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United Kingdom
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Bibliography of the reptiles of
England [United Kingdom] |
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Anonymous. 1964. The Yorkshire Naturalist's Union: 102nd Annual Report. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes. (Reptilia p. 18). Naturalist 888: 14-19.
Anonymous. 1969. Notes on the local fauna and flora for 1968. Reptilia. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 10: 191.
Anonymous. 1970. News from the reserves. Kirkby Moor. Newsl. Lincs. Trust Nat. Cons. 36: 25.
Anonymous. 1975. Reptile and amphibian report. Report Hillingdon Nat. Hist. Soc. 1971-1973(1): 23-24.
Anonymous. 1975. Reserves. Cranborn Common. Newsletter Dorset Nat. Trust 1973(June): 3.
Anonymous. 1986. Amphibians, reptiles (1984). Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science Literature and the Arts Report and Transactions 118: 261.
Anonymous. 1987. Notes on the local fauna and flora for 1986. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 13(6): 21-42.
Anonymous. 1988. The distribution of reptiles and amphibians in Sussex. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 14(1): 13-25.
Anonymous. 1990. Distribution of reptiles and amphibians in Sussex. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 14(3): 6-18.
Anonymous. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles. Worsbrough Country Park Natural History Report 1991: 17.
Anonymous. 2011. Reptile report 2010. Exmoor Naturalist 37: 81.
Alder, J. 1969. Animals and birds. In: Philipoon J. (ed.). Northumberland National Park Guide No 7. H.M. Stationery Office.
Angell, N. 1998. A report of the West Midlands regional meeting of herpetofauna groups of Britain and Ireland. Rephiberary 243: 5-8.
Arnott, A.; Beckett, C. 1993. The herpetofauna worker's guide 1993: a directory of information and resources for the conservation of amphibians and reptiles in the U.K. Herpetofauna Conservation International, Halesworth, Suffolk. 56 pp.
Ashby, K.R.; Crawley, M.C. 1967. Studies on the vertebrates of Castle Eden Dene. Proceedings Univ. Newcastle-upon-Tyne Phil. Soc. 1: 148-161.
Aspinall, P. 2011. Flordon Common: amphibia and reptiles. Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society Transactions 43(1): 63.
Atkinson, D. 1988. Effects of afforestation on a sand dune grassland. British Ecological Society Bulletin 19(2): 99-101.
Atkinson, M.; Bennallick, I.; Holyoak, D.; Lord, D.; McCartney, P. (eds.). 2000. A handbook for biological recorders: a manual for recording plants, animals and their habitats in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Environmental Records Centre for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Truro. 490 pp.
Avery, R. 1997. Reptiles and amphibians on Mendip. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society 55: 55-61.
Bailey, G.J. 1988. Notes on the local fauna and flora for 1987. Reptiles. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 14(1): 47.
Bailey, G.J. 1989. Notes on local fauna and flora for 1988. Reptiles. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 14(2): 32-33.
Bailey, G.J. 1991. Notes on the local fauna and flora for 1990. Reptiles. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 14(4): 17, 41-42.
Baker, R. 2008. Amphibia and reptiles. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society Occasional Publication 11: 70.
Barnett, R.J.; Barnett, J.B. 2010. Bristol & district reptiles & amphibia report, 2009. Proceedings of the Bristol Naturalists' Society 69 2009[2010]: 49.
Barsted, C.P. 1974. Reptile report. Report Lowestoft N. Suff. Fld Nat. Club 3(8) [1973]: 327.
Barsted, C.P.; Cunningham, M.D.; Eastwood, N.B.; Hughes, B.M. 1973. Reptile report. Report Lowestoft N. Suff. Fld Nat. Club 3(7) [1972]: 270-271.
Barsted, C.P.; Kellow, L.F.; Smith, E.A. 1975. Reptile and amphibian report. Report Lowestoft N. Suff. Fld Nat. Club 3(9) [1974]: 377.
Batchelor, D. 1985. Non-avian log. Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Report 1984: 8 pp. (Unpaginated).
Batchelor, D. 1997. Non-avian summaries. Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory Report 1996: 72-80.
Bateman, J.A. 1985. Reptiles and amphibians. pp. 98-101. In: Fitter, R. (ed.). The wildlife of the Thames counties Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire. Robert Dugdale in association with Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Naturalists' Trust, Oxford. 214 pp.
B doy re, C. de la 2004. Portrait of a woodland: biodiversity in 40 acres. Search Press, Tunbridge Wells. 176 pp.
Beebee, T.; Corbett, K. 1998. Prevalent threats to conservation status. pp. 55-60. In: Gent, T. & Gibson, S. (eds.). Herpetofauna workers' manual. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. 152 pp.
Beebee, T.; Grayson, R. 1998. Site assessment and protection. pp. 95-106. In: Gent, T. & Gibson, S. (eds.). Herpetofauna workers' manual. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough. 152 pp.
Beebee, T.J.C. 1980. Historical aspects of British herpetofauna distribution. British Journal of Herpetology 6(3): 105.
Beebee, T.J.C. 2014. Reptiles and amphibians of a village in Somerset, England. Herpetological Bulletin 128: 16-19.
Bere, R. 1970. Wildlife in Cornwall: a naturalist's view of the south-western peninsula. D. Bradford Barton Ltd., Truro. 148 pp.
Beven, G. 1968. Survey of Bookham common. Naturalist (London) 47: 87-93.
Beven, G. 1983. Survey of Bookham Common: forty-first year. Progress report for 1982. Amphibians and reptiles. London Naturalist 62: 92-93.
Beven, G. 1987. Survey of Bookham Common. Forty-fifth year. Progress report for 1986. Reptilia. London Naturalist 66: 160.
Biley, H. 1983. The Moulton Agricultural College Farm wildlife survey. Zoology. Journal of the Northamptonshire Natural History Society & Field Club 38(2): 63.
Bird, D. 1998. British reptiles and amphibians and their conservation in Dorset. Rephiberary 247: 2-5.
Bond, I. (ed.). 2012. Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles of the North East. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria 73: 1-246.
Boulenger, G.A. 1902. Reptiles and batrachians. Surrey 1: 110.
Bowdrey, J.P. 1988. Vertebrates: fishes, amphibians and reptiles. pp. 222-226. In: Spooner, B.M. & Bowdrey, J.P. (eds.). Hadleigh Great Wood: the wildlife and history of Belfairs Nature Reserve. South Essex Natural History Society, place of publication not given. 278 pp.
Bradley, F.R. 1986. An amphibian and reptile survey of Bedford Purlieus, 1985. Huntingdonshire Fauna & Flora Society Annual Report 38: 45.
Brady, L. 1998. The current status of reptile and amphibian recording in Kent. Bulletin of the Kent Field Club 43: 94-100.
Brady, L. 2000. Reptile and amphibian report. Bulletin of the Kent Field Club 45: 97-99.
Branson, A. (ed.) 2008. Wildlife reports. British Wildlife 19(6): 424-444.
Bray, R.; Gent, T. (eds.) 1997. Opportunities for amphibians and reptiles in the designed landscape. Proceedings of a seminar at Kew Gardens, Richmond, Surrey held on 25 January 1996. English Nature Science 30: 1-82.
Brightmore, B. 1970. Notes on the amphibians and reptiles of the Hastings district. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 11: 4-12.
Britten, H.; Newton, P.; Wild, S.V. 1941. The natural history of the Ballast Hole, Sunderland, Cheshire (cont.). (Amph. & Rep., p. 190). North Western Nat. Arbroath 16(3): 183-193.
Browne, M. 1887. Notes on the vertebrate animals of Leicestershire. Zool. 45: 57-59.
Browne, M. 1889. The vertebrate animals of Leicestershire and Rutland. London. 223 pp.
Bryan, B. 1943. Zoology: Reptilia. Transactions N. Staffs. F. Cl. Stafford 77: 31-32.
Buckley, J. 1974. Amphibia and reptile records from Norfolk. Transactions Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. 23(3): 172-191.
Buckley, J. 1987. The distribution and status of snakes in Norfolk. Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society Transactions 27(5): 353-361.
Buckley, J. 1988. The distribution and status of lizards in Norfolk. Norfolk & Norwich Naturalists Society Transactions 28(1): 51-61.
Bunting, W. 1950. Animal and plant introductions in the Thorne district, Yorkshire. British Journal of Herpetology 3: 70.
Burns, P. 1970. Amphibian and reptile notes and records. Biological Conservation 2: 105-114.
Burrage, B.R. 1961. Notes on the adder and other reptiles in Cornwall. British Journal of Herpetology 3: 15-16.
Burton, J.A. 1974. The naturalist in London. David & Charles, Newton Abbot, London, etc. 176 pp.
Cambridge, O.P. 1894. Reptiles of Dorset. Proceedings Dorset Club 15: 90-102.
Carter, H.H. 1966. The recorder's report for mammals, reptiles and amphibia. Reading Naturalist 18: 44-46.
Carter, H.H. 1967. Juniper Valley: some observations and problems. Reading Nat. 19: 21-29.
Carter, H.H. 1974. The recorder's report for vertebrates 1971-1972. Reading Naturalist 25 [1971-1972]: 34-40.
Carter, H.H. 1974. The recorder's report for vertebrates 1972-1973. Reading Naturalist 26 [1972-1973]: 33-36.
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Carter, H.H. 1977. Recorder's report for vertebrates 1974-75. Reading Naturalist 28 [1976]: 35-39.
Carter, H.H. 1977. The recorder's report for vertebrates, 1975-76. Reading Naturalist 29: 39-42.
Carter, H.H. 1978. The recorder's report for vertebrates, 1976-77. Reading Naturalist 30: 31-36.
Carter, H.H. 1979. The recorder's report for vertebrates, 1977-1978. Reading Naturalist 31: 26-31.
Carter, H.H. 1980. The recorder's report for vertebrates, 1978-1979. Reading Naturalist 32: 31-36.
Carter, H.H. 1981. The recorder's report for vertebrates, 1979-80. Reading Naturalist 33: 39-42.
Carter, H.H. 1982. The Recorder's report for vertebrates, 1980-81. Reading Naturalist 34: 61-65.
Carter, H.H. 1984. The recorders report for vertebrates, 1982-83. Reading Naturalist 36: 49-53.
Carter, H.H. 1988. Recorder's report for vertebrates 1987. Reading Naturalist 40: 50-51.
Carter, H.H. 1989. Recorders report for vertebrates, 1988. Reading Naturalist 41: 40-42.
Cattley, T. 1992. Mammal and reptile report. Exmoor Naturalist 18: 25-28.
Cattley, T. 1993. Mammal and reptile report. Exmoor Naturalist 19: 31-41.
Cattley, T. 1994. Mammal and reptile report. Exmoor Naturalist 20: 29-39.
Charbonnier, H.J. 1887. Notes on the reptiles, amphibia, and fish of the Bristol District. Proceedings Bristol Soc. 2(5): 133-142.
Cheung, M.; Gent, T. 1996. Evaluation of refuges for surveying reptile species at two sites in Northamptonshire and Hampshire. English Nature Science 27: 71-99.
Clark, J.S. (ed.) 1974. Amphibians and reptiles. Report Huntingdon. Fauna Flora Soc. 26 [1973]: 63-65.
Clark, M. 1970. The survey of mammals, reptiles and amphibia in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 27: 37-38.
Clark, M. 1974. The survey of mammals, reptiles and amphibia in Hertfordshire: 1967-1973, progress report and maps. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 27(6): 265-270.
Clark, M. 1975. The survey of mammals, reptiles and amphibia in Hertfordshire: additional records. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 27(7): 325-330.
Clark, M. 1979. The survey of mammals, reptiles and Amphibia in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 28(2): 9-16.
Clark, M. 1983. The survey of mammals, reptiles and amphibia in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 29(1): 11-14.
Clark, M. 1987. The survey of mammals, reptiles and Amphibia in Hertfordshire. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 29(8): 382-389.
Clark, M. 1994. Report for mammals, reptiles and amphibians, 1993. Transactions of the Hertfordshire Natural History Society and Field Club 32(1): 30-31.
Clegg, T.M. 1968. Mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes. Naturalist (Hull) 904: 5-10.
Clemons, J. 1998. A Provisional Atlas of the Amphibians and Reptiles of Warwickshire. Warwickshire Biological Records Centre & Warwickshire County Council, Coventry. 20 pp.
Coles, P.; Diamond, J.; Harrop, H.; Macleod, K.; Mitchell, J. 2002. A report on the whales, dolphins and porpoises of the Bay of Biscay and English Channel 2000. ORCA 2: 9-61.
Collier, R. 1975. News from the reserves. Newsletter Lincs. Trust Nat. Conserv. 44: 4-7.
Conisbee, L.R. 1975. Notes on local fauna and flora for 1974. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 11(6): 180-203.
Conisbee, L.R. 1976. Notes on the local fauna and flora for 1975. Hastings & East Sussex Naturalist 12(1): 8-35.
Cooke, A. 1981. Amphibians and reptiles. Huntingdonshire Fauna & Flora Society Annual Report 33: 29-30.
Cooke, A. 1982. Amphibian and reptile report for 1981. Huntingdonshire Fauna & Flora Society Annual Report 34: 35-38.
Cooke, A. 1983. Amphibian and reptile report for 1982. Huntingdonshire Fauna & Flora Society Annual Report 35: 31-34.
Cooke, A.S. 1997. Safeguarding herpetofauna from agrochemical use in the designed landscape. English Nature Science 30: 66-70.
Corbett, K. 1983. Reptiles and amphibians: survey to conserve. Somerset Trust for Nature Conservation Annual Report 18: 27-28.
Corbett, K. 1991. Management of lowland heath for rare reptiles. pp. 38-43. In: Auld, M.H.D.; Pickess, B.P. & Burgess, N.D. (eds.). Proceedings of Heathlands Conference 2. History and management of southern lowland heaths: Harrow House, Dorset, 4-6 June 1990. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, Sandy. 97 pp.
Coward, T.A. 1934. Reptilia and Amphibia. pp. 17-18. In: A Check List of the Fauna of Lancashire and Cheshire. Lawson's Arbroath.
Coward, T.A.; Oldham, C. 1910. The reptiles and amphibians of Cheshire. Witherby & Co. 210 pp.
Dalton, R.F. 1951. A preliminary re-survey of the distribution of the Dorset Amphibia and Reptilia with some notes on their characters and habits. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society 72: 135-143.
Dalton, R.F. 1955. Report on Dorset natural history (except birds) for 1953. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society 75: 133-150.
Dalton, R.F. 1956. Report on Dorset natural history 1954. Vertebrates other than birds and mammals. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society 76: 125-126.
Dalton, R.F. 1956. Report on Dorset natural history for 1955. Amphibia, Reptilia. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society 77: 55.
Dalton, R.P. 1953. Vertebrates (except mammals and birds). Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History & Archaeological Society 74: 115-116.
Dawson, F.L.M. 1940. The small-mammal population of Mill Hill. With brief notes on the reptiles and amphibians. Naturalist (London) July 1940: 14.
Deaton, R.H. 1985. Lower vertebrate section. Harrogate & District Naturalists' Society Report 1984: 25-28.
Deaton, R.H. 1986. Lower vertebrate section. Harrogate & District Naturalists' Society Report 1985: 25-28.
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Deaton, R.H. 1987. Lower vertebrate section. Harrogate & District Naturalists' Society Report 1987: 40-42.
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Deaton, R.H. 1989. Lower vertebrate section. Harrogate & District Naturalists' Society Report 1989: 41-43.
Dillon, P.J.; Browne, M. 1983. The reptiles and amphibians of Wiltshire. Second interim report. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society Annual Report 1982: 38-46.
Dunn, E.R. 1930. Reptiles and amphibians of Northampton and vicinity. Bull. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 57: 1-8.
Durkin, J. 1982. Reptiles in County Durham. Durham County Conservation Trust Ltd Bulletin 1982: 17-20.
Durkin, J. 2012. Reptiles. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumbria 73: 216-217.
Edgar, P. 1988. Conservation matters: a review of herp conservation issues in the news during the period July to November 1988. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 26: 32-35.
Edgar, P. 1990. A captive breeding and release programme for Sand Lizards and natterjack toads at Marwell Zoological Park: an appeal for sponsorship. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 31: 3-10.
Edgar, P. 1990. Report of the Marwell/BHS conservation project. Rephiberary 154: 3-5.
Edwards, D.M. 1960. Systematic list of the mammals, reptiles and amphibians of North West Kent. Rep. Sidcup Nat. Hist. Soc. 11: 13-22.
Edwards, M. 1982. The Rewell Wood: a survey of its southern habitats. West Sussex Wildlife Recording Group Report, Midhurst, Sussex. 125 pp.
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Evans, A.H. 1911. A vertebrate fauna of the Tweed area. (Reptilia. pp. 247-253). Douglas, Edinburgh. 262 pp.
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Fitter, R.S.R. 1949. A checklist of the mammals, reptiles and amphibia of the London area 1900-1949. Naturalist (London) 28: 98-115.
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Forrest, E. 1899. Fauna of Shropshire, being an account of all the mammals, birds, reptiles, and fishes found in the County of Salop. Shrewsbury and London. 248 pp.
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Hall, D.G. 1978. Amphibia and Reptilia in the London area, 1977. Naturalist (London) 57: 91.
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