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Bibliography of the genus
Lampropholis (Australian Sun Skinks)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Lampropholis in general
Donnellan, S.C. 1991. Chromosomes of Australian lygosomine skinks (Lacertilia: Scincidae). 2. The genus Lampropholis. Genetica (Dordrecht) 83(3): 223-234.
Fitzinger, L. 1843. Systema Reptilium. Fasciculus primus. Amblyglossae. Braumüller & Seidel, Wien. 106 pp. (See Smith & Grant 1958 (Herpetologica 14: 215-222) for discussion of publication date).
Greer, A.E. 1974. The generic relationships of the scincid lizard genus Leiolopisma and its relatives. Australian Journal of Zoology (Supplementary Series) 31: 1-67.
Hoser, R.T. 2012. A new genus and new species and new subspecies of skink from Victoria (Squamata: Scincidae). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 12: 63-64.
Ingram, G.J. 1991. Five new skinks from Queensland rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(3): 443-453.
Mather, P.; Hughes, J.M. 1992. Genetic variation in three species in the Lampropholis delicata (Lacertilia: Scincidae) complex. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 47(2): 135-146.
Stiles, K. 1993. Response: Lampropholis: the new laboratory animal. pp. 282. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Welch, K.R.G. 1982. Herpetology of the Old World. 2. Preliminary comments on the classification of skinks (family Scincidae) with specific reference to those genera found in Africa, Europe and southwest Asia. Herptile 7(4): 25-27.
Wells, R. 1979. A large aggregation of skink eggs. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 11(1): 19-20.
Wells, R.W. 2002. Some taxonomic changes to the genus Lampropholis (Reptilia: Scincidae) from Australia. Australian Biodiversity Record 2002(8): 1-24.
Wells, R.W. 2010. Some taxonomic and nomenclatural considerations on the class Reptilia in Australia. Comments on the genus Lampropholis and related genera in the family Scincidae. Australian Biodiversity Record 2010(1): 1-22.
Lampropholis adonis
Couper, P.J.; Schneider, C. 1995. Communal nesting in the small skink, Lampropholis adonis. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(2): 382.
Ingram, G.J. 1991. Five new skinks from Queensland rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(3): 443-453.
Lampropholis amicula
Ingram, G.J.; Rawlinson, P. 1981. Five new species of skinks (genus Lampropholis) from Queensland and New South Wales. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 20(2): 311-317.
Lampropholis bellendenkerensis
Singhal, S.; Hoskin, C.J.; Couper, P.; Potter, S.; Moritz, C. 2018. A framework for resolving cryptic species: a case study from the lizards of the Australian Wet Tropics. Systematic Biology 67(6):1061-1075.
Lampropholis caligula
Ingram, G.J.; Rawlinson, P. 1981. Five new species of skinks (genus Lampropholis) from Queensland and New South Wales. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 20(2): 311-317.
Lampropholis coggeri
Bell, R.C.; Parra, J.L.; Tonione, M.; Hoskin, C.J.; Mackenzie, J.B.; Williams, S.E.; Moritz, C. 2010. Patterns of persistence and isolation indicate resilience to climate change in montane rainforest lizards. Molecular Ecology 19(12): 2531-2544.
Ingram, G.J. 1991. Five new skinks from Queensland rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(3): 443-453.
Llewelyn, J.; Macdonald, S.; Hatcher, A.; Moritz, C.; Phillips, B.L. 2017. Thermoregulatory behaviour explains countergradient variation in the upper thermal limit of a rainforest skink. Oikos 126(5): 748-757
Phillips, B.L.; Munoz, M.M.; Hatcher, A.; Macdonald, S.L.; Llewelyn, J.; Lucy, V.; Moritz, C. 2016. Heat hardening in a tropical lizard: geographic variation explained by the predictability and variance in environmental temperatures. Functional Ecology 30(7): 1161-1168.
Shoo, L.P.; Wilson, R.; Williams, Y.M.; Catterall, C.P. 2014. Putting it back: woody debris in young restoration plantings to stimulate return of reptiles. Ecological Management & Restoration 15(1): 84-87.
Singhal, S.; Bi, K. 2017. History cleans up messes: The impact of time in driving divergence and introgression in a tropical suture zone. Evolution 71(7): 1888-1899
Singhal, S.; Moritz, C. 2012. Strong selection against hybrids maintains a narrow contact zone between morphologically cryptic lineages in a rainforest lizard. Evolution 66(5): 1474-1489.
Singhal, S.; Moritz, C. 2013. Reproductive isolation between phylogeographic lineages scales with divergence. Proceedings of the Royal Society Biological Sciences Series B 280(1772): 20132246, 1-8.
Turner, G. 2006. Communal egg-laying in Lampropholis coggeri and Saproscincus tetradactyla (Scincidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 88-92.
Turner, G. 2010. Some predator-prey interactions involving reptiles and frogs from the wet tropics region, north Queensland. Queensland Naturalist 48(4-6): 78-84.
Lampropholis colossus
Ingram, G.J. 1991. Five new skinks from Queensland rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(3): 443-453.
Lampropholis couperi
Ingram, G.J. 1991. Five new skinks from Queensland rainforests. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 30(3): 443-453.
Lampropholis delicata
Anderson, L.; Burgin, S. 2002. Influence of woodland remnant edges on small skinks (Richmond, New South Wales). Austral Ecology 27(6): 630-637.
Anderson, L.; Burgin, S. 2008. Patterns of bird predation on reptiles in small woodland remnant edges in peri-urban north-western Sydney, Australia. Landscape Ecology 23(9): 1039-1047.
Baker, J.K. 1980. The rainbow skink Lampropholis delicata, in Hawaii. Pacific Science 33(2): 207-212.
Bezzina, C.N.; Amiel, J.J.; Shine, R. 2014. Does invasion success reflect superior cognitive ability? A case study of two congeneric lizard species (Lampropholis, Scincidae). PLoS ONE 9(1): e86271.
Bilcke, J.; Downes, S.; Buscher, I. 2006. Combined effect of incubation and ambient temperature on the feeding performance of a small ectotherm. Austral Ecology 31(8): 937-947.
Burgin, S. 1993. Lampropholis: the new "laboratory" animals. pp. 279-282. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Chapple, D.G.; Hoskin, C.J.; Chapple, S.N.J.; Thompson, M.B. 2011. Phylogeographic divergence in the widespread delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata) corresponds to dry habitat barriers in eastern Australia. BMC Evolutionary Biology 11 (Article 191): 18 pp.
Chapple, D.G.; Miller, K.A.; Chaplin, K.; Barnett, L.; Thompson, M.B.; Bray, R.D. 2014. Biology of the invasive delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata) on Lord Howe Island. Australian Journal of Zoology 62(6): 498-506.
Chapple, D.G.; Miller, K.A.; Kraus, F.; Thompson, M.B. 2013. Divergent introduction histories among invasive populations of the delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata): has the importance of genetic admixture in the success of biological invasions been overemphasized. Diversity and Distributions 19(2): 134-146.
Chapple, D.G.; Simmonds, S.M.; Wong, B.B.M. 2011. Know when to run, know when to hide: can behavioral differences explain the divergent invasion success of two sympatric lizards. Ecology and Evolution 1(3): 278-289.
Chapple, D.G.; Thompson, M.B. 2009. Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the invasive delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata), with cross-amplification in other Australian Eugongylus group species. Conservation Genetics Resources 1(1): 55-58.
Chapple, D.G.; Whitaker, A.H.; Chapple, S.N.J.; Miller, K.A.; Thompson, M.B. 2013. Biosecurity interceptions of an invasive lizard: origin of stowaways and human-assisted spread within New Zealand. Evolutionary Applications 6(2): 324-339.
Cheetham, E.; Doody, J.S.; Harlow, P.S. 2011. Embryonic mortality as a cost of communal nesting in the delicate skink. Journal of Zoology (London) 283(4): 234-242.
Clifford, H.T. 1988. Predation of skinks by Achaearanea tepidariorum. Australasian Arachnology 32: 2-3.
Cromie, G.L.; Chapple, D.G. 2012. Impact of tail loss on the behaviour and locomotor performance of two sympatric Lampropholis skink species. PLoS ONE 7(4): e34732, 1-7.
Daly, G. 1993. Unusual behaviour of grass skinks (Lampropholis delicata). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 23(2): 41.
Domrow, R. 1981. A small lizard stifled by phoretic deutonymphal mites (Uropodina). Acarologia (Paris) 22(3): 247-252.
Doody, J.S.; Paull, P. 2013. Hitting the ground running: environmentally cued hatching in a lizard. Copeia 2013(1): 160-165.
Downes, S.; Borges, P. 1998. Sticky traps: an effective way to capture small terrestrial lizards. Herpetological Review 29(2): 94-95.
Downes, S.; Hoefer, A.M. 2004. Antipredatory behaviour in lizards: interactions between group size and predation risk. Animal Behaviour 67(3): 485-492.
Downes, S.J.; Shine, R. 1999. Do incubation-induced changes in a lizard's phenotype influence its vulnerability to predators? Oecologia (Berlin) 120(1): 9-18.
Driessen, M.M.; Brereton, R. 1998. A range extension for the delicate skink, Lampropholis delicata, in Tasmania. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 28(1): 44-45.
Fisher, R.; Ineich, I. 2012. Cryptic extinction of a common Pacific lizard Emoia impar (Squamata, Scincidae) from the Hawaiian Islands. Oryx 46(2): 187-195.
Forsman, A.; Shine, R. 1995. Parallel geographic variation in body shape and reproductive life history within the Australian scincid lizard Lampropholis delicata. Functional Ecology 9(6): 818-828.
Forsman, A.; Shine, R. 1995. The adaptive significance of colour pattern polymorphism in the Australian scincid lizard Lampropholis delicata. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 55(4): 273-291.
Fraser, S.; Grigg, G.C. 1984. Control of thermal conductance is insignificant to thermoregulation in small reptiles. Physiological Zoology 57(4): 392-400.
Goulet, C.T.; Thompson, M.B.; Chapple, D.G. 2017. Repeatability and correlation of physiological traits: do ectotherms have a 'thermal type. Ecology and Evolution 7(2): 710-719.
Goulet, C.T.; Thompson, M.B.; Michelangeli, M.; Wong, B.B.M.; Chapple, D.G. 2017. Thermal physiology: A new dimension of the pace-of-life syndrome. Journal of Animal Ecology 86(5): 1269-1280
Green, R.H. 1965. Two skink lizards newly recorded from Tasmania. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum N.S. 19: 1-4.
Green, R.H. 1981. Distribution of the delicate skink. Tasmanian Naturalist 68: 8.
Groeters, F.R.; Strong, K.L. 1993. Observations on the distastefulness of Monistria concinna (Walker) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 32(2): 153-154.
Harris, B.F.; Johnston, P.G. 1977. Electrophoretic evidence for the specific status of the lizards Lampropholis guichenoti (Dumeril & Bibron, 1839) and L. delicata (de Vis, 1887). Australian Zoologist 19(2): 149-154.
Hoefer, A.M.; Goodman, B.A.; Downes, S.J. 2003. Two effective and inexpensive methods for restraining small lizards. Herpetological Review 34(3): 223-224.
Hoser, R.T. 2009. A new genus and a new species of skink from Victoria. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 3: 1-6.
Hoser, R.T. 2009. Beating the cold: group hibernation in a species of small skink. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 126(2): 51.
Hoser, R.T. 2009. Night movement in diurnal skinks. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 126(1): 26-27.
Howard, R.; Williamson, I.; Mather, P. 2003. Structural aspects of microhabitat selection by the skink Lampropholis delicata. Journal of Herpetology 37(3): 613-617.
Humphreys, W.F. 1976. Spider induced egg mortality in a skink population. Copeia 1976(2): 404.
Hutchinson, M.N.; Thompson, M.B.; Stewart, J.R. 2005. Natural history notes: Lampropholis delicata (Delicate Skink, Rainbow Skink). Introduction. Herpetological Review 36(4): 450-451.
Joss, J.M.P.; Minard, J.A. 1985. On the reproductive cycles of Lampropholis guichenoti and L. delicata (Squamata: Scincidae) in the Sydney region. Australian Journal of Zoology 33(5): 699-704.
Letnic, M.I.; Fox, B.J. 1997. The impact of industrial fluoride fallout on faunal succession following sand mining of dry sclerophyll forest at Tomago, NSW. - 1. Lizard recolonisation. Biological Conservation 80(1): 63-81.
Leung, A.N.; Phu, T.T.L.; Lister, D.; Poolice, J.; Caon, L.; Jones, R.; Chowdhary, N.; Warner, D.A. 2006. Diurnal skinks (Lampropholis delicata) seek shelter in the presence of scent from a nocturnal predator and prey. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 117-121.
Lunney, D.; Ashby, E.; Grigg, J.; O'Connell, M. 1989. Diets of scincid lizards Lampropholis guichenoti (Dumeril & Bibron) and L. delicata (de Vis) in Mumbulla State Forest on the south coast of New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 16(3): 307-312.
Lunney, D.; Eby, P.; O'Connell, M. 1991. Effects of logging, fire and drought on three species of lizards in Mumbulla State Forest on the south coast of New South Wales. Australian Journal of Ecology 16(1): 33-46.
Mather, P. 1990. Electrophoretic and morphological comparisons of Lampropholis delicata (Lacertilia: Scincidae) populations from eastern Australia, and a resolution of the taxonomic status of this species. Australian Journal of Zoology 37(5): 561-574.
Mather, P.B. 1989. A comparison of the normal habitats of skinks of three electrophoretically distinguishable forms of Lampropholis declicata[delicata] (Lacertilla: Scincidae) in south-eastern Queensland. Australian Wildlife Research 16(2): 159-165.
Meek, R.; Avery, R.A.; Weir, E. 2001. Physignathus lesuerii (Australian water dragon): predation on a skink (Lampropholis delicata). Herpetological Bulletin 76: 31-32.
Metcalfe, D.C. 2013. Lampropholis delicata (common garden skink): coprophagy. Herpetological Bulletin 124: 23.
Metcalfe, D.C.; Annable, T.J. 2016. Natural history notes: Lampropholis delicata (Delicate Skink). Mortality. Herpetological Review 47(2): 299.
Metcalfe, D.C.; Ridgeway, P.A. 2013. A case of web entanglement and apparent predation of the skink Lampropholis delicata (De Vis, 1888) (Sauria: Scincidae: Lygosominae) by the red-back spider Latrodectus hasseltii Thorell, 1870 (Aranea: Araneomorpha: Theridiidae) in an autochthonous mesic habitat in coastal southeast Australia. Herpetology Notes 6: 375-377.
Michelangeli, M.; Chapple, D.G.; Wong, B.B.M. 2016. Are behavioural syndromes sex specific? Personality in a widespread lizard species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 70(11): 1911-1919.
Moule, H.; Chaplin, K.; Bray, R.D.; Miller, K.A.; Thompson, M.B.; Chapple, D.G. 2015. A matter of time: Temporal variation in the introduction history and population genetic structuring of an invasive lizard. Current Zoology 61(3): 456–464.
Moule, H.; Michelangeli, M.; Thompson, M.B.; Chapple, D.G. 2016. The influence of urbanization on the behaviour of an Australian lizard and the presence of an activity-exploratory behavioural syndrome. Journal of Zoology (London) 298(2): 103-111.
Penn, A.M.; Sherwin, W.B.; Lunney, D.; Banks, P.B. 2003. The effects of a low-intensity fire on small mammals and lizards in a logged, burnt forest. Wildlife Research 30(5): 477-486.
Schulz, M. 2009. Notes on the delicate skink Lampropholis delicata occurring on Lord Howe Island. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 39(1): 48-52.
Schulz, M.; Eyre, T.J. 1997. Observations on some reptiles from Minnie Water, north-eastern New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 27(1): 41-42.
Shea, G.M.; Sadlier, R.A. 2000. A mixed communal nest of skink eggs. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 30(2): 46-47.
Shine, R. 2002. An empirical test of the 'predictability' hypothesis for the evolution of viviparity in reptiles. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15(4): 553-560.
Shine, R.; Shine, T. 2002. An observation of copulation by garden skinks Lampropholis delicata. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(1): 55.
Shoo, L.P.; Wilson, R.; Williams, Y.M.; Catterall, C.P. 2014. Putting it back: woody debris in young restoration plantings to stimulate return of reptiles. Ecological Management & Restoration 15(1): 84-87.
Smith, H.M.; Dickman, C.R.; Banks, P.B. 2017. Using effect size benchmarks to assess when alien impacts are actually alien. Scientific Reports 7: 38627.
Taylor, J.E.; Fox, B.J.; Fernandes, G.W.; Figueira, J.E.C. 2001. Disturbance effects from fire and mining produce different lizard communities in eastern Australian forests. Austral Ecology 26(2): 193-204.
Tingley, R.; Thompson, M.B.; Hartley, S.; Chapple, D.G. 2016. Patterns of niche filling and expansion across the invaded ranges of an Australian lizard. Ecography 39(3): 270-280.
Vis, C.W. de 1888. A contribution to the herpetology of Queensland. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 2(2): 811-826.
Wapstra, M.; Wapstra, E. 1986. Breeding record of the delicate skink Leiolopisma delicata in southern Tasmania. Tasmanian Naturalist 87: 5-6.
Webb, G.A. 1987. Stomach contents of some reptiles killed on roads in the Bombala area, New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 17(1-2): 7-8.
Webb, G.A. 1997. Seasonal activity of some small ground-dwelling lizards and frogs in a dry open forest near Taree, New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 27(2): 17-19.
Wells, R. 1981. Utilisation of the same site for communal egg-laying by Lampropholis delicata and L. guichenoti. Australian Journal of Herpetology 1(1): 35-36.
Lampropholis elliotensis
Singhal, S.; Hoskin, C.J.; Couper, P.; Potter, S.; Moritz, C. 2018. A framework for resolving cryptic species: a case study from the lizards of the Australian Wet Tropics. Systematic Biology 67(6):1061-1075.
Lampropholis elongata
Greer, A.E. 1997. A new species of Lampropholis (Squamata: Scincidae) with a restricted, high altitude distribution in eastern Australia. Australian Zoologist 30(3): 360-368.
Lampropholis guichenoti
Alibardi, L. 2008. Cornification in developing claws of the common Australian skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) (Squamata, Lacertidae). Italian Journal of Zoology (Modena) 75(4): 327-336.
Anderson, L.; Burgin, S. 2002. Influence of woodland remnant edges on small skinks (Richmond, New South Wales). Austral Ecology 27(6): 630-637.
Anderson, L.; Burgin, S. 2008. Patterns of bird predation on reptiles in small woodland remnant edges in peri-urban north-western Sydney, Australia. Landscape Ecology 23(9): 1039-1047.
Bezzina, C.N.; Amiel, J.J.; Shine, R. 2014. Does invasion success reflect superior cognitive ability? A case study of two congeneric lizard species (Lampropholis, Scincidae). PLoS ONE 9(1): e86271.
Blackmore, C.J.; Jarman, M.R.; Craven, P.; Carlile, N. 2011. Belowla Island, New South Wales. Corella 35(3): 82-84.
Booth, D.T.; Thompson, M.B.; Herring, S. 2000. How incubation temperature influences the physiology and growth of embryonic lizards. Journal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 170(4): 269-276.
Brown, G.W.; Nelson, J.L. 1993. Influence of successional stage of Eucalyptus regnans (mountain ash) on habitat use by reptiles in the Central Highlands, Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology 18(4): 405-417.
Burgin, S. 1993. Lampropholis: the new "laboratory" animals. pp. 279-282. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Chapple, D.G.; Chapple, S.N.J.; Thompson, M.B. 2011. Biogeographic barriers in south-eastern Australia drive phylogeographic divergence in the garden skink, Lampropholis guichenoti. Journal of Biogeography 38(9): 1761-1775.
Chapple, D.G.; Simmonds, S.M.; Wong, B.B.M. 2011. Know when to run, know when to hide: can behavioral differences explain the divergent invasion success of two sympatric lizards. Ecology and Evolution 1(3): 278-289.
Doody, J.S. 2006. Communal nesting in the red-throated skink, Bassiana platynota. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(1): 23-24.
Downes, S. 2001. Trading heat and food for safety: costs of predator avoidance in a lizard. Ecology (Washington, D.C.) 82(10): 2870-2881.
Downes, S.; Borges, P. 1998. Sticky traps: an effective way to capture small terrestrial lizards. Herpetological Review 29(2): 94-95.
Downes, S.; Shine, R. 2001. Why does tail loss increase a lizard's later vulnerability to snake predators? Ecology (Washington, D.C.) 82(5): 1293-1303.
Downes, S.J. 2002. Does responsiveness to predator scents affect lizard survivorship? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 52(1): 38-42.
Downes, S.J. 2002. Size-dependent predation by snakes: Selective foraging or differential prey vulnerability? Behavioral Ecology 13(4): 551-560.
Fraser, S.; Grigg, G.C. 1984. Control of thermal conductance is insignificant to thermoregulation in small reptiles. Physiological Zoology 57(4): 392-400.
Harris, B.F.; Johnston, P.G. 1977. Electrophoretic evidence for the specific status of the lizards Lampropholis guichenoti (Dumeril & Bibron, 1839) and L. delicata (de Vis, 1887). Australian Zoologist 19(2): 149-154.
Hoefer, A.M.; Goodman, B.A.; Downes, S.J. 2003. Two effective and inexpensive methods for restraining small lizards. Herpetological Review 34(3): 223-224.
Joss, J.M.P.; Minard, J.A. 1985. On the reproductive cycles of Lampropholis guichenoti and L. delicata (Squamata: Scincidae) in the Sydney region. Australian Journal of Zoology 33(5): 699-704.
King, D.F. 1986. Eggs and hatching of the lizard Leiolopisma guichenoti (Scincidae). Geelong Naturalist 23(2): 47-48.
Letnic, M.I.; Fox, B.J. 1997. The impact of industrial fluoride fallout on faunal succession following sand mining of dry sclerophyll forest at Tomago, NSW. - 1. Lizard recolonisation. Biological Conservation 80(1): 63-81.
Lunney, D.; Ashby, E.; Grigg, J.; O'Connell, M. 1989. Diets of scincid lizards Lampropholis guichenoti (Dumeril & Bibron) and L. delicata (de Vis) in Mumbulla State Forest on the south coast of New South Wales. Australian Wildlife Research 16(3): 307-312.
Lunney, D.; Eby, P.; O'Connell, M. 1991. Effects of logging, fire and drought on three species of lizards in Mumbulla State Forest on the south coast of New South Wales. Australian Journal of Ecology 16(1): 33-46.
Milton, D. 1980. Some aspects of the population dynamics of Lampropholis guichenoti in Toohey Forest near Brisbane. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 8(2): 19-23.
Mitchell, F.J. 1959. Communal egg-laying in the lizard Leiolopisma guichenoti (Dumeril & Bibron). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 82: 121-122.
Penn, A.M.; Sherwin, W.B.; Lunney, D.; Banks, P.B. 2003. The effects of a low-intensity fire on small mammals and lizards in a logged, burnt forest. Wildlife Research 30(5): 477-486.
Powell, H.; Heatwole, H.; Heatwole, M. 1978. Winter aggregation of Leiolopisma guichenoti. British Journal of Herpetology 5(11): 789-791.
Prosser, C.; Hudson, S.; Thompson, M.B. 2006. Effects of urbanization on behavior, performance, and morphology of the garden skink, Lampropholis guichenoti. Journal of Herpetology 40(2): 151-159.
Purvis, M.D. 1979. Early stages of tail regeneration in Lampropholis guichenoti (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Australian Zoologist 20(2): 289-296.
Qualls, F.J.; Shine, R. 1997. Geographic variation in 'costs of reproduction' in the scincid lizard Lampropholis guichenoti. Functional Ecology 11(6): 757-763.
Qualls, F.J.; Shine, R. 1998. Geographic variation in lizard phenotypes: importance of the incubation environment. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 64(4): 477-491.
Qualls, F.J.; Shine, R. 2000. Post-hatching environment contributes greatly to phenotypic variation between two populations of the Australian garden skink, Lampropholis guichenoti. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 71(2): 315-341.
Shine, R. 2002. An empirical test of the 'predictability' hypothesis for the evolution of viviparity in reptiles. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 15(4): 553-560.
Shine, R. 2003. Effects of pregnancy on locomotor performance: An experimental study on lizards. Oecologia (Berlin) 136(3): 450-456.
Shine, R. 2003. Locomotor speeds of gravid lizards: placing 'costs of reproduction' within an ecological context. Functional Ecology 17(4): 526-533.
Simbotwe, M.P. 1985. Sexual dimorphism and reproduction of Lampropholis guichenoti (Lacertilia: Scincidae). pp. 11-16. In: Grigg, G.; Shine, R. & Ehmann, H. (eds.). Biology of Australian frogs and reptiles. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty & the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Chipping Norton (NSW). 527 pp.
Stammer, D. 1988. Hatching and home range activities in juvenile Cryptoblepharus virgatus. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(2): 23-24.
Taylor, J.E.; Fox, B.J.; Fernandes, G.W.; Figueira, J.E.C. 2001. Disturbance effects from fire and mining produce different lizard communities in eastern Australian forests. Austral Ecology 26(2): 193-204.
Torr, G.A.; Shine, R. 1993. Experimental analysis of thermally dependent behavior patterns in the scincid lizard Lampropholis guichenoti. Copeia 1993(3): 850-854.
Torr, G.A.; Shine, R. 1994. An ethogram for the small scincid lizard Lampropholis guichenoti. Amphibia-Reptilia 15(1): 21-34.
Torr, G.A.; Shine, R. 1996. Patterns of dominance in the small scincid lizard Lampropholis guichenoti. Journal of Herpetology 30(2): 230-237.
Traill, A. 2001. Observations of skink mating behaviour. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 118(2): 58.
Webb, G.A. 1987. Stomach contents of some reptiles killed on roads in the Bombala area, New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 17(1-2): 7-8.
Webb, G.A. 1995. Diet and food selection in a community of small ground-dwelling lizards and frogs in south-eastern Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(2): 36-44.
Webb, G.A. 1995. Effects of logging on lizards in eucalypt forest at Eden, New South Wales. Australian Forestry 58(4): 155-159.
Wells, R. 1981. Utilisation of the same site for communal egg-laying by Lampropholis delicata and L. guichenoti. Australian Journal of Herpetology 1(1): 35-36.
Lampropholis mirabilis
Ingram, G.J.; Rawlinson, P. 1981. Five new species of skinks (genus Lampropholis) from Queensland and New South Wales. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 20(2): 311-317.
Valentic, R. 1997. A range extension for the skink Lampropholis mirabilis. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 8(3): 154.
Lampropholis robertsi
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Lampropholis similis
Singhal, S.; Hoskin, C.J.; Couper, P.; Potter, S.; Moritz, C. 2018. A framework for resolving cryptic species: a case study from the lizards of the Australian Wet Tropics. Systematic Biology 67(6):1061-1075.
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