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Bibliography of
Reptiles (Reptilia)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Ackerman, L. (ed.). 1998. The Biology, Husbandry and Health Care of Reptiles, Volume 1: The Biology of Reptiles. T.F.H. Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 375 pp.
Adler, K.K. 1957. Reptiles: Use of Scientific names. Position of reptiles in the animal kingdom. Ohio Herpetological Society Special Publication 1: 1-7.
Ahl, E. 1930. Amphibia and Reptilia. Oppenh. & Pincussen. Tabulae Biologicae 1930: 598-715.
Ahl, E. 1931. Reptilia (Kriechtiere). Tabulae Biologicae (Berlin) Period. 1: 340-384.
Alexander, R.M. 1981. The chordates. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, London etc. 510 pp.
Angel, H. 2009. Living Dinosaurs. Evans Mitchell Books, Farnham. 96 pp.
Applegarth, J.S. 1983. Index to the genera of Reptilia - a device to assist curators. Testudinata, Crocodylia and Rhynchocephalia. Published by the Author, J.S., Eugene, Oregon (2nd edition): 1-24.
Aramata, H. 1990. [Atlas anima. Vol. 3: Amphibia and Reptilia]. (In Japanese). Heibonsha Limited, Publishers, Tokyo, Japan. 375 pp.
Attenborough, D. 2007. Life in Cold Blood. BBC Books, London. 288 pp.
Baker, K.J. (ed.). 2011. Reptiles: biology, behavior and conservation. Nova Science Publishers, New York. 215 pp.
Bannikov, A.G.; Denisova, M.N. 1969. [Reptilia]. (In Russian). In: Bannikov, A.G. (ed.). [Life of Animals, Moskva. 4(2): 135-153].
Barbour, T. 1926. Reptiles and amphibians: their habits and adaptations. Houghton Mifflin Co. Riverside Press Cambridge, Boston & New York. Unpaginated.
Bartlett, R.D. 1988. In search of reptiles and amphibians. E.J. Brill, Leiden, New York etc. 363 pp.
Baur, M. 2012. [Conservation]. (In German). Schildkröten im Fokus 9(4): 34-35.
Bellairs, A.A. 1957. Reptiles. Hutchinson, London. 195 pp.
Bellairs, A.A. 1969. The life of reptiles. Vol. 1-2. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London. 590 pp.
Bellairs, A.A. 1971. Die Reptilien. pp. 391-608. Editions Recontre Lausanne, Lausanne. Enzyklopädie der Natur. (German translation of "The Life of Reptiles", Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1969).
Bellairs, A.A.; Attridge, J. 1975. Reptiles. Hutchinson University Library, London, revised edition. 240 pp.
Bellairs, A.A.; Carrington, R. 1966. The world of reptiles. Chatto & Windus, London. 153 pp.
Berridge, W.S. 1926. Marvels of reptile life. Thornton Butterworth, London. 256 pp.
Bertin, L. 1924. Revue de zoologie (Reptiles et batrachiens). Rev. gen. sci. Paris 35: 73-84.
Biswas, S. 1976. Biology of poikilothermic vertebrates (excluding fishes). Annual Review of Zoology 2: 115-118.
Blackwelder, R.E. 1963. Classification of the animal kingdom. Southern Illinois Univ. Press, Carbondale. 94 pp.
Bodson, L. 2009. L'interpretation des noms grecs et latins d'animaux illustree par le cas du zoonyme 'seps-seps'. Academie royale de Belgique, Bruxelles. 368 pp.
Bory de Saint-Vincent, J.B.G.M. 1828. Resume d'erpetologie ou d'histoire naturelle des reptiles. Baghelier, Paris. 292 pp.
Boulenger, E.G. 1914. Reptiles and Batrachians. J.M. Dent & Sons, London. 278 pp.
Bracegirdle, B.; Miles, P.H. 1978. An atlas of chordate structure. Heinemann Educational Books, London. 119 pp.
Brattstrom, B.H. 1960. Lepidosauria. pp. 473-474. In: Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill.
Brazaitis, P. 2003. You belong in a zoo! Tales from a lifetime spent with cobras, crocs, and other creatures. Villard Books, New York. 345 pp.
Breen, J.F. 1974. Encyclopedia of reptiles and amphibians. T.F.H. Publications, Inc. Ltd., Hong Kong. 576 pp.
Brehm, A.E. 1878. Brehms Thierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Thierreichs. Grosse Ausgabe. 2nd rev. ed. Part 3. Kriechthiere, Lurche und Fische. Vol. 1. Die Kriechthiere und Lurche. Bibliographischen Instituts, Leipzig. 673 pp.
Brehm, A.E. 1913. Brehms Tierleben. Allgemeine Kunde des Tierreichs. 4th rev. ed. (hrsg. v. Otto zur Strassen). Vol. 5. Die Lurche und Kriechtiere v. Alfred Brehm. Neubearb. v. Franz Werner. Vol. 2: Kriechtiere (Schuppenkriechtiere). Bibliograph. Inst., Leipzig & Wien. 598 pp.
Brehm, A.E. 1934. Brehms Tierleben. Kleine Ausgabe. Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig. 593 pp.
Brown, A.E. 1908. Generic types of Nearctic Reptilia and Amphibia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 60: 112-127.
Burton, J.A. 1992. Reptiles and amphibians. pp. 266-279. In: Chinery, M. (ed.). The Kingfisher natural history of Britain & Europe. Kingfisher Books, London. 384 pp.
Burton, M. 1973. The world of reptiles and amphibians. Bounty Books, Crown Publishers, Inc., New York. 128 pp.
Bustard, R. 1963. Reptiles and amphibians of the world. Aquarist and Pondkeeper 27: 204.
Cagle, F.R. 1953. An outline for the study of a reptile life history. Tulane Studies in Zoology and Botany 1: 31-52.
Capula, M. 1990. The Macdonald encyclopedia of amphibians and reptiles. Macdonald & Co., London. 256 pp.
Capula, M. 1990. Macdonald Encyclopedia of Amphibians and Reptiles. Macdonald, London. 256 pp.
Capula, M.; Behler, J.L. 1989. Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of the World. Simon & Schuster, New York. 256 pp.
Capula, M.; Corti, C. (eds.). 2014. Scripta Herpetologica - Studies on Amphibians and Reptiles in honour of Benedetto Lanza. Edizioni Belvedere, Latina. 200 pp.
Caras, R. 1974. Venemous animals of the world. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 362 pp.
Carr, A. 1964. The reptiles. Time Inc., The Hague. 192 pp. (Reprinted in 1968).
Carr, A. 1970. The reptiles. (Reprint). Time-Life Books, New York. 192 pp.
Carroll, R.L. 1969. Problems of the origin of reptiles. Biol. Rev. 44: 393-432.
Carter, G.S. 1965. Phylogenetic relations of the major groups of animals. Proceedings 16th Int. Congr. Zool. 6: 427-445.
Chapman, G.; Barker, W.B. 1970. Zoology for intermediate students. Longman Group Ltd., London, New impression. 744 pp.
Charnov, E.L.; Berrigan, D.; Shine, R. 1993. The M/k ratio is the same for fish and reptiles. American Naturalist 142(4): 707-711.
Cherchi, M.A. 1958. Radiazione globale e rettili tropicali. Monitore Zoologico Italiano 66: 3-9.
Clark, R.B.; Panchen, A.L. 1971. Synopsis of animal classification. Chapman & Hall, London. 126 pp.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1965. Animal conflict and adaptation. G.T. Foulis & Co. Ltd., London. 160 pp.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1971. The temperature and water relations of reptiles. Merrow Publ. Co., London. 159 pp.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1993. Diversity and ecological analogues among desert reptiles. British Herpetological Society Bulletin 43: 36-37.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1999. The diversity of amphibians and reptiles: an introduction. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg & New York. 254 pp.
Cloudsley-Thompson, J.L. 1999. The Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles: An Introduction. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 254 pp.
Cogger, H.G. 1993. General description and definition of the class Reptilia. pp. 89-91. In: Glasby, C.J.; Ross, G.J.B. & Beesley, P.L. (eds.). Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A. Amphibia & Reptilia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 439 pp.
Cogger, H.G. 1993. History of the discovery of the Reptilia. pp. 92-97. In: Glasby, C.J.; Ross, G.J.B. & Beesley, P.L. (eds.). Fauna of Australia. Vol. 2A. Amphibia & Reptilia. Australian Government Publishing Service, Canberra. 439 pp.
Cogger, R.G.; Zweifel, R.G. 1998. Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians: A Comprehensive Illustrated Guide by International Experts. 2nd ed. Academic Press, San Diego. 240 pp.
Colbert, E.H. 1969. Evolution of the vertebrates. A history of the backboned animals through time. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 535 pp.
Coomans, R. 1957. Les lézards (1). Préliminaires. - Classification des reptiles. Bulletin Mens. Soc. Nat. Mons. 40: 28-34.
Cope, E.D. 1864. On the characters of the higher groups of Reptilia squamata, and especially of the Diploglossa. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 16: 224-231.
Cope, E.D. 1885. On the evolution of the Vertebrata, progressive and retrogressive. VI. The reptilian line. American Naturalist 19: 245-247, 341-344.
Cox, N.; Böhm, M.; Dijk, P.P. van (eds.). 2010. Reptilia: evolutionary history of reptiles. pp. 29-37. In: Baillie, J.E.M.; Griffiths, J.; Turvey, S.T.; Loh, J.; Collen, B. (eds.). Evolution lost: status and trends of the world's vertebrates. Zoological Society of London, London. 72 pp.
Cruickshank, H.G. 1959. Wonders of the reptile world. Dodd, Meade & Co., New York. 63 pp.
Crump, M. 2002. Amphibians, Reptiles, and their Conservation. Linnet Books, North Haven, Connecticut. 149 pp.
Crump, M. 2011. Amphibians and Reptiles – An Introduction to their Natural History and Conservation. McDonald & Woodward, Granville, Ohio. 249 pp.
Cuvier, G.; Griffith, E. (eds.). 2012. The Animal Kingdom, Volume 5: Synopsis of the Species of the Class Mammalia and the Class Reptilia. (Reprint, first published in 1827-1835). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 514 pp.
Cuvier, G.; Griffith, E. (eds.). 2012. The Animal Kingdom, Volume 9: The Class Reptilia. (Reprint, first published in 1827-1835). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 588 pp.
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1816["1817"]. Le Règne animal distribué d'après son Organisation. Vol. 2 and 4. Déterville, Paris. 532 pp. (vol. 2) and 255 pp. (vol. 4). (Reprinted in 1969 by Culture et Civilisation, Bruxelles).
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1816["1817"]. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation. Vol. 2. (Reptiles, Poissons, Mollusques, Annélides). Déterville, Paris. 532 pp. (Reprinted in 1969 by Culture et Civilisation, Bruxelles).
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1816["1817"]. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation. Vol. 4. Déterville, Paris. 255 pp. (Reprinted in 1969 by Culture et Civilisation, Bruxelles).
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1817. Le Regne Animal, distribue d'apres son organisation pour servir de base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'Anatomie Comparee. Vol. 1-4. Paris.
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1829. Le Règne animal distribué d'après son Organisation. 2nd ed. Vol. 2 and 3. Déterville, Paris. 406 pp. (vol. 2) and 504 pp. (vol. 3).
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1829. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. (Reptiles, Poissons, Mollusques, Annélides). Déterville, Paris. 406 pp.
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. 1830. Le règne animal distribué d'après son organisation. 2nd ed. Vol. 3. Déterville, Paris. 504 pp.
D'Ancona, U. 1970. Trattato di zoologia. Unione Tipografico - Editrice Torinese, Torino. 1208 pp.
Darlington, P.J. 1948. The geographical distribution of cold-blooded vertebrates. Quarterly Rev. Biol. Baltimore 28(1): 1-26.
Darlington, P.J. 1948. The geographical distribution of cold-blooded vertebrates. (Conclusion). Quarterly Rev. Biol. Baltimore 28(2): 105-123.
Darlington, P.J. 1957. Zoogeography; the geographical distribution of animals. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 675 pp.
Dathe, H. 1975. Taschenbuch der Zoologie. Band 4. Wirbeltiere 1 (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia). Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena. 244 pp.
Dathe, H. 1975. Wirbeltiere 1. Fische, Lurche, Kriechtiere. Verlag Harri Deutsch, Thun, Switzerland. 244 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 1. F. Dufart, Paris. 384 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 3. F. Dufart, Paris. 452 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 4. F. Dufart, Paris. 397 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 5. F. Dufart, Paris. 365 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 6. F. Dufart, Paris. 447 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 7. F. Dufart, Paris. 436 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 8. F. Dufart, Paris. 439 pp.
Daudin, F.M. 1801. Histoire Naturelle, Générale et Particulière des Reptiles. Vol. 2. F. Dufart, Paris. 432 pp.
Davies, R.; Davies, V. 1997. The Questions and Answers Manual of Reptiles and Amphibians. Salamander Books, Surrey. 208 pp.
Dessauer, H.C. 1974. Biochemical and immunological evidence of relationships in Amphibia and Reptilia. pp. 177-242. In: Wright, C.A. (ed.). Biochemical immunological taxonomy of animals. Academic Press, London. 490 pp.
Discovery Channel. 2000. Discovery Explore Your World Handbook to Reptiles and Amphibians. Discovery Books, London & New York. 192 pp.
Ditmars, E.L. 1938. The fight to live. (Reptiles, Amphibia, pp. 78-129). Popular, London. 238 pp.
Ditmars, R.L. 1907. The reptile book; a comprehensive, popularised work on the structure and habits of the turtles, tortoises, crocodilians, lizards and snakes which inhabit the United States and northern Mexico. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York. 472 pp.
Ditmars, R.L. 1910. Reptiles of the World. Macmillan, New York. 373 pp. (Reprinted in 1922).
Ditmars, R.L. 1933. Reptiles of the world. 2nd rev. ed. MacMillan, New York. 321 pp.
Ditmars, R.L. 1946. Reptiles of the World. The Crocodilians, Lizards, Snakes, Turtles and Tortoises of the eastern and western Hemispheres. Rev. ed. Macmillan, New York. 321 pp.
Ditmars, R.L. 1989. Reptiles of the world: the crocodilians, lizards, snakes, turtles and tortoises of the Eastern and Western Hemispheres. Cosmo Publications, New Delhi. 321 pp.
Ditmars, R.L. 2013. International Encyclopaedia of Reptiles. Vol. 1-2. Impact Global Publishing, USA. 813 pp.
Dobrowolska, H. 1990. [Animals of the world: reptiles]. (In Polish). Panstwowe Wydanictwo Naukowe, Warsaw. 503 pp.
Dodson, P. 1977. In cold blood - reptiles as predators. Frontiers 42(1): 34-36.
Donndorff, J.A. 1798. Zoologische Beyträge zur XIII. Ausgabe des Linneischen Natursystems. Vol. 3. Amphibien und Fische. [Reptiles and amphibians, pp. 1-224]. Wiedmannschen Buchhandlung, Leipzig.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1834. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 1. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 447 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1835. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 2. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 680 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1836. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 3. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 517 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1837. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 4. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 571 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1839. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 5. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 854 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1844. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 6. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 609 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1854. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Atlas. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 24 pp., 120 plates.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1854. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 7, part 1. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 780 pp. (pp. 1-780).
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1854. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 7, part 2. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 756 pp. (pp. 781-1536).
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1854. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 8. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 792 pp.
Dumeril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G. 1854. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 9. Librarie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 440 pp.
Duméril, A.M.C.; Bibron, G.; Duméril, A.H.A. 2012. Erpétologie Générale ou Histoire Naturelle Complète des Reptiles. Vol. 1-6. (Facsimile reprint, originally published 1834-1854 in 9 volumes plus an atlas of colour plates, with an introduction by Roger Bour). Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, place of publication unknown. 6986 pp.
Dundee, H.A. 1994. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles: corrections, addenda and comments. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles). 3 pp.
Dundee, H.A. 1994. Current names for Linnaeus's herpetological species in Systema Naturae 10. Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service 100: 41-54.
Dunn, E.R. 1943. Lower categories in herpetology. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 44: 123-131.
Eschscholtz, J.F. von 1829. Zoologischer Atlas, enhaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten. Vol. 1. G. Reimer, Berlin. 17 pp.
Eschscholtz, J.F. von 1829. Zoologischer Atlas, enhaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten. Vol. 2. G. Reimer, Berlin. 13 pp.
Eschscholtz, J.F. von 1829. Zoologischer Atlas, enhaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten. Vol. 3. G. Reimer, Berlin. 18 pp.
Eschscholtz, J.F. von 1831. Zoologischer Atlas, enhaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten. Vol. 4. G. Reimer, Berlin. 19 pp.
Eschscholtz, J.F. von 1833. Zoologischer Atlas, enhaltend Abbildungen und Beschreibungen neuer Thierarten. Vol. 5. G. Reimer, Berlin. 28 pp.
Fitch, H.S. 1949. Outline for ecological life history studies of reptiles. Ecology 30: 520-532.
Fitzinger, L. 1826. Neue Classification der Reptilien nach ihren Natürlichen Verwandtschaften nebst einer Verwandtschafts-Tafel und einem Verzeichnisse der Reptilien-Sammlung des k. k. Zoologischen Museum zu Wien. J.G. Hübner, Vienna. 66 pp.
Fitzinger, L. 1843. Systema Reptilium ... Fasciculus primus: Amblyglossae. Braumüller & Seidel, Vindobonae (=Vienna). 106 pp. (Reprinted 1973 Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR), Oxford, Ohio).
Fitzinger, L. 1843. Systema Reptilium. Fasciculus primus. Amblyglossae. Braumüller & Seidel, Wien. 106 pp. (See Smith & Grant 1958 (Herpetologica 14: 215-222) for discussion of publication date).
Fry, F.L.; Williams, D.L. 1995. Self-Assessment Colour Review of Reptiles and Amphibians. Manson Publishing, London. 192 pp.
Gadow, H. 1901. Amphibia and Reptiles. In: Harmer, S.F. & Shipley, A.E. (eds.). The Cambridge Natural History. Volume 8. Macmillan & Co., London. 668 pp. [Published in 10 volumes, 1895-1909].
Gadow, H. 1901. Cambridge Natural History. VIII. Amphibia and reptiles. London. 668 pp.
Gans, C. 1992. The status of herpetology. pp. 7-20. In: Adler, K. (ed.). Herpetology. Current research on the biology of amphibians and reptiles. Proceedings of the First World Congress of Herpetology. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles). 245 pp. (Contributions to Herpetology no. 9).
Gans, C.; Bellairs, A.A.; Parsons, T.S. (eds.) 1969. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 1. Morphology A. Academic Press, London. 373 pp.
Gans, C.; Billett, F. (eds.). 1985. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 15. Development B. Wiley & Sons, New York. 763 pp.
Gans, C.; Billett, F.; Maderson, P. (eds.) 1985. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 14. Development A. Wiley & Sons, New York. 778 pp.
Gans, C.; Crews, D. (eds.) 1992. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 18. Physiology E. Hormones, brain, and behavior. University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London. 564 pp.
Gans, C.; Dawson, W.R. (eds.) 1976. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 5. Physiology A. Academic Press, London, New York & San Francisco. 556 pp.
Gans, C.; Gans, K.A. (eds.) 1978. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 8. Physiology B. Academic Press, London & New York. 782 pp.
Gans, C.; Gaunt, A.S. (eds.) 1998. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 19. Morphology G. Visceral organs. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles), Saint Louis, Missouri. 660 pp. (Contributions to Herpetology no. 14).
Gans, C.; Gaunt, A.S.; Adler, K. (eds.). 2008. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 20. Morphology H. The skull of Lepidosauria. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles). 755 pp. (Contributions to Herpetology 23).
Gans, C.; Gaunt, A.S.; Adler, K. (eds.). 2008. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 21. Morphology I. The skull and appendicular locomotor apparatus of Lepidosauria. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ithaca. 781 pp.
Gans, C.; Huey, R.B. (eds.). 1988. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 16. Defense and life history. Alan R. Liss, New York. 659 pp.
Gans, C.; Northcutt, R.G.; Ulinski, P. (eds.) 1979. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 10. Neurology B. Academic Press, London, New York & San Francisco. 388 pp.
Gans, C.; Northcutt, R.G.; Ulinski, P. (eds.) 1979. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 9. Neurology A. Academic Press, London, New York & San Francisco. 462 pp.
Gans, C.; Parsons, T.S. (eds.) 1970. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 2. Morphology B. Academic Press, London & New York. 374 pp.
Gans, C.; Parsons, T.S. (eds.) 1970. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 3. Morphology C. Academic Press, London & New York. 385 pp.
Gans, C.; Parsons, T.S. (eds.) 1973. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 4. Morphology D. Academic Press, London & New York. 528 pp.
Gans, C.; Parsons, T.S. (eds.) 1977. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 6. Morphology E. Academic Press, London & New York. 505 pp.
Gans, C.; Parsons, T.S. (eds.) 1981. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 11. Morphology F. Academic Press, New York. 475 pp.
Gans, C.; Pough, F.H. (eds.) 1982. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 12. Physiology C. Academic Press, New York. 570 pp.
Gans, C.; Pough, F.H. (eds.) 1982. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 13. Physiology D. Academic Press, New York. 345 pp.
Gans, C.; Tinkle, D.W. (eds.) 1977. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 7. Ecology and behaviour A. Academic Press, London, New York & San Francisco. 720 pp.
Gans, C.; Ulinski, P.S. (eds.) 1992. Biology of the Reptilia. Vol. 17. Neurology C. Sensorimotor integration. University of Chicago Press, Chicago & London. 781 pp.
Gardner, M.G.; Pearson, S.K.; Johnston, G.R.; Schwarz, M.P. 2016. Group living in squamate reptiles: a review of evidence for stable aggregations. Biological Reviews (Cambridge) 91(4): 925-936.
Gibbons, W. 1983. Their blood runs cold. Adventures with reptiles and amphibians. University of Alabama Press. 164 pp.
Giles, N.H.; Torrey, J.G. (eds.) 1970. Animal function: principles and adaptations. The MacMillan Core Series in Biology. Collier-MacMillan, London. 560 pp.
Gmelin, J.F. 1789. Caroli a Linné Systema Naturae. Vol. 1, part 3. G.E. Beer, Lipsiae (=Leipzig). 1(3): 1033-1516. (This series is often referred to as the 13th edition of Linnaeus' "Systema Naturae". An English edition was published in 1802).
Gmelin, J.F. 1789-1796. Caroli a Linne Systema Naturae per Regna tria Naturae, secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio XII, aucta reformata. Vol. 1-3. Lipsiae (Leipzig).
Goin, C.J.; Goin, O.B. 1962. Introduction to Herpetology. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco & London. 341 pp.
Goin, C.J.; Goin, O.B. 1971. Introduction to herpetology. 2nd ed. Freeman, San Francisco. 353 pp.
Goin, C.J.; Goin, O.B.; Zug, G.R. 1978. Introduction to herpetology. W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco. 378 pp.
Goldfuss, G.A. 1820. Handbuch der Zoologie. Vol. 2. Schrag, Nürnberg. 510 pp.
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