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Malay Archipelago

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Bibliography of the genus
Lanthanotus (Earless Monitor Lizard)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Lanthanotidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Lanthanotus borneensis
Ast, J.C. 2001. Mitochondrial DNA evidence and evolution in Varanoidea (squamata). Cladistics 17(3): 211-226.
Böhme, W.; Ziegler, T. 2009. A review of iguanian and anguimorph lizard genitalia (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae; Varanoidea, Shinisauridae, Xenosauridae, Anguidae) and their phylogenetic significance: comparisons with molecular data sets. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 47(2): 189-202.
Boulenger, G.A. 1899. Exhibition of a specimen of the Bornean lizard Lanthanotus borneensis. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1899: 596-597.
Branch, W.R. 1982. Hemipeneal morphology of platynotan lizards. Journal of Herpetology 16(1): 16-38.
Eidenmüller, B.; Philippen, H.D. 2008. Varanoid lizards / Warane und Krustenechsen. (Terralog vol. 6). Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main / Rodgau. 148 pp.
Evans, G.M. 1987. Genesis before Eden: ophidian evolution. Snake Keeper 1(3): 4-5.
Grossman, A.B. 1955. Review of "The systematic position of Lanthonotus and the affinities of the anguinomorphan lizards". Quarterly Review of Biology 30: 400.
Harrison, B. 1962. Beobachtungen am lebenden Taubwaran Lanthanotus borneensis. Natur und Museum 92: 38-46.
Harrisson, B. 1989. Observations on living earless monitors (Lanthanotus borneensis). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 24(10): 185-188.
Harrisson, B.B. 1961. Lanthonotus borneensis - habits and observations. Sarawak Museum Journal N.S. 10: 286-292.
Harrisson, T. 1961. The earless monitor lizard (Lanthonotus borneensis). Discovery 22: 290-293.
Harrisson, T. 1963. Earless monitor lizards in Borneo. Nature (London) 198: 407-408.
Harrisson, T. 1966. A record size Lanthanotus alive (1966): casual notes. Sarawak Museum Journal 14: 323-334.
Harrisson, T.; Haile, N.S. 1961. A rare earless monitor lizard from Borneo. Nature (London) 190: 1213.
Harrisson, T.; Haile, N.S. 1961. Notes on a living specimen of the earless monitor lizard, Lanthonotus borneensis. Journal Ohio Herpetological Society 3(2): 13-16.
Harrisson, T.H. 1963. Lanthonotus borneensis: the first 30 live ones. Sarawak Museum Journal 11: 299-301.
Inger, R.F. 1962. Rare lizard reaches Museum. Chicago Nat. Hist. Mus. Bull. 33(3): 7.
Langner, C.G. 2017. Hidden in the heart of Borneo - shedding light on some mysteries of an enigmatic lizard: first records of habitat use, behavior, and food items of Lanthanotus borneensis Steindachner, 1878 in its natural habitat. Russian Journal of Herpetology 24(1): 1-10.
Maisano, J.A.; Bell, C.J.; Gauthier, J.A.; Rowe, T. 2002. The osteoderms and palpebral in Lanthanotus borneensis (Squamata: Anguimorpha). Journal of Herpetology 36(4): 678-682.
McCurry, M.R.; Mahony, M.; Clausen, P.D.; Quayle, M.R.; Walmsley, C.W.; Jessop, T.S.; Wroe, S.; Richards, H.; McHenry, C.R. 2015. The relationship between cranial structure, biomechanical performance and ecological diversity in varanoid lizards. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0130625.
McDowell, S.B. 1967. The extracolumella and tympanic cavity of the 'earless' monitor lizard, Lanthanotus borneensis. Copeia 1967: 154-159.
McDowell, S.B.; Bogert, C.M. 1954. The systematic position of Lanthanotus and the affinities of the Anguinomorphan lizards. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 105(1): 1-142.
Mendyk, R.W.; Shuter, A.D.; Kathriner, A. 2015. Historical notes on a living specimen of Lanthanotus borneensis (Squamata: Sauria: Lanthanotidae) maintained at the Bronx Zoo from 1968 to 1976. Biawak 9(2): 44-49.
Mertens, R. 1961. Lanthonotus: An important lizard in evolution. Sarawak Museum Journal 10: 283-285.
Mertens, R. 1962. Lanthanotus: eine stammegeschichtlich bedeutsame Eidechse? Natur und Museum 92: 35-37.
Mertens, R. 1963. Liste der rezenten Amphibien und Reptilien. Helodermatidae, Varanidae, Lanthanotidae. Das Tierreich 79: 1-26.
Mertens, R. 1964. Beobachtungen an Taubwaranen (Lanthanotus borneensis) im Terrarium. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 17: 179-183.
Mertens, R. 1966. The keeping of Borneo earless monitor (Lanthonotus borneensis). Sarawak Museum Journal 14: 320-322.
Mertens, R. 1969. Sarawak's earless monitor. Animals 11: 436-437.
Mertens, R. 1970. Zum Ernährungsproblem des Taubwarans, Lanthanotus borneensis. Salamandra 6(3-4): 133-134.
Mertens, R. 1989. Lanthanotus: an evolutionarily important lizard? Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 24(10): 184-185.
Mertens, R. 1989. On the captive feeding of the earless monitor, Lanthanotus borneensis. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 24(10): 189.
Miller, M.R. 1966. The cochlear ducts of Lanthanotus and Anelytropsis with remarks on the familial relationship between Anelytropsis and Dibamus. Occasional Papers of the California Academy of Sciences 60: 1-15.
Molnar, R.E. 2004. The long and honorable history of monitors and their kin. pp. 10-67. In: Pianka, E.R.; King, D.R.; King, R.A. (eds.). Varanoid lizards of the world. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 588 pp.
Molnar, R.E.; Pianka, E.R. 2004. Biogeography and phylogeny of varanoids. pp. 68-76. In: Pianka, E.R.; King, D.R.; King, R.A. (eds.). Varanoid lizards of the world. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 588 pp.
Pianka, E.R.; King, D.R.; King, R.A. (eds.). 2004. Varanoid lizards of the world. Indiana University Press, Bloomington. 588 pp.
Pregill, G.K.; Gauthier, J.A.; Greene, H.W. 1986. The evolution of helodermatid squamates, with the description of a new taxon and an overview of Varanoidea. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History 21(11): 167-202.
Pritchard, P.C.H. 1961. A Sarawak lizard. New Scientist 10: 407.
Proud, K.R.S. 1978. Some notes on a captive earless monitor lizard, Lanthanotus borneensis. Sarawak Museum Journal 26(47): 235-242.
Rieppel, O. 1980. The phylogeny of anguinomorph lizards. Denkschriften der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 94: 1-86.
Rieppel, O. 1980. The postcranial skeleton of Lanthanotus borneensis (Reptilia, Lacertilia). Amphibia-Reptilia 1(2): 95-112.
Rieppel, O. 1983. A comparison of the skull of Lanthanotus borneensis (Reptilia: Varanoidea) with the skull of primitive snakes. Zeitschrift für Zoologische Systematik und Evolutionsforschung 21(2): 142-153.
Shaw, C.E. 1963. Boon from Bornio - three earless lizards. Zoonooz 36(5): 10-12.
Sprackland, R.G. 1970. Further notes on Lanthanotus. Sarawak Museum Journal 18: 412-413.
Sprackland, R.G. 1972. A summary of observations of the earless monitor, Lanthanotus borneensis. Sarawak Museum Journal 20(40-41): 323-327.
Sprackland, R.G. 1999. Sarawak's earless monitor lizard (Lanthanotus borneensis). Reptiles (Boulder) 1999(March): 72-80.
Steel, R. 1996. Living dragons: a natural history of the world's monitor lizards. Blandford, London. 160 pp.
Steindachner, F. 1877. Über zwei neue Eidechsen-Arten aus Süd-Amerika und Borneo. Denkschr. Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 38: 93-96.
Underwood, G. 1957. Lanthonotus and the anguinomorphan lizards: A critical review. Copeia 1957(1): 20-30.
Yaap, B.; Paoli, G.D.; Angki, A.; Wells, P.L.; Wahyudi, D.; Auliya, M. 2012. First record of the Borneo Earless Monitor Lanthanotus borneensis (Steindachner, 1877) (Reptilia: Lanthanotidae) in West Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Journal of Threatened Taxa 4(11): 3067-3074.
Ziegler, T.; Böhme, W. 1997. Genitalstrukturen und Paarungsbiologie bei squamaten Reptilien, speziell den Platynota mit Bemerkungen zur Systematik. Mertensiella 8: 1-207.
Zollweg, M.; Seipp, R. 2017. Anmerkungen zur Haltung und Nachzucht des Taubwarans, Lanthanotus borneensis. Reptilia (D) 22(123): 44-?
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