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Snakes (Serpentes)


Australasian File Snakes

Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. (
Latest update: January 1st, 2025.

Biodiversity of the family Acrochordidae Bibliography of the family Acrochordidae


Australasian File Snakes
Warzenschlangen     Vorteslanger

Contents: Endemicity:
1 genus which is not endemic  0% 100%
3 species of which none are endemic  0% 100%

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subfamily of the family Colubridae (e.g., Smith 1943; Dowling 1959).

Distribution:  As for the single genus of the family, Acrochordus.

Meristic and other data
of the world's snakes.
Compiled by
V. Wallach
Key to abbreviations

Head drawings of the world's snakes (menu).
Compiled by
V. Wallach