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Bibliography of the genus
Cyclodomorphus (Slender Blue-tongued Skinks and Pink-tongued Skink)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Cyclodomorphus in general
Dennert, C. 2000. Ein Beitrag zur Ernährung der Blauzungenskinke. pp. 58-67. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Fitzinger, L. 1843. Systema Reptilium. Fasciculus primus. Amblyglossae. Braumüller & Seidel, Wien. 106 pp. (See Smith & Grant 1958 (Herpetologica 14: 215-222) for discussion of publication date).
Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M.; Werning, H. (eds.). 2000. Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Hitz, R.; Henle, K. 2000. Hinweise zur Literatur über die Gattungen Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. pp. 255-273. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M.; Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Werning, H. 2004. Blue tongued skinks: contributions to the knowledge of Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus. Matthias Schmidt Pub., Münster. 287 pp.
Hutchinson, M.N. 1981. The systematic relationships of the genera Egernia and Tiliqua (Lacertilia: Scincidae). A review and immunological reassessment. pp. 176-193. In: Banks, C.B. & Martin, A.A. Proceedings of the Melbourne Herpetological Symposium May 19-21, 1980. Zoological Board of Victoria, The Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens, Parkville, Victoria 3052. 199 pp.
Shea, G. 1990. The genera Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus (Lacertilia: Scincidae): generic diagnoses and systematic relationships. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 29(3): 495-519.
Shea, G. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus casuarinae complex (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(1): 83-115.
Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.
Shea, G.M. 2000. Der Cyclodomorphus-branchialis-Komplex. pp. 221-227. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Shea, G.M. 2000. Geschichte und Systematik. pp. 11-23. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Shea, G.M. 2000. Sheoak-Skinke (Cyclodomorphus-casuarinae-Komplex). pp. 228-233. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Shea, G.M. 2000. Synomymliste für die Gattungen Cyclodormorphus und Tiliqua. pp. 247-254. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Storr, G.M. 1976. The genus Omolepida (Lacertilia, Scincidae) in Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 4(2): 163-175.
Wells, R.W. 2007. Some taxonomic and nomenclatural considerations on the class Reptilia in Australia. The genus Cyclodomorphus Fitzinger, 1843 with a new interpretation of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species-group. Australian Biodiversity Record 2007(4): 1-23.
Werning, H. 2000. Haltung, Gefährdung und Schutz. Blauzungen gestern und heute. pp. 234-246. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Ziegler, T.; Böhme, W. 2000. Zur Genitalmorphologie der Blauzungenskinke (Scincidae: Lygosominae: Tiliqua). pp. 45-52. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Cyclodomorphus branchialis
Bush, B. 1987. Cannibalism and lizard predation in skink lizards. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 17(1-2): 12-13.
Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.
Shea, G.M. 1984. New records of a skink and a gecko from western New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(1): 1-4.
Shea, G.M. 2000. Der Cyclodomorphus-branchialis-Komplex. pp. 221-227. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Cyclodomorphus casuarinae
Brothers, N.P. 1979. Seabird islands. Tasman Island, Tasmania. Corella 3(3): 55-57.
Green, R.H. 1977. The vertebrate fauna of Maggs Mountain, Tasmania. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery (Launceston) 58: 1-40.
Lucas, A.H.S.; Frost, C. 1896. Description of a new species of Ablepharus from Victoria, with critical notes on two other Australian lizards. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 21: 281-283.
Mebs, D. 1974. Haltungserfahrungen mit Tiliqua casuarinae (Sauria, Scincidae). Salamandra 10(3-4): 104-106.
Shea, G. 1982. Observations on some members of the genus Tiliqua. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(2): 18-20.
Shea, G. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus casuarinae complex (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(1): 83-115.
Shea, G.M. 1988. On the diet of the Sheoak skink, Cyclodomorphus casuarinae. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(1): 7-8.
Shea, G.M. 2000. Sheoak-Skinke (Cyclodomorphus-casuarinae-Komplex). pp. 228-233. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Timms, B.V. 1977. Notes on the she-oak skink. Hunter nat. Hist. 9(2): 99-102.
Cyclodomorphus celatus
Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.
Cyclodomorphus gerrardii
Anonymous. 1987. Zoologische Garten teilen mit: Zoo-Aquarium Berlin. Aquarium (Bornheim) 216: 320.
Abraham, G. 1980. Kopulationsbeobachtung bei Tiliqua gerrardi. Sauria (Berlin) 2(2): 34.
Davies, R.; Davies, V. 1990. Blue and pink. Thames and Chiltern Herpetological Group Newsletter 110: 5-9.
Field, R. 1980. The pink-tongued skink (Tiliqua gerrardii) in captivity. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 11(2): 6-10.
Flynn, J.H. 1990. Members breeding successes. No.3. SWHS Journal 1(4): 35.
Hauschild, A. 1988. Bemerkungen zu Haltung und Zucht des Schneckenskinks Tiliqua gerrardii (Gray, 1845) (Sauria: Scincidae). Salamandra 24(4): 248-257.
Hofmann, J. 2002. Australische Schneckenskinke (Cyclodomorphus gerradii Gray, 1845). Haltung und Vermehrung. Reptilia (D) 6(32): 35-39.
Hofmann, J. 2002. Keeping and breeding the snail-eating skink Cyclodomorphus gerrardii (Gray, 1845). Reptilia (GB) 20: 23-27.
Koch-Isenburg, L. 1977. Gerrards Blauzungenskink Tiliqua gerrardi (Gray). Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Darmstadt Bericht N.F. 1976(2): 7-8.
Lindley, M. 1974. The pink-tongued skink (Tiliqua gerrardii). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 7(1): 16-17.
Lohr, B. 2000. Der Schneckenskink - Cyclodomorphus gerrardii (Gray, 1845). pp. 212-220. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.
Longley, G. 1938. Notes on a pink-tongued skink. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1937-1938: 19-21.
Longley, G. 1941. Notes on some Australian lizards. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1940-41: 30-35.
Mudrack, W. 1974. Der Rosazungenskink - eine terraristische Kostbarkeit. Aquarien Magazin 8(10): 407-411.
Munsch, W.; Munchen, I. 1980. Erfahrungen mit dem Schneckenskink, Tiliqua gerrardii. Aquarium (Bornheim) 14(133): 371-374.
Shea, G. 1982. Observations on some members of the genus Tiliqua. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(2): 18-20.
Stephenson, G. 1977. Notes on Tiliqua gerrardii in captivity. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 9(1): 4-5.
Walker, H. 1994. The care and breeding of pink-tongue skinks, Tiliqua gerrardi. Herptile 19(4): 148-150.
Webb, M. 2012. Think pink! keeping and breeding the Australian pink tongue skink. Herptile 37(2): 35-42.
Wilhoft, D.C. 1960. Observations on adults and juveniles of Hemisphaeriodon gerraridi in captivity. North Queensland Naturalist 28(125): 3-4.
Cyclodomorphus maximus
Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.
Cyclodomorphus melanops
Pianka, E.R. 2011. Notes on the ecology of some uncommon skinks in the Great Victoria Desert. Western Australian Naturalist 28(1): 50-60.
Sass, S.; Swan, G.; Marshall, B.; Browne, T.; Graham-Higgs, N. 2011. Disjunct populations of spinifex-obligate reptiles revealed in a newly described vegetation community near Broken Hill, far-western New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 35(3): 781-787.
Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.
Sternfeld, R. 1919. Neue Schlangen und Echsen aus Zentralaustralien. Frank-furt. a. M. Mitt. Sanckenb, Ges. 1: 76-83.
Stirling, E.C.; Zietz, A. 1893. Scientific results of the Elder Exploring Expedition. Vertebrata. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 16: 154-176.
Warburg, M.R. 1965. Studies on the environmental physiology of some Australian lizards from arid and semi-arid habitats. Australian Journal of Zoology 13: 563-575.
Cyclodomorphus michaeli
Shea, G. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus casuarinae complex (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(1): 83-115.
Cyclodomorphus praealtus
Clemann, N.; Lawrence, J.; Lawrence, P. 2016. A new Victorian locality for the threatened Alpine She-oak Skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 133(2): 51-54.
Heinze, D. 1997. Notes on a new survey technique in locating the alpine she-oak skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus in the Mount Hotham Area, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 114(4): 176-177.
International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1997. Opinion 1884. Cyclodomorphus praealtus (Reptilia, Squamata): specific name first available from the intended original description by Shea, 1995. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 54(3): 204-205.
Koumoundouros, T.; Sumner, J.; Clemann, N.; Stuart-Fox, D.M. 2009. Current genetic isolation and fragmentation contrasts with historical connectivity in an alpine lizard (Cyclodomorphus praealtus) threatened by climate change. Biological Conservation 142(5): 992-1002.
Osborne, W.S.; Green, K. 1995. Case 2966. Cyclodomorphus praealtus (Reptilia, Squamata): a proposal that availability of the specific name be taken from the intended description by Shea, 1995. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 52(3): 257-258.
Schulz, M.; Alexander, J.; Mansergh, I. 1995. Notes on the alpine she-oak skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus in the Mt Hotham area, alpine Victoria with a description of a potential new survey technique. Victorian Naturalist 112(5): 219-220.
Schulz, M.; Mansergh, I. 1997. New location for the alpine she-oak skink Cyclodomorphus praealtus in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 114(4): 178-179.
Scroggie, M.P.; Clemann, N. 2009. Handling-related tail loss in an endangered skink: incidence, correlates and a possible solution. Journal of Zoology (London) 277(3): 214-220.
Shea, G. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus casuarinae complex (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(1): 83-115.
Cyclodomorphus venustus
Shea, G.; Miller, B. 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Cyclodomorphus branchialis species group (Squamata: Scincidae). Records of the Australian Museum 47(3): 265-325.
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