Taxonomy: families
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Lizards (Sauria)


North American Legless Lizards

Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (
Latest update: January 1st, 2025.

Biodiversity of the family Anniellidae Bibliography of the family Anniellidae


North American Legless Lizards
Nordamerikanische Ringelschleichen     Nordamerikanske Slangeøgler*

Contents: Endemicity:
1 genus which is not endemic  0% 100%
6 species of which 5 (83.3%) are endemic  0% 100%

Remarks:  Previously considered a subfamily of Anguidae (e.g., Goin, Goin & Zug 1978). Now considered a separate family (e.g., Bezy & Wrigyt 1971; Bezy, Gorman, Kim & Wright 1977; Hunt 1983; Bell, Mead & Fay 1995; Vitt & Caldwell 2014).

Distribution:  As for the single genus of the family, Anniella.