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Bibliography of the genus
Archelaphe (Venus Rat Snake)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Archelaphe bella
Anonymous. 2014. [Bella Rat Snake (Maculophis bellus) found again in Mangshan Mountain of Hunan Province, China]. (In Chinese). Chinese Journal of Zoology 49(3): 464.
Bourret, R. 1934. Notes herpétologiques sur l'Indochine francaise. I. Ophidiens de Chapa. Bulletin General de l'Instruction Publique (Hanoi) 13(7): 129-138.
Chen, X.; Lemmon, A.R.; Lemmon, E.M.; Pyron, R.A.; Burbrink, F.T. 2017. Using phylogenomics to understand the link between biogeographic origins and regional diversification in ratsnakes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 111: 206-218.
Jiang, A.W.; Zhou, F.; Liu, H.; Wang, S. 2006. [A new record of snake, Oligodon bellus, in Guangxi Autonomous Region]. (In Chinese). Sichuan Journal of Zoology 25(2): 271.
Li, C.; Wen, T.; Guo, P. 2009. A new snake record in Sichuan Province - Maculophis bellus. Chinese Journal of Zoology 44(2): 135-137.
Orlov, N.L.; Ryabov, S.A.; Nguyen, T.T.; Nguyen, Q.T. 2010. Rediscovery and redescription of two rare snake species: Oligodon lacroixi Angel et Bourret, 1933 and Maculophis bellus chapaensis (Bourret, 1934) (Squamata: Ophidia: Colubridae) from Fansipan Mountains, northern Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 17(4): 310-322.
Orlov, N.L.; Ryabov, S.A.; Nguyen, V.S.; Nguyen, Q.T. 2003. New records and data on the poorly known snakes of Vietnam. Russian Journal of Herpetology 10(3): 217-240.
Rao, D.Q.; Jiang, J.; Guo, P. 2012. Maculophis bella. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T190611A1954934. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T190611A1954934.en.
Ryabov, S.A.; Korshunov, I.; Nguyen, T.T.; Wang, X. 2015. [The queen of ratsnakes Archelaphe bella chapaensis in the field and in the terrarium]. (In German). Reptilia (D) 20(111): 40-49.
Ryabov, S.A.; Orlov, N.L.; Korshunov, I.S.; Nguyen, T.T. 2011. The first captive breeding of rare colubrid snake Maculophis bellus chapaensis (Bourret, 1934) (Ophidia: Colubridae: Colubrinae) in terrarium. Russian Journal of Herpetology 18(1): 80-82.
Schulz, K.D. 1992. Die hinterasiatischen Kletternattern der Gattung Elaphe. 21. Elaphe leonardi (Wall 1921). Sauria (Berlin) 14(1): 11-13.
Schulz, K.D.; Böhme, W.; Tillack, F. 2011. Hemipenis morphology of Coronella bella Stanley, 1917 with comments on taxonomic and nomenclatural issues of ratsnakes (Squamata: Colubridae: Colubrinae: Elaphe auct.). Russian Journal of Herpetology 18(4): 273-283.
Schulz, K.D.; Helfenberger, N.; Rao, D.Q.; Cen, J. 2000. Eine verkannte Colubriden-Art, Elaphe bella (Stanley, 1917). Sauria (Berlin) 22(1): 11-18.
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