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Bibliography of the genus
Pseudemoia (Australian Grass Skinks)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Pseudemoia in general
Fuhn, I.E. 1967. Pseudemoia, eine neue monotypische Gattung aus Südaustralien (Ablepharus/Emoia spenceri) Lucas and Frost, 1894. Zoologischer Anzeiger (Leipzig) 179(3-4): 243-247.
Haines, M.L.; Moussalli, A.; Stuart-Fox, D.; Clemann, N.; Melville, J. 2014. Phylogenetic evidence of historic mitochondrial introgression and cryptic diversity in, the genus Pseudemoia (Squamata: Scincidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 81: 86-95.
Hudson, S. 1996. Natural toe loss in southeastern Australian skinks: implications for marking lizards by toe-clipping. Journal of Herpetology 30(1): 106-110.
Hutchinson, M.N.; Donnellan, S.C. 1992. Taxonomy and genetic variation in the Australian lizards of the genus Pseudemoia (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Journal of Natural History 26(1): 215-264.
Hutchinson, M.N.; Donnellan, S.C.; Baverstock, P.R.; Krieg, M.; Simms, S.; Burgin, S. 1990. Immunological relationships and generic revision of the Australian lizards assigned to the genus Leiolopisma (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Australian Journal of Zoology 38(5): 535-554.
Patterson, G.B.; Daugherty, C.H. 1995. Reinstatement of the genus Oligosoma (Reptilia: Lacertilia: Scincidae). Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand 25(3): 327-331.
Rawlinson, P.A. 1974. Revision of the endemic southeastern Australian lizard genus Pseudemoia (Scincidae: Lygosominae). Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria 35: 87-96.
Rounsevell, D.; Brereton, R.; Hutchinson, M. 1996. The reptiles of northeast Tasmania, with new records and a key to species of grass skinks, genus Pseudemoia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 103: 193-199.
Pseudemoia baudini
Greer, A.E. 1982. A new species of Leiolopisma (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from Western Australia, with notes on the biology and relationships of other Australian species. Records of the Australian Museum 34(12): 549-573.
Pseudemoia cryodroma
Clemann, N. 2002. Notes on the threatened endemic Victorian alpine bog skink Pseudemoia cryodroma Hutchinson and Donnellan 1992 (Scincidae: Lygosominae): a range extension, habitat preferences and identification difficulties. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(1): 49-53.
Haines, M.L.; Melville, J.; Sumner, J.; Clemann, N.; Chapple, D.G.; Stuart-Fox, D. 2016. Geographic variation in hybridization and ecological differentiation between three syntopic, morphologically similar species of montane lizards. Molecular Ecology 25(12): 2887-2903.
Haines, M.L.; Moussalli, A.; Stuart-Fox, D.; Clemann, N.; Melville, J. 2014. Phylogenetic evidence of historic mitochondrial introgression and cryptic diversity in, the genus Pseudemoia (Squamata: Scincidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 81: 86-95.
Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii
Brattstrom, B.H. 1971. Critical thermal maxima of some Australian skinks. Copeia 1971: 554-557.
Brown, G. 1989. The diet of Leiolopisma entrecasteauxii (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from south-western Victoria, with notes on its relationship with the reproductive cycle. Australian Wildlife Research 15(6): 605-614.
Donnellan, S.C.; Hutchinson, M. 1990. Biochemical and morphological variation in the geographically widespread lizard Leiolopisma entrecasteauxii (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Herpetologica 46(2): 149-159.
Dyke, J.U. van; Griffith, O.W.; Thompson, M.B. 2014. High food abundance permits the evolution of placentotrophy: evidence from a placental lizard, Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii. American Naturalist 184(2): 198-210.
Green, K.; Osborne, W. 2006. Diet of the mountain log skink Pseudemoia entrecasteauii at high elevations in the snowy mountains. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 70-74.
Green, R.H. 1984. The Vegetation, Fauna and Archaeology of Ordnance Point, North-Western Tasmania. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 84: 1-67.
Greer, A.E. 1982. A new species of Leiolopisma (Lacertilia: Scincidae) from Western Australia, with notes on the biology and relationships of other Australian species. Records of the Australian Museum 34(12): 549-573.
Haines, M.L.; Melville, J.; Sumner, J.; Clemann, N.; Chapple, D.G.; Stuart-Fox, D. 2016. Geographic variation in hybridization and ecological differentiation between three syntopic, morphologically similar species of montane lizards. Molecular Ecology 25(12): 2887-2903.
Haines, M.L.; Moussalli, A.; Stuart-Fox, D.; Clemann, N.; Melville, J. 2014. Phylogenetic evidence of historic mitochondrial introgression and cryptic diversity in, the genus Pseudemoia (Squamata: Scincidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 81: 86-95.
Harrison, L.; Weekes, H.C. 1925. On occurrence of placentation in the scincid lizard Lygosoma entrecasteuxii. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 50: 472-486.
Hewer, A.M. 1954. Snails and reptiles on Betsy Island. Tasmanian Naturalist N.S. 2(2) [1951]: 7.
Itonaga, K.; Edwards, A.; Wapstra, E.; Jones, S.M. 2012. Interpopulational variation in costs of reproduction related to pregnancy in a viviparous lizard. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 24(4): 367-376.
Itonaga, K.; Jones, S.M.; Wapstra, E. 2012. Effects of maternal basking and food quantity during gestation provide evidence for the selective advantage of matrotrophy in a viviparous lizard. PLoS ONE 7(7): e41835, 1-9.
Murphy, K.; Hudson, S.; Shea, G.M. 2006. Reproductive seasonality of three cold-temperate viviparous skinks from southeastern Australia. Journal of Herpetology 40(4): 454-464.
Sato, C.F.; Wood, J.T.; Schroder, M.; Michael, D.R.; Osborne, W.S.; Green, K.; Lindenmayer, D.B. 2014. Designing for conservation outcomes: the value of remnant habitat for reptiles on ski runs in subalpine landscapes. Landscape Ecology 29(7): 1225-1236.
Serventy, D.L. 1977. Seabird islands. Fisher Island, Tasmania. Corella 1(3): 60-62.
Stapley, J. 2003. Differential avoidance of snake odours by a lizard: evidence for prioritized avoidance based on risk. Ethology 109(10): 785-796.
Stapley, J. 2004. Do mountain log skinks (Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii) modify their behaviour in the presence of two predators? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 56(2): 185-189.
Stapley, J. 2006. Individual variation in preferred body temperature covaries with social behaviours and colour in male lizards. Journal of Thermal Biology 31(4): 362-369.
Stapley, J. 2008. Female mountain log skinks are more likely to mate with males that court more, not males that are dominant. Animal Behaviour 75(2): 529-538.
Stapley, J.; Hayes, C.M.; Keogh, J.S. 2003. Population genetic differentiation and multiple paternity determined by novel microsatellite markers from the Mountain Log Skink (Pseudemoia entrecasteauxii). Molecular Ecology 3(2): 291-293.
Stapley, J.; Keogh, J.S. 2006. Experimental and molecular evidence that body size and ventral colour interact to influence male reproductive success in a lizard. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 18(4): 275-288.
Templeton, M.T. 1972. Reptiles of King Island. Tasmanian Naturalist 31: 1-2.
Thompson, M.B.; Stewart, J.R. 1994. Egg and clutch size of the viviparous Australian skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri and the identity of species with type 3 allantoplacentae. Journal of Herpetology 28(4): 519-521.
Webb, G.A. 1987. Stomach contents of some reptiles killed on roads in the Bombala area, New South Wales. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 17(1-2): 7-8.
Webb, G.A. 1995. Diet and food selection in a community of small ground-dwelling lizards and frogs in south-eastern Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(2): 36-44.
Pseudemoia pagenstecheri
Blackburn, D.G.; Weaber, K.K.; Stewart, J.R.; Thompson, M.B. 2003. Do pregnant lizards resorb or abort inviable eggs and embryos? Morphological evidence from an Australian skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri. Journal of Morphology 256(2): 219-234.
Haines, M.L.; Melville, J.; Sumner, J.; Clemann, N.; Chapple, D.G.; Stuart-Fox, D. 2016. Geographic variation in hybridization and ecological differentiation between three syntopic, morphologically similar species of montane lizards. Molecular Ecology 25(12): 2887-2903.
Haines, M.L.; Moussalli, A.; Stuart-Fox, D.; Clemann, N.; Melville, J. 2014. Phylogenetic evidence of historic mitochondrial introgression and cryptic diversity in, the genus Pseudemoia (Squamata: Scincidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 81: 86-95.
Hudson, S. 1999. Parturition in the tussock skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 29(1): 58-59.
Lindholm, W.A. 1901. Bemerkungen und Beschreibung einer neuen Eidechsenart versehen von W.A. Lindholm. In: Lampe, E. Catalog der Reptilien-Sammlung (Schildkröten, Crocodile, Eidechsen und Chamäleons) des Naturhist. Museums zu Wiesbaden. Jahrh. Nassau Ver. Naturk. (Wiesbaden) 54: 177-222.
Redburn, K. 1999. Life History and Habitat of the Tussock Skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri. B.Sc. (Hons.) thesis, University of Tasmania.
Shine, R.; Downes, S.J. 1999. Can pregnant lizards adjust their offspring phenotypes to environmental conditions? Oecologia (Berlin) 119(1): 1-8.
Thompson, M.B.; Stewart, J.R. 1994. Egg and clutch size of the viviparous Australian skink, Pseudemoia pagenstecheri and the identity of species with type 3 allantoplacentae. Journal of Herpetology 28(4): 519-521.
Thompson, M.B.; Stewart, J.R.; Speake, B.K.; Russell, K.J.; McCartney, R.J.; Surai, P.F. 1999. Placental nutrition in a viviparous lizard (Pseudemoia pagenstecheri) with a complex placenta. Journal of Zoology (London) 248(3): 295-305.
Turner, G.S. 2012. Notes on the natural history of the Tussock Skink Pseudemoia pagenstecheri from basalt plains grasslands near Melbourne. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 129(2): 46-53.
Pseudemoia rawlinsoni
Green, K. 2005. Winter arousal of a high mountain skink Pseudemoia rawlinsoni following hibernation beneath the snow. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 35(2): 95-97.
Homan, P. 2003. A reptile and amphibian survey of the Wonthaggi Heathland and Coastal Reserve. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 120(4): 147-152.
Hutchinson, M.N.; Donnellan, S.C. 1988. A new species of scincid lizard related to Leiolopisma entrecasteauxii, from southeastern Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 112(4): 143-151.
Rounsevell, D.; Brereton, R.; Hutchinson, M. 1996. The reptiles of northeast Tasmania, with new records and a key to species of grass skinks, genus Pseudemoia. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 103: 193-199.
Pseudemoia spenceri
Brown, G.W. 1986. The diet of Pseudemoia spenceri (Lucas and Frost, 1894) (Lacertilia: Scincidae) a species endemic to south-eastern Australia. Victorian Naturalist 103(2): 48-55.
Brown, G.W.; Nelson, J.L. 1993. Influence of successional stage of Eucalyptus regnans (mountain ash) on habitat use by reptiles in the Central Highlands, Victoria. Australian Journal of Ecology 18(4): 405-417.
Harris, G.J.; Mifsud, B.M.; Gillespie, G.R. 2014. Observations of Spencer's Skink Pseudemoia spenceri from within the high canopy of an overmature Mountain Ash Eucalyptus regnans. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 131(1): 24-27.
Homan, P. 2011. A record of Spencer's Skink Pseudemoia spenceri from the Victorian volcanic plain. Victorian Naturalist (Blackburn) 128(3): 106-110.
Kinghorn, J.R. 1929. A new Species of Lygosoma from New South Wales. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 54(2): 32-33.
Stewart, J.R.; Thompson, M.B. 1998. Placental ontogeny of the Australian scincid lizards Niveoscincus coventryi and Pseudemoia spenceri. Journal of Experimental Zoology 282(4-5): 535-559.
Thompson, M.B.; Stewart, J.R.; Speake, B.K.; Russell, K.J.; McCartney, R.J. 1999. Placental transfer of nutrients during gestation in the viviparous lizard, Pseudemoia spenceri. Journal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 169(4-5): 319-328.
Webb, G.A. 1985. Habitat use and activity patterns in some southeastern Australian skinks. pp. 23-30. In: Grigg, G.; Shine, R. & Ehmann, H. (eds.). Biology of Australian frogs and reptiles. Surrey Beatty & Sons Pty & the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Chipping Norton (NSW). 527 pp.
Webb, G.A. 1995. Diet and food selection in a community of small ground-dwelling lizards and frogs in south-eastern Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 25(2): 36-44.
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