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Taxonomy of the family Phrynosomatidae Biodiversity of the family Phrynosomatidae

Bibliography of the family
(North American Lesser Iguanas)

(Reptilia: Sauria)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Arnold, E.N. 1996. The role of biological process in phylogenetics with examples from the study of lizards. Memorie della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano 27(1): 9-20.

Bille, T. 2001. En introduktion til Mexicos herpetofauna. 5. Øgler. [An introduction to the herpetofauna of Mexico. 5. Lizards.] (In Danish, English summary). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening 44(1): 10-25.

Bille, T. 2001. En introduktion til Mexicos herpetofauna. 6. Tilføjelser til familien Phrynosomatidae. [An introduction to Mexico's herpetofauna. 6. Additions to the family Phrynosomatidae]. (In Danish, English summary). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening 44(5): 146-152.

Bonine, K.E.; Garland, T. 1999. Sprint performance of phrynosomatid lizards, measured on a high-speed treadmill, correlates with hindlimb length. Journal of Zoology (London) 248(2): 255-265.

Etheridge, R.E. 1964. The skeletal morphology and systematic relationships of sceloporine lizards. Copeia 1964: 610-631.

Henkel, F.W.; Schmidt, W. 2006. Leguane. Biologie, Haltung, Zucht. 2nd rev. ed. Ulmer, Stuttgart. 160 pp.

Herrel, A.; Meyers, J.J.; Vanhooydonck, B. 2002. Relations between microhabitat use and limb shape in phrynosomatid lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 77(1): 149-163.

Lambert, S.M.; Wiens, J.J. 2013. Evolution of viviparity: a phylogenetic test of the cold-climate hypothesis in phrynosomatid lizards. Evolution 67(9): 2614-2630.

Olberding, J.P.; Herrel, A.; Higham, T.E.; Garland, T. 2016. Limb segment contributions to the evolution of hind limb length in phrynosomatid lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 117(4): 775-795.

Oufiero, C.E.; Gartner, G.E.A. 2014. The effect of parity on morphological evolution among phrynosomatid lizards. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27(11): 2559-2567.

Quintero, I.; Wiens, J.J. 2013. What determines the climatic niche width of species? The role of spatial and temporal climatic variation in three vertebrate clades. Global Ecology and Biogeography 22(4): 422-432.

Reeder, T.W. 1995. Phylogenetic relationships among phrynosomatid lizards as inferred from mitochondrial ribosomal RNA sequences: substitutional bias and information content of transitions relative to transversions. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 4(2): 203-222.

Schulte, J.A.; Queiroz, K. de 2008. Phylogenetic relationships and heterogeneous evolutionary processes among phrynosomatine Sand Lizards (Squamata, Iguanidae) revisited. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 47(2): 700-716.

Watson, C.M.; Makowsky, R.; Bagley, J.C. 2014. Reproductive mode evolution in lizards revisited: updated analyses examining geographic, climatic and phylogenetic effects support the cold-climate hypothesis. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 27(12): 2767-2780.

Werning, H. 2018. Nordamerikanische Kleinleguane – Die Familie Phrynosomatidae. Reptilia (D) 131: ?

Wiens, J.J. 1998. Testing phylogenetic methods with tree congruence: phylogenetic analysis of polymorphic morphological characters in phrynosomatid lizards. Systematic Biology 47(3): 427-444.

Wiens, J.J. 1999. Phylogenetic evidence for multiple losses of a sexually selected character in phrynosomatid lizards. Proceedings Royal Society of London Series B Biological Sciences 266(1428): 1529-1535.

Wiens, J.J. 2000. Decoupled evolution of display morphology and display behaviour in phrynosomatid lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 70(4): 597-612.

Zúñiga-Vega, J.J.; Fuentes-G., J.A.; Ossip-Drahos, A.G.; Martins, E.P. 2016. Repeated evolution of viviparity in phrynosomatid lizards constrained interspecific diversification in some life-history traits. Biology Letters 12(11): 20160653.