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Bibliography of the reptiles of
Mongolia |
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Ananjeva, N.B.; Munkhbayar, K.; Orlov, N.L.; Orlova, V.F.; Semenov, D.V.; Terbish, K. 1997. Zemnovodnye i presmykayushchiesya Mongolii. Presmykayushchiesya. [Amphibians and reptiles of Mongolia. Reptiles of Mongolia.] (In Russian, English summary). KMK Scientific Press Ltd, Moskva. 416 pp.
Bannikov, A.G. 1958. [Data on the fauna and biology of Amphibia and Reptilia in Mongolia]. (In Russian). Bulletin Soc. Nat. Moscow Biol. 63(2): 71-92.
Bannikov, A.G.; Bannikov, A.T. 1947. On faunistic frontiers of Gobi in Mongolia. C. R. Acad. Sci. Moscow 55(7): 673-676.
Bobrov, V.V. 1986. [Zur zoogeographischen Analyse der Herpetofauna der Mongolei. pp. 85-95, 236-237]. (In Russian, German summary). In: Vorobeva, E.I. (ed.). Gerpetologicheskie issledovaniya v mongolskoi narodnoi respublike. [Herpetological studies in Mongolia.] Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. 247 pp.
Borkin, L.J.; Munkhbayar, K.; Orlov, N.L.; Semenov, D.V.; Terbish, K. 1990. [Distribution of reptiles in Mongolia]. (In Russian, English summary). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta 207: 22-138, 233-234.
Borkin, L.Y.; Munkhbayar, K.; Semenov, D.V. 1983. [Amphibia and Reptilia]. pp. 52-56. (In Russian). In: Sokolov, V.E., Shakhdarsuren, O., Lavrenko, E.M., Gunin, P.D. Krinitskij, V.V. & Fedorova, I.T. (eds.). [Complex characters of desert ecosystems of the Trans-Altai Gobi (on the examples of the Desert Station and Great Gobi Reserve)]. Acad. Sci. USSR, Inst. of Evol. Morphology & Ecology of Animals. 114 pp.
Borkin, L.Y.; Munkhbayar, K.; Semenov, D.V. 1983. [Amphibians and reptiles of the Transaltai Gobi]. (In Russian). Priroda (Moscow) 1983(10): 68-75.
Borkin, L.Y.; Vorobeva, E.I.; Darevsky, I.S.; Kuzmin, S.L.; Munkhbayar, K.; Semenov, D.V. 1988. Zemnovodnye i presmykayayushchiesya MNR: obshchie voprosy, zemnovodnye. [Amphibians and reptiles of Mongolian People's Republic: general problems, amphibians.] (In Russian). Nauka, Moscow. 248 pp.
Kaszab, Z. 1968. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei 166. Reisebericht der V. Expedition. Annales Historico Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 60: 109-129.
Kaszab, Z. 1969. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei. 193. Reisebericht der 6. expedition. Annales Historico Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 61: 189-209.
Monkhbayar, K. 1981. [New data on the distribution of some amphibians and reptiles in Mongolia]. (In Russian, English summary). Trudy Zoologicheskogo Instituta 101: 52-56.
Morris, F.K. 1938. Explorations in the Gobi Desert. Sci. & Culture Calcutta 3(10): 502-505.
Munkhbayar, K.; Munkhbaatar, M. 2012. Herpetological diversity of Mongolia and its conservation issues. Erforschung Biologischer Ressourcen der Mongolei 12: 203-212.
Munkhbayar, K.; Semenov, D.V. 1988. [Significance and conservation of amphibians and reptiles]. pp. 16-29. (In Russian). In: Borkin, L.Ya.; Vorobeva, E.I. & Darevskii, I.S. et al (eds.). Zemnovodnye i presmykayayushchiesya MNR: obshchie voprosy, zemnovodnye. [Amphibians and reptiles of Mongolian People's Republic: general problems, amphibians.] Nauka, Moscow. 248 pp.
Obst, F.J. 1963. Amphibien und Reptilien aus der Mongolei. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 39: 361-370.
Orlova, V.F.; Semyonov, D.V. 1986. [Distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Mongolia]. pp. 91-108. (In Russian). In: Sokolov, V.E. (ed.). Zoogeograficheskoe raionirovanie MNR. [Zoogeographical regionalization of Mongolian People's Republic.] (MAB) Institute of Evolutionary Morphology & Animal Ecology, USSR Acad. Sci., Moscow. 222 pp.
Orlova, V.F.; Terbisch, H. 1986. [Materialien zur Herpetofauna der Dschungar-Gobi. pp. 95-110, 240, illustr]. (In Russian, German summary). In: Vorobeva, E.I. (ed.). Gerpetologicheskie issledovaniya v mongolskoi narodnoi respublike. [Herpetological studies in Mongolia.] Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. 247 pp.
Osborn, H.F. 1926. Methods and results of the American Museum Expeditions in the Gobi Desert, 1922-25. Nature (London) 118(2962): 198-199.
Piechocki, R.; Peters, G. 1966. Allgemeiner Zoologischen Reiseberecht über die Mongolisch-Deutschen Biologischen Expeditionen 1962 und 1964. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 42: 3-42.
Reading, R.P.; Amgalanbaatar, S.; Lhagvasuren, L. 1999. Biological assessment of Three Beauties of the the Gobi National Conservation Park, Mongolia. Biodiversity and Conservation 8(8): 1115-1137.
Rogovin, K.A.; Semenov, D.V.; Shenbrot, G.I. 2001. Lizards of the northern Mongolian deserts: densities and community structure. Asiatic Herpetological Research 9 [2000]: 113-121.
Semenov, D.V.; Munkhbayar, K. 1996. Klassy zemnovodnye i presmykayushchiesya (Amphibia et Reptilia). [The classes of amphibians and reptiles (Amphibia et Reptilia)]. pp. 40-71. (In Russian). In: Sokolov, V.E. (ed.). Redkie zhivotnye Mongolii (pozvonochnye). [Rare animals of Mongolia (Vertebrata).] Institut Problem Ekologii i Evolutsii im. A.N. Severtsova RAN, Moskva. 184 pp.
Semenov, D.V.; Schenbrot, G.I. 1986. [Materialien zur Herpetofauna der Südwestmongolei. pp. 110-119, 241-242]. (In Russian, German summary). In: Vorobeva, E.I. (ed.). Gerpetologicheskie issledovaniya v mongolskoi narodnoi respublike. [Herpetological studies in Mongolia.] Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. 247 pp.
Stone, W. 1899. A small collection of reptiles and batrachians from eastern Mongolia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1899: 183-184.
Terbish, K.; Clark, E.L.; Baillie, J.E.M.; Munkhbat, J. 2007. Proceedings of the Second International Mongolian Biodiversity Databank Workshop: assessing the conservation status of Mongolian reptiles and amphibians. Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences 5(1-2): 19-28.
Terbish, K.; Munkhbayar, K.; Clark, E.L.; Munkhbat, J.; Monks, E.M. 2006. Mongolian red list of reptiles and amphibians. Regional Red List Series 5: 1-68.
Terbish, K.; Munkhbayar, K.; Clark, E.L.; Munkhbat, J.; Monks, E.M.; Munkhbaatar, M.; Baillie, J.E.M.; Borkin, L.; Batsaikhan, N.; Samiya, R.; Semenov, D.V. 2006. Summary conservation action plans for Mongolian reptiles and amphibians. Regional Red List Series 6: 1-43.
Tzarewsky, S. 1927. Les lezards du genre Phrynocephalus, collectionnes par les expeditions de P. Koslov au Tibet en 1899-1901 et en Mongolie et Sze-Tschwan 1907-1909. C. R. Acad. Sci. Russ. Leningrad 1927(A. 19): 303-306.
Tzarewsky, S. 1930. Zoological results of the expedition to Mongolia made by P.K. Kozlov in the years 1924-1926. Annu. Mus. zool. Acad. Leningrad 31: 213-217.
Vorobeva, E.I. (ed.) 1986. Gerpetologicheskie issledovaniya v mongolskoi narodnoi respublike. [Herpetological studies in Mongolia.] (In Russian). Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. 247 pp.
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