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Authors: Sa-Sz

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Schleich, H.H.; Anders, C.; Kaestle, W. 2002. Species list with annotations. pp. 78-92. In: Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W. (eds.). Amphibians and reptiles of Nepal: biology, systematics, field guide. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag, Ruggell. 1201 pp.

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Schleich, H.H.; Gassner, P.; Maskey, T.M. 1994. Ultrastrukturen und Variabilität der Eischalen von Gavialis gangeticus (Gmelin, 1789) (Crocodylia: Gavialidae). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg 173: 299-313.

Schleich, H.H.; Gruber, U. 1984. Eine neue Grosskopfschildkröte, Platysternon megacephalum tristernalis nov. ssp., aus Yunnan, China. (Reptilia, Testudines, Platysternidae). Spixiana 7(1): 67-73.

Schleich, H.H.; Kastle, W. 1979. Hautstrukturen als Kletteranpassungen bei Chamaeleo and Cophotis (Reptilia: Sauria: Chamaeleonidae, Agamidae). Salamandra 15(2): 95-100.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W. 1985. Ultrastrukturen der Zehenunterseiten einiger arborikoler Iguaniden (Reptilia, Sauria, Iguanidae). Spixiana 8(3): 251-258.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W. 1998. Contributions to the biology of the genus Sitana (Sauria: Agamidae). Sitana fusca spec. nov., a further species from the Sitana sivalensis complex. pp. 207-226. In: Schleich, H.H. & Kästle, W. (eds.). Contributions to the herpetology of South-Asia (Nepal, India). Fuhlrott-Museum, Wuppertal. 320 pp.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W. 1998. Description of Gonydactylus nepalensis spec. nov. from the Inner Terai of Far West Nepal (Reptilia: Sauria: Gekkonidae). pp. 269-280. In: Schleich, H.H. & Kästle, W. (eds.). Contributions to the herpetology of South-Asia (Nepal, India). Fuhlrott-Museum, Wuppertal. 320 pp.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W. (eds.) 1998. Contributions to the herpetology of South-Asia (Nepal, India). Fuhlrott-Museum, Wuppertal. 320 pp.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W. (eds.). 2002. Amphibians and reptiles of Nepal: biology, systematics, field guide. A.R.G. Gantner Verlag, Ruggell. 1201 pp.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W.; Kabisch, K. 1996. Amphibians and reptiles of North Africa: biology, systematics, field guide. Koeltz Scientific Books, Koenigstein. 630 pp.

Schleich, H.H.; Kästle, W.; Sah, K.B. 1998. Studies on the biology of the genus Sitana (Sauria: Agamidae). Description of Sitana sivalensis spec. nov. from south Nepal. pp. 87-100. In: Schleich, H.H. & Kästle, W. (eds.). Contributions to the herpetology of South-Asia (Nepal, India). Fuhlrott-Museum, Wuppertal. 320 pp.

Schleicher, A. 1999. Afrikanische Schnabelbrustschildkröten. Bermerkungen zur Lebensweise, Haltung und Zucht der Afrikanischen Schnabelbrustschildkröte Chersina angulata (Schweigger, 1812). Schildkröte 1(6): 12-15.

Schleicher, A. 2000. Afrikanische Schnabelbrustschildkröte. 2. Schildkröte 2(1): 10-15.

Schleicher, A. 2004. Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen bei der Haltung der Namibia-Flachschildkröte, Homopus sp. ("Homopus bergeri"), im Freilandgehege in Namibia sowie Bericht über die erfolgreiche Nachzucht dieser Art. Radiata 13(4): 3-12.

Schleicher, A. 2004. Experiences with keeping and breeding the Namibian Cape Tortoise Homopus sp. ("Homopus bergeri"), in a Namibian outdoor enclosure. Radiata (English edition) 13(4): 3-12.

Schleicher, A. 2005. Homopus areolatus the parrot-beaked tortoise. Natural history, captive care, and breeding. Reptilia (GB) 43: 26-30.

Schleicher, A. 2006. Die Areolen-Flachschildkröte Homopus areolatus (Thunberg, 1787) Beobachtungen und Erfahrungen: Lebensweise, Haltung, Nach- und Aufzucht. Reptilia (D) 10(56): 36-40.

Schleicher, A. 2006. Husbandry, observation, behaviour, and breeding of Psammobates tentorius trimeni, Psammobates tentorius verroxii and Psammobates oculiferus. pp. 440-450. In: Artner, H.; Farkas, B. & Loehr, V. (eds.). Turtles: proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium, Vienna 2002. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 618 pp.

Schleicher, A. 2006. Observation on, and keeping of the Okavango hinged terrapin, Pelusios bechuanicus. pp. 436-439. In: Artner, H.; Farkas, B. & Loehr, V. (eds.). Turtles: proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium, Vienna 2002. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 618 pp.

Schleicher, A. 2007. Bemerkungen zu gehäuften kadaverfunden von Lederschildkröten (Dermochelys coriacea) entlang der West- und Skelettküste Namibias. Marginata 15: 58-59.

Schleicher, A. 2012. [Experiences in the care and breeding of the beaked cape tortoise (Homopus areolatus) under different conditions in Namibia and Switzerland. Part I: care and breeding of the species in Nambia (Southern Africa)]. (In German). Marginata 35: 46-54.

Schleicher, A. 2013. Die Pantherschildkröte Stigmochelys pardalis (Bell, 1928). Testudo 22(3): 15-36. Title should read(Bell, 1828).

Schleicher, A. 2015. Reptilien Namibias. Windhoek. 272 pp.

Schleicher, A.; Philippen, H.D. 2012. [Kalahari tent or serrated tortoise Psammobates oculiferus (KUHL, 1820)]. (In German). Marginata 36: 31-34.

Schleicher, A.; Loehr, V.J.T. 2001. Husbandry, behavior, and captive breeding of the Nama padloper, Homopus bergeri, from southwestern Namibia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1): 165-170.

Schleicher, A.; Loehr, V.J.T. 2006. Husbandry, behaviour and captive breeding of the Nama Padloper, Homopus sp. pp. 459-466. In: Artner, H.; Farkas, B. & Loehr, V. (eds.). Turtles: proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium, Vienna 2002. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 618 pp.

Schleip, W.D. 2008. Revision of the genus Leiopython Hubrecht 1879 (Serpentes: Pythonidae) with the redescription of taxa recently described by Hoser (2000) and the description of new species. Journal of Herpetology 42(4): 645-667.

Schleip, W.D. 2009. Natural history notes: Leiopython albertisii (Northern White-lipped Python). Behavior. Herpetological Review 40(2): 231.

Schleip, W.D. 2014. Two new species of Leiopython Hubecht, 1879 (Pythonidae: Serpentes): non-compliance with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature leads to unavailable names in zoological nomenclature. Journal of Herpetology 48(2): 272-275.

Schleip, W.D.; O'Shea, M. 2010. Annotated checklist of the recent and extinct pythons (Serpentes, Pythonidae), with notes on nomenclature, taxonomy, and distribution. ZooKeys 66: 29-80.

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Schlesinger, C.A.; Shine, R. 1994. Selection of diurnal retreat sites by the nocturnal gekkonid lizard Oedura lesueurii. Herpetologica 50(2): 156-163.

Schlesinger, W.H.; Knops, J.M.H.; Nash, T.H. 1993. Arboreal sprint failure: lizardfall in a California oak woodland. Ecology (Tempe) 74(8): 2465-2467.

Schley, L.; Griffiths, R.A. 1998. Midwife toads (Alytes muletensis) avoid chemical cues from snakes (Natrix maura). Journal of Herpetology 32(4): 572-574.

Schlichter, T. 2017. Keeping and breeding of the Florida Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina bauri) in North Germany. Radiata (English Edition) 26(2): 28-34

Schlimm, E.M.; Stohlgren, K.M.; Linehan, J.M.; Smith, L.L. 2011. Natural history notes: Crotalus horridus (Timber Rattlesnake). Neonate growth. Herpetological Review 42(1): 98.

Schlogl, H. 1969. Gopherus polyphemus berlandieri im Freilandterrarium. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 22: 384.

Schluepmann, M. 2003. Die Amphibien und Reptilien im Hagener und Herdecker Raum. 1. Sehr kurze Einführung in die Amphibienbiologie. Cinclus 31(2): 3-13.

Schluepmann, M.; Geiger, A. 2002. Kreuzottern (Vipera berus) im Süderbergland und angrenzenden Naturräumen? Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 9(2): 143-167.

Schlupmann, M. 1996. Zum Status der Mauereidechsenpopulation am Ardeyhang bei Hohensyburg, Dortmund. Cinclus 24(1): 20-26.

Schlüter, A. 1997. Mythos Schlange. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie C (Allgemeinverständliche Aufsätze) 41: 1-85.

Schlüter, A. 2005. Amphibien an einem Stillgewässer in Peru: mit einter illustrierten Checklist der Amphibien und Reptilien des unteren Rio Llullapichis. (Frankfurter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Vol. 22). Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 347 pp.

Schlüter, A. 2009. Die Schlangenfauna Europas. Draco 10(39): 4-21.

Schlüter, A.; Hallermann, J. 1997. The type specimens in the herpetological collection of the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde in Stuttgart. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde Serie A (Biologie) 553: 1-15.

Schlüter, A.; Icochea, J.; Perez, J.M. 2004. Amphibians and reptiles of the lower Rio Llullapichis, Amazonian Peru: updated species list with ecological and biogeographical notes. Salamandra 40(2): 141-160.

Schluter, D. 1985. Body size, prey size and herbivory in the Galapagos lava lizard, Tropidurus. Oikos 43(3): 291-300.

Schluter, U. 1995. Braunnattern und Halsbandnattern im Terrarium. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 49(1): 36-38.

Schluter, U. 1995. Der Indische Schlangenskink. Aquarium (Bornheim) 314: 26.

Schluter, U. 1996. Das Schlangenauge. Aquarium (Bornheim) 322: 26.

Schluter, U. 1996. Die Tüpfel-Rennechse. Aquarium (Bornheim) 319: 26.

Schluter, U. 1996. Echsen aus dem trockenen Nordosten Venezuelas. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 49(3): 165-169.

Schluter, U. 1996. Jacksons Gebirgseidechse. Aquarium (Bornheim) 323: 26.

Schluter, U. 1997. Blattfingergeckos. Aquarium (Bornheim) 341: 27-28.

Schluter, U. 1997. Dorn-Kielschwanzleguan Tropidurus torquatus hispidus im natürlichen Lebensraum und im Terrarium. Aquarium (Bornheim) 331: 50-52.

Schluter, U. 1998. Der Hardun Plocederma stellio daani auf Rhodos beobachtet. Aquarium (Bornheim) 350: 56-60.

Schluter, U. 1998. Mopskopfleguane. Merkwurdige Pfleglinge im Terrarium. Reptilia (D) 3(9): 51-54.

Schluter, U. 1998. Zur Kenntnis von Mopskopfleguanen, Uranoscodon superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1758). Iguana Rundschreiben 11(2)(20): 28-32.

Schluter, U. 1999. Der Texanische Krallengecko. Vorkommen, Körpermerkmale sowie Pflege und Zucht von Coleonyx brevis. Aquarium (Bornheim) 357: 56-57.

Schluter, U. 1999. Die Südchinesische Langschwanzeidechse. Pflege und Nachzucht von Takydromus septentrionalis im Terrarium und Freiland. Reptilia (D) 4(15): 51-54.

Schluter, U. 1999. Haltung und Zucht einiger Anden-Kielschwanzleguane (Stenocercus) aus dem peruanischen Hochland. 1. Stenocercus empetrus und Stenocercus melanopygus. Reptilia (D) 4(19): 52-58.

Schluter, U. 1999. Haltung und Zucht einiger Anden-Kielschwanzleguane (Stenocercus) aus dem peruanischen Hochland. 2. Stenocercus imitator und Stenocercus chlorostictus. Reptilia (D) 4(20): 64-67.

Schluter, U. 1999. Haltung und Zucht von Laos-Geckos (Gekko petricolus). DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 52(9): 35-37.

Schluter, U. 1999. Pflege und Zucht von Stenocercus chrysopygus Boulenger 1900 - einem Hochland-Andenkielschwanzleguan aus Peru. Iguana Rundschreiben 12(1)(21): 18-24.

Schluter, U. 1999. Stenocercus - eine schwierige Leguangattung. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 52(11): 36-41.

Schluter, U. 1999. Tempel, Scheibenzüngler und Reptilien. Reptilia (D) 4(18): 38-42.

Schluter, U. 1999. Zur Kenntnis des gekielten Taubleguans, Holbrookia propinqua. Iguana Rundschreiben 12(2)(22): 32-39.

Schluter, U. 1999. Zur Kenntnis des Huancabamba-Andenkielschwanzleguans, Stenocercus huancabambae Cadle 1991. Iguana Rundschreiben 12(1)(21): 25-30.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Bermerkungen zum Status der Populationen von Stenocercus chrysopygus. Iguana Rundschreiben 13(1)(23): 29-33.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Bibliographie der Gattung Stenocercus (Iguanidae: Tropidurinae). Iguana Rundschreiben 13(2)(24): 35-45.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Das Leguanportrait: Anolis baleatus (Cope, 1864). Iguana Rundschreiben 13(2)(24): 10-11.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Das Leguanportrait: Hoplocercus spinosus Fitzinger, 1843. Iguana Rundschreiben 13(1)(23): 8-9.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Daten zur Reproduktion einiger Stenocercus-Arten. Iguana Rundschreiben 13(1)(23): 34-36.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Daten zur Reproduktion von Tropidurini. Iguana Rundschreiben 13(2)(24): 18-22.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Der Kanarenskink. Lebensräume und Verhalten sowie Pflege und Fortpflanzung im Terrarium von Chalcides viridanus. Aquarium (Bornheim) 373: 64-69.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Geschlechtsunterschiede bei Leguanen. Draco 1(4): 18-28.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Haltung und Zucht einiger Anden-Kielschwanzleguane (Stenocercus) aus dem peruanischen Hochland. 3. Stenocercus huancabambae und Stenocercus chrysopygus. Reptilia (D) 5(21): 58-62.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Wüstenkielschwanzleguane aus Peru. Draco 1(4): 44-49.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Zur Bestimmung von Andenkielschwanzleguanen Stenocercus Dumeril & Bibron, 1837. Iguana Rundschreiben 13(2)(24): 23-34.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Zur Kenntnis von Blancs Fransenfinger (Acanthodactylus blanci). Elaphe 8(3): 70-72.

Schlüter, U. 2000. Ägyptische Dunenfransenfinger. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 53(2): 30-31.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Anden-Kielschwanzleguan. Vorkommen, Beschreibung sowie Pflege und Zucht von Stenocercus chrysopygus. Aquarium (Bornheim) 379: 68-70.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Bemerkungen zu Habitat und Lebensweise von Stelzenläuferleguanen (Plica plica). Iguana Rundschreiben 14(2): 29-31.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Das Leguanportrait: Stenocercus iridescens (Günther, 1859). Iguana Rundschreiben 14(2): 4-5.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Das Leguanportrait: Uma scoparia Cope, 1894. Iguana Rundschreiben 14(1): 4-6.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Daten zur Reproduktion der Polychrotinae mit Ausnahme der Anolisartigen. Iguana Rundschreiben 14(2): 32-33.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Die Herpetofauna von Südwest-Marokko. Reptilia (D) 6(31): 43-49

Schlüter, U. 2001. Leuchtende Tejus? Die Zwergtejus der Gattung Proctoporus. Mit Anmerkungen zu Leuchtorganen bei Echsen. Reptilia (D) 6(30): 61-64.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Neuerungen in der Systematik der mittelamerikanischen Saumfinger der Gattung Norops seit 1996. Iguana Rundschreiben 14(2): 19-28.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Riesengeckos von Madagaskar. Homopholis boivini (Dumeril, 1856) im Terrarium. Reptilia (D) 6(28): 60-63.

Schlüter, U. 2001. Temperaturansprüche des Mopskopfleguans. Iguana Rundschreiben 14(1): 27-29.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Ameiva undulata (Wiegmann, 1834). Reptilia (D) 7(33): 51-54.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Das Leguanportrait: Microlophus peruvianus (Lesson, 1826). Iguana Rundschreiben 15(1): 5-7.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Die Fransenfingereidechsen (Acanthodactylus) Nordafrikas. Draco 3(10): 58-65.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Die Hornvipern (Cerastes) Nordafrikas. Draco 3(10): 74-78.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Die Reptilien und Amphibien der Kerkennah-Inseln. Elaphe 10(2): 68-74.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Haltung und Zucht einiger Blattfingergeckos aus Peru. Aquaristik Fachmagazin 34(2)(164): 82-85.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Kommentierte Bibliographie des Mopskopfleguans, Uranoscodon superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1758). Iguana Rundschreiben 15(1): 16-20.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Podarcis filfolensis. Die Malta-Eidechse. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 55(6): 26-29.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Zur Herpetofauna von Gibraltar. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 55(4): 30-33.

Schlüter, U. 2002. Zur Kenntnis von Busacks Fransenfinger (Acanthodactylus busacki Salvador, 1982). Elaphe 10(4): 58-61.

Schlüter, U. 2003. Beobachtungen an Lacertiden in der Umgebung von Aïn Draham (Kroumire/Tunesien). Die Eidechse 14(1): 13-17.

Schlüter, U. 2003. Die Langschwanzeidechsen der Gattung Takydromus. Pflege, Zucht, Lebensweise. Kirschner & Seufer, Keltern-Weiler. 110 pp.

Schlüter, U. 2003. Haltung und Zucht von Sind-Felsengeckos, Cyrtopodion kachhensis (Stoliczka, 1872). Reptilia (D) 8(40): 65-67.

Schlüter, U. 2003. Im Porträt: die Vietnamesische Schmetterlingsagame (Leiolepis guttata Cuvier, 1829). Draco 4(14): 40-41.

Schlüter, U. 2003. Lacertiden aus dem Reraïa-Hochtal und Toubkal-Nationalpark im Hohen Atlas von Marokko. Die Eidechse 14(3): 94-104.

Schlüter, U. 2003. Zur Kenntnis des Westlichen Schlangenauges, Ophisops occidentalis (Boulenger, 1887). Elaphe 11(3): 56-63.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Anmerkungen zur Herpetofauna der Südkarpaten. Elaphe 12(2): 75-80.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Bemerkungen über Warantejus, Tejovaranus flavipunctatus (Dumeril & Bibron, 1839). Sauria (Berlin) 26(1): 17-21.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Bemerkungen zur Gewöhnlichen Langschwanzeidechse, Latastia longicaudata (Reuss, 1834). Die Eidechse 15(2): 52-57.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Bemerkungen zur Motagua-Rennechese (Cnemidophorus motaguae). Reptilia (D) 9(49): 40-42.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Die Lacertiden von Rhodos. Die Eidechse 15(3): 69-78.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Ein ungewöhnliches Schwanzregenerat bei Hemitheconyx caudicinctus (Dumeril, 1851). Elaphe 12(3): 54-55.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Farbenprächtige Ameiven. Lebensweise, Pflege und Zucht von Ameiva ameiva. Aquaristik Fachmagazin & Aquarium Heute 36(3)(177): 86-89.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Haltung und Zucht einiger Anden-Kielschwanzleguane (Stenocercus) aus dem peruanischen Hochland. 4. Bemerkungen zu Variation, Geschlechtsdimorphismus und Ökologie von Stenocercus melanopygus Boulenger, 1900. Reptilia (D) 9(47): 65-71.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Lialis burtonis Gray, 1835 Burton Spitzkopf-Flossenfuss. Reptilia (D) 9(47): 51-54.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Mögliche Lebensräume der Algerischen Zornnatter, Hemorrhois algirus (Jan, 1863) auf Malta. Elaphe 12(2): 68-71.

Schlüter, U. 2004. Zwerggeckos (Tropiocolotes Peters, 1880) aus Nordafrika - Lebensräume, Verhalten, Pflege und Nachzucht. Draco 5(18): 52-58.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Chott el Djerid. Reptilia (D) 10(55): 44-50.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Der Mongolische Wüstenrenner, Eremias argus Peters, 1869. Draco 6(21): 82-85.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Die Herpetofauna der bulgarischen Schwarzmeerküste. 1. Naturraum und Schildkröten. Elaphe 13(3): 48-56.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Die Herpetofauna der bulgarischen Schwarzmeerküste. 2. Echsen. Elaphe 13(4): 52-58.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Die Herpetofauna des Comorova-Waldes in Rumänien. Elaphe 13(1): 57-62.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Die Malta-Eidechse - Podarcis filfolensis (Bedriaga, 1876). Die Eidechse 16(1): 1-10.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Die Smaragdeidechsen der Dobrudscha. Die Eidechse 16(2): 46-61.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Die Zornnattern Nordafrikas. Reptilia (D) 10(52): 56-64.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Haltung und Zucht einiger Anden-Kielschwanzleguane (Stenocercus) aus dem peruanischen Hochland. 5. Ergänzende Bemerkungen zu Stenocercus chlorostictus, zur Jugendfärbung von Stenocercus empetrus und zur Variabilität von Stenocercus chrysopygus. Reptilia (D) 10(53): 56-63.

Schlüter, U. 2005. Quedenfeldtia trachyblepharus (Boettger, 1874) Atlas-Taggecko. Reptilia (D) 10(54): 51-53.

Schlüter, U. 2006. Bemerkungen zur Schwanzfärbung peruanischer Blattfingergeckos (Phyllodactylus). Elaphe 14(1): 55-57.

Schlüter, U. 2006. Der Gefleckte Walzenskink - Chalcides ocellatus. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 62 pp.

Schlüter, U. 2006. Die Herpetofauna der bulgarischen Schwarzmeerküste. 3. Schlangen. Elaphe 14(2): 59-66.

Schlüter, U. 2006. Die Mauereidechsen (Podarcis) der Dobrudscha. Die Eidechse 17(3): 80-88.

Schlüter, U. 2006. Die nordafrikanisch-arabische Katzennatter Telescopus dhara (Forsskål, 1775). Reptilia (D) 11(59): 71-75.

Schlüter, U. 2006. Sandliebhaber die psammophilen Nattern Nordafrikas. Reptilia (D) 11(60): 72-80.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Die Ernährung von Ameiven und Warantejus in der Natur und bei Terrarienhaltung. Reptilia (D) 11(62): 56-62.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Die Wüstenrenner der Gattung Mesalina Gray, 1845 Tunesiens. Die Eidechse 18(1): 13-21.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Diet of wild and captive ameivas and monitor Tegus (family Teiidae). Reptilia (GB) 54: 62-67.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Fransenfingereidechsen (Acanthodactylus) in der Natur und im Terrarium. 1. Allgemeines zu Ökologie und Verhalten. Reptilia (D) 12(66): 68-76.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Fransenfingereidechsen (Acanthodactylus) in der Natur und im Terrarium. 2. Grundlagen der Terrarienhaltung und Reproduktionsbiologie. Reptilia (D) 12(67): 56-65.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Pflege und Nachzucht des Peruanischen Blattfing geckos Phyllodactylus reissii Peters, 1862. Reptilia (D) 12(64): 80-83.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Pflege und Zucht von Microlophus stolzmanni, mit Bemerkungen zu Ökologie und Geschlechtsdimorphismus. Aquaristik Fachmagazin & Aquarium Heute 39(4)196: 106-109.

Schlüter, U. 2007. Tarentola annularis Empfehlenswert: Mauergeckos. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 60(5): 56-59.

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Schmidt, K.P. 1928. Amphibians and land reptiles of Porto Rico, with a list of those reported from the Virgin Islands. Sci. Surv. Porto Rico Virgin Isl. New York 10(1): 1-160.

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Schmidt, K.P. 1930. Reptiles of Marshall Field North Arabian Desert Expeditions, 1927-1928. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago 17(6): 223-230.

Schmidt, K.P. 1932. A new subspecies of coral snake from Guatemala. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 20: 265-267.

Schmidt, K.P. 1932. Notes on New Guinean Crocodiles. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 18: 167-172.

Schmidt, K.P. 1932. Reptiles and amphibians from the Solomon Islands. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 18: 175-190.

Schmidt, K.P. 1932. Reptiles and amphibians of the Mandel Venezuelan Expedition. Field Mus. Nat. Hist. Chicago 18: 159-163.

Schmidt, K.P. 1932. Stomach contents of some American coral snakes, with the description of a new species of Geophis. Copeia 1932: 6-9.

Schmidt, K.P. 1933. A new snake from Arabia. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 9-10.

Schmidt, K.P. 1933. Amphibians and reptiles collected by the Smithsonian Biological Survey of the Panama Canal Zone. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 89(1): 1-20.

Schmidt, K.P. 1933. New reptiles and amphibians from Honduras. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 15-22.

Schmidt, K.P. 1933. Preliminary account of the coral snakes of Central America and Mexico. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 29-40.

Schmidt, K.P. 1934. The reptiles of the Pulitzer Angola Expedition. Annals of the Carnegie Museum 22(1-4): 1-15.

Schmidt, K.P. 1935. A new Crocodile from the Philippine Islands. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20(8): 67-70.

Schmidt, K.P. 1935. Notes on the breeding behavior of lizards. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20(9): 71-76.

Schmidt, K.P. 1936. New amphibians and reptiles from Honduras in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 49: 43-50.

Schmidt, K.P. 1936. Notes on Bahaman reptiles and amphibians. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 127-133.

Schmidt, K.P. 1936. Notes on Brazilian amphisbaenians. Herpetologica 1936: 28-32.

Schmidt, K.P. 1936. Notes on Central American and Mexican coral snakes. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 205-216.

Schmidt, K.P. 1936. Preliminary account of coral snakes of South America. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 189-203.

Schmidt, K.P. 1937. The history of Elaps collaris Schlegel 1837-1937. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 361-364.

Schmidt, K.P. 1938. History of a paratype of Crocodylus mindorensis. Copeia 1938: 89.

Schmidt, K.P. 1938. Turtles of the Chicago area. Field Museum Chicago 14: 1-24.

Schmidt, K.P. 1939. A new coral snake from British Guiana. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24: 45-47.

Schmidt, K.P. 1939. A new lizard from Mexico with a note on the genus Norops. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24: 7-10.

Schmidt, K.P. 1939. Reptiles and amphibians from southwestern Asia. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24(7): 49-92.

Schmidt, K.P. 1940. Notes on Texan snakes of the genus Salvadora. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24: 143-150.

Schmidt, K.P. 1940. The guano islands of Peru. Chicago Naturalist 3(4): 99-104.

Schmidt, K.P. 1941. Reptiles and amphibians from central Arabia. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24(16): 161-165.

Schmidt, K.P. 1941. The amphibians and reptiles of British Honduras. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 22(8): 475-510.

Schmidt, K.P. 1943. Amphibians and reptiles from the Sudan. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24: 331-338.

Schmidt, K.P. 1943. Corollary and commentary for "Climate and Evolution". American Midland Naturalist 30(1): 241-253.

Schmidt, K.P. 1944. Crocodiles. Fauna (Philadelphia) 6: 67-72.

Schmidt, K.P. 1945. A new name for the Brazilian Mabuya. Copeia 1945: 45.

Schmidt, K.P. 1945. Problems in the distribution of the marine turtles. Marine Life, New York 1: 7-10.

Schmidt, K.P. 1946. On the zoo-geography of the Holarctic Region. Copeia 1946(3): 144-152.

Schmidt, K.P. 1946. The new Systematics, the new Anatomy, and the new Natural History. Copeia 1946(2): 57-63.

Schmidt, K.P. 1946. Turtles collected by the Smithsonian Biological Survey of the Panama Canal Zone. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 106(8): 1-9.

Schmidt, K.P. 1947. A new kinosternid turtle from Colombia. Fieldiana Zoology 31(13): 109-112.

Schmidt, K.P. 1950. Modes of evolution discernible in the taxonomy of snakes. Evolution 4(1): 79-86.

Schmidt, K.P. 1950. Notes on specific protection of fishes, amphibians and reptiles. Proceedings & Pap. Internat. tech. Conf. Protect Nature Paris 1949: 540-541.

Schmidt, K.P. 1951. Annotated bibliography of marine ecological relations of living amphibians and reptiles (except turtles). Mar. Life 1(9): 43-54.

Schmidt, K.P. 1952. Crocodile hunting in Central America. Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus. Popular Ser. Zool. 15: 2-23.

Schmidt, K.P. 1952. Diagnoses of new amphibians and reptiles from Iran. Natural History Miscellanea (Chicago) 93: 1-2.

Schmidt, K.P. 1952. Problemas generates de la zoogeografia. An. Inst. Trop. Investig. Cientif., Univ. Salvador 1952: 106-124.

Schmidt, K.P. 1952. References to the tuatara in the Stephen Island letter book. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 1-10.

Schmidt, K.P. 1952. The Surinam coral snake Micrurus surinamensis. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 25-34.

Schmidt, K.P. 1953. A checklist of North American amphibians and reptiles. (6th ed.). American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (University of Chicago Press.....?), Chicago. 280 pp.

Schmidt, K.P. 1953. A visit to Karewa Island home of the tuatara. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 153-164.

Schmidt, K.P. 1953. Amphibians and reptiles of Yemen. Fieldiana Zoology 34(24): 253-261.

Schmidt, K.P. 1953. Hemprich's coral snake, Micrurus hemprichi. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 165-170.

Schmidt, K.P. 1953. The Amazonian coral snake, Micrurus spixi. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 171-180.

Schmidt, K.P. 1954. Omissions from the sixth edition of the check list of North American amphibians and reptiles. Copeia 1954: 304-306.

Schmidt, K.P. 1954. Review of "Curious Creatures" by E. Pinner. Scientific Monthly (New York) 79(3): Unpaginated.

Schmidt, K.P. 1954. The annellated coral snake, Micrurus annellatus Peters. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 319-325.

Schmidt, K.P. 1955. Amphibians and reptiles from Iran. Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening (Copenhagen) 117: 193-207.

Schmidt, K.P. 1955. Coral snakes of the genus Micrurus in Colombia. Fieldiana Zoology 34: 337-359.

Schmidt, K.P. 1955. Herpetology. pp. 591-627. In: Kessel, E.L. (ed.). A century of progress in the natural sciences 1853-1953. California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 807 pp.

Schmidt, K.P. 1956. On the status and relations of Crocodylus mindorensis. Fieldiana Zoology 33: 533-539.

Schmidt, K.P. 1957. Anent the 'dangerous' bush-master. Copeia 1957: 233.

Schmidt, K.P. 1957. Notes on lizards of the genus Dicrodon. Fieldiana Zoology 39(9): 65-71.

Schmidt, K.P. 1957. The venomous coral snakes of Trinidad. Fieldiana Zoology 39(8): 55-63.

Schmidt, K.P. 1958. Some rare or little known Mexican coral snakes. Fieldiana Zoology 39: 201-212.

Schmidt, K.P. 1958. The nature of the Natural History Museum. Curator 1: 20-28.

Schmidt, K.P.; Andrews, E.W. 1936. Notes on snakes from Yucatan. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 20: 167-187.

Schmidt, K.P.; Bogert, C.M. 1947. A new fringe-footed sand lizard from Coahuila, Mexico. American Museum Novitates 1339: 1-9.

Schmidt, K.P.; Burt, C.E. 1930. Herpetological results of the Whitney South Sea Expedition. V. Description of Emoia sanfordi, a new lizard from islands of the western Pacific (Scincidae). American Museum Novitates 436: 1-3.

Schmidt, K.P.; Conant, R. 1950. The names of the common North American garter snake and ribbon snake. Copeia 1950(1): 58.

Schmidt, K.P.; Conant, R. 1952. Supplementary request submitted in connection with the application laid before the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature in regard to the trivial name sirtalis Linnaeus, 1758. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 6: 146.

Schmidt, K.P.; Davis, D.D. 1941. Field book of snakes of the United States and Canada. Putnam's Sons, New York. 365 pp.

Schmidt, K.P.; Inger, R.F. 1951. Amphibians and reptiles of the Hopkins-Branner Expedition to Brazil. Fieldiana Zoology 31: 439-465.

Schmidt, K.P.; Inger, R.F. 1957. Living reptiles of the world. Hamish Hamilton, London. 287 pp.

Schmidt, K.P.; Inger, R.F. 1968. Verdens Dyreliv. Krybdyr. Hassings Forlag, Copenhagen. 255 pp. (Danish translation and abbreviation of "Living Reptiles", originally published in 1957).

Schmidt, K.P.; Marx, H. 1956. The herpetology of Sinai. Fieldiana Zoology 39(4): 21-40.

Schmidt, K.P.; Marx, H. 1957. Results of Namru-3 southeastern Egypt Expedition, 1954. 2. reptiles and amphibians. Bulletin Zool. Soc. Egypt 13[1955-56]: 16-27.

Schmidt, K.P.; Necker, W.L. 1933. The lizards of the Marquesas Islands. Bishop Museum Occasional Papers 10(2): 1-11.

Schmidt, K.P.; Necker, W.L. 1935. Amphibians and reptiles of the Chicago region. Bulletin of the Chicago Academy of Sciences 5: 59-79.

Schmidt, K.P.; Necker, W.L. 1936. The scientific name of the American smooth green snake. Herpetologica 1936(1): 63-64.

Schmidt, K.P.; Noble, G.K. 1998. Contributions to the herpetology of the Belgian Congo. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles), St. Louis. 709pp. (Facsimile reprint of 1919, 1923 and 1924 originals, with separately paginated parts with introductions by D.G. Broadley and J.C. Poynton).

Schmidt, K.P.; Owens, D.W. 1944. Amphibians and reptiles of northern Coahuila, Mexico. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 29(6): 97-115.

Schmidt, K.P.; Rand, A.S. 1957. Geographic variation in the Central American colubrine snake, Ninia sebae. Fieldiana Zoology 39(10): 73-84.

Schmidt, K.P.; Schmidt, F.J.W. 1925. New coral snakes from Peru. Reports on results of the Captain Marshall Field Expeditions. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 12(10): 129-134.

Schmidt, K.P.; Shannon, F.A. 1947. Notes on amphibians and reptiles of Michoacan, Mexico. Fieldiana Zoology 31(9): 63-85.

Schmidt, K.P.; Smith, H.M. 1943. Notes on coral snakes from Mexico. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 29(2): 25-31.

Schmidt, K.P.; Smith, T.F. 1944. Amphibians and reptiles of the Big Bend region of Texas. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 29(5): 75-96.

Schmidt, K.P.; Stuart, L.G. 1941. The herpetological fauna of the Salama Basin, Baja Verapaz, Guatemala. Field Mus. Pub. Chicago 24(21): 233-247.

Schmidt, K.P.; Walker, W.F. 1943. Peruvian snakes from the University of Arequipa. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24: 279-296.

Schmidt, K.P.; Walker, W.F. 1943. Snakes of the Peruvian coastal region. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24(27): 297-324.

Schmidt, K.P.; Walker, W.F. 1943. Three new snakes from the Peruvian Andes. Field Museum of Natural History Zoological Series 24(28): 325-329.

Schmidt, K.P.; Walker, W.F. 1945. Ofidios de la región Costern del Perú. Bol. Mus. Hist. Nat. "J. Prado" 9(34-35): 293-330.

Schmidt, M. 1992. Kugelfinger-Geckos von Martinique. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 45(1): 25-27.

Schmidt, M. 1993. Martinique. Die Heimat der schönen Anolis roquet. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 46(7): 459-461.

Schmidt, M. 1996. Anolis marmoratus Dumeril & Bibron, 1837. Reptilia (D) 1(2): 39-42.

Schmidt, M. 2000. Anolis roquet. Reptilia (D) 5(24): 47-50.

Schmidt, M.; Nowack, C.; Woehrmann-Repenning, A. 2010. On the presence of taste buds close to the vomeronasal organs in Gekkonidae. Amphibia-Reptilia 31(3): 355-361.

Schmidt, P. 1898. Beobachtungen aus dem Frei- und Gefangenleben der Schlingnatter (Coronella austriaca, Laur.). Zoologischer Garten 39: 186-188.

Schmidt, P. 1900. Die Dahl'sche Natter (Zamenis dahli Fitz.) in der Gefangenschaft. Zoologische Garten 41: 217-218.

Schmidt, P. 1911. Eine grüne Varietät der Calotes versicolor (Daudin)? Zool. Beob. (Frankfurt am Main) 52: 350-352.

Schmidt, P. 1924. Jugendform des Riesengürtelschweifs Zonurus giganteus Smith. Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde (Stuttgart) 35: 336-337.

Schmidt, P. 1930. Vom Freileben der Schlingnatter, Coronella austriaca. Aquarium (Berlin) 1930: 215-7.

Schmidt, P. 1930. Zonurus cataphractus Boie. Das Aquarium (Berlin) 1930: 153-155.

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Sharma, V.; Jain, A.; Bhandari, R. 2015. A new locality for the elusive and endemic Yellow-Spotted Wolf Snake (Lycodon flavomaculatus Wall 1907), with notes on distribution and habitat. IRCF Reptiles & Amphibians 22(4): 164–167.

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Shaver, D.J.; Lamont, M.M.; Maxwell, S.; Walker, J.S.; Dillingham, T. 2016. Head-started Kemp's Ridley Turtle (Lepidochelys kempii) nest recorded in Florida: possible implications. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 15(1): 138-143.

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Shaw, C.E. 1951. Male combat in American colubrid snakes with remarks on combat in other colubrid and elapid snakes. Herpetologica 7: 149-168.

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Shaw, C.E. 1952. Sexual dimorphism in Terrapene klauberi and the relationship of T. nelsoni to T. klauberi. Herpetologica 8: 39-41.

Shaw, C.E. 1953. A hibernating Chionactis occipitalis annulatus. Herpetologica 9: 72.

Shaw, C.E. 1953. Anniella pulchra and A. geronimensis, sympatric species. Herpetologica 8: 167-170.

Shaw, C.E. 1954. Captive-bred Cuban iguanas Cyclura macleayi macleayi. Herpetologica 10: 73-78.

Shaw, C.E. 1956. A dragon with frills. Zoonooz 29(10): 3-4.

Shaw, C.E. 1956. Hail to the new champ! Zoonooz 29(11): 10-11.

Shaw, C.E. 1957. Lightning strikes oftener than rattlers. Zoonooz 30(5): 3-6.

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Shaw, C.E. 1957. Longevity of snakes in captivity in the United States as of January 1, 1957. Copeia 1957: 310.

Shaw, C.E. 1957. Monitors do admonish. Zoonooz 30(7): 3-5.

Shaw, C.E. 1957. Sea serpents do exist. Zoonooz 30: 10-12.

Shaw, C.E. 1958. All cobras have hoods. Zoonooz 31: 10-13.

Shaw, C.E. 1958. Desert snakes go forth at night. Zoonooz 31: 10-14.

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Shaw, C.E. 1959. Record size desert tortoises. Herpetologica 15: 69.

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Shaw, C.E. 1960. Dune dwellers. Zoonooz 33(4): 10-12.

Shaw, C.E. 1960. Lizards with a hundred-million-year history. Zoonooz 33(8): 3-5.

Shaw, C.E. 1960. Notes on the eggs, incubation and young of Chamaeleo basiliscus. British Journal of Herpetology 2: 182-185.

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Shaw, C.E. 1960. Ways and wiles of alligators. Zoonooz 33(10): 10-13.

Shaw, C.E. 1961. Another generation of Galapagos giants. Zoonooz 34(12): 10-15.

Shaw, C.E. 1961. Eggs preferred. Zoonooz 34(1): 3-7.

Shaw, C.E. 1961. Snakes of the sea. Zoonooz 34(7): 3-5.

Shaw, C.E. 1962. A novel approach to an old collecting technique. Copeia 1962: 644.

Shaw, C.E. 1962. Bipes the elusive two-legged lizard. Zoonooz 35(8): 10-15.

Shaw, C.E. 1962. Longevity of snakes in the United States as of 1 January 1962. Copeia 1962: 438.

Shaw, C.E. 1963. An albino San Diego horned lizard (Phrynosoma coronatum blainvillei). Copeia 1963: 154.

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Shaw, C.E. 1963. Dragons big and bold. Zoonooz 36(10): 3-7.

Shaw, C.E. 1963. Growth of the Galapagos tortoise. Zoonooz 36(2): 15, 1.

Shaw, C.E. 1963. Notes on the eggs, incubation and young of some African reptiles. British Journal of Herpetology 3: 63-71.

Shaw, C.E. 1964. Beaded lizards - dreaded, but seldom deadly. Zoonooz 37(3): 10-15.

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Shaw, C.E. 1965. Why do snakes live so long? Zoonooz 38(1): 3-7.

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Shaw, C.E. 1966. The exiles. Zoonooz 39: 5-7.

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Shaw, C.E. 1967. Sound of the gecko. Zoonooz 40(5): 4-8.

Shaw, C.E. 1967. The eggs and young of the marine iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus). Copeia 1966: 585.

Shaw, C.E. 1968. Double trouble again. Zoonooz 41(4): 4-6.

Shaw, C.E. 1968. Reproduction of the gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) at the San Diego Zoo. Zoologische Garten 35(1-2): 1-6.

Shaw, C.E. 1968. The giant's outlook. Zoonooz 41(11): 12-18.

Shaw, C.E. 1969. Breeding the rhinoceros iguana Cyclura cornuta cornuta at San Diego Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 9: 45-48.

Shaw, C.E. 1969. Longevity of snakes in North American collections as of 1 January, 1968. Zoologische Garten (Leipzig) 37: 193-196.

Shaw, C.E. 1969. The obese vegetarians. Zoonooz 42: 6-11.

Shaw, C.E. 1970. The hardy (and prolific) soft shelled tortoise. International Turtle and Tortoise Society Journal 4(1): 6-9, 30-31.

Shaw, C.E. 1971. A record longevity for the Central American bushmaster, Lachesis mutus stenophrys Cope. Zoologische Garten (Leipzig) 40(3): 143-147.

Shaw, C.E. 1971. A two-headed tale. Zoonooz 44(3): Unpaginated.

Shaw, C.E. 1971. The coral snakes, genera Micrurus and Micruroides, of the United States and northern Mexico. pp. 157-172. In: Bücherl, W. & Buckley, E.E. (eds.): Venomous animals and their venoms. Vol. 2. Venomous vertebrates (snakes, saurians, batrachians, fishes). Academic Press, New York. 687 pp.

Shaw, C.E. 2004. Food habits of the Chuckwalla, Sauromalus obesus. Iguana (West Hartford) 11(2): 124.

Shaw, C.E.; Campbell, S. 1974. Snakes of the American west. Alfred A. Knopf, New York. 330 pp.

Shaw, C.J. 1925. Notes on the effect of the bite of McMahon's viper (Eristocophis mcmahoni). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 30: 485-486.

Shaw, D.E.S. 1969. Conservational ordinances in Papua and New Guinea. Biological Conservation 2: 50-53.

Shaw, D.L. 1971. Gwydyr Forest in Snowdonia. Forestry Commn. Bookl. 28: 1-107.

Shaw, E.G.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1999. The snakes of Sikkim and Bengal. Asiatic Survey India, New Delhi. 125 pp.

Shaw, G. 1794. The Zoology of new Holland. Illustrated by J. Sowerby. London. 33 pp.

Shaw, G. 1802. General zoology, or systematic natural history, with plates from the first authorities and most select specimens. Vol. 3. Part 1. Amphibia. T. Davidson, London. 312 pp. (This publication was published in 14 vols. from 1800 to 1826, each volume is in two parts; vol. 3 appeared in 1802).

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Shaw, G.; Nodder, F.P. 1797. Foeminae lectissimae et ornatissimae juliae ducissae northumbriensi nonum hunc naturae vivarii fasciculum. Nat. Misc. 8: (unpaginated), pl. 291.

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Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1938. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. I. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 12: 105-112.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1939. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. III. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 13: 64-73.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1939. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. IV. The colubrine snakes. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 13: 114-123.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1939. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. V. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 13: 141.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1939. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. VI. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 13: 150-159.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1940. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. IX. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 15(2): 60-68.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1940. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. VII. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 14: 106-112.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1940. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. VIII. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 14: 137-145.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1941. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. X. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 16(2): 57-67.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1942. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. XL. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 16(4): 113-121.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1946. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. II. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 21(1): 13-18.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1946. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. III. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 21(2): 58-65.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1947. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. XIV. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 22(1): 17-25.

Shaw, G.E.; Shebbeare, E.O.; Barker, P.E. 1947. The snakes of northern Bengal and Sikkim. XV. Journal of the Darjeeling Natural History Society 22(2): 62-70.

Shaw, G.H. 1999. General Zoology. Vol. III. Amphibians and Reptiles. (Reprint, first published in 1802, with an introduction by Hobart M. Smith and Patrick David). Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (Facsimile Reprints in Herpetology), Ithaka, N.Y. 711 pp.

Shaw, J.R. 1992. Feeding habits of the western banded snake eagle. Honeyguide 38(3): 119-120.

Shaw, T.H. 1934. Some vertebrates of Hopei Province. Lingnan Sci. Journ. Canton 13(4): 663-664.

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Shea, G. 1981. Notes on the reproductive biology of the eastern blue-tongue skink, Tiliqua scincoides (Shaw). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 12(2): 16-23.

Shea, G. 1982. Observations on some members of the genus Tiliqua. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(2): 18-20.

Shea, G. 1987. Northern spiny-tailed gecko. Australian Natural History 22(8): 361.

Shea, G. 1990. On the status of Katophis plumbea MacLeay (Serpentes: Colubridae). Journal of Herpetology 24(3): 313-314.

Shea, G. 1990. The genera Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus (Lacertilia: Scincidae): generic diagnoses and systematic relationships. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 29(3): 495-519.

Shea, G. 1991. A replacement name for Lerista concolor Storr, 1990 (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 15(1): 289.

Shea, G. 1991. Revisionary notes on the genus Delma (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 25(1): 71-90.

Shea, G. 1991. The identity of Lygosoma (Rhodona) goerlingi Ahl, 1935 (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 15(1): 303-306.

Shea, G. 1993. A newly discovered old record of the endangered striped legless lizard, Delma impar (Squamata: Pygopodidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 23(2): 13-14.

Shea, G. 1993. Family Pygopodidae. pp. 234-239. In: Glasby, C.J.; Ross, G.J.B. & Beesley, P.L. (eds.). Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A. Amphibia & Reptilia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 439 pp.

Shea, G. 1993. Hidden herpetology: a list of theses in Australian universities to mid-1993. pp. 1-15. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.

Shea, G. 1993. New record of Lerista allanae (Squamata: Scincidae). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 33(1): 220.

Shea, G. 1993. The anatomist John Hunter (1728-1793), the eastern bluetongue skink Tiliqua scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae) and the discovery of herbivory in skinks. Archives of Natural History 20(3): 303-306.

Shea, G. 1993. The male reproductive cycle of the eastern blue-tongued lizard Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae). pp. 397-403. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.

Shea, G. 1994. Three species of goanna occur in the Sydney Basin. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 24(2): 14-18.

Shea, G. 1995. A small collection of skinks and geckos from the northwestern Islands of Fiji (Yasawa and Mamanuca groups). Pacific Science 49(2): 126-133.

Shea, G. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus casuarinae complex (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(1): 83-115.

Shea, G. 1995. Gehyra dubia (Macleay, 1877) confirmed as senior synonym of Perochirus mestoni De Vis, 1890. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(2): 610.

Shea, G. 1995. Herbivory in Egernia hosmeri (Squamata: Scincidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(2): 8-11.

Shea, G. 1995. The effect of an inadequate key: Ramphotyphlops broomi (Squamata: Typhlopidae) does not occur in New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(1): 15-18.

Shea, G. 1995. The holotype and additional records of Pogona henrylawsoni Wells & Wellington, 1985. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(2): 574.

Shea, G. 1996. Correction of the incorrect original spelling of the species name of a hydrophiid snake. The Snake 27(2): 157.

Shea, G. 1998. Comment on the proposed conservation of the specific name of Diemenia atra Macleay, 1884 (currently Demansia atra; Reptilia, Serpentes). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 55(2): 115-118.

Shea, G. 1998. Comments on the proposed conservation of the specific name of Varanus teriae Sprackland, 1991 (Reptilia, Squamata). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 55(1): 38-39.

Shea, G. 1998. Geographic variation in scalation and size of the black whip snakes (Squamata: Elapidae: Desmansia vestigiata complex): evidence for two broadly sympatric species. Beagle 14: 41-61.

Shea, G. 1998. New data on typhlopid type specimens from Queensland in the collection of the Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 42(2): 532.

Shea, G. 1999. Morphology and natural history of the land mullet Egernia major (Squamata: Scincidae). Australian Zoologist 31(2): 351-364.

Shea, G. 1999. The distribution and identification of dangerously venomous Australian terrestrial snakes. Australian Veterinary Journal 77(12): 791-798.

Shea, G. 1999. Waite's blind snakes (Squamata: Scolecophidia: Typhlopidae): identification of sources and correction of errors. Records of the Australian Museum 51(1): 43-56.

Shea, G. 2018. Varanus glauerti. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T178028A83777814. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T178028A83777814.en.

Shea, G. 2018. Varanus storri. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83778907A101752370. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83778907A101752370.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Parker, F.; O'Shea, M.; Tallowin, O. 2016. Varanus salvadorii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T42485775A42485784. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T42485775A42485784.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Parker, F.; Tallowin, O. 2016. Varanus prasinus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T42485751A42485760. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T42485751A42485760.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Parker, F.; Tallowin, O.; Doughty, P. 2018. Varanus panoptes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T42485740A42485745. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T42485740A42485745.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Sweet, S.S. 2016. Varanus telenesetes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T178388A21647361. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T178388A21647361.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Tallowin, O. 2016. Varanus beccarii. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T42485677A42485686. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T42485677A42485686.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Tallowin, O. 2016. Varanus jobiensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T178029A21647160. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T178029A21647160.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Tallowin, O. 2016. Varanus kordensis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T42485718A42485725. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2016-1.RLTS.T42485718A42485725.en.

Shea, G.; Allison, A.; Tallowin, O. 2017. Varanus macraei. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T42485731A42485734. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-3.RLTS.T42485731A42485734.en.

Shea, G.; Cogger, H. 2018. Varanus acanthurus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83777229A101752285. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83777229A101752285.en.

Shea, G.; Cogger, H. 2018. Varanus glebopalma. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83778099A101752315. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83778099A101752315.en.

Shea, G.; Cogger, H.; Woinarski, J. 2018. Varanus kingorum. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83778181A101752335. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83778181A101752335.en.

Shea, G.; Ellis, R.; Wilson, S.; Oliver, P. 2018. Varanus brevicauda. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83777390A101752295. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83777390A101752295.en.

Shea, G.; Ellis, R.; Wilson, S.; Oliver, P. 2018. Varanus giganteus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83777786A101752310. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83777786A101752310.en.

Shea, G.; Tallowin, O. 2017. Fojia bumui. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2017: e.T42484646A42484651. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2017-2.RLTS.T42484646A42484651.en.

Shea, G.; Wilson, S.; Oliver, P. 2018. Varanus eremius. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83777752A101752305. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83777752A101752305.en.

Shea, G.; Wilson, S.; Oliver, P. 2018. Varanus gilleni. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83777806A83935729. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83777806A83935729.en.

Shea, G.; Woinarski, J.; Cogger, H. 2018. Varanus mitchelli. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83778268A101752345. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83778268A101752345.en.

Shea, G.; Woinarski, J.; Macdonald, S.M.; Cogger, H. 2018. Varanus mertensi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2018: e.T83778246A101752340. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2018-1.RLTS.T83778246A101752340.en.

Shea, G.; Cogger, H.G. 1998. Comment on the proposed conservation of the names Hydrosaurus gouldii Gray, 1838 and Varanus panoptes Storr, 1980 (Reptilia, Squamata) by the designation of a neotype for Hydrosaurus gouldii. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 55(2): 106-111.

Shea, G.; Greer, A.E. 1998. Sphenomorphus melanochlorus (Vogt, 1932), a junior synonym of Sphenomorphus maculatus (Blyth, 1853). Journal of Herpetology 32(2): 292-294.

Shea, G.; Greer, A.E. 1999. The identity of two little-known skinks from New Guinea, Sphenomorphus wirzi (Roux, 1919) and Sphenomorphus comtus (Roux 1927). Journal of Herpetology 33(3): 507-511.

Shea, G.; Greer, A.E. 1999. Two senior synonyms and a name change for the New Guinea skink Sphenomorphus stickeli (Loveridge, 1948). Journal of Herpetology 33(1): 136-141.

Shea, G.; Horner, P. 1996. A new species of Ramphotyphlops (Squamata: Typhlopidae) from the Darwin area, with notes on two similar species from northern Australia. Beagle 13: 53-60.

Shea, G.; Husband, G.; Weigel, J. 1991. Nesting of the southern rainforest dragon, Hypsilurus spinipes (Squamata: Agaminae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 21(2): 7-10.

Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.

Shea, G.; Millgate, M.; Peck, S. 1987. A range extension for the rare skink Anomalopus mackayi. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 17(1-2): 16-19.

Shea, G.; Peterson, M. 1993. Notes on the biology of the genus Pletholax Cope (Squamata: Pygopodidae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 16(3): 419-425.

Shea, G.; Sadlier, R.A. 1999. A catalogue of the non-fossil amphibian and reptile type specimens in the collection of the Australian Museum: types currently, previously and purportedly present. Technical Reports of the Australian Museum 15: 1-91.

Shea, G.; Shine, R.; Covacevich, J.C. 1993. Family Elapidae. pp. 295-309. In: Glasby, C.J.; Ross, G.J.B. & Beesley, P.L. (eds.). Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A. Amphibia & Reptilia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 439 pp.

Shea, G.; Weigel, J.; Harwood, A.; Floriani, H.; Hemsley, C. 1988. Notes on the herpetofauna of Mitchell Plateau, Western Australia. Results of the 1987 Australian Herpetological Society field trip to the Kimberleys. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(1): 9-20.

Shea, G.M. 1982. Insular range extensions for the New Guinea bluetongue, Tiliqua gigas (Boddaert) (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(2): 7-12.

Shea, G.M. 1984. Egg deposition site in the gecko Diplodactylus williamsi. Victorian Naturalist 101(5): 198-199.

Shea, G.M. 1984. New records of a skink and a gecko from western New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(1): 1-4.

Shea, G.M. 1985. Island herpetofaunas in New South Wales: a review. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 16(2): 30-38.

Shea, G.M. 1986. The occurrence of Hemiergis initialis (Werner, 1910) (Lacertilia: Scincidae) in South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 110(2): 89-90.

Shea, G.M. 1987. Comment on the proposed suppression for nomenclatural purposes of three works by Richard W. Wells and C. Ross Wellington (Case 2531; see BZN 44: 116-121). Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 44(4): 257-261.

Shea, G.M. 1987. Delma nasuta (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae), an addition to the herpetofauna of New South Wales and Victoria, with a note on rapid colour change in the species. Victorian Naturalist 104(1): 5-8.

Shea, G.M. 1987. Notes on the biology of Paradelma orientalis. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 17(1-2): 5-6.

Shea, G.M. 1987. Oviparity in Leiolopisma jigurru and a brief review of reproductive mode in Leiolopisma. Herpetological Review 18(2): 29-32.

Shea, G.M. 1987. Two new species of Delma (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae) from northeastern Queensland and a note on the status of the genus Aclys. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 109(3): 203-212.

Shea, G.M. 1988. On the diet of the Sheoak skink, Cyclodomorphus casuarinae. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(1): 7-8.

Shea, G.M. 1989. Diet and reproductive biology of the Rottnest Island bobtail Tiliqua rugosa konowi (Lacertilia, Scincidae). Herpetological Journal 1(8): 366-369.

Shea, G.M. 2000. An overlooked senior synonym of Pogona barbata (Cuvier, 1829) (Squamata: Agamidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 22(1): 124-127.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Der Cyclodomorphus-branchialis-Komplex. pp. 221-227. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Der Sunda-Blauzungenskink Tiliqua scincoides chimaerea subsp. nov. pp. 157-160. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Die Neuguinea-Blauzunge, Tiliqua gigas (Schneider, 1801): Ökologie und Übersicht über die Unterarten nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart, Tiliqua gigas evanescens subsp. nov. pp. 177-189. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Die Shark-Bay-Tannenzapfenechse Tiliqua rugosa palarra subsp. nov. pp. 108-112. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Geschichte und Systematik. pp. 11-23. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Sheoak-Skinke (Cyclodomorphus-casuarinae-Komplex). pp. 228-233. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Synomymliste für die Gattungen Cyclodormorphus und Tiliqua. pp. 247-254. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. The earliest taxonomic description and illustration of an Australian reptile: another historical first for bluetongue lizards (Squamata: Scincidae: Tiliqua). Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 134: 79-82.

Shea, G.M. 2001. Spermatogenic cycle, sperm storage, and Sertoli cell size in a scolecophidian (Ramphotyphlops nigrescens) from Australia. Journal of Herpetology 35(1): 85-91.

Shea, G.M. 2002. Does Tympanocryptis lineata occur in New South Wales? Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(2): 83-84.

Shea, G.M. 2002. The identity of Phyllurus milii Bory de Saint Vincent, 1823 (Squamata: Pygopodidae: Diplodactylinae). Records of the Western Australian Museum 20(4): 431-435.

Shea, G.M. 2004. The Horn expedition (1894) to central Australia: new directions in Australian herpetology. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge 52(3-4): 245-273.

Shea, G.M. 2006. Diet of two species of bluetongue skink, Tiliqua multifasciata and Tiliqua occipitalis (Squamata: Scincidae). Australian Zoologist 33(3): 359-368.

Shea, G.M. 2007. A possible second record of the central ranges taipan, Oxyuranus temporalis (Elapidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 37(2): 95-97.

Shea, G.M. 2008. A range extension for Lipinia nototaenia (Boulenger, 1914) (Squamata: Scincidae) and the reproductive mode of the species. Hamadryad 32(1): 69-70.

Shea, G.M. 2008. Rejection of an Australian distribution of the Solomon Islands agamid lizard Hypsilurus longii (Macleay, 1877). Hamadryad 33: 127-129.

Shea, G.M. 2010. The suburban terrestrial reptile fauna of Sydney - winners and losers. pp. 154-197. In: Lunney, D.; Hutchings, P.; Hochuli, D. (eds.). The natural history of Sydney. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman. 438 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2012. On the identity of the type species of Sphenomorphus (Squamata: Scincidae): Lygosoma melanopogon Dumeril and Bibron 1839, with a note on a new scalation character of the pes in Sphenomorphus. Zootaxa 3490: 1-29.

Shea, G.M. 2013. Book Review: Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Compléte des Reptiles. Herpetological Review 44(2): 336-337.

Shea, G.M. 2015. A new species of Anilios (Scolecophidia: Typhlopidae) from Central Australia. Zootaxa 4033(1): 103-116.

Shea, G.M. 2015. Book review: Contributions to the History of Herpetology. Volume 1 (revised and expanded). Copeia 103(4): 1113-1114.

Shea, G.M. 2016. Emoia ahli (Vogt, 1932), a synonym of Emoia battersbyi (Procter, 1923) (Squamata: Scincidae). Amphibia-Reptilia 37(3): 315–319.

Shea, G.M. 2017. A new species of Sphenomorphus (Squamata: Scincidae) from the Doberai Peninsula of New Guinea, with a redescription of Sphenomorphus consobrinus (Peters et Doria, 1878). pp. 35-47. In: Telnov, D./ Barclay, M.V.L. & Pauwels, O.S.G. (eds.). Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea. Vol. 3. Entomological Society of Latvia, Riga. 830 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2017. Generic allocation of the enigmatic scincid lizard Lygosoma inconspicuum F. Müller, 1895. pp. 27-33. In: Telnov, D./ Barclay, M.V.L. & Pauwels, O.S.G. (eds.). Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea. Vol. 3. Entomological Society of Latvia, Riga. 830 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2017. The identity of Lygosoma (Hinulia) misolense Vogt, 1928 (Squamata: Scincidae). pp. 21-26. In: Telnov, D./ Barclay, M.V.L. & Pauwels, O.S.G. (eds.). Biodiversity, Biogeography and Nature Conservation in Wallacea and New Guinea. Vol. 3. Entomological Society of Latvia, Riga. 830 pp.

Shea, G.M.; Couper, P.J.; Worthington-Wilmer, J.; Amey, A.P. 2011. Revision of the genus Cyrtodactylus Gray, 1827 (Squamata: Gekkonidae) in Australia. Zootaxa 3146: 1-63.

Shea, G.M.; Greer, A.E. 2002. From Sphenomorphus to Lipinia: generic reassignment of two poorly known New Guinea skinks. Journal of Herpetology 36(2): 148-156.

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