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Bibliography of the genus
Delma (Smooth-scaled Scaly-foots)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Pygopodidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Delma in general
Brennan, I.G.; Bauer, A.M.; Jackman, T.R. 2016. Mitochondrial introgression via ancient hybridization, and systematics of the Australian endemic pygopodid gecko genus Delma. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94(B): 577-590.
Crouch, C. 1977. Legless lizards of the Little Desert. Victorian Naturalist 94(4): 156-157.
Ludowici, P.A. 1975. Notes on an undescribed species of legless lizard of the genus Delma. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 7(2): 20-21.
Maryan, B.; Aplin, K.P.; Adams, M. 2007. Two new species of the Delma tincta group (Squamata: Pygopodidae) from northwestern Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23(3): 273-305.
Shea, G. 1991. Revisionary notes on the genus Delma (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 25(1): 71-90.
Shea, G.M. 1987. Two new species of Delma (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae) from northeastern Queensland and a note on the status of the genus Aclys. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 109(3): 203-212.
Delma australis
Bush, B. 1984. A record of reproduction in captive Delma australis and D. fraseri (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(1): 11-12.
Bush, B. 1984. Seasonal aggregation behaviour in a mixed population of legless lizards, Delma australis and D. fraseri. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 16(1): 1-6.
Crouch, C. 1977. Legless lizards of the Little Desert. Victorian Naturalist 94(4): 156-157.
Dell, J. 1983. Additions to the vertebrate fauna of Bendering Nature Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum 11(1): 71-72.
Goonan, P.; Mann, A. 1992. Fauna of the Brookfield Conservation Park in the Murray mallee, South Australia. 1. Preliminary results of a survey of the small vertebrate community in a mallee-spinifex habitat. South Australian Naturalist 66(3): 44-48.
Maryan, B. 1984. Unusual defensive behaviour by Delma australis in captivity and in the wild. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(2): 51.
Maryan, B.; Brennan, I.G.; Adams, M.; Aplin, K.P. 2015. Molecular and morphological assessment of Delma australis Kluge (Squamata: Pygopodidae), with a description of a new species from the biodiversity ‘hotspot’ of southwestern Western Australia. Zootaxa 3946(3): 301–330.
Sass, S.; Swan, G.; Marshall, B.; Browne, T.; Graham-Higgs, N. 2011. Disjunct populations of spinifex-obligate reptiles revealed in a newly described vegetation community near Broken Hill, far-western New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 35(3): 781-787.
Shea, G. 1991. Revisionary notes on the genus Delma (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 25(1): 71-90.
Storr, G.M.; Harold, G. 1980. Additions to the herpetofauna of the Shark Bay Region, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 14(8): 240.
Delma butleri
Cass, S.; Swan, G.; Wassens, S.; Thompson, L. 2005. A range extension for the spinifex snake lizard Delma butleri (Pygopodidae): a record from the Murrumbidgee irrigation area, New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 35(1): 44-47.
Pianka, E.R. 2010. Notes on the ecology of four species of pygopodid lizards in the Great Victoria desert. Western Australian Naturalist 27(3): 175-181.
Sass, S.; Swan, G.; Marshall, B.; Browne, T.; Graham-Higgs, N. 2011. Disjunct populations of spinifex-obligate reptiles revealed in a newly described vegetation community near Broken Hill, far-western New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 35(3): 781-787.
Shea, G. 1991. Revisionary notes on the genus Delma (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 25(1): 71-90.
Storr, G.M. 1987. Three new legless lizards (Pygopodidae) from Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 13(3): 345-355.
Delma concinna
Bamford, M.J. 1998. Field observations on the semi-arboreal pygopodids Aclys concinna (Kluge 1974) and Pletholax gracilis (Cope 1864). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 28(2): 2-4.
Storr, G.M. 1987. Three new legless lizards (Pygopodidae) from Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 13(3): 345-355.
Storr, G.M.; Harold, G. 1980. Additions to the herpetofauna of the Shark Bay Region, Western Australia. Western Australian Naturalist 14(8): 240.
Delma desmosa
Manley, G.A.; Kraus, J.E.M. 2010. Exceptional high-frequency hearing and matched vocalizations in Australian pygopod geckos. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(11): 1876-1885.
Maryan, B.; Aplin, K.P.; Adams, M. 2007. Two new species of the Delma tincta group (Squamata: Pygopodidae) from northwestern Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23(3): 273-305.
Delma fraseri
Bush, B. 1984. A record of reproduction in captive Delma australis and D. fraseri (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(1): 11-12.
Bush, B. 1984. Seasonal aggregation behaviour in a mixed population of legless lizards, Delma australis and D. fraseri. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 16(1): 1-6.
Dell, J. 1983. Additions to the vertebrate fauna of Bendering Nature Reserve. Records of the Western Australian Museum 11(1): 71-72.
Hall, T.S. 1905. A lizard mimicking a poisonous snake. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 22: 74.
Kastle, W. 1969. Ein Schlangen-Flossenfuss (Delma f. fraseri) in Gefangenschaft. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 22: 85-86.
Kinghorn, J.R. 1931. Herpetological notes. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 18: 85-91.
Manley, G.A.; Kraus, J.E.M. 2010. Exceptional high-frequency hearing and matched vocalizations in Australian pygopod geckos. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(11): 1876-1885.
Patchell, F.C.; Shine, R. 1986. Hinged teeth for hard-bodied prey: a case of convergent evolution between snakes and legless lizards. Journal of Zoology (A) 208(2): 269-275.
Shea, G. 1991. Revisionary notes on the genus Delma (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 25(1): 71-90.
Sonnemann, N. 1974. Notes on Delma fraseri in the north-east of Victoria. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 7(1): 15.
Delma grayii
Davis, R.A.; Wilcox, J. 2008. Range extension of the western heath dragon Rankinia adelaidensis and Gray's legless lizard Delma grayii with notes on the distribution of southern Swan Coastal Plain reptiles. Western Australian Naturalist 26(1): 67-70.
Maryan, B. 1984. Delma grayii Smith in an urban area near Perth, Western Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 16(1): 29.
Maryan, B. 1998. Notes on reproduction in captive Delma grayii (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 28(2): 47.
Delma haroldi
Manley, G.A.; Kraus, J.E.M. 2010. Exceptional high-frequency hearing and matched vocalizations in Australian pygopod geckos. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(11): 1876-1885.
Shea, G. 1991. Revisionary notes on the genus Delma (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in South Australia and the Northern Territory. Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 25(1): 71-90.
Storr, G.M. 1987. Three new legless lizards (Pygopodidae) from Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 13(3): 345-355.
Delma hebesa
Maryan, B.; Brennan, I.G.; Adams, M.; Aplin, K.P. 2015. Molecular and morphological assessment of Delma australis Kluge (Squamata: Pygopodidae), with a description of a new species from the biodiversity ‘hotspot’ of southwestern Western Australia. Zootaxa 3946(3): 301–330.
Delma impar
Banks, C.; Hawkes, T.; Birkett, J.; Vincent, M. 1999. Captive management and breeding of the striped legless lizard, Delma impar, at Melbourne Zoo. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 29(2): 18-30.
Banks, C.B. 1992. The Striped Legless Lizard Working Group: an interagency initiative to save Delma impar: an endangered reptile. International Zoo Yearbook 31: 45-49.
Coulson, G. 1990. Conservation biology of the striped legless lizard (Delma impar). An initial investigation. Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research Technical Report Series 106: 1-40.
Daly, G.; Virtue, B.; Stone, G. 2008. Results of a survey for the striped legless lizard Delma impar near Goulburn, New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 38(1): 51-58.
Dorrough, J.; Ash, J.E. 1999. Using past and present habitat to predict the current distribution and abundance of a rare cryptic lizard, Delma impar (Pygopodidae). Australian Journal of Ecology 24(6): 614-624.
Dorrough, J.W.; Close, P.; Williams, L. 1996. Rediscovery of the striped legless lizard, Delma impar (Pygopodidae), on the Monaro Plains of NSW. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 26(2): 52-53.
Hay, C. 2004. Over winter aggregating in the striped legless lizard Delma impar. Crocodilian 4(4): 3-4.
Husband, G. 1995. A new northern limit for the striped legless lizard, Delma impar. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(1): 44-45.
Kutt, A.; Coulson, G.; Wainer, J. 1998. Diet of the striped legless lizard Delma impar (Squamata: Pygopodidae) in a western (basalt) plains grassland, Victoria. Australian Zoologist 30(4): 412-418.
Kutt, A.; Ross, J.; Banks, C.; Coulson, G.; Webster, A. 1996. Conservation of an endangered species: the Striped Legless Lizard Working Group as a successful interagency initiative. pp. 451-459. In: Saunders, D.A.; Craig, J.L. & Mattiske, E.M. (eds.). Nature conservation 4: the role of networks. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. 684 pp.
Maldonado, S.P.; Melville, J.; Peterson, G.N.L.; Sumner, J. 2012. Human-induced versus historical habitat shifts: identifying the processes that shaped the genetic structure of the threatened grassland legless lizard, Delma impar. Conservation Genetics 13(5): 1329-1342.
Osborne, W.S.; Kukolic, K.; Williams, K.D. 1993. Conservation of reptiles in lowland native grasslands in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. pp. 151-158. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Peterson, G.N.L.; Rohr, D.H. 2010. Natural history notes: Delma impar (Striped Legless Lizard). Repeated use of communal nesting site. Herpetological Review 41(1): 78-79.
Shea, G. 1993. A newly discovered old record of the endangered striped legless lizard, Delma impar (Squamata: Pygopodidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 23(2): 13-14.
Webster, A.G.; Humphries, R.K.; Robertson, P. 1995. The striped legless lizard Delma impar: case study of a threatened species recovery programme. pp. 29-34. In: Bennett, A.; Backhouse, G. & Clark, T. (eds.). People and nature conservation: perspectives on private land use and endangered species recovery. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. 228 pp.
Delma inornata
Annable, T. 1983. Some observations on vocalization and the use of limb flaps in the pygopodid lizard, Delma inornata Kluge. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 14(1-2): 80-82.
Champion, B. 1992. Record of an aggregation of Delma inornata. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 22(2): 47.
Crouch, C. 1977. Legless lizards of the Little Desert. Victorian Naturalist 94(4): 156-157.
Fischer, J.; Lindenmayer, D.B.; Cowling, A. 2004. The challenge of managing species at multiple scales: Reptiles in an Australian grazing landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology 41(1): 32-44.
Patchell, F.C.; Shine, R. 1986. Feeding mechanisms in pygopodid lizards: how can Lialis swallow such large prey? Journal of Herpetology 20(1): 59-64.
Patchell, F.C.; Shine, R. 1986. Hinged teeth for hard-bodied prey: a case of convergent evolution between snakes and legless lizards. Journal of Zoology (A) 208(2): 269-275.
Thompson, M.B. 1980. Delma inornata Kluge (Reptilia, Pygopodidae) in South Australia. South Australian Naturalist 54(3): 42-43.
Trikojus, N.; Coulson, S.; Reside, J. 2010. Predation by Dwyer's snake Parasuta dwyeri on an olive legless lizard Delma inornata. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 40(2): 93-95.
Delma labialis
Lloyd, R. 2005. A high altitude observation of the north Queensland pygopod Delma labialis (Sauria: Pygopodidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 35(1): 40-41.
Macdonald, S.L.; Borsboom, A.C.; Best, R.; Hoskin, C.J. 2013. Significant range extensions for Delma labialis and a review of its biology. Australian Zoologist 36(4): 470-477.
Shea, G.M. 1987. Two new species of Delma (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae) from northeastern Queensland and a note on the status of the genus Aclys. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 109(3): 203-212.
Delma mitella
Barneveld, S. van 2006. Two new records of Delma mitella Shea, 1987 from the wet tropics. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 66-67.
Shea, G.M. 1987. Two new species of Delma (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae) from northeastern Queensland and a note on the status of the genus Aclys. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 109(3): 203-212.
Delma nasuta
Patchell, F.C.; Shine, R. 1986. Hinged teeth for hard-bodied prey: a case of convergent evolution between snakes and legless lizards. Journal of Zoology (A) 208(2): 269-275.
Pianka, E.R. 2010. Notes on the ecology of four species of pygopodid lizards in the Great Victoria desert. Western Australian Naturalist 27(3): 175-181.
Shea, G.M. 1987. Delma nasuta (Lacertilia: Pygopodidae), an addition to the herpetofauna of New South Wales and Victoria, with a note on rapid colour change in the species. Victorian Naturalist 104(1): 5-8.
Storr, G.M. 1987. Three new legless lizards (Pygopodidae) from Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 13(3): 345-355.
Delma pax
Manley, G.A.; Kraus, J.E.M. 2010. Exceptional high-frequency hearing and matched vocalizations in Australian pygopod geckos. Journal of Experimental Biology 213(11): 1876-1885.
Delma petersoni
Jennings, W.B.; Pianka, E.R.; Donnellan, S. 2003. Systematics of the lizard family Pygopodidae with implications for the diversification of Australian temperate biotas. Systematic Biology 52(6): 757-780.
Smith, A.; Meulders, B.; Michael, B.C.; Driscoll, D. 2012. Wildfire-induced mortality of Australian reptiles. Herpetology Notes 5: 233-235.
Delma plebeia
Peck, S. 2002. Pygopod lizard predation by a white-crowned snake, Cacophis harriettae. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(1): 11-12.
Delma tealei
Maryan, B.; Aplin, K.P.; Adams, M. 2007. Two new species of the Delma tincta group (Squamata: Pygopodidae) from northwestern Australia. Records of the Western Australian Museum 23(3): 273-305.
Delma tincta
Bauer, A.M. 1986. Saltation in the pygopodid lizard, Delma tincta. Journal of Herpetology 20(3): 462-463.
Garman, S. 1901. Some reptiles and batrachians from Australasia. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard 39: 1-14.
Weber, E.; Werner, Y. 1977. Vocalizations of two snake-lizards (Reptilia: Sauria: Pygopodidae). Herpetologica 33(3): 353-363.
Delma torquata
Hines, B.M.; Hannah, D.; Venz, M.; Eyre, T. 2000. New distribution and habitat data for the vulnerable pygopodid Delma torquata (Kluge, 1974). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 45(2): 391-393.
Porter, R. 1998. Observations on a large population of the vulnerable pygopodid, Delma torquata. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 42(2): 565-572.
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