IUCN Red List assessments
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IUCN Red Lists of Turtles (Testudines)
Taxonomy and distribution of the family Trionychidae
Bibliography of the family Trionychidae


Softshell Turtles

IUCN Red List assessments:
Extinct (in recent times): 0 species
Extinct in the Wild: 0 species= 0.0 %
Critically Endangered: 9 species= 25.0 %
Endangered: 5 species= 13.9 %
Vulnerable: 9 species= 25.0 %
Near Threatened: 0 species= 0.0 %
Least Concern: 5 species= 13.9 %
Data Deficient: 0 species= 0.0 %
Not Assessed: 8 species= 22.2 %


Amyda (Southeast Asian Softshell Turtles)
Apalone (North American Softshell Turtles)
Chitra (Narrow-headed Softshell Turtles)
Cyclanorbis (SubSaharan Flapshell Turtles)
Cycloderma (Central African Flapshell Turtles)
Dogania (Malayan Softshell Turtle)
Lissemys (South Asian Flapshell Turtles)
Nilssonia (South Asian Softshell Turtles)
Palea (Wattle-necked Softshell Turtle)
Pelochelys (Indomalayan Giant Softshell Turtles)
Pelodiscus (East Asian Softshell Turtles)
Rafetus (Bicallosite Softshell Turtles)
Trionyx (African Softshell Turtle)