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Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (www.repfocus.dk).
Latest update: January 31st, 2025.

Taxonomy of the family Anguidae
Bibliography of the genus Wetmorena
Biodiversity of the family Anguidae


Short-headed Four-toed Forest Lizards


Korthovedede Firtåede Ringøgler

1927 Wetmorena Cochran (type species: Wetmorena haetiana Cochran 1927)
Contents: 6 species, which are all endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: Previously regarded as a synonym of Celestus (e.g., Powell, Henderson, Adler & Dundee 1996). Revalidated by Wiens & Slingluff (2001), supported by Schools & Hedges (2021).
Distribution: Dominican Republic, Haiti.

Wetmorena agasepsoides

Serpentine Four-toed Forest Lizard, Serpentine Four-toed Galliwasp



1971 Diploglossus agasepsoides Thomas
Sauresia agasepsoides Strahm & Schwartz 1977
Celestus agasepsoides Hedges 1996
Wetmorena agasepsoides Schools & Hedges 2024

Distribution: Dominican Republic.

Wetmorena haetiana

Stout Earless Forest Lizard, Earless Four-toed Forest Lizard, Earless Galliwasp


Øreløs Ringøgle

1927 Wetmorena haetiana Cochran
Celestus haetianus Hedges, Hass & Maxson 1992

Remarks: Previously included mylica and surda, as well as the population now assigned to orosaura.
Distribution: Dominican Republic, Haiti.

Wetmorena mylica

Barahona Earless Forest Lizard


Øreløs Barahona-ringøgle

1965 Wetmorena haetiana mylica Schwartz
Celestus haetianus mylicus Hedges, Hass & Maxson 1992 (by implication)

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of haetiana (e.g. Schwartz & Henderson 1988). Raised to species status by Schools & Hedges (2024).
Distribution: Dominican Republic, Haiti.

Wetmorena obscura

Long-fingered Earless Forest Lizard

Langzehiger Taub-Ringelschleiche

Langtået Øreløs Ringøgle

2024 Wetmorena obscura Schools & Hedges

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of surda (e.g., Schwartz & Henderson 1991).
Distribution: Haiti.

Wetmorena orosaura

Denfer Earless Forest Lizard


Øreløs Denfer-ringøgle

2024 Wetmorena orosaura Schools & Hedges

Remarks: Previously regarded as a population of haetiana (e.g., Schools & Hedges 2021).
Distribution: Haiti.

Wetmorena surda

Striped Earless Forest Lizard

Gestreifte Taub-Ringelschleiche

Stribet Øreløs Ringøgle

1965 Wetmorena haetiana surda Schwartz
Celestus haetianus surdus Hedges, Hass & Maxson 1992 (by implication)

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of haetiana (e.g. Schwartz & Henderson 1988). Raised to species status by Schools & Hedges (2024). Formerly included the population now assigned to obscura.
Distribution: Dominican Republic, Haiti.