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Taxonomy of the genus Latastia Biodiversity of the family Lacertidae

Bibliography of the genus Latastia (African Long-tailed Lizards)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Lacertidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Latastia in general

Arillo, A.; Balletto, E.; Spano, S. 1967. Il genere Latastia Bedriaga in Somalia. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell'Universita di Genova 35: 105-145.

Bedriaga, J. 1884. Die neue Lacertiden-Gattung Latastia und ihre Arten. Ann. Mus. Genova 20: 307-324.

Bischoff, W. 1991. bersicht der Arten und Unterarten der Familie Lacertidae. 4. Die Gattungen Latastia, Meroles, Mesalina, Nucras, Ophisops, Pedioplanis und Philochortus. Die Eidechse 2(4): 17-25.

Latastia boscai

Boulenger, G.A. 1907. Descriptions of two new African Lizards of the genus Latastia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 7) 19: 392-394.

Werner, F. 1914. Neue oder seltene Reptilien und Fr sche des Naturhistorischen Museums in Hamburg. Hamburg Jahrb. wiss. Anst. 30(2): 1-51.

Latastia caeruleopunctata

Parker, H.W. 1935. Two new lizards from Somaliland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 10) 16: 525-529.

Latastia johnstonii

Boulenger, G.A. 1907. Descriptions of two new African Lizards of the genus Latastia. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 7) 19: 392-394.

Witte, G.F. de 1942. Description d'un Lacertidae nouveau du Congo Belge. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Belg. 18(41): 1-4.

Latastia longicaudata

Angel, F. 1950. Contribution a l' tude de l'Air (Mission L. Chopard et A. Villiers). Lezards. Mem. Inst. Franc. Afr. Noire 10: 331-336.

Goldberg, S.R. 2010. Natural history notes: Latastia longicaudata Reuss, 1834. Southern Long-tailed Lizard. Reproduction. African Herp News 52: 18-19.

Sch tti, B. 2001. On the type locality and North-east African distribution of Latastia l. longicaudata (Reuss, 1834) (Squamata: Lacertidae). Herpetozoa 14(1-2): 5-7.

Schl ter, U. 2004. Bemerkungen zur Gew hnlichen Langschwanzeidechse, Latastia longicaudata (Reuss, 1834). Die Eidechse 15(2): 52-57.

Vernet, R. 2000. Observations preliminaires sur l'herpetofaune de la Republique de Djibouti. Bulletin de la Societe Herpetologique de France 93: 37-43.

Wahungu, G.M.; Mumia, E.N.; Nzau, V.N. 2004. An analysis of the niche of two sympatric lizard species Gerrhosaurus flavigularis and Latastia longicauda at an arid savannah habitat in Kenya. African Journal of Ecology 42(4): 368-371.