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Latest update: September 28th, 2024.

Expanded account of the family Colubridae
Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Gonyophis
Bibliography of the genus Gonyophis
Biodiversity of the family Colubridae

Expanded account of the genus

Rainbow Tree Snake

The genus contains a single species:
and glossary

Gonyophis margaritatus

Rainbow Tree Snake
Size: TL up to 2.00 m.
Reproduction: Oviparous. Clutch size unknown. Hatchlings resemble adults.
Diet: Unknown, but one captive specimen ate only fish. Possibly small mammals, birds, lizards, and frogs.
Habitat: Lowland and montane primary forests. Known from forest canopies. Specimens have been caught in fish nets, which may support the thought that fish is an important part of the species' diet.
Altitude range: Up to 2000 m ASL.
Habits: Diurnal and agile. Arboreal. Capable of climbing straight up vertical tree trunks.
Use and trade: Not included in CITES Appendices.
Conservation: Least Concern (IUCN Red Lists). Seems to be nowhere common. Habitat destruction due to deforestation is the major threat to this species. The distinctively patterned species is in high demand for the international pet trade, but as it appears to be rare, supplies are not readily available. Monitoring the trade of the species is highly recommended as it may be more highly demanded on the international pet trade in the future.

References: Charlton 2020 Das 2010 Iskandar & al. 2012 Malkmus & al. 2002 Stuebing & al. 2014