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Taxonomy of the genus Bothrophthalmus Biodiversity of the family Lamprophiidae

Bibliography of the genus
Bothrophthalmus (Red-and-Black Striped Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Lamprophiidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Bothrophthalmus brunneus

Trape, J.F. 1985. Les serpents de la region de Dimonika (Mayombe, Republique Populaire du Congo). Revue de Zoologie Africaine 99(2): 135-140.

Bothrophthalmus lineatus

Gumprecht, A.; Trautmann, D. 2010. Das Porträt - der Kurzbericht zum Titelbild: Bothrophthalmus lineatus Peters. Sauria (Berlin) 32(4): 2.

Hughes, B. 2000. The African snake Bothrophthalmus lineatus (Peters, 1863). Herpetological Bulletin 74: 28-29.

Luiselli, L. 2001. Some remarks on 'The African snake Bothrophthalmus lineatus' by B. Hughes, Herpetological Bulletin No. 74, pp. 28-29. Herpetological Bulletin 77: 2-3.

Luiselli, L.; Akani, G.C.; Otonye, L.D.; Ekanem, J.S.; Capizzi, D. 1999. Additions to the knowledge of the natural history of Bothrophthalmus lineatus (Colubridae) from the Port Harcourt region of Nigeria. Amphibia-Reptilia 20(3): 318-326.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; David, P. 2008. Miscellanea herpetologica Gabonica I. Hamadryad 32(1): 13-18.

Perret, J.L. 1961. Études herpétologiques Africaines. III. Bulletin Soc. Neuchâtel. Sci. Nat. (3) 84: 133-138.

Raxworthy, C.J.; Attuquayefio, D.K. 2000. Herpetofaunal communities at Muni Lagoon in Ghana. Biodiversity and Conservation 9(4): 501-510.