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Bibliography of the reptiles of
Victoria [Australia] |
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Alexander, J.S.A.; Scotts, D.J.; Loyn, R.H. 2002. Impacts of timber harvesting on mammals, reptiles and nocturnal birds in native hardwood forests of East Gippsland, Victoria: a retrospective approach. Australian Forestry 65(3): 182-210.
Banks, C.B. 1987. Notes on birth and early development in three species of common Victorian reptiles. Victorian Naturalist 104(6): 178-182.
Bennett, A.F. 1992. Notes on the wildlife of a disused railway reserves in western Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 109(4): 126-129.
Beste, H. 1970. Reptiles of the Hattah district Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 87: 262-265.
Beste, H. 1971. Reptiles of Victoria - 1. Victorian Naturalist 88(5): 117-119.
Beste, H. 1971. Reptiles of Victoria - 2. Victorian Naturalist 88(6): 156-157.
Beste, H. 1971. Reptiles of Victoria - 3. Victorian Naturalist 88(10): 296-297.
Beste, H. 1971. Reptiles of Victoria - 4. Victorian Naturalist 88(12): 358-359.
Beste, H. 1972. Reptiles of Victoria - 5. Victorian Naturalist 89(3): 74-75.
Beste, H. 1972. Reptiles of Victoria - 6. Victorian Naturalist 89(7): 186-187.
Beste, H. 1972. Reptiles of Victoria - 7. Victorian Naturalist 89(10): 276-277.
Bowker, G.M. 1980. Seabird islands. No. 99. Griffiths Island, Victoria. Corella 4(4): 104-106.
Braby, M.F. 1989. Reptiles of the northern section of Kinglake National Park. Victorian Naturalist 106(3): 79-85.
Brazenor, C.W. 1947. A preliminary report on the biology and ecology of the Snowy River area in northeastern Victoria. [Amphibians and reptiles.]. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 15: 150-158.
Brown, G. 2002. The distribution and conservation status of the reptile fauna of the Murray River region in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 119(3): 133-143.
Brown, G.W. 2001. The influence of habitat disturbance on reptiles in a box-ironbark eucalypt forest of south-eastern Australia. Biodiversity and Conservation 10(2): 161-176.
Brown, G.W.; Bennett, A.F.; Potts, J.M. 2008. Regional faunal decline - reptile occurrence in fragmented rural landscapes of south-eastern Australia. Wildlife Research 35(1): 8-18.
Brown, G.W.; Horrocks, G.F.B. 1988. Non-avian vertebrate species known from Point Nepean. Victorian Naturalist 105(6): 141.
Brown, G.W.; Nelson, J.L. 1993. Influence of successional stage of Eucalyptus regnans (mountain ash) on habitat use by reptiles in the Central Highlands, Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology 18(4): 405-417.
Brown, G.W.; Nicholls, A.O. 1993. Comparative census techniques and modelling of habitat utilization by reptiles in northern Victoria. pp. 283-290. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Chatto, R. 1989. A record of the common scalyfoot (Pygopus lepidopodus) in central Gippsland, Victoria. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 19(1): 7.
Chessman, B.C. 1989. Habitat preferences of freshwater turtles in the Murray Valley, Victoria and New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 15(5) [1988]: 485-491.
Chessman, B.C. 1989. Seasonal and diel activity of freshwater turtles in the Murray Valley, Victoria and New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 15(3) [1988]: 267-276.
Clemann, N. 2002. A herpetofauna survey of the Victorian alpine region, with a review of threats to these species. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 119(2): 48-58.
Clemann, N. 2013. Release or retain? Prioritising biodiversity conservation when deciding the endpoint for Victorian reptiles and frogs removed from the wild for research purposes. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 130(5): 207-211.
Clemann, N. 2015. Cold-blooded indifference: a case study of the worsening status of threatened reptiles from Victoria, Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology 21(1): 15-26.
Conole, L. 1981. Lorne campout 7-9 March, 1981. Geelong Naturalist 18(1): 12-15.
Conole, L.E.; Baverstock, G.A. 1993. Notes on the herpetofauna of the Inverleigh Common Flora Reserve, Victoria. Geelong Naturalist 29(3) 1992-1993 [?1993]: 55-60.
Coventry, A.J. 1971. The discovery of the lizard genus Carlia (Scincidae: Lygosominae) in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 88(1): 20-22.
Coventry, A.J. 1996. Results of surveys of the herpetofauna of several areas in north-western Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 113(6): 289-299.
Coventry, A.J.; Robertson, P. 1980. New records of scincid lizards from Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 97(5): 190-193.
Coventry, A.J.; Robertson, P. 1991. The snakes of Victoria - a guide to their identification. Department of Conservation & Environment, Museum of Victoria.
Emison, W.B.; Porter, J.W.; Norris, K.C.; Apps, G.J. 1978. Survey of the vertebrate fauna in the Grampians-Edenhope area of southwestern Victoria. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 39: 281-363.
Gilmore, A.M. 1977. A survey of vertebrate animals in the Stradbroke area of south Gippsland, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 94(3): 123-128.
Gilmore, A.M.; Emison, W.B.; Wheeler, J.R. 1979. Vertebrate fauna of the Ballarat area, Victoria. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 40: 51-103.
Goode, J. 1965. Freshwater tortoises in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 82: 169-175.
Goode, J. 1965. Nesting behaviour of freshwater tortoises in Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 82: 218-222.
Goode, J. 1966. Tortoises. Victoria's Resources 8: 48-49.
Goode, J. 1968. Morphological variations in Victoria tortoises, with special reference to the intermediate forms of Chelodina expansa. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 85: 263-267.
Green, K.; Osborne, W. 1994. Wildlife of the Australian Snow Country. Reed Books, Chatswood, NSW.
Hadden, S.A.; Westbrooke, M.E. 1996. Habitat relationships of the herpetofauna of remnant buloke woodlands of the Wimmera Plains, Victoria. Wildlife Research 23(3): 363-372.
Hamer, A.J. 2011. The herpetofauna of Melbourne: using past and present distributions to assess impacts of urbanisation. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 128(5): 162-174.
Hamer, A.J.; McDonnell, M.J. 2010. The response of herpetofauna to urbanization: inferring patterns of persistence from wildlife databases. Austral Ecology 35(5): 568-580.
Heard, G.; Black, D. 2003. A survey of the reptile fauna inhabiting the Mt Meg FLora and Fauna Reserve, north-east Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 120(3): 84-91.
Homan, P. 2003. A reptile and amphibian survey of the Wonthaggi Heathland and Coastal Reserve. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 120(4): 147-152.
Homan, P. 2005. A survey of the vertebrate fauna of the Black Range, near Stawell. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 122(2): 94-102.
Homan, P. 2006. New locality records for reptiles, including the vulnerable swamp skink Egernia coventryi, in South Gippsland, 2001 - 2005. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 123(5): 335-338.
Homan, P. 2014. Survival and recolonisation following wildfire at Moyston West, western Victoria. 2. Herpetofauna. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 131(1): 4-14.
Homan, P.; Schultz, N. 2012. Further records of mammal and reptile fauna from the Black Range, near Stawell and the Grampians National Park, western Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 129(2): 36-45.
Hoser, R. 1990. Melbourne's snakes. 1. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 10(2): 82-92.
Hoser, R. 1990. Melbourne's snakes. 2. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 10(3): 122-145.
Hoser, R.T. 2013. How fast can they crawl? Distribution of snakes in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 20: 52-63.
Hoser, R.T.; Valentic, R. 1996. Notes on a files trip to the Lower Mornington Peninsula with comments on the wider significance of some observations. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 8(1): 24-34
Hutchinson, M.N. 1979. The reptiles of Kinglake National Park. Victorian Naturalist 96(4): 124-134.
Jellinek, S.; Parris, K.M.; McCarthy, M.A.; Wintle, B.A.; Driscoll, D.A. 2014. Reptiles in restored agricultural landscapes: the value of linear strips, patches and habitat condition. Animal Conservation 17(6): 544-554.
Kershaw, J.A. 1906. General Zoology, Wilson's Promontory. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 22: 197-207.
Kershaw, J.A. 1927. Victorian reptiles. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 43: 335-344.
King, D. 1983. Lizards. Geelong Naturalist 20(3): 89.
King, D. 1988. Reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. Geelong Naturalist 25(1): 31.
Korshaw, J.A. 1918. Two snakes new to Victoria. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 35: 30-32.
Kutt, A. 1993. Initial observations on the effect of thinning eucalypt regrowth on heliothermic skinks in lowland forest, East Gippsland, Victoria. pp. 187-196. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Larwill, S.A. 1995. Reptiles and amphibians of the Melbourne area. Victorian Naturalist 112(4): 160-171.
Limpus, C.J.; Roper, P.A. 1977. On the Victorian coast - a Pacific Ridley sea-turtle Lepidochelys olivacea (Eschscholtz). Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 94(2): 54-56.
Littlejohn, M.J. 1962. Zoology of the High Plains: Part 1. Ichthyology and herpetology. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 75: 311-313.
Littlejohn, M.J.; Rawlinson, P.A. 1971. Amphibians and reptiles of Victoria. Victoria Year Book 85: 1-36.
Lloyd, R. 2006. A herpetofauna survey of the Candowie Reservoir section of the Tennent Creek catchment, Almurta, Victoria. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 75-79.
Lobert, B.; Gell, P. 1984. Mammals and reptiles of Holey Plains State Park. Victorian Naturalist 101(6): 242-246.
Loyn, R.H.; Lumsden, L.F.; Ward, K.A. 2002. Vertebrate fauna of Barmah Forest, a large forest of River Red Gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis on the floodplain of the Murray River. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 119(3): 114-132.
Lucas, A.H.S. 1894. The lizards indigenous to Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of Victoria 2(6): 24-92.
Lucas, A.H.S. 1897. On some facts in the geographical distribution of land and fresh-water vertebrates in Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of Victoria 2(9): 34-53.
MacNally, R.; Brown, G.W. 2001. Reptiles and habitat fragmentation in the box-ironbark forests of central Victoria, Australia: predictions, compositional change and faunal nestedness. Oecologia (Berlin) 128(1): 116-125.
Mansergh, I.; Davey, G.; Robertson, P. 1993. Reptiles and amphibians of Victoria - legislation. pp. 373-376. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Mansergh, I.; Hercus, L.A. 1981. An aboriginal vocabulary of the fauna of Gippsland. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 42: 107-122.
Mather, P.B. 1979. An examination of the reptile fauna of Wyperfeld National Park using pitfall trapping. Victorian Naturalist 96(3): 98-101.
Meagher, D. 2012. An etymology of the scientific names of Victorian snakes. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 129(2): 54-60.
Menkhorst, P.W. 1982. Pitfall trapping of reptiles in the Big Desert, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 99(2): 66-70.
Menkhorst, P.W. 1984. Use of nest boxes by forest vertebrates in Gippsland: acceptance, preference and demand. Australian Wildlife Research 11(2): 255-264.
Menkhorst, P.W.; Gilmore, A.M. 1979. Mammals and reptiles of north central Victoria. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 40: 1-33.
Michael, D.R. 2004. Distribution, habitat preferences and conservation status of reptiles in the Albury-Wodonga region. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 121(5): 180-193.
Milton, D.A. 1980. A comparison on three techniques used in a reptile survey of the Conondale Ranges. Victorian Naturalist 97(1): 26-31.
Morrison, C. 1939. Port Phillip sea-serpent. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 56(1): 16.
Myroniuk, P.; Grusovin, J.; Thompson, R. 1993. Mammal survey of Sunday Island, South Gippsland, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 110(4): 165-169.
Norman, F.I. 2000. Preliminary investigation of the bycatch of marine birds and mammals in inshore commercial fisheries, Victoria, Australia. Biological Conservation 92(2): 217-226.
Norris, K.C.; Gilmore, A.M.; Menkhorst, P.W. 1979. Vertebrate fauna of South Gippsland, Victoria. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 40: 105-199.
Pailes, R. 1978. Reptiles of the Ballarat region, Victoria. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 10(1): 26-28.
Pescott, T. 1965. A visit to Lady Julia Percy Island. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 81: 290-301.
Rawlinson, P. 1965. Snakes of the Melbourne area. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 81: 245-254.
Rawlinson, P.A. 1966. Reptiles of the Victorian Mallee. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria N.S. 79: 605-619.
Rawlinson, P.A. 1969. The reptiles of East Gippsland. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of Victoria 82(1): 113-128.
Rawlinson, P.A. 1969. The reptiles of Victoria. Victoria's Resources 11(3): 13-17.
Rawlinson, P.A. 1971. The reptiles of West Gippsland. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of Victoria 84(1): 37-52.
Rodda, A.E. 1925. A Naturalist at Bethanga. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 42(7): 164-170.
Scheelings, T.F. 2015. Morbidity and mortality of reptiles admitted to the Australian Wildlife Health Centre, Healesville Sanctuary, Australia, 2000-13. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51(3): 712-718.
Schulz, M. 1993. Reptiles and amphibians of the coastal dunes at Venus Bay, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 110(5): 198-204.
Simpson, K.N.G. 1973. Amphibians, reptiles and mammals of the Murray River region between Mildura and Renmark, Australia. Mitteilungen Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg 34: 275-279.
Smales, I. 1981. The herpetofauna of Yellingbo State Faunal Reserve. Victorian Naturalist 98(6): 234-246.
Swan, M.; Watharow, S. 2005. Snakes, lizards and frogs of the Victorian Mallee. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood. 91 pp.
Thomas, D.J.; Gilmore, A.M. 1976. An annotated list of the terrestrial vertebrates of the Dartmouth Dam Inundation Area. Fisheries and Wildlife Paper Victoria 10: 1-25.
Thomas, D.J.; Gilmore, A.M. 1976. The terrestrial vertebrate fauna of the Dartmouth Dam inundation area. Australian Wildlife Research 3(2): 189-208.
Thompson, R.; Myers, S.; Dashper, S. 1998. Post-fire colonisation of heathland by small vertebrate species at Wilsons Promontory, Victoria. Victorian Naturalist 115(6): 343-349.
Townsend, S. 1977. A list of vertebrate fauna of the Blackhills, Toolern Vale, Victoria, 1968-1976. Victorian Naturalist 94(2): 80-82.
Trainor, C.R. 1992. Vertebrate fauna of Paddys Ranges State Park. Victorian Naturalist 109(2): 38-45.
Turner, G.S. 2014. Burrow-use by herpetofauna of the Werribee-Keilor plains. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 131(3): 72-83.
Watharow, S. 1998. Aspects of the natural history of the striped skink Ctenotus robustus at the Organ Pipes National Park, Victoria. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 9(2): 57-58.
Watharow, S. 1998. Dietary and parasite observations from roadkilled snakes and lizards of north-western Victoria. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 10(1): 51-60.
Williams, D. 1998. Reptiles of the Bendigo District. A checklist. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 10(1): 50.
Woinarski, J.C.Z. 1989. The vertebrate fauna of broombush Melaleuca uncinata vegetation in north-western Victoria, with reference to effects of broombush harvesting. Australian Wildlife Research 16(2): 217-238.
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