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Bibliography of the reptiles of the
Atlantic Ocean
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Bertin, L. 1943. La faune herpétologique des Iles Atlantiques dans ses rapportes avec la paléogéographie de ces archipels. Compte Rendu des Seances de la Societe de Biogeographie 20(167-168): 1-3.
Bourjea, J.; Clermont, S.; Delgado, A.; Murua, H.; Ruiz, J.; Ciccione, S.; Chavance, P. 2014. Marine turtle interaction with purse-seine fishery in the Atlantic and Indian oceans: lessons for management. Biological Conservation 178: 74-87.
Brongersma, L.D. 1966. Zeeschildpadden in Europees-Atlantische wateren. Versl. gewone Vergad. Afd. Natuurk. K. ned. Akad. 75(3): 52-56.
Brongersma, L.D. 1982. Marine turtles of the eastern Atlantic Ocean. pp. 407-416. In: Bjorndal, K.A. (ed.). Biology and conservation of sea turtles. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 583 pp.
Carpenter, K.E.; Angelis, N. de (eds.). 2016. The Living Marine Resources of the Eastern Central Atlantic, Volume 4: Bony Fishes Part 2 (Perciformes to Tetradontiformes) and Sea Turtles. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Rome. 782 pp.
Cozzi, C.A. 1980. The absence of sea snakes in the Atlantic Ocean. Bulletin of the Maryland Herpetological Society 16(3): 113-118.
Ficetola, G.F.; Padoa-Schioppa, E. 2009. Human activities alter biogeographical patterns of reptiles on Mediterranean islands. Global Ecology and Biogeography 18(2): 214-222.
Frazier, J. 1984. Las tortugas marinas en el oceano Atlantico sur Occidental. Serie Divulgacion Asociacion Herpetologica Argentina 2: 2-21.
Fritts, T.H.; Hoffman, W.; McGehee, M.A. 1983. The distribution and abundance of marine turtles in the Gulf of Mexico and nearby Atlantic waters. Journal of Herpetology 17(4): 327-344.
Guebert, F.M.; Barletta, M.; Costa, M.F. da 2013. Threats to sea turtle populations in the western Atlantic: poaching and mortality in small-scale fishery gears. Journal of Coastal Research 1: 42-47.
Huang, H.W. 2015. Conservation hotspots for the turtles on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0133614.
Jacobs, G. 1976. Keys to the herpetofauna of the eastern Hemisphere. Part 4. Asia Minor, Atlantic Ocean and islands, and Australia. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 34: 1-5.
Murray, K.T. 2004. Magnitude and distribution of Sea Turtle bycatch in the sea scallop (Placopecten magellankus) dredge fishery in two areas of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean, 2001-2002. Fishery Bulletin (Seattle) 102(4): 671-681.
Pritchard, P.C.H. 1989. A summary of the distribution and biology of Sea Turtles in the western Atlantic. NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Technical Memorandum NMFS (National Marine Fisheries Service) SWFC (Southwest Fisheries Center) 226: 17-32.
Schweisheimer, W. 1976. Übersiedlung pazifischer Seeschlangen in den Atlantik. Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 29(12): 434-435.
Swarth, C.W.; Roosenburg, W.M.; Kiviat, E. (eds.). 2004. Conservation and ecology of turtles of the mid-Atlantic region: a symposium. Bibliomania, Salt Lake City. 122 pp.
Torres-Irineo, E.; Amande Monin, J.; Gaertner, D.; Delgado de Molina, A.; Murua, H.; Chavance, P.; Ariz, J.; Ruiz, J.; Lezama-Ochoa, N. 2014. Bycatch species composition over time by tuna purse-seine fishery in the eastern tropical Atlantic Ocean. Biodiversity and Conservation 23(5): 1157-1173.
Wynne, K.; Schwartz, M. 1999. Guide to Marine Mammals and Turtles of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. Rhode Island Sea Grant, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, Rhode Island. 120 pp.
Zaldua-Mendizabal, N.; Egaña-Callejo, A. (eds.). 2012. Marine turtles of the North East Atlantic. Contributions for the First Regional Conference. Munibe Monographs. Nature Series 1. Aranzadi Society of Sciences. San Sebastian. 107 pp.
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