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Bibliography of the reptiles of
Kentucky [USA] |
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Adams, J.P.; Lacki, M.J.; Baker, M.D. 1996. Response of herpetofauna to silvicultural prescriptions in the Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 50: 312-320.
Attum, O.; Attum, B.; Eason, P. 2000. New Kentucky amphibian and reptile distribution records. Herpetological Review 31(2): 115-116.
Bailey, V. 1933. Cave life of Kentucky, mainly in the Mammoth Cave Region. V. Reptiles of the Cave Region. VI. Amphibians of the caves and Cave Region. American Midland Naturalist 14(5): 587-599.
Barbour, R.W. 1950. The reptiles of Big Black Mountain, Harlan County, Kentucky. Copeia 1950: 100-107.
Barbour, R.W. 1952. Animal habitats on Big Black Mountain in Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 13(4): 215-220.
Barbour, R.W. 1957. Checklist and key to the amphibians and reptiles of Kentucky. University of Kentucky. 37 pp.
Barbour, R.W. 1971. Amphibians and reptiles of Kentucky. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington. 334 pp.
Barbour, R.W.; Ernst, C.H. 1971. The distribution of Eumeces in Kentucky. Journal of Herpetology 5: 71-72.
Bishop, S.C. 1926. Records of some amphibians and reptiles from Kentucky. Copeia 1926(152): 118-120.
Blanchard, F.N. 1925. A collection of amphibians and reptiles from southern Indiana and adjacent Kentucky. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters 5: 367-388.
Branson, B.A.; Batch, D.L.; Moore, C.J. 1970. List of amphibians and reptiles from Tight Hollow in east-central Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 31(3-4): 73-78.
Branson, B.A.; Harker, D.F.; Baskin, J.M.; Medley, M.E.; Batch, D.L.; Warren, M.L.; Davis, W.H.; Houtcooper, W.C.; Monroe, B. & al. 1981. Endangered threatened and rare animals and plants of Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 42(3-4): 77-89.
Burt, C.E. 1933. A contribution to the herpetology of Kentucky. American Midland Naturalist 14(6): 669-679.
Bush, F.M. 1959. Foods of some Kentucky herptiles. Herpetologica 15: 73-77.
Bush, F.M. 1959. The herpetofauna of Clemons Fork, Breathitt County, Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 20(1-2): 11-18.
Chenoweth, W.L. 1949. Comments on some reptiles from the vicinity of Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky. Herpetologica 5(2): 21-22.
Clay, W.M. 1940. A key to the snakes of Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 8: 36.
Clay, W.M.; Quinby, G.E. 1940. A preliminary report of the herpetofauna of Kentucky. Transactions of the Kentucky Academy of Science 8: 36.
Collins, J.T. 1964. A preliminary review of the snakes of Kentucky. Journal Ohio Herpetological Society 4: 69-77.
Collins, J.T. 1991. Amphibians and reptiles in the upper Mississippi river valley: systematic and distributional problems. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 66(4): 149-152.
Craddock, J.E.; Minckley, W.L. 1964. Amphibians and reptiles from Meade County, Kentucky. American Midland Naturalist 71: 382-391.
Ernst, C.H.; Ernst, E.M. 1969. Turtles of Kentucky. International Turtle and Tortoise Society Journal 3(5): 13-15.
Garman, H. 1894. A preliminary list of the vertebrate animals of Kentucky. Bull. Essex Inst. 26: 1-63.
Hibbard, C.W. 1937. The amphibians and reptiles of Mammoth Cave National Park proposed. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 39: 277-281.
Hirschfeld, C.J. 1963. The Bluegrass Physiographic Province and its influence upon the distribution of Kentucky amphibians and reptiles. Journal Ohio Herpetological Society 4(1/2): 63.
Lindeman, P.V. 2001. Turtle fauna of the upper Tradewater River near Dawson Springs, Kentucky. Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 62(2): 121-124.
Meade, L. 1991. Kentucky snakes: their systematics, variation, and distribution. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 66(4): 175-182.
Pais, R.C.; Bonney, S.A.; McComb, W.C. 1988. Herpetofaunal species richness and habitat associations in an eastern Kentucky forest. Proceedings of the Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 42: 448-455.
Poly, W.J. 1999. Herpetofauna of the Little South Fork Basin (Cumberland River Drainage), Wayne and McCreary counties, Kentucky. Ohio Journal of Science 99(2): 26-29.
Scott, A.F. 1990. Amphibians and reptiles in Land Between The Lakes listed as endangered, threatened, or otherwise of special concern. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on the Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys 3: 77-89.
Shupe, S. 2018. Kentucky Wildlife Encyclopedia. An Illustrated Guide to Birds, Fish, Mammals, Reptiles, and Amphibians. Skyhorse Publishing, New York. 256 pp.
Snyder, D.H.; Scott, A.F.; Zimmerer, E.J.; Frymire, D. 2016. Amphibians and Reptiles of Land between the Lakes. University Press of Kentucky, Lexington. 154 pp.
Vincent, J.B. 1988. The woody plants, amphibians, and reptiles of Camp Roy C. Manchester, Marshall County, Kentucky. Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on the Natural History of Lower Tennessee and Cumberland River Valleys 1: 255-263.
Welter, W.A.; Barbour, R.W. 1940. Additions to the herpetofauna of north-eastern Kentucky. Copeia 1940: 132-133.
Welter, W.A.; Carr, K. 1939. Amphibians and reptiles from northeastern Kentucky. Copeia 1939(3): 128-130.
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