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Literature update: 25th March, 2023 | ![]() |
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The literature below was published after December 31st, 2018, the deadline for the 1st edition of RepFocus. None of these references have been integrated into the relevant pages of this website yet, but will be so when the 2nd edition of RepFocus is published (publication date not set yet). |
Acosta, P.; Carrasco, P.A.; Leynaud, G.C. 2022. Natural history notes: Bothrops diporus (Chacoan Lancehead). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 692-693. Adamson, T.; O'Donnell, R.P. 2022. Natural history notes: Crotalus molossus (Black-tailed Rattlesnake). Elevation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 694. Almeida-Santos, S.M. de; Sawaya, R.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Boa constrictor (Red-Tailed Boa). Reproduction and mating aggregation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 690-691. Anonymous. 2022. About our cover: Abronia mixteca. Herpetological Review 53(4): 738. Anonymous. 2022. Art in herpetology: Szabolcs Kókay. Herpetological Review 53(4): 736-737. Arbuckle, K. 2022. Natural history notes: Teira dugesii (Madeira Lizard). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 687-688. Bachi, B.; Bovareto Perim, G.; Betzel, R.L.; Silva-Soares, T. 2022. Natural history notes: Ameiva ameiva (Green Ameiva). Avian predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 676. Bajelan, J.L.; Geluso, K.; Kruse, C.; Harner, M.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Chrysemys picta (Painted Turtle) and Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle). Interspecific basking. Herpetological Review 53(4): 666. Bearden, A.; Holt, B.D. 2022. Geographic distribution: Pituophis melanoleucus (Eastern Pinesnake). USA: Alabama: Perry Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 632. Bonanno, A.; Sánchez, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Phelsuma inexpectata (Manapany Day Gecko). Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 53(4): 683. Bonka, A.N.; Deserisy, T.; Knight, W.; Frandsen, H.R.; Shaver, D.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle). Southernmost nesting record. Herpetological Review 53(4): 663. Brown, W.S.; Sealy, J.B.; Keyler, D.E. 2022. Obituary: W. H. 'Marty' Martin (1941–2022): Rattlesnake Field Biologist Extraordinaire. Herpetological Review 53(4): 766–769. Cabrera-Valenzuela, M.A.; Aguirre-Zazueta, M.; Loc-Barragán, J.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Masticophis bilineatus (Sonoran Whipsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 699. Carbajal-Márquez, R.A.; Chávez-Samayoa, F.; Ayala-Rodriguez, J.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Oxybelis microphthalmus (Thornscrub Vine Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 700-701. Carvalho Costa, P.H.; Santiago, D.H.; Silva-Soares, T. 2022. Natural history notes: Erythrolamprus reginae (Royal Ground Snake). Death-feigning behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 697. Cavalcante dos Santos, T.; Lima Bezerra, L.; Lopes Rodrigues, M.P.; Castellari González, R. 2022. Natural history notes: Apostolepis thalesdelemai. Maximum size. Herpetological Review 53(4): 690. Chatfield, M.W.H.; Frederick, C.A.; Leclair, G.; Wantman, T.M. 2022. Natural history notes: Glyptemys insculpta (Wood Turtle). Long distance movement. Herpetological Review 53(4): 668-669. Clause, A.G.; Standifer, E.W.; House, D.J.; Nordin, J. 2022. Geographic distribution: Arizona elegans candida (Mohave Glossy Snake). USA: California: Inyo Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 630. Coffey, J.; Thomas, V.; Henderson, R.W. 2022. New reptile records for the Grenada Grenadines, West Indies. Herpetological Review 53(4): 633. Cupul-Magaña, F.G.; Escobedo-Galván, A.H. 2022. Natural history notes: Drymobius margaritiferus (Speckled Racer). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 696. Davis, D.R.; Pons, M.B. 2022. Natural history notes: Phrynosoma cornutum (Texas Horned Lizard). Arboreal sleep behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 683-684. Dawson, J.E.; Hammack, S.H.; Elden, J. 2022. Herpetoculture notes: Python regius (Ball Python). Longevity. Herpetological Review 53(4): 623. Densmore, L.D. 2022. Book review: Nikolaus Michael Oppel's Drawings, Watercolors and Engravings. 3. Crocodiles (1807–1817). A Comparative Study of Some Historical and Recent Crocodile Illustrations. Roger Bour and Josef F. Schmidtler. 2022. International Society for the Histo Herpetological Review 53(4): 722-723. Donini, J.; Coppard, J.; Donini, C. 2022. Natural history notes: Anolis equestris (Knight Anole). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 677-678. Doody, J.S. 2022. Book review: Exotic Amphibians and Reptiles of the United States. Walter E. Meshaka, Suzanne L. Collins, R. Bruce Bury, and Malcolm L. McCallum (eds). 2022. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. Herpetological Review 53(4): 710-714. Eftekhari, A.; McGuire, J.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Sceloporus occidentalis (Western Fence Lizard). Potential envenomation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 685-687. Elangbam, P.S.; Decemson, H.T.; Biakzuala, L.; Lalremsanga, H.T. 2022. Geographic distribution: Lycodon jara (Twin-spotted Wolf Snake). India: Manipur: Bishnupur District. Herpetological Review 53(4): 631-632. Elden, J.; Hammack, S.H.; Dawson, J.E. 2022. Herpetoculture notes: Vipera latastei (Lataste's Viper). Dicephalism. Herpetological Review 53(4): 624. Engbrecht, N.J. 2022. Book review: Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles of Illinois. Christopher A. Phillips, John A. Crawford, and Andrew R. Kuhns. 2022. University of Illinois Press, Champaign, Illinois. Herpetological Review 53(4): 708-709. Enge, K.M.; Bankovich, B.; Braisted, P.; Mays, J.D. 2022. Status and distribution of the Eastern Indigo Snake, Drymarchon couperi, in the Florida Keys, USA. Herpetological Review 53(4): 565–572. Entiauspe-Neto, O.M. 2022. Book review: Reptiles de Buenos Aires. Jorge D. Williams, Germán Tettamanti, David G. Vera, Borja Baguette Pereiro, Laura Prosdocimi, Pablo G. Grilli, Federico P. Kacoliris, Sofía Jones, and Hernán E. Povedano (eds.). Ediciones La Biblioteca del Naturalis Herpetological Review 53(4): 716-717. Figueroa, J.; Fison, P.; Harrington, J.; Swierk, L. 2022. Natural history notes: Anadia ocellata (Ocellated Anadia). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 677. Fisher, S. 2022. Not all geckos light up: Visually contrasting UV fluorescence in Maui geckos. Herpetological Review 53(4): 588–591. Flores-Vega, R.; Cerón de la Luz, N.M.; Vásquez-Cruz, V. 2022. Natural history notes: Leptodeira frenata (Mayan Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 699. Gacheny, M.; Howze, J.M.; Smith, L.L. 2022. Survival records of free-ranging southeastern USA snakes. Herpetological Review 53(4): 586–588. Garten, K.M.; Alvarez, J.A.; Cava, Z.A. 2022. Errata: Natural history notes: Crotalus scutulatus (Mohave Rattlesnake). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(2): 338-339. Herpetological Review 53(4): 705. Genter, B.W.; Davis, D.R. 2022. Geographic distribution: Hemidactylus turcicus (Mediterranean Gecko). USA: Florida: Union Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 629. Goldberg, S.R. 2022. Natural history notes: Micrelaps muelleri (Erdviper). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 53(4): 700. Goldberg, S.R.; Bursey, C.R. 2022. Natural history notes: Tropidophorus grayi (Spiny Waterside Skink). Endoparasites. Herpetological Review 53(4): 688. Goldberg, S.R.; Bursey, C.R.; Greenbaum, E. 2022. Natural history notes: Hemidactylus mabouia (House Gecko). Endoparasites. Herpetological Review 53(4): 680. Grajales Echeverry, A.; Plecker, R. de; Duarte-Marín, S. 2022. Natural history notes: Chironius monticola (Andean Whip Snake). Behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 693. Greenwood, A.K. 2022. Natural history notes: Heterodon platirhinos (Eastern Hog-nosed Snake). Reproduction and nesting habitat use. Herpetological Review 53(4): 698-699. Gregory, P.T.; Gregory, G.H. 2022. Natural history notes: Crotalus oreganus (Northern Pacific Rattlesnake). Probable mate-guarding behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 694-696. Greubel, S.P. 2022. Geographic distribution: Holbrookia maculata (Lesser Earless Lizard). USA: Colorado: Douglas Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 629. Harrow, R.L.; Duran-Granillo, A.; Ryan, M.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Thamnophis eques (Mexican Gartersnake). Foraging behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 702-703. Henderson, R.W. 2022. Book review: Reptiles of the Lesser Antilles. Roger S. Thorpe. 2022. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. Herpetological Review 53(4): 714-716. Henderson, R.W.; Sajdak, R.A.; Harrison, B.C.; Powell, R.; Boehm, D. 2022. Treeboa research in the time of COVID. Herpetological Review 53(4): 607–609. Hernández-Ramos, C.N.; Martínez-Coronel, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Sceloporus grammicus (Graphic Spiny Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 685. Herrera-Martínez, C.G.; Cortés-Suárez, J.E.; Zamora-Roda, A.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Boa imperator (Central American Boa). Diet and mortality. Herpetological Review 53(4): 691-692. Honan, C. 2022. Natural history notes: Pedioplanis namaquensis (Namaqua Sand Lizard). Sym-brachydactyly. Herpetological Review 53(4): 682-683. Horne, H.E.; Shelton, D.; Sanders, S.; Roling, C.; Broadhead, S.; Soehren, E.C.; Holt, B.D. 2022. Geographic distribution: Indotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blindsnake). USA: Alabama: Baldwin Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 631. Iverson, J.B. 2022. Natural history notes: Kinosternon flavescens (Yellow Mud Turtle). Reproductive output. Herpetological Review 53(4): 669-670. Jansen, D.S.; Alvarez, J.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Masticophis lateralis euryxanthus (Alameda Whipsnake). Entrapment. Herpetological Review 53(4): 699-700. Jeffers, J.; Jones, J.L. 2022. Geographic distribution: Coleonyx variegatus (Western Banded Gecko). USA: Nevada: Mineral Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 629. Johnson, J.D.; Wiseman, G.H.; Sandoval-Alva, J.; Rocha, A.; Mata-Silva, V. 2022. Natural history notes: Crotalus atrox (Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake). Longevity, growth, and movement in the wild. Herpetological Review 53(4): 693-694. Kagayama, S.; Nishibori, T.; Tada, N. 2022. Natural history notes: Mauremys japonica (Japanese Pond Turtle). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 671. Kaiser, H. 2022. Book review: J.G. Schneider's Historiae Amphibiorum: Herpetology at the Dawn of the 19th Century. Translation, introduction, and notes by Aaron M. Bauer and Esteban O. Lavilla. 2022. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca, New York, USA. Herpetological Review 53(4): 706-708. Kane, D.; Tapley, B.; McCormack, T.E.M.; Nguyen, L.T. 2022. Natural history notes: Cyrtodactylus kingsadai. Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 678-679. Kleeman, P.M. 2022. Book review: Sea Turtles to Sidewinders: A Guide to the Most Fascinating Reptiles & Amphibians of the West Charles Hood, Erin Westeen, and José G. Martínez-Fonseca. 2021. Timber Press, Portland, Oregon. Herpetological Review 53(4): 709-710. Kleopfer, J.; Conley, D.; Novales, A. 2022. Natural history notes: Rhadinaea decorata (Adorned Graceful Brown Snake). Urotomy. Herpetological Review 53(4): 702. Klovanish, C.A.; Lloret, M.; Gonzáles, R.M.; Wheatley-Techmer, W.; Barham, E.; Godahewa, A.; Godfrey, S.T.; Mazzotti, F.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Crocodylus acutus (American Crocodile). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 673-674. Krochmal, A.R.; Simmons, N.T.; Roth, T.C.; LaDuc, T.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle). Scavenging. Herpetological Review 53(4): 665-666. Kuchling, G. 2022. Herpetoculture notes: Pantherophis guttatus (Corn Snake). Longevity. Herpetological Review 53(4): 622-623. Lawrence, A.; Holt, B.D. 2022. Geographic distribution: Sistrurus miliarius (Pygmy Rattlesnake). USA: Alabama: Lauderdale Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 632. Leimroth, A.; Somma, L.A.; Russell, D.N.; Cutts, L.P.; Ryan, M.; Babb, R.D.; Hajek, K.E.; Holycross, A.T. 2022. Geographic distribution: Anolis sagrei (Brown Anole). USA: Arizona: Maricopa Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 628. Lima Bezerra, L.; Souza Almeida, L. de; Cavalcante dos Santos, T.; Castellari González, R. 2022. Natural history notes: Amphisbaena vermicularis (Wagler's Worm Lizard). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 675. Loc-Barragán, J.A.; Loaiza-Ramírez, R.; Güizado-Rodríguez, M.A.; Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Hernández-Franco, C.E.; Lemos-Espinal, J.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Terrapene nelsoni (Spotted Box Turtle). Maximum elevation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 672. Loc-Barragán, J.A.; Woolrich-Piña, G.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Kinosternon integrum (Mexican Mud Turtle). Basking behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 670-671. Loc-Barragán, J.A.; Woolrich-Piña, G.A.; Peña-Joya, K.E. 2022. Natural history notes: Trachemys ornata (Ornate Slider). Basking behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 672-673. Luna, M. de; García-Barrios, R.; Fanti, J.M. 2022. Natural history notes: Tropidodipsas fasciata (Banded Snail Sucker). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 704-705. Maia-Carneiro, T.; Borges-Júnior, V.N.; Fonseca, R.; Souza Motta, G.; Pannunzio, J.G.; Silva, L.; Vieira, M.V. 2022. Natural history notes: Erythrolamprus miliaris (Military Ground Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 696. Marushchak, O.; Marushchak, A.; Tkachev, D.; Ghivora, G.; Nekrasova, O. 2022. Data on the reproductive biology and temperature-dependent patterns of Henkel's Leaf-tailed Gecko, Uroplatus henkeli, at the BION Terrarium Center. Herpetological Review 53(4): 610–616. Mason, B.M.; Klovanish, C.A.; Godfrey, S.T.; Xiong, P.; Mazzotti, F.J. 2022. Natural history notes: Crocodylus acutus (American Crocodile). Polydactyly. Herpetological Review 53(4): 674-675. McKeever, R.W.; Jones, J.L. 2022. Natural history notes: Uta stansburiana (Common Side-blotched Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 689. McRobert, S.; McRobert, C. 2022. Herpetoculture notes: Terrapene carolina triunguis (Three-Toed Box Turtle). Same-sex mounting. Herpetological Review 53(4): 620. Mendyk, R.W. 2022. Zoo view: How they got to the zoo: Trials and tribulations of oceanic reptile and amphibian transport. Herpetological Review 53(4): 726–735. Meshaka, W.E. 2022. Additions to the distributional data in exotic amphibians and reptiles of the United States. Herpetological Review 53(4): 636–638. Mo, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Heteronotis binoei (Bynoe's Gecko). Defensive behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 681. Moldowan, P.D.; Moldowan, P.L.; Moldowan, G.L. 2022. Herpetoculture notes: Uromastyx dispar maliensis (Spiny-tailed Agama, Spiny-tailed Mastigure). Longevity. Herpetological Review 53(4): 620-621. Nicolau, G.K.; Evens, N.; Hyssteen, R. van 2022. Natural history notes: Afroedura pondolia (Pondo Flat Gecko) and Afroedura pienaari (Pienaar's Flat Gecko). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 675-676. Nordberg, E.J. 2022. Book review: A Naturalist's Guide to the Snakes of Australia, Second Edition. Scott Eipper and Tyese Eipper. 2022. John Beaufoy Publishing Limited/Australian Geographic, Oxford. Herpetological Review 53(4): 721-722. Oviedo-Cantillo, D.; Baleta-Osorio, Y.; Feria-Rosa, O.; Pretelt, J.; Solano, L. 2022. Geographic distribution: Polychrus marmoratus (Many-colored Bush Anole; Monkey Lizard). Colombia: Sucre Department. Herpetological Review 53(4): 629. Pereira, A.F.; Boldrini, R.; Moreira da Silva-Neto, A.; Queiroz Almeida, M.; Sobral, R.; Mello Mendes, D.M. de 2022. Natural history notes: Cercosaura ocellata (Ocellated Tegu). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 678. Phillips, A.G.; Carroll, W.C.; Glorioso, B.M. 2022. Geographic distribution: Storeria occipitomaculata (Red-bellied Snake). USA: Louisiana: St. Mary Parish. Herpetological Review 53(4): 632. Pimentel, T.T.; Ferrari-Silva, J.V.; Silva-Soares, T. 2022. Natural history notes: Gonatodes humeralis (Trinidad Gecko; Lagartixa-da-Mata). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 680. Platt, S.G.; Lin, N.; Soe, M.M.; Wint, K.T.Z.; Elsey, R.M.; Rainwater, T.R. 2022. Notes on two large Estuarine Crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) skulls from the Ayeyarwady Delta of Myanmar. Herpetological Review 53(4): 573–578. Pradhan, A.; Tamang, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Trachiscium fuscum (Black-belly Worm-eating Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 703-704. Rangel, E.D.; Henke, S.E.; Moeller, C.; Willard, L.; Eversole, C.B.; Ayala, R. 2022. Natural history notes: Holbrookia subcaudalis (Tamaulipan Spot-tailed Earless Lizard). Physical aberrancy. Herpetological Review 53(4): 681. Rose, F.L. 2022. Natural history notes: Chelydra serpentina (Snapping Turtle). Behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 664-665. Schrei, T.; Lock, B.A.; Torres, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Boa imperator (Central American Boa). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 692. Scibetta, S.; Schuett, G.W. 2022. Herpetoculture notes: Crotalus lepidus lepidus (Mottled Rock Rattlesnake). Facultative parthenogenesis. Herpetological Review 53(4): 621-622. Shaver, D.J.; Frandsen, H.R. 2022. Natural history notes: Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle). Nesting activity. Herpetological Review 53(4): 660-662. Shaver, D.J.; Frandsen, H.R.; Walker, A.; Tunnell, J. 2022. Natural history notes: Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Sea Turtle). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 53(4): 662-663. Shirley, M.; Perez-Enriquez, A.; Shiina, J.; Ranganath, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Polychrus gutturosus (Berthold's Bush Anole). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 684. Silva Quadros, R.G. da; Graciano, J.M.; Falquetto de Oliveira, G.; Carvalho Figueiroa, G.; Silva-Soares, T. 2022. Natural history notes: Manciola guaporicola (Dunn's Mabuya; calango-liso). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 681-682. Spawls, S. 2022. Book review: Snakes and Other Reptiles of Zambia and Malawi. Darren Pietersen, Luke Verburgt, and John Davies. 2021. Struik Nature, Cape Town. 376 pp. Herpetological Review 53(4): 719-721. Strydom, J.J.; Shin, Y. 2022. Natural history notes: Gloydius brevicaudus (Short-tailed Pitviper). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 697-698. Staats, E.G.; Adams, N.G.; Buckman, J.I.; Hill, R.J. 2022. Geographic distribution: Crotalus oreganus helleri (Southern Pacific Rattlesnake [English]; Ewii [Kumeyaay]; Awí [Kwapa]). USA: California: Imperial Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 630-631. Tettamanti, G.; Vera, D.G. 2022. Natural history notes: Xenodon semicinctus (Ringed Hognose Snake). Aberrant coloration. Herpetological Review 53(4): 705. Thompson, J.; Bangle, D.; Burke, R.; Devine, C.; Doyle, M.; Gregory, S.; Katz, R.; Kipp, R.; Machalow, R.; Madad, A.; Roulston, B.; Rodriguez, L.; Spencer, J.E.; Sterrett, S.; Revels, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Chelonoidis donfaustoi (Don Fausto's Giant Tortoise). Cleaning mutualism. Herpetological Review 53(4): 664. Troast, S.; Durso, A.M.; Durso, K.P.; Metcalf, M.; Gunnels, C.W. 2022. Using Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) to mark Indotyphlops braminus (Brahminy Blindsnake). Herpetological Review 53(4): 592–595. Vandewalle, T.J.; Otten, J.G. 2022. Natural history notes: Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's Turtle). Fertility and hatchling survival. Herpetological Review 53(4): 666-667. Vandewalle, T.J.; Otten, J.G. 2022. Natural history notes: Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's Turtle). Terrestrial estivation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 667-668. Vásquez-Cruz, V.; Kelly-Hernández, A. 2022. Natural history notes: Pliocercus elapoides (Variegated False Coralsnake). Arboreal behavior. Herpetological Review 53(4): 701-702. Vyas, R.; Bhatt, R. 2022. Natural history notes: Amphiesma stolatum (Buff Striped Keelback). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 689-690. Weber, A.S.; D'Amato, D.; Atkinson, B.K. 2022. Geographic distribution: Python regius (Ball Python). USA: Florida: St. Johns Co. Herpetological Review 53(4): 632. Weber, T.; Watkins, B.; King, B.; Welsh, J.; Selman, W. 2022. Natural history notes: Pseudemys concinna (River Cooter). Nocturnal aggregation and feeding activity. Herpetological Review 53(4): 671-672. Winkel, D. van; Orton, T. 2022. Natural history notes: Dactylocnemis 'mokohinau' (Mokohinau Gecko). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 679-680. Yanagi, H. 2022. Natural history notes: Achalinus spinalis (Japanese Odd-scaled Snake). Predation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 689. Yates, J.R.; Mullin, S.J.; Kwiatkowski, M. 2022. Natural history notes: Thamnophis proximus (Western Ribbonsnake). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 703. Yohe, E.; Fritz, K.A.; Bening, T. 2022. Natural history notes: Trachemys scripta elegans (Red-eared Slider). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 673. Zúñiga-Baos, J.A. 2022. Natural history notes: Phimophis guianensis (Troschel's Pampas Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 53(4): 701. |