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Bibliography of the genus
Nephrurus (Knob-tailed Geckos)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Carphodactylidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Nephrurus in general
Bauer, A.M. 1990. Phylogenetic systematics and biogeography of the Carphodactylini (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Bonner Zoologische Monographien 30: 1-218.
Glauert, L. 1955. Herpetological miscellanea. Western Australian Naturalist 4(8): 174-184.
Günther, A. 1880. Descriptions of new species of reptiles and batrachians from Australia, collected by Hr. Damel for the Godeffroy Museum. Journal Mus. Godeffr. 12 [1876]: 45-47.
How, R.A.; Dell, J.; Wellington, B.D. 1990. Reproductive and dietary biology of Nephrurus and Underwoodisaurus (Gekkonidae) in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 14(4): 449-459.
Oliver, P.M.; Bauer, A.M. 2011. Systematics and evolution of the Australian knob-tail geckos (Nephrurus, Carphodactylidae, Gekkota): plesiomorphic grades and biome shifts through the Miocene. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 59(3): 664-674.
Pianka, E.R.; Pianka, H.D. 1976. Comparative ecology of twelve species of nocturnal lizards (Gekkonidae) in the Western Australia desert. Copeia 1976(1): 125-142.
Porter, R. 1992. The current status of the knob-tailed geckos (Nephrurus) in captivity. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 22(1): 3-6.
Russell, A.P.; Bauer, A.M. 1987. Caudal morphology of the knob-tailed geckos, genus Nephrurus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae), with special reference to the tail tip. Australian Journal of Zoology 35(6): 541-551.
Zwinenberg, A.J. 1974. Bemerkungen über die Keulenschwanzgeckos Nephrurus. Aquarium Aqua Terra 8(65): 508-510.
Nephrurus amyae
Couper, P.J.; Gregson, R.A.M. 1994. Redescription of Nephrurus asper Gunther, and description of N. amyae sp. nov. and N. sheai sp. nov. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 37(1): 53-67.
Laube, A. 2002. Captive maintenance and breeding of some ground dwelling Australian geckos. Part III: Nephrurus amyae Couper, 1994. Gekko 3(1): 43-48.
Laube, A. 2007. Erfahrungen bei der Haltung und Vermehrung von Nephrurus amyae Couper & Gregson, 1994. Sauria (Berlin) 29(1): 15-21.
Laube, A.; Langner, C. 2013. Der Große Raue Knopfschwanzgecko - Nephrurus amyae. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 62 pp.
Rose, R.J.; Ng, J.; Melville, J. 2006. A technique for restraining lizards for field and laboratory measurements. Herpetological Review 37(2): 194-195.
Schoenecker, P. 2007. Biologie, Haltung und Nachtzucht des australischen Knopfschwanzgeckos Nephrurus amyae. Draco 8(1) (29): 39-43.
Nephrurus asper
Annable, T.J. 1992. Observations on the husbandry and captive breeding of Nephrurus asper, the spiny knob-tailed gecko. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 22(1): 7-11.
Bedford, G.; Christian, K. 1993. Egg size of the prickly knob-tailed gecko (Nephrurus asper, Gunther, 1876) with a preliminary comparison of investment per progeny among geckos. Dactylus 1(4): 38-41.
Bustard, H.R. 1979. Defensive mechanisms and predation in gekkonid lizards. British Journal of Herpetology 6(1): 9-11.
Bustard, R. 1967. Defensive display behavior of the Australian gecko Nephrurus asper. Herpetologica 23: 126-129.
Couper, P.J. 1996. Nephrurus asper (Squamata: Gekkonidae): sperm storage and other reproductive data. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 39(2): 487.
Couper, P.J.; Gregson, R.A.M. 1994. Redescription of Nephrurus asper Gunther, and description of N. amyae sp. nov. and N. sheai sp. nov. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 37(1): 53-67.
Günther, A. 1880. Descriptions of new species of reptiles and batrachians from Australia, collected by Hr. Damel for the Godeffroy Museum. Journal Mus. Godeffr. 12 [1876]: 45-47.
Loveridge, A. 1932. New lizards of the genera Nephrurus and Amphibolurus from Western Australia. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 13: 31-34.
Sameit, H.J. 1988. Asper & Co. Australische Knopfschwanzgeckos. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 41(6): 162-163.
Nephrurus deleani
Annable, T. 1998. In the spotlight. Nephrurus deleani (Harvey 1983). Dactylus 3(3): 115-116.
Delean, S.; Harvey, C. 1984. Notes on the reproduction of Nephrurus deleani (Reptilia: Gekkonidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 108(3-4): 221-222.
Harvey, C. 1983. A new species of Nephrurus (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 107(3-4): 231-235.
Pedler, R. 2011. Annual report of the Outback Field Naturalists, Roxby Downs, South Australia. South Australian Naturalist 85(2): 111-113.
Read, J. 1998. Hemmed in on all sides? The status of the restricted gecko, Nephrurus deleani. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 28(2): 30-38.
Nephrurus laevissimus
Delean, S.; Harvey, C. 1981. Some observations on the knob-tailed gecko, Nephrurus laevissimus in the wild. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(1): 1-3.
Goldberg, S.R. 2006. Notes on the reproductive biology of the smooth knob-tail gecko, Nephrurus laevissimus (Squamata: Gekkonidae), from Western Australia. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 41(3): 51-52.
Laube, A. 2001. Captive maintenance and breeding of some ground dwelling Australian geckos. Part I: Nephrurus laevissimus Mertens, 1958 and Nephrurus levis de Vis 1886. Gekko 2(1): 30-36.
Nephrurus levis
Ferguson, D.J.; Mathieson, M.T.; Eyre, T.J. 2015. Additional information on the Beaded Gecko (Lucasium damaeum) and Smooth Knob-tailed Gecko (Nephrurus levis) at their eastern limit in southwest Queensland. Queensland Naturalist 53(1-3): 19-28.
Jones, P. 1990. A record of predation on Nephrurus levis by Pseudonaja nuchalis. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 20(1): 15-16.
Laube, A. 2001. Captive maintenance and breeding of some ground dwelling Australian geckos. Part I: Nephrurus laevissimus Mertens, 1958 and Nephrurus levis de Vis 1886. Gekko 2(1): 30-36.
Peters, U. 1976. Seltsame Reptilien Australiens. Aquarium Aqua Terra 10(90): 557-562.
Schenk, S. 2009. Scheinpaarung bei zwei Weibchen des australischen Geckos Nephrurus levis levis de Vis, 1889 im Terrarium. Sauria (Berlin) 31(2): 57-59.
Storr, G.M. 1963. The gekkonid genus Nephrurus in Western Australia, including a new species and three new subspecies. Journal Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 46: 85-90.
Nephrurus sheai
Couper, P.J.; Gregson, R.A.M. 1994. Redescription of Nephrurus asper Gunther, and description of N. amyae sp. nov. and N. sheai sp. nov. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 37(1): 53-67.
Paluh, D.J.; Bauer, A.M. 2016. Natural history notes: Nephrurus sheai (Northern Knob-tailed Gecko). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(3): 466-467.
Nephrurus stellatus
Angilletta, M.J.; Werner, Y.L. 1998. Australian geckos do not display diel variation in thermoregulatory behavior. Copeia 1998(3): 736-742.
Driscoll, D.A.; Whitehead, C.A.; Lazzari, J. 2012. Spatial dynamics of the knob-tailed gecko Nephrurus stellatus in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Landscape Ecology 27(6): 829-841.
Galliford, M. 1981. Notes on the starred knob-tailed gecko, Nephrurus stellatus, caught spotlighting. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 12(2): 33-34.
Page, P. 1995. Nephrurus stellatus - observations on spring activity. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(2): 62.
Smith, A.L.; Landguth, E.L.; Bull, C.M.; Banks, S.C.; Gardner, M.G.; Driscoll, D.A. 2016. Dispersal responses override density effects on genetic diversity during post-disturbance succession. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B 283(1827): 20152934.
Storr, G.M. 1968. Nephrurus stellatus, a new knob-tailed gecko from southern Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 10: 180-182.
Nephrurus vertebralis
Storr, G.M. 1963. The gekkonid genus Nephrurus in Western Australia, including a new species and three new subspecies. Journal Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 46: 85-90.
Nephrurus wheeleri
Loveridge, A. 1932. New lizards of the genera Nephrurus and Amphibolurus from Western Australia. Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club 13: 31-34.
Storr, G.M. 1963. The gekkonid genus Nephrurus in Western Australia, including a new species and three new subspecies. Journal Proc. R. Soc. West. Aust. 46: 85-90.
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