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Bibliography of the reptiles of

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Andrzejewski, H. 1977. [Amphibians and reptiles of the reserve 'Las Piwnicki' near Torun]. (In Polish, English summary). Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici Biologia 19: 159-174.

Bacesco, M. 1934. La faune herpetologique de la presqu'llo de Hel (Pologno). Not. biol. Bucaresti 2(3): 76-82.

Bayger, J.A. 1938. Eine Schilderung der Herpetofauna Polens aus der ersten Hälfte des XVIII Jh. Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Krakow. 71: 45-64.

Berger, L. 1955. Amphibia and Reptilia of the Great Poland National Park near Poznan. Prace Przyr. wielkopolsk. Parku Nar. Pohn. 2(10): 1-35.

Berger, L. 1975. Gacy i plazy (Reptilia et Amphibia). Fauna slodk. Pol. 4: 7-108.

Berger, L.; Jaskowska, J.; Mlynarski, M. 1969. Plazy i Gady. [Amphibians and Reptiles]. Katalog Fauny Polski (Catalogus Faunae Poloniae) 39: 1-73.

Blazuk, J. 1985. [The reptiles living in the environs of the town of Swinoujscie]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 41(1): 41-42.

Brauner, A. 1905. Vorläufige Mitteilung über die Kriechtiere und Lurche der Krym des Kubangebietes, des Wolhynischen und Warschauer Gouvernements. Zapiski Novoross. Obshch. 28: 1-14.

Chlebicki, A. 1988. [The herpetofauna of the Strzelinskie Hills in Lower Silesia]. (In Polish, English summary). Prace Zoologiczne (Wroclaw) 19: 37-52.

Chobotow, J.; Czarniawski, W. 1999. Plazy i gady Parku Krajobrazowego "Lasy Janowskie". [Amphibian and reptile fauna of the Janow Forest Landscape Park]. (In Polish, English summary). Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 18(2): 111-123.

Chobotow, J.; Czarniawski, W. 2001. Plazy i gady Krzczonowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego [Amphibian and reptile fauna of the Krzczonowski Landscape Park]. Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 20(2): 43-49.

Chobotow, J.; Czarniawski, W. 2007. Plazy i gady Lublina [Amphibians and reptiles of the urban area of Lublin]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 63(4): 21-37.

Ciechanowski, M.; Kowalczyk, J.K.; Blazuk, J. 2004. Waloryzacja rezerwatow roslinnosci kserotermicznej "Biala Gora", "Kwidzynskie Ostnice" i "Milachowo" (woj. Pomorskie) w oparciu o wybrane elementy fauny (Insecta, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia) [Evaluation of xerothermic vegetation reserves "Biala Gora" "Kwidzynskie Ostnice" and "Milachowo" (Pomeranian Province) based on selected elements of fauna (Insecta, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, Mammalia)]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Przyrodniczy 15(3-4): 83-108.

Cmak, J.; Ichniowska-Korpula, B. 1984. [The herpetofauna of the 'Skorocice' steppe reserve]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 40(4): 68-75.

Cmak, J.; Kosierkiewicz, D. 1987. [The reptiles of the 'Biale Lugi' Peat Bog Reserve]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 43(3): 68-76.

Dudek, K. 2013. [Beachfront and the reptiles]. (In Polish). Kosmos (Warsaw) 62(4): 615.

Fejervary, G.J. 1923. Über die von Dr. A. Pongrácz in Polen gesammelten Amphibien und Reptilien. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (Berlin) 89: 1-35.

Fudakowski, J. 1933. Notes fauniques sur les amphibiens, reptiles, et oiseaux du distr. de Chelm (voiev. de Lublin) en Pologne. Fragmenta Faun. Mus. Zool. Polon. 2: 97-102.

Fudakowski, J. 1935. Contribuants a la faune du massif de Czarnohora (Carpathis Orientates Polonaises). Amphibia et Reptilia. Trav. Inst. Reoh. For. Vareovie (A.) 8: 86-90.

Fudakowski, J. 1958. Remarks on the herpetological fauna of Poland. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 2: 825-844.

Gierlinski, G.; Grabowska, J.; Grabowski, M.; Jaskula, R. 2015. Ilustrowana encyklopedia plazów i gadów Polski. Atlas. [Illustrated encyclopedia of Polish amphibians and reptiles. Atlas.]. (In Polish). Fenix, Warsaw. 272 pp.

Gillett, L. 1990. The reptiles and amphibians of Poland. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 31: 36-38.

Gliniewicz, L.A. 1981. [The problems of vertebrates preservation in Poland]. (In Polish). Kosmos (Warsaw) 30(4): 395-402.

Glowacinski, Z. 1990. [Long-term changes of the Polish land vertebrate fauna-decrease and increase processes]. (In Polish, English summary). Studia Naturae Seria A Wydawnictwa Naukowe 1990: 169-211.

Glowacinski, Z.; Bieniek, M.; Dyduch, A.; Gertychowa, R.; Jakubiec, Z.; Kosior, A.; Zemanek, M. 1980. [Situation of all vertebrates and selected invertebrates in Poland. List of species, their occurrence, endangerment and status of protection]. (In Polish, English summary). Studia Naturae Seria A Wydawnictwa Naukowe 21: 1-163.

Glowacinski, Z.; Rafinski, J. (eds.). 2003. Atlas plazow i gadow Polski: status, rozmieszczenie, ochrona. [Atlas of the amphibians and reptiles of Poland: status, distribution, conservation]. (In Polish, English summary). Biblioteka Monitoringu Srodowiska, Warszawa & Krakow. 151 pp.

Glowacinski, Z.; Witkowski, Z. 1969. The fauna of the western Bieszczady Mts., and problems of its conservation. Ochrana Przyrody 34: 127-160.

Goslawski, K.; Rybacki, M. 1988. [Remarks concerning the protection of reptile species endangered in Poland]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 32(1): 63-69.

Grabda-Kazubska, B. 1975. Pasozyty plazów i gadów. Katalog Fauny Pasozyt. Polski 3: 1-111.

Grodzinski, W. 1957. [Materials for the study of the vertebrate fauna of the western Bieszczads]. (In Polish, English summary). Zesz. Nauk Uniw. Jagiellonsk. No. 10, Seria Nauk Biol. Zoologia 1: 177-221.

Herrmann, H.J. 1988. Herpetologisches aus den Beskiden und dem Tatra-Nationalpark. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 41(2): 83-84.

Ichniowska, B. 1980. [The herpetofauna of the nature reserves safeguarding steppe vegetation and flora in the region of Miechow]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 36(5): 14-20.

Ichniowska-Korpula, B.; Zbozen, J. 1991. Amphibien und Reptilien des Reservates Skorocice. Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg Wissenschaftliche Beiträge 1991(6)(Suppl. P46): 245-248.

Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN. . Atlas Plazow i Gadow Polski: status, rozmieszczenie, ochrona. [Atlas of the amphibians and reptiles of Poland: status, distribution, conservation]. http://www.iop.krakow.pl/PlazyGady/gatunki

Jusaczyk, W. 1939. [Vorläufige Mitteilung über die geographische Verbreitung der Amphibien und Reptilien in der Umgebung von Krakow]. (In Polish, German summary). Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Krakow 72: 537-542.

Juszczyk, W. 1987. [Amphibians and reptiles of Poland. Vol. 1. General information]. 2nd rev. ed. (In Polish). Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw. 240 pp.

Juszczyk, W. 1987. [Amphibians and reptiles of Poland. Vol. 3. Reptilia]. 2nd rev. ed. (In Polish). Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warsaw. 214 pp.

Juszczyk, W. 1989. [Amphibians and reptiles of Cracow in 1922-1929]. (In Polish). Przeglad Zoologiczny 33(3): 373-381.

Juszczyk, W.; Swierad, J. 1984. Herpetofauna and its ranges in the Slonne Mountains (Carpathian Plateau, south-east Poland). Acta Biologica Cracoviensia Series Zoologia 26: 25-37.

Kammerer, P. 1899. Die Reptilien und Amphibien der hohen Tatra. Mittheil. Sect. f. Naturk. d. Oesterr. T. Club 6-7: Unpaginated.

Kociniak, M.; Koludzki, Z.; Wezyk, M. 2000. Herpetofauna, awifauna i teriofauna doliny rzeki Gac. [Amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals of the River Gac Valley]. (In Polish, English summary). Kulon 5(2): 195-207.

Kohler, K. 1938. Die Kriechtiere und Lurche Schlesiens (C.S.R.). Mitt. naturw. Ver. Troppau 48(29): 7-10.

Kowalewski, L. 1967. [Reptiles and ampnibians in the vicinity of Czestochowa]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 11: 414-423.

Kowalewski, L. 1985. [Amphibians and reptiles in the Swietokrzyski National Park]. (In Polish, English summary). Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 29(12): 235-274.

Kowalski, W. 1969. Amphibians and reptiles of the "Lezczak" reserve near Racibórz. Ochrana Przyrody 34: 205-225.

Kowalski, W.; Mlynarski, M. 1965. Notes on the amphibians and reptiles of the Pieniny National Park. Ochrana Przyrody 31: 87-115.

Kozlowski, W. 1985. [Progress in the Nature Conservation Organization. The Minister of Forestry's Ordinance on the protection of certain animal species proclaimed on December 30, 1983]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 41(2): 42-46.

Kozminski, Z. 1923. [The amphibian and reptile fauna of the Bialowieza Forest]. (In Polish, English summary). pp. 97-118. Bialowieza, Warsaw.

Kozminski, Z. 1929. Few more words on the amphibians and reptiles of the Bialowieza-Forest. (English summary). Spraw. Kom. fizyogr. Krakow 63: 253-260.

Kruszelnicki, J. 2000. Przyroda Mazurskiego Parku Krajobrazowego [The nature of the Masurian Landscape Park] (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 56(6): 71-87.

Kuntze, R.; Noskiewicz, J. 1925. Einige Bermerkungen zu der Arbeit von Dr. A. Pongrácz: Beiträge zur Tiergeographie Polens. Archiv für Naturgeschichte (Berlin) 91(A5): 110-121.

Lesinski, G.; Blachowski, G.; Siuchno, M. 2009. Vertebrates in the diet of the tawny owl Strix aluco in northern Podlasie (NE Poland) - comparison of forest and rural habitats. Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 52(1): 51-59.

Loeper, H.U.V. 1909. Beobachtungen über die Reptilien- und Amphibienfauna Hinterpommerns. Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde (Stuttgart) 20: 655-657.

Maciantowicz, M.; Najbar, B. 2000. Wystepowanie zolwia blotnego Emys orbicularis Linnaeus, 1758 na terenie wojewodztwa lubuskiego [Occurrence of the pond turtle Emys orbicularis Linnaeus, 1758 in the Lubuskie Province] (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 44(3-4): 177-191.

Markiewicz, J. 1968. [The reptiles in the northern part of the Cracow-Czestochowa Upland and its protection]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 24(1): 59-61.

Markiewicz, J. 1968. The reptiles in the northern part of the Cracow-Czestochowa Upland and its protection. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 24(1): 59-61.

Maslak, R. 1995. Eidechse in Polen. Die Eidechse 6(16): 1-4.

Mitrus, S.; Zemanek, M. 2004. Body size and survivorship of the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis in Central Poland. Biologia (Bratislava) 59: 103-107. (Suppl 14).

Mlynarski, M. 1960. [Keys for the identification of Polish vertebrates. Czesc III. Reptilia]. (In Russian). Warszawa & Krakow (Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe). Pp. 49-27.

Mlynarski, M. 1981. [The state of investigations on amphibian and reptilian fauna in Poland]. (In Polish). Przeglad Zoologiczny 25(3): 345-348.

Mlynarski, M. 1987. [Problems of the protection of amphibians and reptiles in Poland]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 43(3): 18-26.

Mlynarski, M.; Szyndlar, Z. 1989. [History and evolution of the terrestrial fauna of Poland. 5. Amphibia et Reptilia]. (In Polish). Folia Quaternaria 59-60: 69-88.

Najbar, B.; Maciantowicz, M. 2001. The distribution of the European Pond Turtle Emys orbicularis (L.) in Lubuskie Region (western Poland) and the initiative to reconstruct and supply the present sites of this species in the Middle Odra region. Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Biological Sciences 49(2): 127-136.

Ogielska, M.; Kazana, K.; Palczynski, M.; Tomaszewska, A. 1999. An influence of the great flood 1997 on amphibian and reptilian populations in the Odra River Valley near Wroclaw (Lower Silesia, Poland). pp. 345-349. In: Miaud, C. & Guyetant, R. (eds.). Current studies in herpetology: proceedings of the 9th Ordinardy General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica 25-29 August 1998, Le Bourget du Lac, France. Societas Europaea Herpetologica, Le Bourget du Lac, 478 pp.

Ogielska, M.; Konieczny, K. 1999. Herpetofauna pradoliny Odry w okolicach Wroclawia: dwa lata po wielkiej powodzi. Herpetofauna of the Odra River Valley near Wroclaw: two years after the great flood. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 43(3-4): 207-214.

Pabijan, M.; Przystalski, A. 2003. Wystepowanie plazow i gadow w Nadgoplanskim Parku Tysiaclecia. [The occurence [occurrence] of amphibians and reptiles in Goplo Landscape Park]. (In Polish, English summary). Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 22(4): 593-603.

Palka, J.T. 1969. Conservation in Poland. New Scientist 41: 682-684.

Rybacki, M. 1987. [Remarks on the amphibians and reptiles of the Slowinski National Park]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 43(5-6): 65-68.

Rychla, A.; Frackowiak, P.; Szustka, K. 2002. Plazy i gady Przemkowskiego Parku Krajobrazowego. [Amphibians and reptiles in the Przemkowski Landscape Park.] (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 58(4): 37-51.

Schiemenz, H. 1977. Die gegenwärtige Kenntnis der Herpetofauna der Oberlausitz. Abhandlungen Ber. Naturk. Mus.-ForschStelle. Görlitz 51(2): 41-42.

Schmidt, D. 1981. Geschützte Amphibien und Reptilien in Freundesland 2. VR Polen. Aquarien Terrarien 28(2): 67.

Skowron, B. 2003. Uwagi o wystepowaniu weza Eskulapa Elaphe longissima w Zlotym Potoku na Jurze Krakowsko-Czestochowskiej [Remarks on the occurrence of Elaphe longissima in Zloty Potok in the Krakow-Czestochowa Jura]. (In Polish). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 59(3): 88-89.

Strojny, W. 1991. [Serpentes in Pienin and the surrounding mountains]. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 47(4): 84-92.

Swierad, J. 1995. [Let's protect the Stawki pod Capkami ponds in Zakopane]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 51(2): 51-59.

Szyndlar, Z. 1980. [The herpetofauna of the western Bieszczady Mountains]. (In Polish, English summary). Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 24(6): 299-336.

Szyndlar, Z. 1991. Reptilia. pp. 293-294. In: Razowskiego, J. (ed.). Wykaz zwierzat Polski. Tom 2. Czesc 32/25-29. Insecta: Trichoptera - Siphonaptera. Czesc 33-43. Chaetognatha - Mammalia. [Checklist of animals of Poland. Vol.2. Part 32/25-29. Insecta: Trichoptera - Siphonaptera. Part 33-43. Chaetognatha - Mammalia]. Zaklad Narodowy im Ossolinskich, Wroclaw. 342 pp.

Taczanowski, L. 1877. Liste des Vertebres de Pologne. Bulletin de la Société Zoologique de France 2: 167-168.

Tatarinov, K.A. 1977. [Disappearing species of amphibians and reptiles of the Carpathians and measures to protect them.] pp. 200-201. In: Darevsky, I.S. [Fourth All-Union Herpetological Conference. Questions in Herpetology]. Akademiya Nauk SSSR, Zoologicheskij Institut. Izdatel'stvo 'Nauka', Leningrad. 243 pp. (In Russian).

Witkowski, Z. 1978. [Amphibians and reptiles of the Lipówka Nature Reserve on the background of the herpetofauna of the Niepolomice]. (In Polish, English summary). Studia Naturae Seria A Wydawnictwa Naukowe 17: 191-205.

Wojdan, D. 1994. [The occurrence of reptiles (Reptilia) in the Swietokrzyskie Mountains]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 38(1-2): 97-104.

Wojdan, D. 2006. New localities of rare amphibians (Amphibia) and reptiles (Reptilia) in the Swietokrzyski National Park. Fragmenta Faunistica (Warsaw) 49(1): 75-79.

Wojdan, D. 2007. Wystepowanie gadow (Reptilia) w Swietokrzyskim Parku Narodowym [Occurrence of reptiles (Reptilia) in the Swietokrzyski National Park]. (In Polish). Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 26(1): 91-106.

Wojdan, D.; Dudek, K. 2010. [Herpetofauna of the Sieradowicki Landscape Park]. (In Polish). Kulon 15: 57-64.

Wojdan, D.; Jurek, A. 2009. Herpetofauna Rezerwatu Lugi [Herpetofauna of the Nature Reserve Lugi]. (In Polish). Kulon 14: 99-106.

Wojdan, D.; Kasprowicz, M. 2010. [Herpetofauna of the Jeleniowski Landscape Park]. (In Polish). Kulon 15: 49-56.

Wojdan, D.; Michon, D. 2009. Herpetofauna parku Krajobrazowego Lasy nad Gorna Liswarta [Herpetofauna of the landscape park Lasy nad Gorna Liswarta]. (In Polish). Kulon 14: 107-114.

Wojdan, D.; Sobieraj, M. 2010. [Herpetofauna of the Kozienice Landscape Park]. (In Polish). Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 29(4): 63-71.

Wojdan, D.; Zielinska, M. 2010. [Herpetofauna of the Suchedniow-Oblegorek Landscape Park]. (In Polish). Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 29(4): 73-81.

Wolk, K. 1978. [The animals killed by motor vehicles in the scenic reserve in the Bialowieza Primeval Forest]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 34(6): 20-28.

Woloszyn, B.W. 2003. Plazy (Amphibia) i gady (Reptilia) masywu Babiej Gory. [Amphibians (Amphibia) and reptiles (Reptilia) of the Babia Gora Massif]. pp. 409-419. (In Polish, English summary). In: Woloszyn, B.W.; Woloszyn, D.; Celary, W. Monografia fauny Babiej Gory. [Fauna of Mt. Babia Gora, Poland]. Komitet Ochrony Przyrody Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Krakow. 489 pp.

Wolterstorff, W. 1905. Beiträge zur Fauna der Tucheler Heide. Schr. Ges. Danzig 11: 140-240.

Zbozen, J. 1982. [Some problems of the protection of reptiles in Poland]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 38(3): 34-41.

Zemanek, M. 1992. [The status of works on the atlas of the distribution of the Amphibia and the Reptilia in Poland]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 48(2): 52-58.

Zemanek, M.; Rafinski, J. 1989. [Atlas of amphibians and reptiles distribution in Poland - preliminary results of mappin]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 33(4): 599-605.

Zielinski, P. 2001. Dealing with uneven recording effort in regional atlas projects on the distribution of amphibians and reptiles. Acta Zoologica Cracoviensia 44(2): 85-92.

Zielinski, P.; Hejduk, J.; Stopczynski, M.; Makowski, J. 2005. Distribution of amphibians and reptiles in central Poland: 1980-2000. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Biologica et Oecologica 2: 35-55.

Zielinski, P.; Klimkowski, A. 2003. Herpetofauna doliny Sludwi [Herpetofauna of the Sludwia River valley]. (In Polish, English summary). Chronmy Przyrode Ojczysta 59(1): 43-55.

Zyczynski, A. 2002. Ochrona herpetofauny w Warszawskim kompleksie parkowym Pola Mokotowskie. [Protection of herpetofauna in the Warsaw park complex Pola Mokotowskie]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Przyrodniczy 13(3): 137-139.

Zylka, A. 1971. The stage of investigations on Amphibia and reptiles in Poland. Kosmos (Ser. A) (Warsaw) 20: 477-482.

Zylka, A. 1979. [Changes in the zoogeographical character of the Polish herpetofauna]. (In Polish, English summary). Przeglad Zoologiczny 23(3): 252-255.