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Taxonomy of the genus Acontias Biodiversity of the family Scincidae

Bibliography of the genus
Acontias (Greater Legless Skinks)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Acontias in general

Branch, W.R.; Haagner, G.V. 1999. Psammophis brevirostris and Acontias sp: the value of road kills. African Herp News 30: 37-38.

Broadley, D.G.; Greer, A.E. 1969. A revision of the genus Acontias Cuvier (Sauria: Scincidae). Arnoldia Rhodesia 4(26): 1-29.

Daniels, S.R.; Heideman, N.; Hendricks, M.; Willson, B. 2002. A molecular phylogeny for the South African limbless lizard taxa of the subfamily Acontinae (Sauria: Scincidae) with special emphasis on relationships within Acontias. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 24(2): 315-323.

Daniels, S.R.; Heideman, N.J.L.; Hendricks, M.G.J. 2009. Examination of evolutionary relationships in the Cape fossorial skink species complex (Acontinae: Acontias meleagris meleagris) reveals the presence of five cryptic lineages. Zoologica Scripta 38(5): 449-463.

Daniels, S.R.; Heideman, N.J.L.; Hendricks, M.G.J.; Mokone, M.E.; Crandall, K.A. 2005. Unraveling evolutionary lineages in the limbless fossorial skink genus Acontias (Sauria: Scincidae): are subspecies equivalent systematic units? Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34(3): 645-654.

Heideman, N.J.L.; Daniels, S.R.; Mashinini, P.L.; Mokone, M.E.; Thibedi, M.L.; Hendricks, M.G.J.; Wilson, B.A.; Douglas, R.M. 2008. Sexual dimorphism in the African legless skink subfamily Acontiinae (Reptilia: Scincidae). African Zoology 43(2): 192-201.

Merwe, N.J. van der 1942. Bydrae tot ons kennis van die lewenswyse van die akkedis Acontias. Tydskr. Wet. Runs, Bloemfontein, N.R. 8(1): 37-39.

Pietersen, D.W.; Scholtz, C.H.; Bastos, A.D.S. 2018. Multi-locus phylogeny of southern African Acontias aurantiacus (Peters) subspecies (Scincidae: Acontinae) confirms the presence of three genetically, geographically and morphologically discrete taxa. Zootaxa 4442(3): 427–440.

Rieppel, O. 1981. The skull and the jaw adductor musculature in some burrowing scincomorph lizards of the genera Acontias, Typhlosaurus and Feylinia. Journal of Zoology (London) 195(4): 493-528.

Acontias albigularis

Conradie, W.; Busschau, T.; Edwards, S. 2018. Two new species of Acontias (Acontinae, Scincidae) from the Mpumalanga Highveld escarpment of South Africa. Zootaxa 4429(1): 89–106.

Acontias aurantiacus

Branch, W.R.; Kyle, S. 2005. Mehelya nyassae (Günther, 1888). Black File Snake. Diet. African Herp News 38: 24-25.

Pietersen, D.W.; Scholtz, C.H.; Bastos, A.D.S. 2018. Multi-locus phylogeny of southern African Acontias aurantiacus (Peters) subspecies (Scincidae: Acontinae) confirms the presence of three genetically, geographically and morphologically discrete taxa. Zootaxa 4442(3): 427–440.

Acontias bazarutoensis

Broadley, D.G. 1990. The herpetofaunas of the islands off the coast of south Mocambique. Arnoldia Zimbabwe 9(35): 469-493.

Acontias bicolor

Tasman, K.R. 1957. Less known lizards. Proceedings Trans. Rhod. Scient. Assoc. 45: 27-45.

Acontias breviceps

Essex, R. 1925. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Acontias and notes on some other lizards found in the Cape Province. Records of the Albany Museum (Grahamstown) 3(4): 332-342.

Acontias carolinensis

Broadley, D.G. 1990. The herpetofaunas of the islands off the coast of south Mocambique. Arnoldia Zimbabwe 9(35): 469-493.

Acontias cregoi

Moch, J.G.; Senter, P. 2011. Vestigial structures in the appendicular skeletons of eight African skink species (Squamata, Scincidae). Journal of Zoology (London) 285(4): 274-280.

Acontias fitzsimonsi

Broadley, D.G. 1968. A revision of the African genus Typhlosaurus Wiegmann (Sauria: Scincidae). Arnoldia Rhodesia 3(36): 1-20.

Acontias gariepensis

FitzSimons, V. 1941. Descriptions of some new lizards from South Africa and a frog from Southern Rhodesia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20(3): 273-281.

Huey, R.B.; Pianka, E.R. 1974. Ecological character displacement in a lizard. American Zoologist 14(4): 1127-1136.

Kim, Y.J.; Gorman, G.C.; Huey, R.B. 1978. Genetic variation and differentiation in two species of the fossorial African skink Typhlosaurus (Sauria: Scincidae). Herpetologica 34(2): 192-194.

Pianka, E.R.; Huey, R.B.; Lawlor, L.R. 1979. Niche segregation in desert lizards. pp. 67-115. In: Horn, D.J.; Stairs, G.R. & Mitchell, R.D. (eds.). Analysis of ecological systems. Ohio State University Press, Columbus. 312 pp.

Acontias gracilicauda

Daniels, S.R.; Hendricks, M.G.J.; Heideman, N.J.L.; Wilson, B.A. 1999. Geographical distribution: Acontias gracilicauda gracilicauda Essex 1925. Thin-tailed Legless Skink. South Africa: Free State. African Herp News 29: 43.

Essex, R. 1925. Descriptions of two new species of the genus Acontias and notes on some other lizards found in the Cape Province. Records of the Albany Museum (Grahamstown) 3(4): 332-342.

Essex, R. 1928. A note on three burrowing reptiles. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 10) 1: 268-270.

Acontias jappi

Broadley, D.G. 1968. A revision of the African genus Typhlosaurus Wiegmann (Sauria: Scincidae). Arnoldia Rhodesia 3(36): 1-20.

Schneider, V.; Bauer, A.M. 2009. Typhlosaurus jappi Broadley, 1968, a valid species of acontine skink. African Journal of Herpetology 58(1): 56-58.

Acontias kgalagadi

Bates, M.F. 1988. Typhlosaurus lineatus lineatus (Boulenger, 1887). Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 34: 50.

Brain, C.K. 1959. Notes on the breeding of the South African skink, Typhlosaurus lineatus Boulenger. Copeia 1959: 70-71.

Broadley, D.G. 1968. A revision of the African genus Typhlosaurus Wiegmann (Sauria: Scincidae). Arnoldia Rhodesia 3(36): 1-20.

Conradie, W.; Bourquin, S. 2013. Geographic distribution: Acontias kgalagadi kgalagadi (Lamb, Biswas & Bauer, 2010). Striped Legless Skink. African Herp News 60: 29-30.

FitzSimons, V.; Brain, C.K. 1958. A short account of the reptiles of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 1: 99-104.

Lamb, T.; Biswas, S.; Bauer, A.M. 2010. A phylogenetic reassessment of African fossorial skinks in the subfamily Acontinae (Squamata: Scincidae): evidence for parallelism and polyphyly. Zootaxa 2657: 33-46.

Acontias lineatus

Bates, M.F. 1993. Acontias lineatus lineatus. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 42: 41.

FitzSimons, V. 1941. Descriptions of some new lizards from South Africa and a frog from Southern Rhodesia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20(3): 273-281.

Goldberg, S.R. 2006. Reproductive cycle of the striped legless skink, Typhlosaurus lineatus (Squamata: Scincidae) from Southern Africa. Herpetological Bulletin 98: 26-28.

Hewitt, J. 1938. Descriptions of new forms of the genus Acontias Linn. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 26: 39-48.

Huey, R.B.; Pianka, E.R. 1974. Ecological character displacement in a lizard. American Zoologist 14(4): 1127-1136.

Kim, Y.J.; Gorman, G.C.; Huey, R.B. 1978. Genetic variation and differentiation in two species of the fossorial African skink Typhlosaurus (Sauria: Scincidae). Herpetologica 34(2): 192-194.

Moch, J.G.; Senter, P. 2011. Vestigial structures in the appendicular skeletons of eight African skink species (Squamata, Scincidae). Journal of Zoology (London) 285(4): 274-280.

Pianka, E.R.; Huey, R.B.; Lawlor, L.R. 1979. Niche segregation in desert lizards. pp. 67-115. In: Horn, D.J.; Stairs, G.R. & Mitchell, R.D. (eds.). Analysis of ecological systems. Ohio State University Press, Columbus. 312 pp.

Acontias litoralis

Maritz, B. 2009. Natural history notes: Microacontias litoralis (Coastal Legless Skink). Copulation. Herpetological Review 40(2): 223.

Mashinini, L. 2010. Natural history notes: Microacontias litoralis Broadley & Greer, 1969. coastal legless lizard. Maximum size. African Herp News 51: 15.

Mashinini, P.L.; Heideman, N.J.L.; Mouton, R. le F.N. 2008. Analysis of intraspecific colour variation in the fossorial coastal legless lizard, Microacontias litoralis (Scincidae: Acontiinae). African Journal of Herpetology 57(2): 115-122.

Mashinini, P.L.; Heideman, N.J.L.; Mouton, R. le F.N. 2011. On some ecological aspects of the Coastal Legless Lizard Acontias litoralis (Scincidae: Acontinae). African Herp News 53: 16-21.

Acontias meleagris

Brock, G.T. 1941. The skull of Acontias meleagris, with a study of the affinities between lizards and snakes. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 41: 71-88.

Cordes, I.G.; Mouton, P. le F.N. 1996. The conservation status of the Saldanha-Langebaan lizard fauna. Koedoe 39(1): 71-83.

Els, J. 2006. Acontias meleagris (Linnaeus, 1758). Cape Legless Skink. African Herp News 40: 18.

Girard, F. 2002. Acontias meleagris meleagris Linnaeus, 1758. Cape Legless Skink. Distribution. African Herp News 34: 30.

Haagner, G.V. 1992. Acontias meleagris meleagris. Reproduction. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 41: 41.

Leonard, C.J. 1989. Locomotion of the limbless skink Acontias meleagris. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 36(1): 73.

Mashinini, L. 2007. Acontias meleagris (Linnaeus, 1758). Cape Legless Lizard. Predation/defense. African Herp News 43: 21.

Moch, J.G.; Senter, P. 2011. Vestigial structures in the appendicular skeletons of eight African skink species (Squamata, Scincidae). Journal of Zoology (London) 285(4): 274-280.

Withers, P.C. 1981. Physiological correlates of limblessness and fossoriality in scincid lizards. Copeia 1981(1): 197-204.

Acontias namaquensis

Branch, W.R.; Maritz, B. 2010. Geographical distribution: Acontias namaquensis Hewitt, 1938. Namaqua Legless Skink. South Africa: Northern Cape Province. African Herp News 51: 28-29.

Hewitt, J. 1938. Descriptions of new forms of the genus Acontias Linn. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 26: 39-48.

Acontias occidentalis

FitzSimons, V. 1941. Descriptions of some new lizards from South Africa and a frog from Southern Rhodesia. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 20(3): 273-281.

Acontias orientalis

Branch, W.R. 1991. Acontias percivali tasmani. Size and predation. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 39: 23.

Hewitt, J. 1938. Descriptions of new forms of the genus Acontias Linn. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 26: 39-48.

Acontias parietalis

Broadley, D.G. 1990. The herpetofaunas of the islands off the coast of south Mocambique. Arnoldia Zimbabwe 9(35): 469-493.

Acontias percivali

FitzSimons, V. 1956. Lacertilia, Scincidae: Acontias plumbeus broadleyi subsp. nov. Occasional Papers of the National Museums of Southern Rhodesia 3(21B): 95-96.

Moch, J.G.; Senter, P. 2011. Vestigial structures in the appendicular skeletons of eight African skink species (Squamata, Scincidae). Journal of Zoology (London) 285(4): 274-280.

Vanhooydonck, B.; Boistel, R.; Fernandez, V.; Herrel, A. 2011. Push and bite: trade-offs between burrowing and biting in a burrowing skink (Acontias percivali). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102(1): 91-99.

Acontias plumbeus

Branch, W.R. 1992. Acontias plumbeus Bianconi 1849. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 41: 37.

Broadley, D.G. 1984. An atypical specimen of Acontias plumbeus from Umtentweni. Lammergeyer 32: 52.

Douglas, R.M. 1982. Acontias plumbeus Bianconi (Sauria: Scincidae). Notes on birth and captive care. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 28: 23-24.

Dyrkacz, S. 1975. Notes on the reproduction of some Illinois snakes. Bulletin Chicago Herpetological Society 10(1-2): 16-17.

Heideman, N.J.L. 1990. The adaptive significance of vertebral form in the pelvic regions of Mabuya capensis and Acontias plumbeus (Reptilia: Scincidae). South African Journal of Zoology 25(2): 109-113.

Heideman, N.J.L. 1992. A comparative morphological study of the axial musculature in the pelvic regions of Acontias plumbeus and Mabuya capensis (Reptilia: Scincidae), with reference to their respective modes of locomotion. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 41: 14-18.

Maritz, B. 2007. Natural history notes: Mehelya nyassae (Black File Snake). Feeding. Herpetological Review 38(3): 341.

Maritz, B.; Breytenbach, L. 2015. Acontias plumbeus Bianconi, 1849, Giant Legless Skinks. Agonistic behaviour. African Herp News 62: 30-31.

Patterson, R.W. 1975. Notes on the reproduction and captive care of Acontias plumbeus Bianconi (Sauria: Scincidae). Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 13: 9-10.

Rose, W. 1961. Some notes on lizards. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Rhodesia 15(1): 14.

Tasman, K.R. 1957. Less known lizards. Proceedings Trans. Rhod. Scient. Assoc. 45: 27-45.

Warner, J.K. 2011. Natural history notes: Naja melanoleuca (Forest Cobra). Diet and foraging behavior. Herpetological Review 42(2): 295.

Acontias poecilus

Bourquin, O.; Lambiris, A.J.L. 1996. A new species of Acontias Cuvier (Sauria: Scincidae) from southeastern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 36(17): 223-227.

Acontias richardi

Jacobsen, N.H.G. 1987. A new subspecies of Typhlosaurus lineatus Boulenger 1887 (Reptilia: Scincidae) from Venda, southern Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 22(4): 318-320.

Acontias rieppeli

Lamb, T.; Biswas, S.; Bauer, A.M. 2010. A phylogenetic reassessment of African fossorial skinks in the subfamily Acontinae (Squamata: Scincidae): evidence for parallelism and polyphyly. Zootaxa 2657: 33-46.

Rieppel, O. 1982. The phylogenetic relationships of the genus Acontophiops Sternfeld (Sauria: Scincidae), with a note on mosaic evolution. Annals of the Transvaal Museum 33(12): 241-257.

Acontias schmitzi

Pietersen, D.W.; Pietersen, E.W.; Conradie, W. 2015. Preliminary herpetological survey of Ngonye Falls and surrounding regions in south-western Zambia . Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 11(1)(Special Section): 24–43.

Wagner, P.; Broadley, D.G.; Bauer, A.M. 2012. A new acontine skink from Zambia (Scincidae: Acontias Cuvier, 1817). Journal of Herpetology 46(4): 494-502.

Acontias wakkerstroomensis

Conradie, W.; Busschau, T.; Edwards, S. 2018. Two new species of Acontias (Acontinae, Scincidae) from the Mpumalanga Highveld escarpment of South Africa. Zootaxa 4429(1): 89–106.