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Bibliography of the reptiles of
Norway |
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Anonymous. 1978. [Threatened animals and plants in the Nordic countries]. (In Swedish, English summary). Nordiska Ministerrådet, Stockholm, Oslo, etc. 194 pp.
Clark, R.J. 1994. Observations on the herpetofauna of southern Norway (Sørland). British Herpetological Society Bulletin 47: 30-44.
Clark, R.J. 1998. Herpetologiske nyheter fra Sørlandet. [Herpetological news from southernmost Norway (Sorlandet).] (In Norwegian, English summary). Fauna (Oslo) 51(4): 160-163.
Dolmen, D. 1978. [Norwegian amphibians and reptiles]. (In Norwegian, English summary). Fauna (Oslo) 31(3): 165-174.
Dolmen, D. 1986. Norwegian amphibians and reptiles; current situation 1985. pp. 743-746. In: Rocek, Z. (ed.). Studies in herpetology. Proceedings of the European Herpetological Meeting (3rd Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica) Prague 1985. Charles University, Prague. 754 pp.
Dolmen, D. 1993. [Amphibians and reptiles need to be given special attention]. (In Norwegian). Fauna (Oslo) 46(2): 98-99.
Hecht, G. 1927. Kriechtiere und Lurche in Lappland. Das Aquarium 1927: 88-90.
Lantermann, W.; Lantermann, Y. 2010. Reptilien und Amphibien am Undelandsee in Süd-Norwegen - Ökologische und pädagogische Aspekte. Reptilia (D) 15(84): 68-71.
Roth, S. 2011. [Herpetological observations from southern Hordaland and northern Rogaland (Norway) with particular consideration of Bomlo and Stord]. (In German). Vernate 30: 95-116.
Seland, J. 2009. Feltherpetologisk treff i pinsehelgen 2009 [Field herpetolofical [herpetological] gathering during the Whitsun break]. (In Norwegian). Fauna (Oslo) 62(4): 134-139.
Seland, J.; Dolmen, D.; Sandaas, K. 2012. [Field Herpetological meeting in Nesodden, Akershus during the Pentecostal Weekend 2012]. (In Norwegian). Fauna (Oslo) 65(1-2): 66-70.
Soot-Ryen, T. 1948. Krypdyr og padder i Nord-Norge [Reptiles and amphibians in northern Norway]. (In Norwegian). Fauna (Oslo) 1: 76-84.
Støp-Bowitz, C.; Soot-Ryen, T.; Kolstad, K. 1961. Norske dyrenavn med tilhørende latinske navn. Fauna (Oslo) 1 [1960]: 1-57.
Vader, W. 1976. [What do we know about mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians in northern Norway? - a survey of the literature]. (In Norwegian). Ottar 90: 39-47.
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