M.; Draque, J.; Micucci, P.; Waller, T.; Strüssmann, C. 2017. Penny and penny laid up will be many: large Yellow Anacondas do not disregard small prey. Journal of Zoology (London) 301(4): 301-309
Miranda-Ribeiro, A. de 1924. Sobre a ampliacao da area geographica de Eunectes notaeus Cope. Bol. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro 1: 363, 364.
Nielsen, T.P.; Jacobsen, M.W.; Wang, T. 2011. Satiety and eating patterns in two species of constricting snakes. Physiology & Behavior 102(1): 110-114.
Reed, R.N.; Rodda, G.H. 2009. Giant constrictors: biological and management profiles and an establishment risk assessment for nine large species of pythons, Anacondas, and the boa constrictor. U S Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1202: 1-302.
Santos, G.S.; Lema, T. de; Winck, G.R.; Cechin, S.Z.; Boelter, R.A. 2013. Distribution extension of the Yellow Anaconda Eunectes notaeus Cope, 1862 (Squamata: Boidae) in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Check List 9(3): 660-662.
Serie, P. 1914. Notes d'erpetologie. Boletin Sociedad Physis Buenos Aires 1: 442-445.
Strüssmann, C.; Sazima, I. 1991. Predation on avian eggs by the boid snake, Eunectes notaeus. Herpetological Review 22(4): 118-120.
Townson, S. 1985. The captive reproduction and growth of the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus). pp. 33-43. In: Townson, S. & Lawrence, K. (eds.). Reptiles. Breeding, behavioural and veterinary aspects. British Herpetological Society, London. 124 pp.
Waller, T. 1988. La boa curiyu. pp. 1-32. In: Cabal, G.B. (ed.). Fauna Argentina. Vol. 2. Anfibios y reptiles. Centro Editor de America Latina S.A., Buenos Aires. 224 pp.
Waller, T. 2000. Sobre la localidad tipo de Eunectes notaeus Cope (Serpentes, Boidae). Cuadernos de Herpetologia 14(1): 77-78.
Waller, T.; Buongermini-P., E.; Micucci, P.A. 2001. Natural history notes: Eunectes notaeus (Yellow Anaconda). Diet. Herpetological Review 32(1): 47.
Waller, T.; Micucci, P.; Menghi, O.; Barros, M.; Draque, J. 2011. The relevance of CBNRM for the conservation of the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus, CITES Appendix II) in Argentina. Occasional Papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission 46: 93-102.
Waller, T.; Micucci, P.A.; Alvarenga, E. 2007. Conservation biology of the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) in northeastern Argentina. pp. 340-363. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.
Werner, F. 1929. Epicrates wieningeri Steindachner = Eunectes notaeus Cope. Zoologischer Anzeiger 83: 224.
Young, B.A. 2007. Response of the Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) to aquatic acoustic stimuli. pp. 199-205. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.
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