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Worm Lizards
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Bibliography of the genus
Blanus (Mediterranean Worm Lizards)

(Reptilia: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Blanus in general
Albert, E.M.; San Mauro, D.; García-París, M.; Rueber, L.; Zardoya, R. 2009. Effect of taxon sampling on recovering the phylogeny of squamate reptiles based on complete mitochondrial genome and nuclear gene sequence data. Gene (Amsterdam) 441(1-2): 12-21.
Albert, E.M.; Zardoya, R.; García-París, M. 2007. Phylogeographical and speciation patterns in subterranean Worm Lizards of the genus Blanus (Amphisbaenia: Blanidae). Molecular Ecology 16(7): 1519-1531.
Barbadillo, L.J.; Martinez-Solano, I.; Valdemoro, D.G. 1998. Natural history notes: Blanus cinereus (Iberian Amphisbaenian). Diet. Herpetological Review 29(4): 236.
Bauer, A.M. 2001. On the correct date of description of Amphisbaena scutigera Hemprich and A. rufa Hemprich. International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology Newsletter and Bulletin 3(1): 11-13.
Bauer, A.M. 2001. On the correct date of description of Amphisbaena scutigera Hemprich and A. rufa Hemprich. Bibliotheca Herpetologica 3(1): 11-13.
Bauwens, D. 1986. Geographic distribution: Blanus cinereus. Herpetological Review 17(2): 49.
Böhme, W. 1989. Zur systematischen Stellung der Amphisbanen (Reptilia: Squamata), mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Morphologie des Hemipenis. Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 27(4): 330-337.
Busack, S.D. 1978. Diurnal surface activity in the amphisbaenian, Blanus cinereus (Vandelli 1797) (Reptilia, Lacertilia, Amphisbaenidae). Journal of Herpetology 12(3): 428.
Busack, S.D. 1988. Biochemical and morphological differentiation in Spanish and Moroccan populations of Blanus and the description of a new species from northern Morocco (Reptilia, Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaenidae). Copeia 1988(1): 101-109.
Cabana, M. 2007. Nuevas citas de Chalcides bedriagai (Bosca, 1880) en Galicia y referencia de su sintopia con Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797). Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 18: 67-68.
Cabana, M. 2010. Sintopía estricta del lución, culebrilla ciega y los eslizones ibérico y tridáctilo en una misma localidad del NO de la Península Ibérica [Strict syntopy of the slow worm, the Iberian worm lizard, Bedriaga's skink and the western three-toed skink in the s Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 21: 37-38.
Cabana, M.; Vazquez, R. 2008. Albinismo parcial y total de Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797) en la Peninsula Iberica. Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 19: 39-40.
Cooper, W.E.; Lopez, P.; Salvador, A. 1994. Pheromone detection by an amphisbaenian. Animal Behaviour 47(6): 1401-1411.
Diaz Paniagua, C.; Blazquez, M.C.; Keller, C.; Andreu, A.C.; Olmedo, G.; Mateo, J.A. 1995. Observations on seasonal and diel surface activity of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus in south-western Spain. Herpetological Journal 5(2): 217-220.
Galan Regalado, P. 1985. Primeras citas de la culebrilla ciega (Blanus cinereus Vandelli, 1797) en Galicia. Doñana Acta Vertebrata 12(2): 329-332.
Gans, C.; Wever, E.G. 1974. Temperature effects on hearing in two species of amphisbaenia. Nature (London) 250(5461): 79-80.
Gans, C.; Wever, E.G. 1975. The amphisbaenian ear: Blanus cinereus and Diplometopon zarudnyi. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 72(4): 1487-1490.
Gil, M.J.; Guerrero, F.; Perez-Mellado, V. 1993. Observations on morphometrics and ecology in Blanus cinereus (Reptilia: Amphisbaenia). Journal of Herpetology 27(2): 205-209.
Gil, M.J.; Guerrero, F.; Perez-Mellado, V. 1994. Clutch size and reproductive frequency of Blanus cinereus in central Spain. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Zoologia 36: 37-40.
Gilpin, H.G.B. 1971. Blanus cinereus. Aquarist and Pondkeeper 36: 9, 23.
Godinho, R.; Teixeira, J.; Rebelo, R.; Segurado, P.; Loureiro, A.; Alvares, F.; Gomes, N.; Cardoso, P.; Camilo, A.C.; Brito, J.C. 1999. Atlas of the continental Portuguese herpetofauna: an assemblage of published and new data. Revista Espanola de Herpetologia 13: 61-82.
Gomez Duran, J.M. 1985. Produccion de sonidos en Blanus cinereus. Doñana Acta Vertebrata 12(2): 326-327.
Götz, M. 2007. On the husbandry and reproduction of Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797) (Squamata: Amphisbaenia) in captivity. Salamandra 43(1): 52-56.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1980. Opinion 1149. Blanus Wagler, 1830, and Amphisbaena cinerea Vandelli, 1797 (Reptilia Squamata) conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 37(2): 69-71.
Kenneweg, F.F. 1956. Meine Beobachtungen an der Netzwühle, Blanus cinereus Vand. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 9(3): 77-78.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J. 1992. Un reptil de vida subterranea: la culebrilla ciega. Quercus 79: 18-25.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J. 1994. Responses by amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus to chemicals from prey or potentially harmful ant species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 20(5): 1113-1119.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J. 2001. Chemosensory predator recognition induces specific defensive behaviours in a fossorial amphisbaenian. Animal Behaviour 62(2): 259-264.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J. 2009. Potential chemosignals associated with male identity in the Amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Chemical Senses 34(6): 479-486.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J.; Barbosa, A. 2000. Site familiarity affects antipredator behavior of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 78(12): 2142-2146.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J.; Cooper, W.E. 2002. Chemosensory responses to plant chemicals by the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Amphibia-Reptilia 23(3): 348-353.
Lopez, P.; Martin, J.; Salvador, A. 1991. Diet selection by the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Herpetologica 47(2): 210-218.
López, P.; Martin, J.; Salvador, A. 2013. Flexibility in feeding behaviour may compensate for morphological constraints of fossoriality in the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Amphibia-Reptilia 34(2): 241-247.
Lopez, P.; Salvador, A. 1992. The role of chemosensory cues in discrimination of prey odors by the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Journal of Chemical Ecology 18(1): 87-93.
Lopez, P.; Salvador, A. 1994. Tongue-flicking prior to prey attack by the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Journal of Herpetology 28(4): 502-504.
Lopez, P.; Salvador, A.; Cooper, W.E. 1997. Discrimination of self from other males by chemosensory cues in the amphisbaenian (Blanus cinereus). Journal of Comparative Psychology 111(1): 105-109.
Lopez, P.; Salvador, A.; Martin, J. 1998. Soil temperature, rock selection, and the thermal ecology of the amphisbaenian reptile Blanus cinereus. Canadian Journal of Zoology 76(4): 673-679.
Maitland, D.P.; Hart, A.G. 2008. A fluorescent vertebrate: the Iberian worm-lizard Blanus cinereus (Amphisbaenidae). Herpetological Review 39(1): 50-51.
Malkmus, R. 1982. Einige Bemerkungen zur Abwehrreaktion bei Blanus cinereus sowie zur Verbreitung dieser Art in Portugal (Reptilia: Sauria: Amphisbaenidae). Salamandra 18(1-2): 71-77.
Malkmus, R. 1991. Zur Aktivitätsrhythmik der Netzwühle Blanus cinereus (Vandelli 1797). Reptilia: Amphisbaenidae. Nachrichten des Naturwissenschaftlichen Museums der Stadt Aschaffenburg 98: 79-91.
Malkmus, R. 1996. Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797) frisst Schneckeneier (Squamata: Amphisbaenidae). Herpetozoa 8(3-4): 167-168.
Malkmus, R. 1996. Kapuzennatter Macroprotodon cucullatus (Geoffroy St. Hilaire, 1827) verschlingt Netzwühle Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797). Sauria (Berlin) 18(3): 31-34.
Malkmus, R. 1997. Partieller Albinismus bei der Netzwühle, Blanus cinereus (Vandelli, 1797) in Portugal (Reptilia: Amphisbaenidae). Sauria (Berlin) 19(4): 45-46.
Malkmus, R. 2003. Oberflächenaktivität im Winter von Blanus cinereus in Portugal. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 10(2): 245-252.
Malkmus, R. 2006. Blanus cinereus frisst das Fruchtfleisch einer Banane. Zeitschrift für Feldherpetologie 13(1): 115-116.
Martin, J.; Lopez, P.; Barbosa, A. 2000. State-dependent and risk-sensitive escape decisions in a fossorial reptile, the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Herpetological Journal 10(1): 27-32.
Martin, J.; Lopez, P.; Salvador, A. 1990. Field body temperatures of the amphisbaenid lizard Blanus cinereus. Amphibia-Reptilia 11(2): 87-96.
Martin, J.; Lopez, P.; Salvador, A. 1991. Microhabitat selection of the amphisbaenian Blanus cinereus. Copeia 1991(4): 1142-1146.
Pfau, J. 1988. Beitrag zur Verbreitung der Herpetofauna in der Niederalgarve (Portugal). Salamandra 24(4): 258-275.
Pires Ceríaco, L.M. 2011. Geographic distribution: Blanus cinereus (Iberian Worm Lizard). Herpetological Review 42(4): 568.
Pleguezuelos, J.M.; Sá-Sousa, P.; Pérez-Mellado, V.; Marquez, R.; Martínez-Solano, I. 2009. Blanus cinereus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T61469A12490902. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61469A12490902.en.
Renous, S.; Gasc, J.P.; Raynaud, A. 1991. Comments on the pelvic appendicular vestiges in an amphisbaenian: Blanus cinereus (Reptilia, Squamata). Journal of Morphology 209(1): 23-38.
Ribeiro, R.; Torres, J.; Carretero, M.A.; Sillero, N.; Llorente, G.A. 2008. New observations of the Iberian Worm Lizard (Blanus cinereus) and the Bedriaga's skink (Chalcides bedriagai) bring reliability to the historical records from Porto region (NW Portugal). Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 19: 49-50.
Roman, J.; Ruiz, G. 2003. Un modelo de trampa para la captura en vivo de culebrillas ciegas (Blanus cinereus). Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 14(1-2): 55-57.
Rosenberg, H.I.; Cavey, M.J.; Gans, C. 1991. Morphology of the hemipenes of some Amphisbaenia (Reptilia: Squamata). Canadian Journal of Zoology 69(2): 359-368.
Salvador, A. 1981. Blanus cinereus (Vandelli 1797) - Netzwühle. pp. 277-289. In: Böhme, W. (ed.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 1. Echsen (Sauria) 1. (Gekkonidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonidae, Anguidae, Amphisbaenidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae 1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. 520 pp.
Sampaio, F.L.; Harris, D.J.; Perera, A.; Salvi, D. 2015. Phylogenetic and diversity patterns of Blanus worm lizards (Squamata: Amphisbaenia): insights from mitochondrial and nuclear gene genealogies and species tree. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 53(1): 45-54.
Stemmler, O. 1971. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Formen von Blanus cinereus (Vandelli) (Reptilia, Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaenidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 78: 783-791.
Vaconcelos, R.; Carretero, M.A.; Harris, D.J. 2006. Phylogeography of the genus Blanus (Worm Lizards) in Iberia and Morocco based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers preliminary analysis. Amphibia-Reptilia 27(3): 339-346.
Blanus alexandri
Sindaco, R.; Kornilios, P.; Sacchi, R.; Lymberakis, P. 2014. Taxonomic reassessment of Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884) (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae), with the description of a new species from south-east Anatolia (Turkey). Zootaxa 3795(3): 311–326.
Blanus aporus
Alexander, A.A. 1966. Taxonomy and variation of Blanus strauchi (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). Copeia 1966(2): 205-224.
Elzen, P. van den 1980. Zur Abwehrreaktion von Blanus strauchi aporus (Werner, 1898) (Reptilia: Sauria: Amphisbaenidae). Salamandra 16(1): 52-56.
Franzen, M. 1986. Zur winterlichen Aktivität einiger Echsen in der südlichen Türkei. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 8(45): 6-10.
Göcmen, B.; Disi, A.M.; Yildiz, M.Z. 2008. On the occurrence of Blanus strauchi aporus Werner, 1898 and Chalcides guentheri Boulenger, 1887 (Reptilia) in the Mediterranean ecozone of Syria. Zoology in the Middle East 43: 69-74.
Sindaco, R.; Kornilios, P.; Sacchi, R.; Lymberakis, P. 2014. Taxonomic reassessment of Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884) (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae), with the description of a new species from south-east Anatolia (Turkey). Zootaxa 3795(3): 311–326.
Tok, C.V.; Tosunoglu, M.; Dincer, A.; Cicek, K.; Mutlu, H.S. 2012. New records of the Anatolian worm lizard, Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884), from Turkey (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae). Herpetozoa 24(3-4): 107-111.
Yildiz, M.Z.; Akman, B.; Göcmen, B.; Yalcinkaya, D. 2009. New locality records for the Turkish Worm Lizard, Blanus strauchi aporus (Werner, 1898) (Sauria: Amphisbaenidae) in southeast Anatolia, Turkey. North-Western Journal of Zoology 5(2): 379-385.
Blanus cinereus
Albert, E.M.; Fernandez, A. 2009. Evidence of cryptic speciation in a fossorial reptile: description of a new species of Blanus (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Zootaxa 2234: 56-68.
Salvador, A. 1981. Blanus cinereus (Vandelli 1797) - Netzwühle. pp. 277-289. In: Böhme, W. (ed.). Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 1. Echsen (Sauria) 1. (Gekkonidae, Agamidae, Chamaeleonidae, Anguidae, Amphisbaenidae, Scincidae, Lacertidae 1). Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft, Wiesbaden. 520 pp.
Sillero, N. 2010. The herpetofauna of Pessegueiro Island, including the first Portuguese insular population of Blanus cinereus. Herpetology Notes 3: 27-30.
Blanus mettetali
Agnas, M'B.; Faucheux, M.J. 2010. Deux reptiles fouisseurs endemiques du Maroc: le Trogonophide Mauve, Trogonophis wiegmanni elegans (Gervais, 1835) et l'Amphisbene cendre du Maroc, Blanus mettetali (Bons, 1963) (Squamata: Amphisbaenia). Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences Naturelles de l'Ouest de la France 32(2): 80-88.
Bons, J. 1963. Notes sur Blanus cinereus (Vandelli), description d'une sous-espèce Marocaine: Blanus cinereus mettetali subsp. nov. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Phys. Maroc 43: 95-107.
Busack, S.D. 1988. Biochemical and morphological differentiation in Spanish and Moroccan populations of Blanus and the description of a new species from northern Morocco (Reptilia, Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaenidae). Copeia 1988(1): 101-109.
Miras, J.A.M.; Joger, U.; Pleguezuelos, J.M.; Slimani, T. 2006. Blanus mettetali. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2006: e.T61470A12472055. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2006.RLTS.T61470A12472055.en.
Blanus strauchi
Alexander, A.A. 1966. Taxonomy and variation of Blanus strauchi (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). Copeia 1966(2): 205-224.
Al-Jumaily, M.M. 1971. A new record of the amphisbaenian Blanus bedriagai Boulenger in Iraq. Bulletin Biol. Res. Ctr., Univ. Baghdad 5: 83-84.
Avci, A.; Üzüm, N.; Bozkurt, E.; Olgun, K. 2018. The uncommon morphological feature in reptiles: Albinism in the Turkish Worm Lizard, Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884) (Amphisbaenia, Blanidae). Russian Journal of Herpetology 25(2): 154-156.
Buttle, D. 1990. The herpetofauna of Leros (Dodecanense, S.E. Aegean). British Herpetological Society Bulletin 34: 34-38.
Cattaneo, A. 2005. Nuovo contributo alla conoscenza dell'erpetofauna dell'isola egea di Kalymnos (Sporadi meridionali). Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 56: 153-163.
Cattaneo, A. 2006. Contributo alla conoscenza dell'erpetofauna dell'isola egea di Nisyros (Dodecaneso) (Reptilia). Naturalista Siciliano 30(3-4): 485-494.
Kazilas, C.; Kalaentzis, K.; Strachinis, I. 2018. A case of piebaldism in the Anatolian Worm Lizard, Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884), from Kastellorizo Island, Greece (Squamata: Blanidae). Herpetology Notes 11: 527-529.
Lymberakis, P.; Tok, C.V.; Ugurtas, I.H.; Sevinç, M.; Disi, A.M.; Hraoui-Bloquet, S.; Sadek, R.; Werner, Y.L.; Kaska, Y.; Kumlutas, Y.; Avci, A.; Üzüm, N. 2009. Blanus strauchi. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T157272A5067037. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T157272A5067037.en.
Manteuffel, D. 1993. Bericht über Reptilienfunde in der Türkei. Salamandra 28(3-4): 223-230.
Sindaco, R.; Kornilios, P.; Sacchi, R.; Lymberakis, P. 2014. Taxonomic reassessment of Blanus strauchi (Bedriaga, 1884) (Squamata: Amphisbaenia: Blanidae), with the description of a new species from south-east Anatolia (Turkey). Zootaxa 3795(3): 311–326.
Blanus tingitanus
Busack, S.D. 1988. Biochemical and morphological differentiation in Spanish and Moroccan populations of Blanus and the description of a new species from northern Morocco (Reptilia, Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaenidae). Copeia 1988(1): 101-109.
Mateo Miras, J.A.; Martínez-Solano, I.; Joger, U.; Pleguezuelos, J.M.; Slimani, T. 2009. Blanus tingitanus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T61471A12472331. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2009.RLTS.T61471A12472331.en.
Blanus vandellii
Barrio Amoros, C.L.; Filella, E.; Martinez, J. 1994. Sobre la presencia de Blanus cinereus en Catalunya. Boletin de la Asociacion Herpetologica Espanola 5: 17-19.
Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Bauer, A.M. 2018. An integrative approach to the nomenclature and taxonomic status of the genus Blanus Wagler, 1830 (Squamata: Blanidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Natural History 52(13-16): 849-880.
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