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Year 2000 data on distribution and variation of some lizards of the Sceloporus undulatus complex in Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 37(2): 29-31. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Auth, D.L.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2002. Year 2000 snakes from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 37(3): 51-55. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Auth, D.L.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2002. Year 2001 snakes from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 37(10): 180-182. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R. 1992. Observations on the tolerance to freezing by the lizard, Sceloporus grammicus, from Iztaccihuatl Volcano, Mexico. Herpetological Review 23(1): 8-9. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 1992. Life history notes: Barisia imbricata imbricata (NCN). Predation. Herpetological Review 23(4): 117. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 1994. Natural history notes: Ctenosaura pectinata (Mexican Spiny-tailed Iguana). Predation. Herpetological Review 25(1): 26. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 1995. Comparative thermal ecology of the high-altitude lizard Sceloporus grammicus on the eastern slope of the Iztaccihuatl Volcano, Puebla, Mexico. Canadian Journal of Zoology 73(12): 2184-2191. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E. 1995. Ecology of growth of the high altitude lizard Sceloporus grammicus on the eastern slope of Iztaccihuatl Volcano, Puebla, Mexico. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 22: 77-85. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E.; Javelly-Gurria, J.M. 1993. Observations on the sensitivity to high temperatures in two lizard species (Ameiva undulata and Sceloporus horridus) from Zacatepec, Morelos, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 29(1): 24-29. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ballinger, R.E.; Sanoja Sarabia, S.; Smith, G.R. 1997. Aggregation behavior of the lizard Sceloporus mucronatus mucronatus in Sierra del Ajusco, Mexico. Herpetological Review 28(3): 126-127. 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Results and their biological significance of a fall herpetological survey of the transmontane sand dunes of northern Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 30(4): 157-176. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 1994. The distribution of the Prairie Rattlesnake (Crotalus v. viridis) in Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 30(4): 143-148. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 1997. Seasonal dorsal coloration variation in the lizard Sceloporus undulatus speari not confirmed. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 32(8): 173. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2000. Geographic distribution: Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Mottled Rock Rattlesnake). Mexico: Chihuahua. Herpetological Review 31(2): 113. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2000. The lizard Sceloporus rnerriarni [merriami] in Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 36(3): 86-97. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2001. Natural history notes: Sceloporus belli (Bell's Spiny Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review 32(1): 42-43. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2001. The identity of Sceloporus clarkii uriquensis Tanner and Robison (Reptilia: Sauria). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 37(3): 115-118. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2002. Geographic distribution: Holbrookia elegans (Pacific Earless Lizard). Herpetological Review 33(3): 225. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2002. The 2001 collection of Sceloporus (Reptilia: Sauria) from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 37(9): 163-167. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2003. Knobloch's king snake (Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi) of Mexico a species. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 39(3): 53-58. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2003. Presence of the Rio Fuerte Beaded Lizard (Heloderma horridum exasperatum) in western Chihuahua. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 39(2): 47-51. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Dryadophis cliftoni (Serpentes: Colubridae) in Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 40(2): 77-80. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Geographic distribution: Crotalus basiliscus (Mexican West Coast Rattlesnake). Herpetological Review 35(1): 83. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Geographic distribution: Drymobius margaritiferus fistulosus (Northwestern Speckled Racer). Herpetological Review 35(3): 291. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Geographic distribution: Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus (Southern Fence Lizard). Herpetological Review 35(1): 82. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Miscellaneous 2002 lizards from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 39(1): 1-7. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M. 2004. Variation in Procinura aemula, the file-tailed Groundsnake of Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 40(2): 61-69. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M.; Henke, C. 1999. The known distribution in 1998 of the members of the undulatus group of the lizard genus Sceloporus in Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 35(4): 152-163. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Chiszar, D.; Smith, H.M.; Woolrich-Pina, G.A. 2004. Selected records of 2003 lizards from Chihuahua and Sonora, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 39(9): 164-168. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Gonzalez, I.R. 2000. Observations on neonate size and sex ratio of the crevice-dwelling lizard Xenosaurus platyceps. Herpetological Review 31(3): 153. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Heimes, P.; Smith, H.M. 2007. Natural history notes: Crotalus willardi amabilis (Del Nido Ridged-nosed Rattlesnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 38(2): 205. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Ramirez-Bautista, A.; Pina, G.W.; Gonzalez-Espinoza, J.E. 2000. Natural history notes: Thamnophis sumichrasti (Sumichrast's Garter Snake). Prey. Herpetological Review 31(4): 248-249. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R. 2005. Natural history of Xenosaurus phalaroanthereon (Squamata, Xenosauridae), a knob-scaled lizard from Oaxaca, Mexico. Phyllomedusa 4(2): 133-137. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1996. Covariation of egg size, clutch size, and offspring survivorship in the genus Sceloporus. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 32(2): 58-66. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1996. Natural history of the Mexican knob-scaled lizard, Xenosaurus rectocollaris. Herpetological Natural History 4(2): 151-153. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1996. Ventral blue coloration and sexual maturation in male Sceloporus gadoviae lizards. Journal of Herpetology 30(4): 546-548. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Body temperatures of the Mexican lizard Sceloporus ochoteranae from two populations in Guerrero, Mexico. Herpetological Journal 7(2): 74-76. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Neonate-female associations in Xenosaurus newmanorum: a case of parental care in a lizard? Herpetological Review 28(1): 22-23. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Observations on the body temperatures and natural history of some Mexican reptiles. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 33(4): 159-164. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Temperature relationships of the tropical Tree Lizard (Urosaurus bicarinatus) from the Canon del Zopilote, Guerrero, Mexico. Herpetological Journal 7(1): 26-27. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1997. Thermal ecology of the lizard, Sceloporus gadoviae, in an arid tropical scrub forest. Journal of Arid Environments 35(2): 311-319. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1998. Natural history of Xenosaurus platyceps, a crevice-dwelling lizard from Tamaulipas, Mexico. Herpetological Natural History 5(2): 181-186. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1998. Temperature relationships of the lizard, Barisia imbricata, from Mexico. Amphibia-Reptilia 19(1): 95-99. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1998. Thermal ecology of the crevice-dwelling lizard, Xenosaurus newmanorum. Journal of Herpetology 32(1): 141-144. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 1999. Reproduction in Gadow's Spiny Lizard, Sceloporus gadovae (Phrynosomatidae), from arid tropical Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 44(1): 57-63. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2000. Xenosaurus rectocollaris. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 716: 1. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2001. Sexual dimorphism and body temperatures of Sceloporus siniferus from Guerrero, Mexico. Western North American Naturalist 61(4): 498-500. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2001. Sexual dimorphism in Abronia graminea from Veracruz, Mexico. Herpetological Natural History 8(1): 91-93. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2002. Body temperature and sexual dimorphism of Sceloporus aeneus and Sceloporus palaciosi from México. Amphibia-Reptilia 23(1): 114-119. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Diets of three species of knob-scaled lizards (genus Xenosaurus) from Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 48(1): 119-122. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Ecology of Xenosaurus grandis agrenon, a knob-scaled lizard from Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 37(1): 192-196. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2003. Variation in growth and demography of a knob-scaled lizard (Xenosaurus newmanorum: Xenosauridae) from a seasonal tropical environment in Mexico. Biotropica 35(2): 240-249. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2004. Aspects of the ecology of a distinct population of Xenosaurus platyceps from Queretaro, Mexico. Amphibia-Reptilia 25(2): 204-210. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2004. Diets of four species of Horned Lizards (genus Phrynosoma) from Mexico. Herpetological Review 35(2): 131-134. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E. 2005. Survivorship of Xenosaurus newmanorum (Sauria: Xenosauridae) from a seasonal tropical environment in Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 41(2): 53-58. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Ballinger, R.E.; Smith, H.M. 2003. Ecology of Sceloporus undulatus speari (Sauria: Phrynosomatidae) from north-central Chihuahua, Mexico. Journal of Herpetology 37(4): 722-725. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Smith, H.M.; Ballinger, R.E. 2000. Diet of Gambelia wislizenii from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 36(4): 115-118. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, G.R.; Woolrich-Pina, G.A. 2009. Aspects of the natural history of Crotaphytus collaris from Chihuahua and Coahuila, Mexico. Journal of Kansas Herpetology 31: 18-20. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M. 2007. Amphibians and reptiles of the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. 613 pp. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M. 2007. Amphibians and reptiles of the state of Coahuila, Mexico. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico. 550 pp. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Auth, D.L.; Chiszar, D. 2001. The subspecies of Sceloporus merriami (Reptilia: Lacertilia) in Chihuahua and Durango, Mexico. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 37(4): 123-129. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Ballinger, R.E.; Smith, G.R.; Chiszar, D. 1997. A herpetological collection from northern Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 32(9): 198-201. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Ballinger, R.E.; Smith, G.R.; Chiszar, D. 1998. A contribution to the superspecies concept of the lizard Sceloporus undulatus: S. u. belli, a species. Southwestern Naturalist 43(1): 20-24. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2000. New data of the geographic ranges of Sceloporus belli and S. undulatus in Chihuahua, Mexico (Reptilia: Sauria). Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 36(4): 133-138. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2000. New distributional and variational data on some species of lizards from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 35(8): 181-187. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2001. Geographic distribution: Boa constrictor imperator (Mexican Boa Constrictor). Herpetological Review 32(4): 277. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2001. Geographic distribution: Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko). Mexico: Chihuahua. Herpetological Review 32(4): 276. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2001. Geographic distribution: Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko). Mexico: Durango. Herpetological Review 32(4): 276. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2001. Geographic distribution: Terrapene nelsoni klauberi (Northern Spotted Box Turtle). Herpetological Review 32(4): 274. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2001. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma (Horned Lizards). Protection. Herpetological Review 32(1): 41-42. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2002. Miscellaneous 2001 lizards from Chihuahua, Mexico. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 37(6): 102-106. Lemos-Espinal, J.A.; Smith, H.M.; Chiszar, D. 2004. A second record of Pituophis deppei (Deppe's Gopher Snake) in Chihuahua. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 40(2): 81-83. 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On the seasonal incidence of three common species of Massachusetts snakes. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 1(2): 54-58. Loveridge, A. 1928. Description of a new species of gecko from Tanganyika Territory, Africa. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 72(24): 1. Loveridge, A. 1928. Field Notes on Vertebrates collected by the Smithsonian-Chrysler East African Expedition of 1926. [Reptiles and amphibians: pp. 49-68]. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 73(17): 1-69. Loveridge, A. 1928. Note on Agkistrodon bilineatus Gunther. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 2: 52. Loveridge, A. 1928. Notes on snakes and snakebites in East Africa. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 1(4): 106-117. Loveridge, A. 1928. On Bothrops lansbergii (Schlegel). Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 2(3): 64-65. Loveridge, A. 1928. The harmless snakes of East Africa. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 2(3): 71-76. Loveridge, A. 1928. The Nilotic Crocodile. Copeia 168: 74-76. Loveridge, A. 1929. A new Anadia from Colombia with remarks on other members of the genus. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 42: 99-102. Loveridge, A. 1929. Blind snakes and pythons of East Africa. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 3: 14-19. Loveridge, A. 1929. East African reptiles and Amphibians in the United States National Museum. Bulletin of the United States National Museum 151: 1-135. Loveridge, A. 1929. Notes on snakes and snakebites in East Africa. III. The viperine snakes. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 2: 1-5. Loveridge, A. 1930. On some skinks of the genus Eumeces from North America. Copeia 1930(173): 111-112. Loveridge, A. 1930. Preliminary description of a new tree viper of the genus Atheris from Tanganyika Territory. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 11: 107-108. Loveridge, A. 1931. A new snake of the genus Typhlops from the Belgian Congo. Copeia 1981: 92-93. Loveridge, A. 1931. On two amphibious snakes of the Central African Lake Region. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 5(1): 7-12. Loveridge, A. 1931. Some herpetological records from Vermont. Boll. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 61: 15-16. Loveridge, A. 1932. A new worm snake of the genus Leptotyphlops from Guerrero, Mexico. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 45: 151-152. Loveridge, A. 1932. New lizards of the genera Nephrurus and Amphibolurus from Western Australia. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 13: 31-34. Loveridge, A. 1932. New opisthoglyphous snakes of the genera Crotaphopeltis and Trimerorhinus from Angola and Kenya Colony. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 45: 83-86. Loveridge, A. 1932. New reptiles and Amphibians from Tanganyika Territory and Kenya Colony. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 72(10): 375-387. Loveridge, A. 1933. New agamid lizards of the genera Amphibolurus and Physignathus from Australia. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 13: 69-72. Loveridge, A. 1933. New scincid lizards of the genera Sphenomorphus, Rhodona and Lygosoma from Australia. Occasional Papers Boston Society of Natural History 8: 95-100. Loveridge, A. 1933. On Bachia intermedia Noble and Bachia barbouri Burt. Copeia 1933: 42. Loveridge, A. 1933. Reports on the Scientific Results of an Expedition to the Southwestern Highlands of Tanganyika Territory. VII. Herpetology. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 74(7): 197-416. Loveridge, A. 1934. A new name for Lygosoma (Siaphos) compressicauda of the Congo. Copeia 1934: 184. Loveridge, A. 1934. Australian reptiles in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 77(6): 243-383. Loveridge, A. 1935. New geckos of the genus Lygodactylus from Somaliland, Sudan, Kenya and Tanganyika. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 48: 195-200. Loveridge, A. 1935. Scientific results of an expedition to rain forest regions in eastern Africa. 1. New reptiles. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 79: 1-19. Loveridge, A. 1935. Synonyms of a Socotran skink (Scelotes including Sepsina). Copeia 1935(4): 188. Loveridge, A. 1936. A new lacertid (Bedriagaia moreaui) from Tanganyika Territory. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 15: 67-70. Loveridge, A. 1936. African reptiles and Amphibians in the Field Museum of Natural History. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. (Zoology) (Chicago) 22(1): 1-111. Loveridge, A. 1936. New geckos of the genus Hemidactylus from Zanzibar and Manda Islands. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 49: 59-62. Loveridge, A. 1936. New tree snakes of the genera Thrasops and Dendraspis from Kenya Colony. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 49: 63-66. Loveridge, A. 1936. Revision of the African geckos of the genus Cnemaspis, with description of a new race. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1936 [1935]: 817-822. Loveridge, A. 1936. Scientific Results of an Expedition to Rain Forest Regions in eastern Africa. V. Reptiles. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 79(5): 209-337. Loveridge, A. 1937. Scientific Results of an Expedition to Rain Forest Regions in eastern Africa. IX. Zoogeography and Itinerary. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 79(9): 481-541. Loveridge, A. 1937. Zoological results of the George Vanderbildt African expedition of 1934. 7. Reptiles and amphibians. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 89: 265-296. Loveridge, A. 1938. A new fresh-water snake (Chersydrus granulatus luzonensis) from the Philippines. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 51: 209. Loveridge, A. 1938. Food of Micrurus fulvius fulvius. Copeia 1938: 201-202. Loveridge, A. 1938. New snakes of the genera Calamaria, Bungarus and Trimeresurus from Mount Kinabalu, North Borneo. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 51: 43-46. Loveridge, A. 1938. On a collection of reptiles and amphibians from Liberia. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 17: 49-74. Loveridge, A. 1938. On some reptiles and amphibians from the central region of Australia. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 62: 183-191. Loveridge, A. 1939. A new skink (Leiolepisma hawaiiensis) from Honolulu. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 52: 1-2. Loveridge, A. 1939. Revision of the African snakes of the genera Mehelya and Gonionotophis. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 86(3): 131-162. Loveridge, A. 1940. A serpent-seeking safari in Equatoria. I. Uganda. Scientific Monthly (New York) 50: 498-512. Loveridge, A. 1940. A serpent-seeking safari in Equatoria. II. Congo and Tanganyika Territory. Scientific Monthly (New York) 51: 22-35. Loveridge, A. 1940. Revision of the African snakes of the genera Dromophis and Psammophis. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 87(1): 1-70. Loveridge, A. 1940. The crocodiles of Tanganyika Territory. Tanganyika Notes and Records 10: 41-46. Loveridge, A. 1941. An undescribed skink (Lygosoma) from New Caledonia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 54: 193-194. Loveridge, A. 1941. Bogertia lutzae, a new genus and species of gecko from Bahia, Brazil. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 54: 195-196. Loveridge, A. 1941. Certain Afro-American geckos of the genus Hemidactylus. Copeia 1941(4): 245-248. Loveridge, A. 1941. New geckos (Phelsuma and Lygodactylus), snake (Leptotyphlops) and frog (Phrynobatrachus) from Pemba Island, East Africa. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 54: 175-178. Loveridge, A. 1941. Report on the Smithsonian-Firestone Expedition's collection of reptiles and amphibians from Liberia. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 91(3128): 113-140. Loveridge, A. 1941. Revision of the African lizards of the family Amphisbaenidae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 87: 353-451. Loveridge, A. 1941. Revision of the African terrapins of the family Pelomedusidae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 88(6): 467-524. Loveridge, A. 1941. Some geckos of Tanganyika Territory. Tanganyika Notes and Records 12: 32-37. Loveridge, A. 1942. Comments on the reptiles and amphibians of Lindi. Tanganyika Notes and Records 14: 38-51. Loveridge, A. 1942. Revision of the African lizards of the family Gerrhosauridae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 89(11): 483-543. Loveridge, A. 1942. Revision of the Afro-Oriental geckos of the genus Phelsuma. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 89(10): 439-482. Loveridge, A. 1942. Scientific results of a fourth expedition to forested areas in East and Central Africa. IV. Reptiles. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 91(4): 237-373. Loveridge, A. 1943. Some quaint conceptions of North African natural history. Scientific Monthly (New York) 57: 398-400. Loveridge, A. 1944. A new elapid snake of the genus Maticora from Sarawak, Borneo. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 57: 105-106. Loveridge, A. 1944. A new teiid lizard of the genus Ecpleopus from Brazil. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 57: 97-98. Loveridge, A. 1944. Certain American geckos of the genus Tarentola. Copeia 1944: 18-20. Loveridge, A. 1944. Further revisions of African snake genera. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 95: 121-247. Loveridge, A. 1944. New geckos of the genera Afroedura new genus and Pachydactylus from Angola. American Museum Novitates 1254: 1-4. Loveridge, A. 1944. Remarks on the gekkonid genera Homopholis and Platypholis with description of a new race. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 57: 1-4. Loveridge, A. 1944. Revision of the African lizards of the family Cordylidae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 95: 1-118. Loveridge, A. 1945. A guide to the snakes of the Nairobi district. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 18(3-4): 97-115. Loveridge, A. 1945. A new blind snake (Typhlops tovelli) from Darwin, Australia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 58: 111-112. Loveridge, A. 1945. Africa's Armadillo Lizard. Fauna (Philadelphia) 7: 109. Loveridge, A. 1945. New scincid lizards of the genera Tropidophorus and Lygosoma from New Guinea. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 58: 47-52. Loveridge, A. 1945. On a collection of reptiles from Eritrea. Notulae Naturae (Philadelphia) 151: 1-4. Loveridge, A. 1945. Reptiles of the Pacific World. Macmillan, New York. 259 pp. Loveridge, A. 1946. A new worm-lizard (Ancylocranium barkeri) from Tanganyika Territory. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 59: 73-74. Loveridge, A. 1946. African chameleons. Natural History (New York) 55(3): 132-136. Loveridge, A. 1946. Capt. M.S. Briscoe's collection of reptiles and amphibians from Harbel, Liberia. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 36(7): 245-248. Loveridge, A. 1947. Bone-making material for turtles. Copeia 1947: 136. Loveridge, A. 1947. Revision of the African lizards of the family Gekkonidae. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 98(1): 1-469. Loveridge, A. 1948. New Guinean reptiles and amphibians in the Museum of Comparative Zoology and United States National Museum. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 101: 302-430. Loveridge, A. 1948. The lizard Amphisbaena kraussi rediscovered in the Gold Coast. Copeia 1948: 213-214. Loveridge, A. 1949. Many Happy Days I've Squandered. Robert Hale Ltd., London. 243 pp. Loveridge, A. 1949. On some reptiles and amphibians from the Northern Territory. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 72(2): 208-215. Loveridge, A. 1949. The cotypes of Fordonia papuensis Macleay. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 74(5-6): 223. Loveridge, A. 1950. A new agamid lizard (Agama kirkii fitzsimonsi) from Southern Rhodesia. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 63: 127-130. Loveridge, A. 1951. A new gecko of the genus Gymnodactylus from Serpent Island. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 64: 91-92. Loveridge, A. 1951. Ecological studies on the vanishing vertebrate fauna of rain forest remnants in tropical East Africa. American Philosophical Society Yearbook 1951: 161-162. Loveridge, A. 1951. On reptiles and Amphibians from Tanganyika Territory, Collected by C. J. P. Ionides. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 106(4): 175-204. Loveridge, A. 1951. Proposed use of the plenary powers to suppress the trivial name "caesius" Cloquet, 1818 (as published in the binominal combination "Coluber caesius") (Class Reptilia, Order Squamata). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 88-89. Loveridge, A. 1951. Synopsis of the African green snakes (Philothamnus inc. Chlorophis) with the description of a new form. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. 27(37): 1-12. Loveridge, A. 1951. The green and black mambas of East Africa. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 19(5): 251-252. Loveridge, A. 1952. A startlingly turquoise-blue gecko from Tanganyika. Journal East Africa & Uganda Natural History Society 20: 446. Loveridge, A. 1952. Ecological studies on the vanishing vertebrate fauna of rain forest remnants in tropical East Africa. American Philosophical Society Yearbook 1952: 164-165. Loveridge, A. 1952. Mission A. Villiers au Togo et au Dahomey (1950). XII. Tortoises and Lizards. Bulletin de l'Institut Fondamental D'Afrique Noire (Dakar) 14(1): 229-242. Loveridge, A. 1952. The saw-scaled viper in Kenya. Journal East Africa & Uganda Natural History Society 20: 461. Loveridge, A. 1953. Herpetological results of the Berner-Carr entomological survey of the Shire Valley, Nyasaland. Quarterly Journal of the Florida Academy of Sciences 16(3): 139-150. Loveridge, A. 1953. Reptiles from Nyasaland and Tete. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 110: 143-322. Loveridge, A. 1953. Zoological results of a fifth expedition to East Africa. VII. Itinerary and conclusions. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 110: 447-481. Loveridge, A. 1955. On a second collection of reptiles and amphibians taken in Tanganyika Territory by C.J.P. Ionides, Esq. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 22(5): 168-198. Loveridge, A. 1955. On snakes collected in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan by J. S. Owen, Esq. Sudan Notes and Records 36: 1-20. Loveridge, A. 1955. Reptiles and amphibians from Bahrain and Saudi Arabia collected by Henry Field, 1950. Amer. Docu. Inst. 4612: 47. Loveridge, A. 1956. A new subgenus of Chamaeleo from Rhodesia and new race of Mabuya from Kenya Colony. Breviora 59: 1-4. Loveridge, A. 1956. On a third collection of reptiles taken in Tanganyika by C.J.P. Ionides, Esq. Tanganyika Notes 43: 1-19. Loveridge, A. 1957. Checklist of the reptiles and amphibians of East Africa (Uganda, Kenya, Tanganyika, Zanzibar). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 117: 153-362. Loveridge, A. 1958. Revision of five African snake genera. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 119: 1-198. Loveridge, A. 1959. A rare Tanganyika snake. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23: 148. Loveridge, A. 1959. Notes on the present Herpetofauna of Ascension Island. Copeia 1959: 69-70. Loveridge, A. 1959. On a fourth collection of reptiles, mostly taken in Tanganyika territory by Mr C.J.P. Ionides. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 133: 24-44. Loveridge, A. 1959. Reptiles and amphibians collected by the Expedition in Saudi Arabia and Baluchistan and Bahawalpur, West Pakistan. In: Henry Field, an anthropological reconnaissance in West Pakistan, 1955. Pap. Peabody Mus. Arch. Ethnol., Harvard Univ. 52: 226-227. Loveridge, A. 1960. The water-cobra of Lake Tanganyika. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23(5): 189. Loveridge, A. 1961. An East African gecko colonising Ascension Island. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23(7): 296-297. Loveridge, A. 1961. Status of new vertebrates described or collected by Loveridge. Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society 23(7): 250-280. Loveridge, A. 1962. New worm-lizards (Ancylocranium and Amphisbaena) from southeastern Tanganyika Territory. Breviora 163: 1-6. Loveridge, A.; Shreve, B. 1947. The "New Guinea" snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina). Copeia 1947: 120-122. Loveridge, A.; Shreve, B. 1954. Mystery of alleged lizard egg resolved. Copeia 1954(1): 64. Loveridge, A.; Williams, E.E. 1957. Revision of the African tortoises and turtles of the suborder Cryptodira. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 115: 163-557. Loveridge, J.P. 1980. Crocodile research and conservation in Southern Africa. South African Journal of Science 76(5): 203-206. Loveridge, J.P. 1984. Thermoregulation in the Nile crocodile, Crocodylus niloticus. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 52: 443-467. Loveridge, J.P.; Hutton, J.M.; Lippai, C. 1992. Trends in nest numbers and clutch sizes of Crocodylus niloticus at four localities on Lake Kariba, Zimbabwe. pp. 286-293. In: IUCN/SSC Crocodile Specialist Group. Crocodiles: proceedings of the 11th working meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of the IUCN - the World Conservation Union convened at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 2 to 7 August 1992. Vol. 2. IUCN - The World Conservation Union, Gland. 283 pp. Lovern, M.B. 2000. Behavioral ontogeny in free-ranging juvenile male and female Green Anoles, Anolis carolinensis, in relation to sexual selection. Journal of Herpetology 34(2): 274-281. Lovern, M.B.; Holmes, M.M.; Wade, J. 2004. The Green Anole (Anolis carolinensis): a reptilian model for laboratory studies of reproductive morphology and behavior. ILAR Journal 45(1): 54-64. Lovern, M.B.; Jenssen, T.A. 2001. The effects of context, sex, and body size on staged social interactions in juvenile male and female Green Anoles (Anolis carolinensis). Behaviour 138(9): 1117-1135. Lovern, M.B.; Jenssen, T.A. 2003. Form emergence and fixation of head bobbing displays in the Green Anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis): A reptilian model of signal ontogeny. Journal of Comparative Psychology 117(2): 133-141. Lovern, M.B.; Jenssen, T.A.; Orrell Kimberly, S.; Tuchak, T. 1999. Comparisons of temporal display structure across contexts and populations in male Anolis carolinensis: signal stability or lability? Herpetologica 55(2): 222-234. Lovern, M.B.; Passek, K.M. 2002. Sequential alternation of offspring sex from successive eggs by female Green Anoles, Anolis carolinensis. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80(1): 77-82. Lovich, J.E. 1982. Geographic distribution: Terrepene carolina carolina (Eastern Box Turtle). Herpetological Review 13(1): 25. Lovich, J.E. 1985. Graptemys pulchra. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 360: 1-2. Lovich, J.E. 1988. Aggressive basking behavior in eastern Painted Turtles (Chrysemys picta picta). Herpetologica 44(2): 197-202. Lovich, J.E. 1988. Geographic variation in the seasonal activity cycle of Spotted Turtles, Clemmys guttata. Journal of Herpetology 22(4): 482-485. Lovich, J.E. 1989. Another exotic turtle record for Hawaii. Elepaio 49(12): 86-87. Lovich, J.E. 1990. Gaping behavior in basking Eastern Painted Turtles. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 64(2): 78-80. Lovich, J.E. 1990. Spring movement patterns of two radio-tagged male Spotted Turtles. Brimleyana 16: 67-71. Lovich, J.E. 1993. Macroclemys, M. temminckii. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles 562: 1-4. Lovich, J.E. 1995. Ecology of North American tortoises. Publicaciones de la Sociedad Herpetologica Mexicana 2: 50-53. Lovich, J.E. 1995. Turtles. pp. 118-121. In: LaRoe, E.T.; Farris, G.S.; Puckett, C.E.; Doran, P.D. & Mac, M.J. (eds.). Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals and ecosystems. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, D.C. 530 pp. Lovich, J.E. 1996. Possible demographic and ecologic consequences of sex ratio manipulation in turtles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 2(1): 114-117. Lovich, J.E. 1997. Additional records of amphibians and reptiles from Indiana County, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science 71(1): 35-38. Lovich, J.E. 2009. Comments on the proposed conservation of usage of Testudo gigantea Schweigger, 1812 (currently Geochelone (Aldabrachelys) gigantea; Reptilia, Testudines). (Case 3463). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 66(3): 276. Lovich, J.E. 2011. Natural history notes: Gopherus agassizii (Desert Tortoise) and Crotalus ruber (Red Diamond Rattlesnake). Burrow co-occupancy. Herpetological Review 42(3): 421. Lovich, J.E. 2014. Managing invasive red-eared slider turtles in Japan. Kiraku 7: 1. Lovich, J.E. 2018. Biographical sketch and bibliography of Jeffrey E. Lovich. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 153: 1-29. Lovich, J.E. 2018. Book review: Freshwater Turtles of Australia. Herpetological Review 49(3): 571-572. Lovich, J.E.; Agha, M.; Painter, C.W.; Cole, L.; Fitzgerald, A.; Narum, K.; Jennings, R.D. 2016. Aspects of the reproductive ecology of female turtles in New Mexico. Western North American Naturalist 76(3): 291-297. Lovich, J.E.; Agha, M.; Yackulic, C.B.; Meyer-Wilkins, K.; Bjurlin, C.; Ennen, J.R.; Arundel, T.R.; Austin, M. 2015. Nest site characteristics, nesting movements, and lack of long-term nest site fidelity in Agassiz's Desert Tortoises at a wind energy facility in southern California. California Fish and Game 100(3): 404-416. Lovich, J.E.; Averill-Murray, R.C.; Agha, M.; Ennen, J.R.; Austin, M. 2017. Variation in annual clutch phenology of Sonoran Desert Tortoises (Gopherus morafkai) in Central Arizona. Herpetologica 73(4): 313–322. Lovich, J.E.; Delaney, D.; Briggs, J.; Agha, M.; Austin, M.; Reese, J. 2014. Black Bears (Ursus americanus) as a novel potential predator of Agassiz's Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) at a California wind energy facility. Bulletin Southern California Academy of Sciences 113(1): 34-41. Lovich, J.E.; Drost, C.; Monatesti, A.J.; Casper, D.; Wood, D.A.; Girard, M. 2010. Reptilian prey of the Sonora mud turtle (Kinosternon sonoriense) with comments on saurophagy and ophiophagy in North American turtles. Southwestern Naturalist 55(1): 135-138. Lovich, J.E.; Ennen, J.R. 2011. Wildlife conservation and solar energy development in the Desert Southwest, United States. Bioscience 61(12): 982-992. Lovich, J.E.; Ennen, J.R.; Madrak, S.V.; Grover, B. 2011. Turtles, culverts, and alternative energy development: an unreported but potentially significant mortality threat to the Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Chelonian Conservation and Biology 10(1): 124-129. Lovich, J.E.; Ennen, J.R.; Madrak, S.V.; Meyer, K.; Loughran, C.L.; Bjurlin, C.; Arundel, T.; Turner, W.; Jones, C.; Groenendaal, G.M. 2011. Effects of wind energy production on growth, demography, and survivorship of a Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) population in southern California with comparisons to natural populations. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 6(2): 161-174. Lovich, J.E.; Ennen, J.R.; Yackulic, C.B.; Meyer-Wilkins, K.; Agha, M.; Loughran, C.; Bjurlin, C.; Austin, M.; Madrak, S. 2015. Not putting all their eggs in one basket: bet-hedging despite extraordinary annual reproductive output of Desert Tortoises. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 115(2): 399-410. Lovich, J.E.; Ernst, C.H.; Ernst, E.M.; Riley, J.L. 2014. A 21-year study of seasonal and interspecific variation of hatchling emergence in a Nearctic freshwater turtle community: to overwinter or not to overwinter? Herpetological Monographs 28: 93-109. Lovich, J.E.; Godwin, J.C.; McCoy, C.J. 2011. Graptemys ernsti Lovich and McCoy 1992 - Escambia Map Turtle Chelonian Research Monographs 5(51): 1-6. Lovich, J.E.; Godwin, J.C.; McCoy, C.J. 2014. Graptemys pulchra Baur 1893 – Alabama Map Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(72): 1-6. Lovich, J.E.; Haxel, G. 2011. A previously unreported locality record for the Gila Monster (Heloderma suspectum). 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