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Abdala, C.S.; Laspiur, A.; Scrocchi, G.; Semhan, R.V.; Lobo, F.; Valladares, P. (eds.).
Las lagartijas de la familia Liolaemidae. Sistematica, distribucion e historia natural de una de las familias de vertebrados mas diversas del cono sur Sudamerica. Vol. 1.
Ril, Universidad de Tarapacá, Santiago. 350 pp.

Abdala, C.S.; Laspiur, A.; Scrocchi, G.; Semhan, R.V.; Lobo, F.; Valladares, P. (eds.).
Las lagartijas de la familia Liolaemidae. Sistematica, distribucion e historia natural de una de las familias de vertebrados mas diversas del cono sur Sudamerica. Vol. 2.
Ril, Universidad de Tarapacá, Santiago. 492 pp.

Ahmed, M.; Basak, K.; Sarkar, P.; Suraj, M.; Babarta, K.C.
Snakes and other Reptiles of Chhattisgarh. The Field Guide.
Chhattisgarh State Biodiversity Board, Raipur. 241 pp.

Albarwari, S.
A Comprehensive Monograph on the Herpetofauna of Iraq. Imperative For The Habitat Protection, Biodiversity Conservation And Ecodemocracy.
Kindle Edition. 799 pp.

Bar, A.; Haimovitch, G.; Meiri, S.
Field Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles of Israel.
Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt a.M. 512 pp.

Baur, M.; Öfner, S.
Schildkröten im Tierschutz - Aufnehmen, Annahme verweigern oder die bestmögliche Erstversorgung gewährleisten und rasch weitergeben?
München Auffangstation für Reptilien, München. 132 pp.

Béga, S.; Harris, T.; Swensson, D.
The Wildlife Fencing Guide. Amphibians, Reptiles & Small Mammals.
International, Lee-on-the-Solent, United Kingdom (https://www.wildlifefencing.com). Softcover. 113 pp. Available for free download at the web address.

Bless, T.
Sicherheitskonzepte bei der Giftschlangenhaltung. Praxisratgeber für Terrarienbau, Haltung und Handling.
Tredition, Hamburg. 228 pp.

Breisch, A.R.; Martin, W.H.; Sealy, J.B.; Peterson, C.E.; Possardt, E. (eds.).
The Timber Rattlesnake: Life History, Distribution, Status, and Conservation Action Plan.
Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Technical Publication CAP-1. Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy, Nashville, Tennessee. 475 pp.

Carranza, S.; Els, J.; Burriel-Carranza, B.
A Field Guide to the Reptiles of Oman.
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Capellades. 223 pp.

Ceríaco, L.M.P.; Marques, M.P.
Serpentes Venenosas de Angola. Guia de Identificacão e Primeiros Socorros.
Porto. 216 pp.

Das, I.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Snakes of Southeast Asia. 3rd ed.
John Beaufoy Books, Oxford. 176 pp.

Davis, J.G.; Lipps, G.J.; Wynn, D.; Armitage, B.J.; Matson, T.O.; Pfingsten, R.A.; Caldwell, C. (eds.).
Reptiles of Ohio. Vol. 1-2.
Ohio Biological Survey, Columbus. 1112 pp.

Dennert, C.
Ernährung von Landschildkröten - Nahrungsaufnahme - Nährstoffe - Vitamine.
Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 144 pp.

Donovan, M.
Lizards of the Sunshine Coast region.
Reptiles in Focus. 154 pp.

Donovan, M.
Snakes of the Sunshine Coast Region.
Paradigm, Brisbane. 124 pp.

Doody, J.S.; Dinets, V.; Burghardt, G.M.
The Secret Social Lives of Reptiles.
Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 440 pp.

Dourson, D.; Dourson, J.
Reptiles & Amphibians of Red River Gorge and Greater Red River Basin. 2nd ed.
Goatslug Publications, Stanton, Kentucky. 203 pp.

Eid, E.
Atlas of Jordan's Snakes.
Published by the author, Amann. 240 pp.

Eidenmüller, B.
The Book of Monitor Lizards.
Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt a.M. 320 pp.

Eipper, S.; Eipper, T.
A Naturalist's Guide to the Lizards of Australia.
John Beaufoy Publishing, Oxford. 176 pp.

Fischer-Nagel, H.; Fischer-Nagel, A.
Hess Fischer-Nagel, Spangenberg. 46 pp.

Flaxington, W.C.
Amphibians and Reptiles of California: Field Observations, Distribution, and Natural History.
Fieldnotes Press, Anaheim, California. 294 pp.

Ford, N.
Journeys of a Field Biologist. Adventures with Snakes & other Critters.
University of Texas Tyler Press. 220 pp.

Francis, A.; Ferguson, R.
A Field Guide to the Snakes of Hong Kong.
Privately published (Adam Francis), Hong Kong. 196 pp.

Gurley, R.; Langerwerf, B.
Lizard Man. Vol. 1: The Life and Adventures of Bert Langerwerf & Vol. 2: The Articles (1971-2008).
Living Art, Ada. 998 pp.

Jones, M.T.; Willey, L.L. (eds.).
Biology and Conservation of the Wood Turtle.
Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Inc. 235 pp. eBook.

Khaire, N.
Reptiles of Gujarat.
Jyotsna Prakashan. 142 pp.

Kiefer, T.; Geier, T.
Freigehege für Europäische Landschildkröten - Ein Leitfaden für eine naturnahe Haltung im eigenen Garten.
Hessen Kleintierverlag, Biebertal. 253 pp.

Klemens, M.W.; Gruner, H.J.; Quinn, D.P.; Davison, E.R.
Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles in Connecticut.
Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, Hartford, Connecticut. 305 pp.

Krymov, N.G.
Geckos of Australia and Oceania. Zoogeography, Keeping, Breeding.
ALTAI, Barnaul, Russia. 596 pp.

Lance, V.
Reproductive Biology of the Crocodylia.
Elsevier Science & Technology, San Diego. 176 pp.

Lovich, J.E.; Whitfield Gibbons, J.
Turtles of the World. A Guide to Every Family.
Princeton University Press. 240 pp.

Marques, O.A.V.
A Ilha Das Cobras. Biologia, evolução e conservação da jararaca-ilhoa na Queimada Grande.
Cotia. 72 pp.

Meier, J.; Vega, J.P.G. de la; Santaolalla, J.
Das Gemeine Chamäleon - Chamaeleo chamaeleon.
Ettingen. 127 pp.

Messenger, K.R.
The Asian Ratsnakes and Kin of Greater China.
KDP Publishing, Nanjing. 175 pp.

Mohapatra, P.P.; Ingle, M.; Chandra, K.
Snakes of Central India.
Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata. 130 pp.

Mukherjee, A.K.
The 'Big Four' Snakes of India, Venom Composition, Pharmacological Properties and Treatment of Envenomation.
Springer, Berlin. 161 pp.

Olaya Rodríguez, M.H.; Noguera Urbano, E.; Gutiérrez, C. (eds.).
Atlas de la Biodiversidad de Colombia. Anolis. Mejores modelos con el apoyo de expertos. 1st ed.
Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Bogotá, D.C. 72 pp.

Oneto, F.; Ottonello, D.; Rosa, G.
Anfibi e rettili di Liguria.
Gavi. 198 pp.

O'Shea, M.
Lizards of the World. A Guide to Every Family.
The Ivy Press. 240 pp.

Röll, B.
Conraus Zwergtaggecko - Lygodactylus conraui.
Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 64 pp.

Salvador, A.; Pleguezuelos, J.M.; Reques, R.
Guía de los anfibios y reptiles de España.
Asociación Herpetológica Española, Madrid. 341 pp.

Schneeweiss, N.; Otte, N.; Bohle, D.; Jendretzke, N.; Stein, M.; Beckmann, H.
Die Kreuzotter in Berlin und Brandenburg - Verbreitungsgeschichte, Gefährdungssituation und Schutz.
Laurenti Verlag, Bielefeld. 64 pp.

Schneider, G.; Trueb, L. (eds.).
Letters from Michigan Herpetology.
Special Publication no. 3. The University of Michigan Department of Zoology, Ann Arbor. 337 pp.

Sievert, G.; Sievert, L.
A Field Guide to Oklahoma's Amphibians and Reptiles. 4th ed.
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 231 pp.

Silva, A. de; Daundasekara, N.P.; Karunarathna, S.
Testudines and Crocodilians. An Annotated Bibliography and a Checklist of the Herpetofauna of Sri Lanka. Vol. 1.
Privately published, Colombo (available from Chimaira, www.chimaira.de). 209 pp.

Silva, N.J.; Porras, L.W.; Aird, S.D.; Prudente, A.L.C. (eds.).
Advances in Coralsnake Biology: with an Emphasis on South America.
Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain, Utah. 775 pp.

Singh, J.; Dutta, S.K.; Singh, H.
Herpetofauna of Punjab: The Field Guide.
New Era Book Agency, Chandigarh, 82 pp.

Song, H.
Sinoophis - Atlas of Snakes in China. Vol. 1-2.
The Straits Publishing & Distributing Group, National Publication Foundation. 645 pp.

St. John, A.
Reptiles of the Northwest, Alaska to California, Rockies to the Coast. 2nd revised and updated ed.
Lone Pine Publishing, Tukwila, Washington. 272 pp.

Tabet, M.A.; Ramos, R.; Rodríguez Soberón, R.; Thorbjarnarson, J.B.; Belliure, J.; Berovides, V.
The Crocodylia of Cuba.
Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alicante, Spain. ['2014'].

Trembath, D.; Rowley, J.
Groote Eylandt Bush Blitz Herpetological Survey 14th - 25th of June 2021.
Publisher unknown. 15 pp.

Tremper, R.; Tremper, H.
Leopard Gecko. The Next Generation. 2nd rev. ed.
Published by Ron Tremper. 200 pp.

Tshewang, U.; Tobias, M.; Morrison, J.
Bhutan: Conservation and Environmental Protection in the Himalayas.
Springer, Cham, Switzerland. 353 pp.

Tuen, A.A.; Das, I.; Ping, K.L.S.; Mohd-Azlan, J. (eds.).
Pelagus National Park. Biodiversity Above the Rapids.
Natural History Publications (Borneo), Kota Kinabalu. 83 pp.

Vosjoli, P. de; Fast, F.; Repashy, A.
The Life of Giant Geckos.
Advanced Visions, San Marcos, California. 176 pp.

Vosjoli, P. de; Repashy, A.; Fast, F.
Gargoyle Geckos. 2nd ed.
Advanced Visions, San Marcos, California. 155 pp.

Vossler, J.J.
Snake Road. A Field Guide to the Snakes of LaRue-Pine Hills.
Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale, Illinois. 224 pp.

Wang, Y.; Cai, B.; Li, J. (eds).
China's Red List of Biodiversity: Vertebrates. Volume III, Reptiles (I, II).
Science Press, Beijing. 1055 pp.

Wang, Y.; Cai, B.; Li, J.
Reptiles. Vol. I & II. China's Red List of Biodiversity Vertebrates. Vol. III.
Ke xue chu ban she, Beijing. 1055 pp.

Wangyal, J.T.; Das, I.
A Guide to the Reptiles of Bhutan.
Bhutan Ecological Society, Thimphu, Bhutan. 109 pp.

Weier, M.
Der Grüne Baumpython - Biologie, Pflege, Zucht und Erkrankungen. 2nd rev. ed.
Herpeton, Frankfurt a.M. 142 pp.

Williamson, G.W.; Smith, C.F.; Schuett, G.W.
The Kauffeld Letters.
ECO Publishing, Rodeo, New Mexico. 292 pp.