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Taxonomy of the genus Pelomedusa Biodiversity of the family Pelomedusidae

Bibliography of the genus
Pelomedusa (African Helmeted Turtles)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Pelomedusidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Pelomedusa in general

Fritz, U.; Branch, W.R.; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Maran, J.; Prokop, H.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Stuckas, H.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Vences, M.; Hundsdörfer, A.K. 2011. Molecular phylogeny of African Hinged and Helmeted Terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelusios and Pelomedusa). Zoologica Scripta 40(2): 115-125.

Fritz, U.; Petzold, A.; Kehlmaier, C.; Kindler, C.; Campbell, P.; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Branch, W.R. 2014. Disentangling the Pelomedusa complex using type specimens and historical DNA (Testudines: Pelomedusidae). Zootaxa 3795(5): 501-522.

International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 1989. Opinion 1534. Sternotherus Gray, 1825 and Pelusios Wagler, 1830 (Reptilia, Testudines): conserved. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 46(1): 81-82.

McCord, W.P.; Joseph-Ouni, M.; Bour, R. 2004. Chelonian illustrations. 15. Madagascan Big-headed, African Helmeted, and West African Mud Turtles. Reptilia (GB) 35: 63-67.

Nagy, Z.T.; Kielgast, J.; Moosig, M.; Vamberger, M.; Fritz, U. 2015. Another candidate species of Pelomedusa (Testudines: Pelomedusidae) from the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Salamandra 51(2): 212-214.

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.

Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Petzold, A.; Fritz, U. 2016. Distribution modelling and conservation assessment for helmeted terrapins (Pelomedusa spp.). Salamandra 52(4): 206-316.

Pelomedusa barbata

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.

Pelomedusa galeata

Jones, A.W.; Jones, M.L. 2015. Natural history notes: Pelomudusa galeata (South African Helmeted Turtle). Mutalistic behavior. Herpetological Review 46(3): 427.

Venter, J.A.; Conradie, W. 2015. A checklist of the reptiles and amphibians found in protected areas along the South African Wild Coast, with notes on conservation implications. Koedoe 57(1) (Art. 1247): 1-25.

Pelomedusa kobe

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.

Pelomedusa neumanni

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.

Pelomedusa olivacea

Rödel, M.O. 1997. Lebensräume und Entwicklung junger Starrbrust-Pelomedusen Pelomedusa subrufa olivacea (Schweigger, 1812) im Comoe-Nationalpark, Elfenbeinküste (Testudines: Pelomedusidae). Herpetozoa 10(1-2): 23-33.

Villiers, A. 1956. Le Parc National du Niokolo-Koba, Reptiles. Memoires de l'Institut Fondamental D'Afrique Noire 48: 143-162.

Pelomedusa schweinfurthi

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.

Pelomedusa somalica

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.

Pelomedusa subrufa

Anonymous. 2008. Fiche elevage: Group Tortues Aquatiques Pelomedusa subrufa. Cheloniens 10: 49-50.

Bels, V. 1984. Analyse de la parade de Pelomedusa subrufa subrufa (Lacepede). Amphibia-Reptilia 4(2-4) [1983]: 297-309.

Bels, V. 1984. Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacepede). Revue Francaise d'Aquariologie Herpetologie 11(1)(278): 2 pp.

Bels, V.; Libois, R. 1983. Etude comparee des parades sexuelles de quelques especes de cheloniens: Pelomedusa subrufa subrufa (Lacepede), Sternotherus minor (Agassiz) et Kinixys belliana nogueyi (Bell). Cahiers d'Ethologie Appliquee 3(1): 39-58.

Benzien, J. 1956. Ruhebedürfnis einer Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacepede). DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 9(3): 82.

Bour, R. 1978. Les tortues actuelles de Madagascar (Republique malgache): liste systematique et description de deux sous-espèces nouvelles (Reptilia - Testudines). Bulletin de la Societe d'Etudes Scientifiques de l'Anjou Nouvelle Serie 10: 141-154.

Bour, R. 1982. Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacepede, 1788), Pelusios subniger (Lacepede, 1788) (Reptilia, Ghelonii) et le sejour de Philibert Commerson & Madagascar. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle Section A Zoologie Biologie et Ecologie Animales 4(3-4): 531-539.

Boycott, R.C.; Bourquin, O. 2008. Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacépède 1788) - Helmeted Turtle, Helmeted Terrapin. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 007.1-007.6.

Branch, W.R.; Baard, E.; Villiers, A. de 1989. Some exceptionally large southern African chelonians. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 37(1): 53-54.

Buettner, E. 2013. Experiences with the husbandry and propagation of the Helmeted Turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa (BONNATERRE, 1789). Radiata 22(1): 54-67.

Dell, D. 2006. Gleaning of marsh terrapins by three different bird species. CCA Ecological Journal 7: 87.

Dely, O.G. 1971. Ein neuer Fund von Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacepede) in Äthiopien. Vertebrata Hungarica 12: 25-36.

Ernst, C.H. 1981. Courtship of the African helmeted turtle (Pelomedusa subrufa). British Journal of Herpetology 6(4): 141-142.

Gilbert, M. 1997. The basking habit of the Cape terrapin (Pelomedusa subrufa). Naturalist (Port Elizabeth) 41(1): 13-18.

Glass, M.; Burggren, W.W.; Johansen, K. 1978. Ventilation in an aquatic and terrestrial chelonian reptile. Journal of Experimental Biology 72: 165-179.

Grafe, T.U.; Kaminsky, S.K.; Bitz, J.H.; Luessow, H.; Linsenmair, K.E. 2004. Demographic dynamics of the afro-tropical pig-nosed frog, Hemisus marmoratus: effects of climate and predation on survival and recruitment. Oecologia (Berlin) 141(1): 40-46.

Gratiet, G. le; Maran, J. 2008. Note sur l'estivation en captivite de Pelomedusa subrufa (Lacepede, 1788) en Guyane Francaise. Cheloniens 10: 17-22.

Harding, J.H. 1981. Observations on the African helmeted turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa, in captivity, with comments on breeding behavior. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 16(4): 86-94.

Heck, L. 1955. Eine selten importierte Wasserschildkröte (Pelomedusa subrufa damarensis Hewitt) aus Südwestafrika. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 8: 274-275.

Lindholm, W.A. 1929. Die wissenschaftlichen Namen einiger Reptilien und Batrachier. Zoologischer Anzeiger 85(3-4): 76-80.

Luiselli, L.; Akani, G.C.; Politano, E. 2006. Effects of habitat alteration caused by petrochemical activities and oil spills on the habitat use and interspecific relationships among four species of Afrotropical freshwater turtles. Biodiversity and Conservation 15(11): 3751-3767.

Luiselli, L.; Akani, G.C.; Politano, E.; Odegbune, E.; Bello, O. 2004. Dietary shifts of sympatric freshwater turtles in pristine and oil-polluted habitats of the Niger Delta, southern Nigeria. Herpetological Journal 14(2): 57-64.

Luiselli, L.M.; Akani, G.C.; Ebere, N.; Rugiero, L.; Vignoli, L.; Angelici, F.M.; Eniang, E.A.; Behangana, M. 2011. Food habits of a pelomedusid turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa, in tropical Africa (Nigeria): the effects of sex, body size, season, and site. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 10(1): 138-144.

Mertens, R. 1937. Bemerkungen über die Rassen von Pelomedusa subrufa (La Cepede). Zoologischer Anzeiger 117: 139-142.

Miller, D.G.M. 1979. Daily basking patterns of the fresh-water turtle. South African Journal of Zoology 14(3): 139-142.

Miller, D.G.M. 1982. A preliminary investigation of behavioural thermoregulation in the Cape terrapin, Pelomedusa subrufa (Linnaeus). Zoological Society of Southern Africa Occasional Bulletin 2: 63-64.

Obst, F.J.; Wranik, W. 1987. Contributions to the herpetology of the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen. 1. The occurrence of Pelomedusa subrufa in the Southern Arab Peninsula (Reptilia, Testudines, Pleurodira). Zoologische Abhandlungen (Dresden) 43(1): 15-20.

Rochat, K.C.; Deane, N.N.; Erasmus, A.M. 1962. Foods and feeding [Pelomedusa subrufa]. Lammergeyer 2(1): 69.

Rödel, M.O. 1999. Predation on tadpoles by hatchlings of the freshwater turtle Pelomedusa subrufa. Amphibia-Reptilia 20(2): 173-183.

Rödel, M.O.; Bussmann, R. 1992. Weitere Daten zur Verbreitung und Habitatwahl von Geochelone pardalis babcocki (Bell 1826), Pelomedusa subrufa subrufa (Lacepede 1788) und Pelusios sinuatus (Smith 1838) in Kenia. Sauria (Berlin) 14(2): 33-38.

Schilde, M. 2006. Die Starrbrust-Pelomeduse - Pelomedusa subrufa. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 62 pp.

Scortecci, G. 1955. Viaggio di esplorazione biologica sulle montagne della Migiurtinia compiuto con il contribute del consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. Bollettino dei Musei e degli Istituti Biologici dell'Universita di Genova 25 [1953-1955]: 43-105.

Stuart, C.L.; Meakin, P.R. 1983. Notes on the Cape terrapin, Pelomedusa subrufa (Pleurodira: Pelomedusidae) in the eastern Robertson Karoo. Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 29: 9-11.

Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Vences, M.; Branch, W.R.; Daniels, S.R.; Glaw, F.; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Kuchling, G.; Maran, J.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Siroky, P.; Vieites, D.R.; Fritz, U. 2010. Deep genealogical lineages in the widely distributed African helmeted terrapin: evidence from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa subrufa). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 56(1): 428-440.

Walton, J. 2007. White-backed duck as prey of terrapin. Promerops 271: 15.

Wermuth, H. 1956. Versuch der Deutung einiger bisher übersehener Schildkröten-Namen. Zoologische Beiträge 2: 399-423.

Wong, R.A.; Fong, J.J.; Papenfuss, T.J. 2010. Phylogeography of the African helmeted terrapin, Pelomedusa subrufa: genetic structure, dispersal, and human introduction. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 61(7-18): 575-585.

Zardoya, R.; Meyer, A. 1998. Complete mitochondrial genome suggests diapsid affinities of turtles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 95(24): 14226-14231.

Pelomedusa variabilis

Petzold, A.; Vargas-Ramírez, M.; Kehlmaier, C.; Vamberger, M.; Branch, W.R.; Preez, L. du; Hofmeyr, M.D.; Meyer, L.; Schleicher, A.; Siroky, P.; Fritz, U. 2014. A revision of African helmeted terrapins (Testudines: Pelomedusidae: Pelomedusa), with descriptions of six new species. Zootaxa 3795(5): 523-548.