




Amphibian section
Citation: Midtgaard, Rune. RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World. www.repfocus.dk
© Rune Midtgaard

This website summarizes the taxonomy, distribution, and literature of the world's reptiles.
Originally published as a limited version of the e-book RepFocus - A Survey of the Reptiles of the World, it is now in the process of becoming fully and freely accessible online.
The project was originally launched on June 5th, 2019.
Since then, taxonomic and distribution updates have been added on a regular basis.
RepFocus is divided into the sections
and Biodiversity.
The contents are described below.
section includes checklists of all the reptiles of the world.
The format used include scientific (Latin) names and common names in English, German, and Danish.
Genera and species are provided with taxonomic history.
The distributions are described in detail with direct links to regional checklists with references.
New or revised distribution maps are continuously added.
Currently, 7,176 species maps are included, representing 58% of the world's species.
In addition to this, all genera, families, and higher categories are represented with maps.
The Taxonomy section is updated continuously, with a summary under "Recent updates" (see menu above).
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section includes 1,187 regional checklists of reptiles, representing all the world's countries, as well as many states, provinces, archipelagos, and islands.
A summary statistic on the reptile biodiversity of the region, including the number of endemic species and the degree of endemism, will be added in the near future.
All checklists are based almost entirely on published literature.
These references are included in the list for each species.
The regional checklists are not updated as frequently as the taxonomic checklists.
Consequently, discrepancies between the taxonomic and the regional checklists may occur.
The compilation date for each checklist is indicated in each page.
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section is still under development, but will present various statistics on reptiles, many of which have never been compiled or published collectively before.
Among many others, the statistics include:
- the total number of families, genera, and species of reptiles in the world
- which countries that have most recorded species, genera and families
- the frequency of species descriptions since 1758
Similar statistics are available for each family, main group, and for some, selected genera, with more to come in the future.
As opposed to the taxonomic checklists, the biodiversity statistics are not updated continuously.
The compilation date for each checklist is indicated in each page.
Consequently, discrepancies between the taxonomic checklists and the biodiversity statistics may occur.
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section includes bibliographies of all genera (incl. most species), families, and higher categories, as well as of all countries and many other regions of the world.
Subject literature lists are in preparation.
The bulk of the bibliography relates to taxonomy and distribution, but also publications dealing with natural history, conservation, captive maintenance, etc.
have been included, making RepFocus a valuable tool, not just for researchers, but also for other dedicated naturalists, conservationists, NGOs, zoo staff, etc.
The bibliography currently includes more than 120,000 references with more to come, which makes RepFocus the most extensive bibliography of reptiles ever compiled in a single publication.
The Literature section will be updated under "Recent updates" (link above), but will only be integrated into the individual relevant bibliographies at a less frequent rate.
The first comprehensive, integrated update process since the 2019 launch is currently on-going.
The compilation date for each bibliography will be noted.
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Amphibian section
is not nearly as extensive as the reptile section, the main subject of this website.
The section includes lists of all amphibian families and genera, but currently serves mainly as a photo gallery.
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The RepFocus website is best viewed at a 1366x768 pixels screen resolution or larger.

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