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Bibliography of the genus
Anepischetosia (Highland Elf Skink)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Anepischetosia maccoyi
Downes, S.J.; Shine, R. 1999. Do incubation-induced changes in a lizard's phenotype influence its vulnerability to predators? Oecologia (Berlin) 120(1): 9-18.
King, D. 1987. Further post wildfire. Study of the Moggs Creek area. Geelong Naturalist 24(2): 35-37.
Murphy, M.J. 1995. Microsympatry between two species of fossorial skink on the New South Wales south coast. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(1): 51-52.
Robertson, P. 1981. Comparative reproductive ecology of two south-eastern Australian skinks. pp. 25-37. In: Banks, C.B. & Martin, A.A. Proceedings of the Melbourne Herpetological Symposium May 19-21, 1980. Zoological Board of Victoria, The Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens, Parkville, Victoria 3052. 199 pp.
Shine, R. 1995. A new hypothesis for the evolution of viviparity in reptiles. American Naturalist 145(5): 809-823.
Shine, R. 1999. Egg-laying reptiles in cold climates: determinants and consequences of nest temperatures in montane lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 12(5): 918-926.
Shine, R. 2002. An empirical test of the 'predictability' hypothesis for the evolution of viviparity in reptiles. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15(4): 553-560.
Shine, R.; Brown, G.P.; Elphick, M.J. 2016. Effects of intense wildfires on the nesting ecology of oviparous montane lizards. Austral Ecology 41(7): 756-767.
Webb, G.A. 1995. Diet and food selection in a community of small ground-dwelling lizards and frogs in south-eastern Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(2): 36-44.
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