Notechis scutatus

Australian Tiger Snake


Australsk Tigerslange

1861 |  |
Naja scutata Peters |
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Notechis scutatus Boulenger 1896 |
1866 |  |
Hoplocephalus ater Krefft (Keogh, Scott & Hayes 2005) |
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Notechis ater Kinghorn 1921 |
|  |
Notechis scutatus ater Kellaway & Thomson 1932 |
1867 |  |
Hoplocephalus fuscus Steindachner (Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014) |
1873 |  |
Alecto fasciolata Jan in Jan & Sordelli (Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014) |
1921 |  |
Notechis scutatus niger Kinghorn (Keogh, Scott & Hayes 2005) |
|  |
Notechis ater niger Worrell 1963 |
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Notechis niger Trethewie 1971 |
1948 |  |
Notechis scutatus occidentalis Glauert (Keogh, Scott & Hayes 2005) |
|  |
Notechis occidentalis Wells & Wellington 1985 |
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Notechis ater occidentalis Mirtschin, Crowe & Davis 1990 |
1963 |  |
Notechis ater humphreysi Worrell (Keogh, Scott & Hayes 2005) |
|  |
Notechis humphreysi Wells & Wellington 1985 |
|  |
Notechis scutatus humphreysi Cogger 2014 |
1963 |  |
Notechis ater serventyi Worrell (Keogh, Scott & Hayes 2005) |
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Notechis serventyi Wells & Wellington 1985 |
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Notechis scutatus serventyi Cogger 2014 |
1985 |  |
Notechis edwardsi Wells & Wellington (Shea & Sadlier 1999) |
1985 |  |
Notechis longmorei Wells & Wellington (Shea & Sadlier 1999) |
1985 |  |
Notechis schwaneri Wells & Wellington (Shea & Sadlier 1999) |

Other common names:
ater: Black Tiger Snake
ater: Krefft's Tiger Snake, Krefft's Black Tiger Snake
humphreysi: Tasmanian Tiger Snake, King Island Tiger Snake
niger: Peninsula Tiger Snake, Peninsula Black Tiger Snake
occidentalis: Western Tiger Snake
scutatus: Eastern Tiger Snake, Mainland Tiger Snake
serventyi: Chappell Island Tiger Snake
The relationships of the various subspecies and isolated populations are obscure (Cogger 2014), but considered a single species herein,
based on the very low genetic divergence between different populations of this genus, and following several recent works
(e.g., Keogh, Scott & Hayes 2005; Wilson & Swan 2010; Cogger 2014), although some regard ater as a separate species
(e.g., Rawlinson 1991; Golay & al. 1993; David & Ineich 1999; Shea & Sadlier 1999; Wallach, Williams & Boundy 2014).
Introduced to:
New Zealand.
(Australian Capital Territory,
New South Wales,
Fraser Island],
South Australia
Kangaroo Island],
Bass Strait Islands],
Western Australia).

Notechis scutatus
© Rune Midtgaard

Notechis scutatus
© Rune Midtgaard