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Literature update: July 2024 | ![]() |
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The literature below was published after December 31st, 2018, the deadline for the 1st edition of RepFocus. None of these references have been integrated into the relevant pages of this website yet, but will be so when the 2nd edition of RepFocus is published (publication date not set yet). |
Aescht, E. 2011. Viewing the Draft BioCode as a protistologist and museum employee. Bionomina 3(1): 63-70. Agarwal, I.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Metallinou, M.; Jackman, T.R.; Bauer, A.M. 2021. How the African house gecko (Hemidactylus mabouia) conquered the world. Royal Society Open Science 8: 210749. Al Johany, A.M.H.; Spawls, S.; Malonza, P. 2019. Trachylepis brevicollis. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2019: e.T199606A2606302. Amarasinghe, A.A.T.; Campbell, P.D.; Riyanto, A.; Hallermann, J.; Hamidy, A.; Andayani, N.; Abinawanto, A.; Supriatna, J. 2024. Taxonomy, distribution, and conservation status of a rare arboreal lizard, Bronchocela celebensis Gray, 1845 (Reptilia: Agamidae) endemic to Sulawesi, Indonesia. Zootaxa 189-202. Ananjeva, N.B.; Doronin, I.V. 2021. Herpetological century: 100th anniversary of the Division of Herpetology, the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 15(12): 118-127. Anita, S.; Hamidy, A.; Mulyadi; Mori, A. 2024. An investigation of chemical prey discrimination by Rhabdophis subminiatus hints the source of nuchal gland toxins. Current Herpetology 43(1): 22-30. Anjos Souza, D. dos; Jung, M.S.; Ávila Mendonça, R. 2024. First winter reproductive record of the Imbituba Lizard, Tropidurus imbituba Kunz and Borges-Martins 2013, a critically endangered microendemic from Brazil. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21462. Anonymous. 2022. Tomorrow's herpetologists today: Ruan Stander. African Herp News 81: 8-10. Anonymous. 2022. Tomorrow's herpetologists today: Ruhan Verster. African Herp News 80: 13-16. Aravind, N.A.; Mohapatra, P.P.; Bhat, H.N.P.; Narayanan, S. 2023. Pets or predators? Climate change and invasion risk of Red-eared Slider (Trachemys scripta elgans). Records of the Zoological Survey India 123(2): 185-197. Arteaga, A.; Bustamante, L.; Guayasamin, J.M. 2024. Reptiles of Ecuador: Life in the Middle of the World. Universidad Tecnológica Indoamereica, Quito. Arzate-Garay, L.S.; Reyes-Velázquez, E.A.; Flores-Santin, J.R.; Hernández-Gallegos, O. 2024. Use of artificial habitat by the Imbricate Alligator Lizard, Barisia imbricata (Squamata: Anguidae), in Toluca, State of México, México. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e20956. Asato, H.; Sueyoshi, K.; Nakagawa, M.; Sugawara, R.; Kadota, Y.; Kawauchi, N.; Kobayashi, S.; Izawa, M.; Toda, M. 2022. Food habits of the Taiwan Beauty Snake, Elaphe taeniura friesi, as an introduced species on Okinawajima Island. Current Herpetology 41(2): 205-214. Avella, I.; Savini, F.; Di Nicola, M. 2024. First report of a prolonged bite by a Western Whip Snake, Hierophis viridiflavus carbonarius (Bonaparte 1833) (Serpentes, Colubridae), resulting in pronounced local oedema. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21448. Ayres, C.; Dominguez-Costas, M. 2024. New evidence of Red-eared Slider, Trachemys scripta (Wied-Neuwied 1839), reproduction in Galicia (Spain). IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21524. Azevedo, W.S. dos; Franco, F.L.; Menezes, L.; Kunz, T.S.; Grazziotin, F.G. 2024. Integrated evidence sheds light on the taxonomy of the widespread Tantilla melanocephala species complex (Serpentes: Colubridae) and indicates the existence of a new species from southern South America. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 24: 119-147. Bader, T. 2024. Bemerkenswerte Schlangenbeobachtungen im Oman. Sauria (Berlin) 46(1): 15-22. Baizurah, S.N.; Das, I. 2023. Plastral deossification zones in the Endangered Spiny Hill Turtle Heosemys spinosa (Testudines: Geoemydidae) on Borneo. Journal of Threatened Taxa 15(6): 23307-23314. Baptista, N.; Bauer, A.M.; Becker, F.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Conradie, W. 2020. Trachylepis acutilabris. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T110230508A110230522. Baptista, N.; Bauer, A.M.; Becker, F.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Conradie, W. 2020. Trachylepis binotata. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T120689177A120906528. Baptista, N.; Bauer, A.M.; Becker, F.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Conradie, W. 2020. Trachylepis chimbana. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T120689287A120906538. Baptista, N.; Bauer, A.M.; Becker, F.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Conradie, W. 2020. Trachylepis hoeschi. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T120689402A120906543. Baptista, N.; Bauer, A.M.; Becker, F.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Conradie, W. 2020. Trachylepis laevis. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T120689530A120906548. Bassett, L.; Pandelis, G. 2024. Updated geographic distributions for Texas reptiles. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21492. Bates, M.F. 2023. The enigmatic Namibian egg-eating snake Dasypeltis loveridgei Mertens, 1954 (Squamata: Colubridae): A valid species recovered from synonymy. Bonn Zoological Bulletin 72(2): 163-184. Bauer, A.M. 2022. Additions to the herpetological bibliography of Johann Gottlob Schneider and some bibliographic details of Der Naturfreund oder Beiträge zur Schlesischen Naturgeschichte. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 16(8): 90-93. Bauer, A.M.; Powell, R.; Griffing, A.H. 2024. Two largely forgotten early sources on the Fer-de-Lance of Martinique, Bothrops lanceolatus. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 18(5): 60-70. Bayliss, J.; Bittencourt-Silva, G.B.; Branch, W.R.; Bruessow, C.; Collins, S.; Congdon, T.C.E.; Conradie, W.; Curran, M.; Daniels, S.R.; Darbyshire, I.; Farooq, H.; Fishpool, L.; Grantham, G.; Magombo, Z.; Matimele, H./ Monadjem, A./ Monteiro, J. 2024. A biogeographical appraisal of the threatened South East Africa Montane Archipelago Ecoregion. Scientific Reports 14(5971). 16 pp. Bell, C.J. 2023. Waldo McAtee and the herpetological portions of Nomina Abitera, 1945 and Supplement to Nomina Abitera, 1954. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 17(12): 116-130. Bell, C.J.; LaDuc, T.J. 2024. Hermon Carey Bumpus and the Reptiles and Batrachians of Rhode Island, with comments on other herpetological content in random notes on natural history, 1884-1886. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 18(4): 44-59. Beraduccii, J.; Msuya, C.A.; Howell, K.; Ngalason, W.; Spawls, S. 2021. Trachylepis planifrons. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T22471743A22471757. Beraduccii, J.; Msuya, C.A.; Howell, K.; Ngalason, W.; Spawls, S. 2021. Trachylepis striata. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T199764A2610367. Berg, P. 2022. Anthropogenic threats posed to reptiles by non-electrified fencing. African Herp News 81: 11-13. Bernal, R.; Dubois, A. 2023. Chironius scurrula, the correct nomen for Chironius scurrulus (Squamata, Serpentes, Colubridae), with a list of the correct spellings of specific epithets currently in use in this genus. Bionomina 34(1): 35-44. Bernstein, J.M./ Murphy, J.C. 2024. Chapter 8. The Homalopsidae. pp. 119-194. In: Murphy, J.C. (ed.). Aquatic Snakes. Diversity and Natural History. JCM Natural History & Herpetological Conservation International, Green Valley, Arizona. 715 pp. Bettelheim, M.P. 2021. The tortoise in the temple: Orientalism, japonisme, and the exploitation of Asian turtle mystique in western popular imagination. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 15(13): 128-140. Bettelheim, M.P. 2021. Tortue-à-Porter: The Faux Fashion Fad of Turtle Attire. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 15(14): 141-149. Bettelheim, M.P. 2022. Flânerie or flimflammery? The urban myth of the Flâneur and turtle-walking. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 16(1): 1-13. Bettelheim, M.P. 2023. The cartographer's turtle: The grotesque origins of renaissance map turtles. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 17(11): 108-115. Bettelheim, M.P. 2024. Het Schildpadboeck: The origins and inspiration behind the turtle watercolors of Adriaen Coenen's Visboeck and Walvisboeck. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 18(1): 1-29. Biakzuala, L.; Lalremsanga, H.T.; Malsawmdawngliana, F.; Zoramkhuma; Gouda, S.; Decemson, H. 2023. Threat assessment and conservation challenges for the herpetofaunal diversity of Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 15(10): 24016-24031. Biakzuala, L.; Muansanga, L.; Malsawmdawngliana, F.; Hmar, L.; Lalremsanga, H.T. 2024. New country record of Trimeresurus uetzi Vogel, Nguyen & David, 2023 (Reptilia: Squamata: Viperidae) from India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16(5): 25268-25272. Biber, M.F.; Voskamp, A.; Hof, C. 2023. Potential effects of future climate change on global reptile distributions and diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 32: 519-534. Böhme, W. 2023. Book review. J.G. Schneider's Historiae Amphibiorum: Herpetology at the Dawn of the 19th Century. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 17(2): 8-9. Böhme, W. 2024. Schuppenlose Sandvipern, Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) als innerartliches Kreuzungsprodukt? Sauria (Berlin) 46(1): 47-54. Bolton, S.J.; Cora, J.R. 2021. Virtual Equivalents of Real Objects (VEROs): A type of non-fungible token (NFT) that can help fund the 3D digitization of natural history collections. Megataxa 6(2): 93-95. Borkent, A. 2020. Shrinking biodiversity, dwindling taxonomy and building a broader science. Megataxa 1(1): 53-58. Boxshall, G.A. 2020. Self-help for taxonomists: three things we must do for taxonomy to survive. Megataxa 1(1): 39-42. Brachtel, N. 1998. Das Portrait: Rhynchophis boulengeri Mocquard. Sauria (Berlin) 20(1): 2. Bringsøe, H.; Dreyer, N.P. 2024. Kleptoparasitism in Micrurus mipartitus (Squamata, Elapidae) competing for the same Caecilia sp. (Gymnophiona, Caeciliidae) in western Colombia. Herpetozoa 37: 77-84. Britz, R.; Hundsdörfer, A.; Fritz, U. 2020. Funding, training, permits - the three big challenges of taxonomy. Megataxa 1(1): 49-52. Buenrostro-Silva, A.; García-Grajales, J.; Sánchez-Nava, P.; Ruíz-Gómez, M. de L. 2022. Paresis as a limiting factor in the reproductive efficiency of a nesting colony of Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz, 1829) in La Escobilla beach, Oaxaca, Mexico. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(11): 22133-22138. Busack, S.D.; Salvador, A.; Bauer, A.M.; Kaiser, H. 2016. Darevskia and Iberolacerta (Reptilia, Lacertidae): Arribas, 1997 or 1999? The correct dating of two nomenclatural acts affecting Palearctic lizards, and validation of the name Caucasilacerta Harris, Arnold & Thomas, 1998. Bionomina 10(1): 61-73. Caasi, A.K.; Iñigo, D.J.; Gamalo, L.E. 2024. A predation attempt by a Samar Cobra, Naja samarensis Peters 1861, on a Banded Bullfrog, Kaloula pulchra Gray 1831, on the Island of Mindanao, Philippines. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21403. Cacciali, P.; Cantero, N.; Cañete, L.; Teles, D. 2024. New data on the distribution of Homonota rupicola Cacciali, Ávila & Bauer, 2007 (Squamata, Phyllodactylidae) in Paraguay. Check List 20(2): 444-449. Cai, B.; Liu, F.; Liang, D.; Hou, M.; Zhou, H.; Zhong, J.; Li, J.; Chang, J. 2024. A new species of Diploderma (Squamata, Agamidae) from the valley of Dadu River in Sichuan Province, with a redescription of topotypes of D. splendidum from Hubei Province, China. Animals 14(1344): 22 pp. Camera, B.F.; Quintana, I.; Strüssmann, C.; Waller, T.; Barros, M.; Draque, J.; Micucci, P.A.; Miranda, E.B.P. 2023. Assessing the sustainability of Yellow Anaconda (Eunectes notaeus) harvest. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0277629. Campillo-García, G.; Flores-Villela, O.A.; Butler, B.O.; Benabib, M.; Castiglia, R. 2023. More cryptic diversity among spiny lizards of the Sceloporus torquatus complex discovered through a multilocus approach. Amphibia-Reptilia 45(1), 21-35. Campos-Soto, R.; Rodríguez-Valenzuela, E.; Bruna, Y.; Díaz-Campusano, G.; Cianferoni, F.; Boric-Bargetto, D.; Torres-Pérez, F. 2023. Phylogenetic analyses of lizards from the Chilean Humboldt Archipelago reveal a new species for the Chañaral Island (Squamata: Liolaemidae). Animals 13(3576): Carbajal-Márquez, R.A.; Sigala-Rodríguez, J.J.; Jones, J.M.; Reyes-Velasco, J.; Montaño-Ruvalcaba, C. 2024. Diet, size, and pholidosis of Crotalus ericsmithi, and new prey items for Crotalus lannomi (Serpentes: Viperidae). Phyllomedusa 23(1): 21-33. Ceríaco, L.M.P. 2020. Trachylepis raymondlaurenti. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T150255080A150255141. Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Marques, M.P.; Parrinha, D.; Tiutenko, A.; Weinell, J.L.; Butler, B.O.; Bauer, A.M. 2024. The Trachylepis (Squamata: Scincidae) of Angola: An integrative taxonomic review with the description of seven new species. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 465: 1-153. Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Verburgt, L.; Pietersen, D. 2020. Trachylepis albopunctata. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T161164535A161164626. Chaitanya, R. 2022. Another new, unavailable nomen (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from Indian herpetological taxonomy. Bionomina 26(1): 59-61. Chakraborty, A.; Dey, R.; Gogoi, M.; Barkakati, B.; Boro, K.; Ray, P.C. 2024. Predation by a Painted Bronzeback, Dendrelaphis pictus (Gmelin 1789), on a Crab at Garbhanga Reserve Forest, Assam, India. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21369. Chavan, U.M.; Borkar, M.R. 2022. Population trends of Mugger Crocodile and human-crocodile interactions along the Savitri River at Mahad, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(11): 22118-22132. Chaves-Acuña, W.; Salas-Solano, D. 2024. Notes on feeding and mating behavior of Anolis biporcatus (Squamata: Dactyloidae) in Costa Rica. Phyllomedusa 23(1): 87-92. Chedad, A.; Bouam, I.; El Bouhissi, M.; Dahmani, W.; Ait Hammou, M.; Mebarki, M.T.; Mezzi, M.; Sadine, S.E. 2024. Moorish Viper, Daboia mauritanica (Gray, 1849) (Squamata, Viperidae), in Algeria: new provincial records, range extension, and an update on its distribution. Check List 20(2): 536-543. Cherepanov, G.O. 2024. Development of skin and dermal bone of the shell in Pelodiscus maackii (Testudines: Trionychidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 31(1): 31-38. Cherepanov, G.O.; Malashichev, Y. 2024. Carapace scute variations of the Olive Ridley Sea Turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea): Polymerization as an evolutionary trend. Russian Journal of Herpetology 31(2): 105-114. Chhin, S.; Neang, T.; Chan, S.; Kong, K.; Ou, R.; In, V.; Samorn, V.; Sor, R.; Lou, V.; Sin, S.; Chhim, M.; Stuart, B.L.; Grismer, L.L. 2024. A new species in the Cyrtodactylus intermedius (Squamata: Gekkonidae) group from an isolated limestone karst formation in southwestern Cambodia. Zootaxa 5474(1): 1-20. Chirio, L. 2021. Trachylepis pendeana. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T120689852A120689863. Chmelar, J.; Civis, P.; Fischer, D.; Frynta, D.; Jerábková, L.; Rudolfová, V.; Rehák, I. 2023. Protecting isolated reptile populations outside their main area of distribution: a predictive model of the Dice snake, Natrix tessellata, distribution in the Czech Republic. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e114790. 17 pp. Choudhury, A.; Deb, A.; Purkayastha, J. 2024. First record of Salazar's Pitviper, Trimeresurus salazar (Mirza, Bhosale, Phansalkar, Sawant, Gowande, and Patel 2020) from Tripura, India. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e20654. Christenhusz, M.J.M. 2020. On species concepts, phylogenetics and the science of natural history - three current issues facing taxonomy. Megataxa 1(1): 67-72. Clarkson, M. 2024. Chapter 12. Sea Kraits. pp. 215-226. In: Murphy, J.C. (ed.). Aquatic Snakes. Diversity and Natural History. JCM Natural History & Herpetological Conservation International, Green Valley, Arizona. 715 pp. Clarkson, M. 2024. Chapter 13. Seasnakes. pp. 227-287. In: Murphy, J.C. (ed.). Aquatic Snakes. Diversity and Natural History. JCM Natural History & Herpetological Conservation International, Green Valley, Arizona. 715 pp. Clarkson, M./ Murphy, J.C. 2024. Chapter 5. File Snakes. pp. 94-105. In: Murphy, J.C. (ed.). Aquatic Snakes. Diversity and Natural History. JCM Natural History & Herpetological Conservation International, Green Valley, Arizona. 715 pp. Cole, C.J.; Baumann, D.P.; Taylor, H.L.; Bobon, N.B.; Ho, D.V.; Neaves, W.B.; Baumann, P. 2023. Reticulate phylogeny: A new tetraploid pathenogenetic Whiptail Lizard derived from hybridization among four bisexual ancestral species of Aspidoscelis (Reptilia: Squamata: Teiidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 163(7): 247-275. Coleman, C.O.; Radulovici, A.E. 2020. Challenges for the future of taxonomy: talents, databases and knowledge growth. Megataxa 1(1): 28-34. Conix, S.; Cuypers, V.; Zachos, F.E.; Artois, T.; Monnens, M. 2023. A plea for preregistration in taxonomy. Megataxa 10(1): 1-14. Costa, H.; Santana, D. 2024. Curassow at the street fair: Attempted consumption of Amphisbaena alba (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae) by Crax fasciolata (Galliformes: Cracidae). IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21734. Costello, M.J. 2020. Taxonomy as the key to life. Megataxa 1(2): 105-113. Cubas Rodríguez, A.M.; Rodríguez, A.; Martínez, A.; Medina, D. 2024. An attack on a Centipede Snake (Tantilla cf. schistosa) by soldier ants (Eciton burchellii) in Honduras. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21390. Dahl, E.; Banner, H.; Vatnick, I. 2024. Salinity preferences of Diamondback Terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) headstarts: A laboratory study. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21078. Das, A. 2021. Blythia hmuifang. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T149313307A149313347. Das, A.; Bhattarai, S.; Limbu, K.P. 2022. Trachischium laeve (amended version of 2021 assessment). IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T127916255A219117777. Das, A.; Hasan, M.K. 2021. Trachischium monticola. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T192234A2059154. Das, S.; Greenbaum, E.; Brecko, J.; Pauwels, O.S.G.; Ruane, S.; Pirro, S.; Merilä, J. 2024. Phylogenomics of Psammodynastes and Buhoma (Elapoidea: Serpentes), with the description of a new Asian snake family. Scientific Reports 14: 9489. David, P.; Vogel, G. 2024. On the status of Helicops wettsteini Amaral, 1929, a senior synonym of Hypsiscopus murphyi (Serpentes: Homalopsidae). Zootaxa 5415(2): 300-308. Davis, D.; Genter, B.; LaDuc, T. 2024. Invasion history of the Moorish Gecko, Tarentola mauritanica (Squamata: Phyllodactylidae), in the USA, with new records of an established population in Texas. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21502. Davis, H.R.; Nashriq, I.; Woytek, K.S.; Wikramanayake, S.A.; Bauer, A.M.; Karin, B.R.; Brennan, I.G.; Iskandar, D.T.; Das, I. 2023. Redescription of two Bornean gekkonid lizard species of the Cyrtodactylus consobrinus (Peters, 1871) complex with comments on online supplementary material. Bionomina 35(1): 9-19. Delu, V.; Karwasra, V.; Panda, A. 2024. Conservation of two freshwater turtle species in the Guru Gorakhnath Community Reserve in Western Haryana, India. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e20609. Denzer, W. 2023. The original description, authorship and typification of Hapsidophrys smaragdina (Serpentes, Colubridae). Bionomina 36(1): 64-68. Denzer, W.; Dondorp, E. 2023. Calotes megapogon (Squamata, Agamidae, Draconinae): nomenclatural and taxonomic ramifications of the naming of an undescribed species. Bionomina 32(1): 29-40. Denzer, W.; Dubois, A.; Frétey, T.; Ohler, A. 2023. The nomenclatural status of Agama cristata Merrem, 1819 and Corytophanes Schlegel, 1826 (Squamata, Corytophanidae) and of other tropical lizard nomina, with comments on some tricky issues of zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 36(1): 36-63. Desutter-Grandcolas, L.; Hugel, S.; Goutte, S.; Robillard, T. 2018. Reflections on the growing use of sounds in systematics and synecology: why an acoustic signal cannot become an onomatophore. Bionomina 13(1): 28-36. Do, M.S.; Choi, J.H.; Lee, H.T.; Lee, S.C. 2024. Mating system and behavior of Steppe Rat Snake (Elaphe dione) in South Korea. Russian Journal of Herpetology 31(1): 56-59. Dodd, C.K. 2021. Book review. The Last Turtlemen of the Caribbean. Waterscapes of Labor, Conservation, and Boundary Making. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 15(11): 113-117. Dodd, C.K. 2022. Snakes in a grave - or not. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 17(1): 1-7. Dodd, C.K. 2022. The international editions of Archie Carr's books. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 16(7): 82-89. Dodd, C.K. 2023. Bibliographica Herpetologica - Updates on 'How to Raise a Bullfrog' and 'Snakes in a Grave'. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 17(9): 83-85. Dodd, C.K. 2023. Promoting amphibians and reptiles in French agriculture and horticulture - Albert Larbalétrier and La Grenouille. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 17(5): 46-49. Dodd, C.K. 2024. The Hermit Naturalist, a nearly forgotten snake story. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 18(6): 71-73. Dodd, C.K. 2024. Women in herpetology. A short biography of Mary Hewes Hinckley. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 18(7): 74-80. Donbundit, N.; Sumontha, M.; Suthanthangjai, M.; Suthanthangjai, W.; Pauwels, O.S.G. 2024. Another new micro-endemic, limestone-dwelling leaf-toed gecko (Gekkonidae: Dixonius) from Phetchaburi Province, western Thailand. Zootaxa 5447(4): 531-546. Dong, W.; Li, L.; Xun, H.; Gao, W.; Wang, K.; Che, J. 2024. Extended descriptions and revised diagnoses of three recently described, little-known Mountain Dragons (Reptilia: Agamidae: Diploderma) from the Yalong River Valley in Southwest China. Zootaxa 5463(4): 479-500. Donini, J. 2024. Regional records and reproductive potential of the non-indigenous Central Asian Tortoise, Testudo horsfieldii Gray 1844 (Testudinidae) in southwestern Florida. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e20927. Dubois, A. 2010. Bionomina, a forum for the discussion of nomenclatural and terminological issues in biology. Bionomina 1(1): 1-10. Dubois, A. 2011. A zoologist's viewpoint on the Draft BioCode. Bionomina 3(1): 45-62. Dubois, A. 2011. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature must be drastically improved before it is too late. Bionomina 2(1): 1-104. Dubois, A. 2012. The distinction between introduction of a new nomen and subsequent use of a previously introduced nomen in zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 5(1): 57-80. Dubois, A. 2013. Zygoidy, a new nomenclatural concept. Bionomina 6(1): 1-25. Dubois, A. 2015. What is an anonymous publication? Is the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature anonymous? Bionomina 9(1): 27-34. Dubois, A. 2015. Zoological nomina in the century of extinctions: new proposals. Bionomina 8(1): 11-53. Dubois, A. 2020. Allocation of nomina to taxa in zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 18(1): 1-43. Dubois, A. 2020. The status regarding publication date and availability of taxonomic works published online without proper Zoobank preregistration. Bionomina 18(1): 44-55. Dubois, A. 2022. Kalyptoidy: the nomenclatural status of new zoological nomina originally published as synonyms, with examples in herpetology and comments on taxonominal databases. Bionomina 30(1): 1-82. Dubois, A. 2022. Nomenclatural acts in zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 31(1): 1-23. Dubois, A. 2022. Type species of genera in zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 26(1): 1-33. Dubois, A.; Aescht, E.; Aneesh, P.T.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Prins, J. de; Engel, M.S.; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Marinov, M.; Ohler, A.; Schmitt, M.; Whittington, A.; Young, M.T.; Bauer, A.M. 2022. The Linz Zoocode project. Sixth report of activities (2022). Nomenclatural availability. 5. Optical disc publication. Bionomina 31(1): 24-45. Dubois, A.; Aneesh, P.T.; Bauer, A.M.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Dellapé, P.; Engel, M.S.; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Marinov, M.; Ohler, A.; Schmitt, M.; Whittington, A.; Young, M.; Aescht, E. 2021. Optical discs in zoological nomenclature: problems and proposed solution. Bionomina 24(1): 1-8. Dubois, A.; Aneesh, P.T.; Bauer, A.M.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Marinov, M.; Ohler, A.; Schmitt, M.; Whittington, A.; Aescht, E. 2022. The Linz Zoocode project. Second report of activities (2020). Nomenclatural availability. 1. What is nomenclatural availability? Bionomina 28(1): 1-17. Dubois, A.; Aneesh, P.T.; Bauer, A.M.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Marinov, M.; Ohler, A.; Schmitt, M.; Whittington, A.; Aescht, E. 2022. The Linz Zoocode project. Third report of activities (2020). Nomenclatural availability. 2. Work availability. Bionomina 28(1): 18-49. Dubois, A.; Aneesh, P.T.; Bauer, A.M.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Prins, J. de; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Marinov, M.; Ohler, A.; Schmitt, M.; Whittington, A.; Aescht, E. 2022. The Linz Zoocode project. Fourth report of activities (2021). Nomenclatural availability. 3. Paper publication. Bionomina 28(1): 50-70. Dubois, A.; Aneesh, P.T.; Bauer, A.M.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Prins, J. de; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Marinov, M.; Ohler, A.; Schmitt, M.; Whittington, A.; Young, M.T.; Aescht, E. 2022. The Linz Zoocode project. Fifth report of activities (2022). Nomenclatural availability. 4. Electronic publication. Bionomina 28(1): 71-119. Dubois, A.; Bauer, A.M.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Dusoulier, F.; Frétey, T.; Löbl, I.; Lorvelec, O.; Ohler, A.; Stopiglia, R.; Aescht, E. 2019. The Linz Zoocode project: a set of new proposals regarding the terminology, the Principles and Rules of zoological nomenclature. First report of activities (2014?2019). Bionomina 17(1): 1-111. Dubois, A.; David, P. 2020. The nomenclatural status of Zaocys carinatus Günther, 1864 (Squamata, Serpentes). Bionomina 19(1): 110-115. Dubois, A.; Denzer, W.; Entiauspe-Neto, O.M.; Frétey, T.; Ohler, A.; Bauer, A.M.; Pyron, R.A. 2024. Nomenclatural problems raised by the recent description of a new anaconda species (Squamata, Serpentes, Boidae), with a nomenclatural review of the genus Eunectes. Bionomina 37(1): 8-58. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2020. Herpetological higher taxa nomina 1. Introduction and methodology. Bionomina 19(1): 1-56. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2020. Herpetological higher taxa nomina 4. Batrachia Brongniart, 1800. Bionomina 20(1): 36-46. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2021. Herpetological higher taxa nomina. 5. Anura, Urodela, Batrachia: addenda and corrigenda. Bionomina 21(1): 22-38. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2023. LTH 1. Literatura Taxonomica Herpetologica.1. Presentation. Bionomina 36(1): 97-117. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2023. LTH 2. Literatura Taxonomica Herpetologica. 2. Glossary. Bionomina 36(1): 118-151. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2023. LTH 3. Literatura Taxonomica Herpetologica. 3. Year 1758. Bionomina 36(1): 152-178. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2023. LTH 4. Literatura Taxonomica Herpetologica. 4. Year 1759. Bionomina 36(1): 179-185. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T. 2023. Problems with the availability of zoological nomenclatural acts published online: the case of the Journal of Herpetology. Bionomina 34(1): 9-34. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T.; Ineich, I. 2021. It is high time that taxonomists follow the Code. 3. The Bungarus romulusi case (Serpentes, Elapidae). Bionomina 21(1): 120-122. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T.; Lorvelec, O.; Ohler, A. 2021. The nomenclatural status of the amphibian and reptile nomina introduced by La Cepède in his Histoire Naturelle des Quadrupèdes Ovipares et des Serpens, with comments on various questions of zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 23(1): 1-180. Dubois, A.; Frétey, T.; Ohler, A. 2018. The Relictus case: it is high time that taxonomists follow the Code's requirements for nomenclatural availability and validity of new zoological nomina. Bionomina 13(1): 51-64. Dubois, A.; Nemésio, A.; Bour, R. 2014. Primary, secondary and tertiary syntypes and virtual lectotype designation in zoological nomenclature, with comments on the recent designation of a lectotype for Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758. Bionomina 7(1): 45-64. Dubois, A.; Ohler, A. 2015. An often overlooked Rule of the Code, and its bearing on the authorship and date of the nomen Proteidae (Amphibia, Urodela). Bionomina 9(1): 41-49. Dubois, A.; Ohler, A. 2021. Bionomina, a forum for biological terminology and nomenclature: the first 10 years. Bionomina 21(1): 1-21. Duffus, A.; Tipton, A.F.; Thompson, M.; Tillett, W.; Powers, J.; Bartlett, D.; DeSantis, D. 2024. Ophidiomycosis in a Timber Rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus (Linnaeus 1758), with behavioral and thermal observations: A case report from Georgia, USA. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21443. Duong, T.V.; Vu, L.V.; Vu, H.T.T.; Mulcahy, D.; Bragin, A.M.; Poyarkov, N.A.; Grismer, L.L. 2024. Another new species of Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1927 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) of the angularis group from the karstic landscape of Phong Nha-Ke Bang National Park, central Vietnam. Zootaxa 5471(5): 555-571. Dupérré, N. 2020. Old and new challenges in taxonomy: what are taxonomists up against? Megataxa 1(1): 59-62. Durán-Apuy, A.; Mora, J.M.; Chavarría-Trejos, R.; Madrigal-Vargas, A. 2023. An index to assess the level of vulnerability to crocodiles in coastal communities. Phyllomedusa 22(2): 99-119. Dutta, A.; Gupta, S.; Roy, J.K.; Ahmed, M.F. 2024. First record of the Brown-spotted Pitviper, Protobothrops mucrosquamatus (Cantor 1839), from the present-day state ofAssam, India. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21385. Dutta, G.; Hussain, I.F.; Nath, P.J.; Ahmed, M.F. 2022. New distribution record of Black Softshell Turtle Nilssonia nigricans (Anderson, 1875) from Manas National Park, Assam, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(10): 22029-22031. Dutta, S.K.; Mehra, G.S.; Mohanty, N. 2022. Occurrence patterns of herpetofauna in different habitat types of western Terai Arc Landscape, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(5): 21010-21018. Dyugmedzhiev, A.; Andonov, K.; Hristov, G.; Borissov, S. 2024. New data on the distribution of the Vipera ammodytes (Linnaeus, 1758) mitochondrial lineages place their contact zone in western Bulgaria. Herpetozoa 37: 57-63. Engel, M.S.; Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Daniel, G.M.; Dellapé, P.M.; Löbl, I. & al. 2021. The taxonomic impediment: a shortage of taxonomists, not the lack of technical approaches. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 193: 381-387. Entiauspe-Neto, O.M. 2021. Damsel in distress: is the nomenclature of Lachesis melanocephala Solórzano & Cerdas, 1986 (Serpentes, Viperidae) in need of rescue? Bionomina 24(1): 51-53. Entiauspe-Neto, O.M.; Loebmann, D. 2019. Taxonomic status of Chironius laurenti Dixon, Wiest & Cei, 1993 and of the long-forgotten Chironius dixoni Wiest, 1978 (Squamata, Serpentes). Bionomina 16(1): 83-87. Epstein, M. 2012. Nomenclature, terminology and language. Bionomina 5(1): 1-56. Epstein, M. 2017. Specimens and zoological nomenclature. Bionomina 12(1): 1-3. Erotokritou, E.; Mammides, C.; Vogiatzakis, I.N.; Sfenthourakis, S. 2024. Environmental heterogeneity and lizard assemblages in riparian areas in Cyprus. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e18972. Escoriza, D.; Poch, S.; Boix, D. 2024. Morphological variation of the European Pond Turtle, Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus 1758), on the island of Menorca. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e20599. Espitia-Sanabria, D.E.; Pineda-Infante, I.C.; Patiño Salazar, P. 2024. Interspecific communal oviposition by a Colombian Lightbulb Lizard (Riama columbiana) and Eyelash Lizards (Lepidoblepharis duolepis) in Colombia. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21504. Etard, A.; Newbold, T. 2023. Species-level correlates of land-use responses and climate-change sensitivity in terrestrial vertebrates. Conservation Biology # Evers, T.; Currylow, A.; Sandfoss, M.; McBride, L.; Romagosa, C.; Boone, W.; Guzy, J.; Anderson, G.; Hart, K.; McCollister, M.; Adams, A.Y. 2024. Double take: Ingestion of two rats by a juvenile Burmese Python (Python bivittatus) in Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida, USA IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 31(1): e21283. Fantuzzi, J. 2024. Chapter 6. Odd Scaled Snakes. pp. 106-111. In: Murphy, J.C. (ed.). Aquatic Snakes. Diversity and Natural History. JCM Natural History & Herpetological Conservation International, Green Valley, Arizona. 715 pp. Farooq, H.; Verburgt, L.; Chapeta, Y.; Pietersen, D. 2021. Trachylepis damarana. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T128711022A147705646. Farquhar, J.E.; Prates, I.; Doughty, P.; Rabosky, D.L.; Chapple, D.G. 2024. Morphological and genetic data challenge species and subspecies in the Lerista microtis group (Squamata: Scincidae) Zootaxa 5437(3): 336-362. Farquharson, B.; Raw, L.R.G. 2022. Geographical distribution: Bradypodion ventrale Gray, 1845. African Herp News 80: 84-86. Frétey, T. 2019. Capitalised epithets in the works of Linnaeus (1758?1767): findings and consequences in herpetology. Bionomina 16(1): 22-45. Frétey, T. 2020. Patronymic particle and bibliographic citation. Bionomina 19(1): 57-63. Frétey, T. 2022. The authorship and date of the familial nomen Dermochelyidae (Chelonii). Bionomina 31(1): 46-69. Frétey, T. 2023. Etymology of nomina of Amphibians and Reptiles of the French Antilles. Bionomina 35(1): 20-50. Frétey, T. 2023. The publication dates of the printed issues of the Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France (1876-2015). Bionomina 33(1): 1-162. Frétey, T.; Dubois, A. 2019. The authorship and date of five generic nomina of Squamata and Amphibia published by Cuvier (1816, 1829), with recourse to and comments on twenty Articles of the Code. Bionomina 15(1): 1-36. Frétey, T.; Dubois, A. 2021. It is high time that taxonomists follow the Code. 2. The Virgotyphlops case (Serpentes, Typhlopidae. Bionomina 21(1): 117-119. Frétey, T.; Dubois, A. 2021. The authorship and date of the generic nomen Typhlops and of the familial nomen Typhlopidae (Serpentes). Bionomina 21(1): 111-116. Fritz, U.; Herrmann, H.W.; Rosen, P.C.; Auer, M.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C. 2024. Trachemys in Mexico and beyond: Beautiful turtles, taxonomic nightmare, and a mitochondrial poltergeist (Testudines: Emydidae). Vertebrate Zoology 74: 435-452. Ganesh, S.R.; Rameshwaran, M. 2024. Über ein Exemplar von Cnemaspis galaxia (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) aus den Rajapalayam-Bergen, Westghats, Indien. Sauria (Berlin) 46(1): 62-64. Ganesh, S.R.; Swaathi, N.A.; Ravindra, U. 2024. Erode Ground Gecko Cyrtodactylus speciosus (Beddome, 1870) (Squamata: Gekkonidae) from peri-urban common-lands of Coimbatore, India, with comments on habitat associations. Journal of Threatened Taxa 16(2): 24769-24774. Gao, Z.Y.; Huang, J.J.; Ding, L.; Jiang, K.; Mao, J.; Ren, J.L. 2024. Taxonomic re-evaluation of the subspecies of Hebius vibakari (Boie, 1826) (Reptilia: Serpentes: Natricidae), with new evidence from central and northern China. Zootaxa 5474(5): 503-521. Garcia, C.; Rodrigues-Oliveira, I.H.; Batista da Silva, I.; Rodrigues Rocha, R.; Pasa, R.; Bezerra Menegidio, F.; Kavalco, K.F. 2024. First description of the mitogenome of the endangered turtle Erymnochelys madagascariensis (Testudines: Podocnemididae) and its implications for conservation. Phyllomedusa 23(1): 3-19. García-Ayachi, L.A.; Valencia, J.D.; Bullard, S.; Odar, J.; Quispe, E.; Venegas, P.J. 2024. New records of Dipsas welborni Arteaga & Batista, 2023, Gelanesaurus flavogularis (Altamirano-Benavides, Zaher, Lobo, Grazziotin, Sales-Nunes & Rodrigues, 2013), and Synophis insulomontanus Torres-Carvajal, Echevarría, Venegas, Chávez & Camper, 2015 in the Cordillera de Colán, Peru. Check List 20(3): 630-635. Gawas, M.; Naik, S.; Rane, S.; Sawant, N.; Singh, A. 2022. An unusual morph of Naja naja (Linnaeus, 1758) (Squamata: Serpentes) from Goa, India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(8): 21736-21738. Gawas, M.; Sawant, N.; Naik, S.; Singh, A.; Rane, S. 2022. Corrections to 'An unusual morph of Naja naja (Linnaeus, 1758) from Goa, India (Serpentes: Squamata)'. Journal of Threatened Taxa 14(12): 22354. Geniez, P.; Lutgen, D.; Hingrat, Y.; Rivière, V.; Beddek, M.; Peyre, O.; Crochet, P.A. 2024. Resolving the identity of Pallary's Skink: a new taxon of the genus Chalcides (Squamata: Scincidae) from Morocco and Algeria. Salamandra 60(1): 1-16. 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Dreibeinige aus dem Gouvernement Dhofar. Sauria (Berlin) 46(1): 8-14. Grünwald, C.I.; Mendoza-Portilla, M. del C.G.; Grünwald, A.J.; Montaño-Ruvalcaba, C.; Franz-Chávez, H.; García-Vázquez, U.O.; Reyes-Velasco, J. 2024. A new species of Thamnophis (Serpentes, Colubridae) from Jalisco, Mexico, with a discussion on the phylogeny, taxonomy, and distribution of snakes related to Thamnophis scalaris. Herpetozoa 37: 157-179. Guinea, M.L. 2003. Ecology, systematics and biogeography of sea snakes. Thesis, Faculty of Education, Health and Science, Northern Territory University, Darwin. 556 pp. Guo, K.; Hu, Y.H.; Chen, J.; Zhong, J.; Ji, X. 2024. A new species of the genus Takydromus (Squamata: Lacertidae) from northeastern Guangxi, China. Animals 14(1402): 12 pp. Guo, P.; Liu, Q.; Jin, J.Q.; Shu, F.; Wu, Y.Y.; Che, J. 2024. Multilocus molecular phylogeny and morphological comparisons provide new insights into systematics of the genus Trachischium Günther, 1858 (Serpentes: Natricidae). 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