Related bibliographies:

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Bibliography of the genus
Tumbunascincus (Orange-speckled Forest Skink)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Tumbunascincus luteilateralis
Covacevich, J.A.; McDonald, K.R. 1980. Two new species of skinks from mid-eastern Queensland rain forest. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 20(1): 95-101.
Wells, R.W. 2009. Some taxonomic and nomenclatural considerations on the class Reptilia in Australia. A review of the genera Eulamprus and Aphyromorphus (Scincidae), including the description of new genera and species. Australian Biodiversity Record 2009(3): 1-96.
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