February 2nd, 2025
It is about time to give you some news about the development of RepFocus.
Lots of things have happended since the last news posting almost five years ago, but the postings have been too few to reflect the actual progress of the website.
This is about to change now, with more frequent postings to be expected.
As we speak, the
taxonomic section
has just been updated, including species described as late as January 2025.
The IUCN Redlist section
has also been updated, current to December 31st, 2024.
The Literature section has been updated regularly since the website was launched in 2019, however, the updates have not been implemented in the
taxonomic and regional bibliographies,
but are only found as "New literature" postings in the
Recent updates page.
A complete remake of the taxonomic and regional bibliographies is in progress and will, hopefully, become available later in 2025.
A new facility,
Recently published books,
focusing on books on reptiles, was added recently and is still in progress.
The amount of photos available in RepFocus is continuously growing, with many researchers and others joining the team of
of which I as the editor of RepFocus is truly grateful.
Another asset of this website will be the inclusion of meristic and other data of all the world's snake species along with head images of many of them.
This is the result of a collaboration with Van Wallach, who compiled this useful set of data and images.
As you will see, the data set has already been uploaded to RepFocus.
The head images will follow soon, probably within the next few months.
Rune Midtgaard, editor
April 10th, 2020
To celebrate the success of the 1st edition of RepFocus, published now almost a year ago, a considerable discount (50%) is now available to all customers.
The discount is only available when you purchase the e-book directly from the author (this website).
Be aware that discounts will be offered to recurring customers, who buy future editions of the e-book, but only if the e-book was purchased directly from the author.
August 24th, 2019
The e-book edition of RepFocus is now also available for purchase from the British internet book dealer NHBS:
---> Link to the NHBS website
August 12th, 2019
The first Recent updates have now been uploaded (link in menu above).
The taxonomical update includes most of the more than 100 new or revalidated species published during the first seven months of 2019.
If it continues at this pace for the rest of the year, we may end up with a record number of species to be added in a single year when 2019 runs out.
The literature update includes almost 1,000 new references.
A few corrections to the 1st edition of RepFocus are also listed.
June 24th, 2019
It is now possible to purchase the e-book RepFocus by using PayPal, which reduces the fees considerably for transferring payment.
You will find the email address you need to use under Contact (menu above).
June 5th, 2019
Today the 1st edition of the e-book RepFocus was published and is now available for purchase.
The limited internet edition of the same work was launched simultaneously and is now accessible to all internet users.
I hope you will enjoy the website and that the large amount of information gathered here will be of benefit to you.
