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Central America
South America

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Bibliography of the genus
Lachesis (Bushmasters)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Lachesis in general
Amaral, A. do 1926. Nota de nomenclatura ophiologica. 4. Sôbre a differenciacao dos nomes genericos Lachesis, Trimeresurus e Bothrops. Revista do Museu Paulista (São Paulo) 14: 34-40.
Barbour, T. 1930. The bushmaster in the Canal Zone. Bulletin of the Antivenin Institute of America 4: 11.
Bolanos, R.; Rojas, O.; Ulloa Flores, C.E. 1982. Aspectos biomedicos de cuatro casos de mordedura de serpiente por Lachesis muta (Ophidia: Viperidae) en Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical 30(1): 53-58.
Cunha, O.R. da; Nascimento, F.P. do 1982. Ofidios da Amazonia. 14. As especies de Micrurus, Lachesis e Crotalus do sul do Para e oeste do Maranhao, incluindo area de cerrado deste estado (Ophidia: Elapidae e Viperidae). Boletim do Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi Nova Serie Zoologia 112: 1-58.
Dowling, H.G. 1960. A bushmaster in the zoo again. Animal Kingdom 63: 109-111.
Dowling, H.G. 1961. Our air-conditioned bushmaster. Animal Kingdom 64: 155-156.
Eatherley, D. 2015. Bushmaster: Raymond Ditmars and the Hunt for the World's Largest Viper. Arcade Publishing. 319 pp.
Fernandes, D.S.; Franco, F.L.; Fernandes, R. 2004. Systematic revision of the genus Lachesis Daudin, 1803 (Serpentes, Viperidae). Herpetologica 60(2): 245-260.
Fernandez, P.; Gutierrez, J.M. 2008. Mortality due to snakebite envenomation in Costa Rica (1993-2006). Toxicon 52(3): 530-533.
Hardy, D.L.; Silva Haad, J.J. 1998. A review of venom toxinology and epidemiology of envenoming of the bushmaster (Lachesis) with report of a fatal bite. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 33(6): 113-123.
Kuch, U.; Mebs, D.; Gutierrez, J.M.; Freire, A. 1996. Biochemical and biological characterization of Ecuadorian pitviper venoms (genera Bothriechis, Bothriopsis, Bothrops and Lachesis). Toxicon 34(6): 714-717.
Lundy, W.E. 1957. Bushmaster! Natural History (New York) 66(2): 78-79, 107.
Novotny, R.J. 2015. Book review: Bushmaster: Raymond Ditmars and the hunt for the World's largest Viper. Herpetological Review 46(4): 657-659.
Oliver, J.A. 1957. How to feed a bushmaster. Animal Kingdom 60: 175-177.
Ripa, D. 1999. Keys to understanding the bushmasters (genus Lachesis Daudin, 1803). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 34(3): 45-92.
Ripa, D. 2000. Erratum: keys to understanding the Bushmasters (genus Lachesis Daudin, 1803). Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 35(7): 164.
Ruiter, M. de 1996. Tragen Pekaris zum Rückgang des Buschmeisters bei? DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 49(6): 348.
Schmidt, K.P. 1957. Anent the 'dangerous' bush-master. Copeia 1957: 233.
Turner, E.; Carmichael, R.; Souza, R. 2008. Dialogues on the Tao of Lachesis. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 43(10): 157-164.
Werman, S.D.; Crother, B.I.; White, M.E. 1999. Phylogeny of some Middle American pitvipers based on a cladistic analysis of mitochondrial 12S and 16S DNA sequence information. Contemporary Herpetology 1999(3): (http://alpha.selu.edu/~pcsd4805/ch/1999/3/index.htm).
Zamudio, K.R.; Greene, H.W. 1997. Phylogeography of the bushmaster (Lachesis muta: Viperidae): implications for neotropical biogeography, systematics, and conservation. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 62(3): 421-442.
Lachesis acrochorda
Fuentes, R.D.; Greivin, C. 2016. New distribution record and reproductive data for the Chocoan Bushmaster, Lachesis acrochorda (Serpentes: Viperidae), in Panama. Mesoamerican Herpetology 3(1): 115-127.
Henao Duque, A.M.; Greivin, C. 2015. First report of the reproduction in captivity of the Chocoan Bushmaster, Lachesis acrochorda (García, 1896). Herpetology Notes 8: 315-320.
Ripa, D. 2004. Resurrecting Garcia's Botrops (Lachesis) acrochordus. When are discovering a species and naming it different? Reflections on the taxonomic "big bang", or how I learned to stop worrying and love the Linnaean bomb. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 39(7): 122-134.
Lachesis melanocephala
Dwyer, Q.; Perez, M. 2009. Geographic distribution: Lachesis melanocephala (Black-headed Bushmaster). Panama: Chiriqui. Herpetological Review 40(1): 114.
González-Maya, J.F.; Castañeda, F.; González, R.; Pacheco, J.; Ceballos, G. 2014. Distribution, range extention, and conservation of the endemic Black-headed Bushmaster (Lachesis melanocephala) in Costa Rica and Panama. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 9(2): 369-377.
Ripa, D. 1994. The reproduction of the Central American bushmasters (Lachesis muta melanocephala and Lachesis muta stenophrys) for the first time in captivity. Vivarium (Lakeside) 5(5): 36-37.
Solórzano, A.; Cerdas, L. 1986. A new subspecies of the bushmaster, Lachesis muta, from southeastern Costa Rica. Journal of Herpetology 20(3): 463-466.
Lachesis muta
Aguiar, A.S.; Alves, C.R.; Melgarejo, A.; Simone, S.G. de 1996. Purification and partial characterization of a thrombin-like/gyroxin enzyme from bushmaster (Lachesis muta rhombeata) venom. Toxicon 34(5): 555-565.
Alves, F.Q.; Argôlo, A.J.S.; Carvalho, G.C. 2014. Reproductive biology of the bushmaster Lachesis muta (Serpentes: Viperidae) in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Phyllomedusa 13(2): 99-109.
Amaral, A. do 1925. On the oviparity of Lachesis muta Daudin 1803. Copeia 1925(149): 93-94.
Araujo Filho, J.A. de; Oliveira, C.R. de; Ávila, R.W.; Roberto, I.J.; Oliveira-Almeida, W. 2013. Natural history notes: Lachesis muta (Surucucu, Atlantic Forest Bushmaster). Parasitism. Herpetological Review 44(4): 692.
Argôlo, A.J.S. 2003. Lachesis muta rhombeata Wied, 1825 (Serpentes, Viperidae): defensive behavior and snakebite risk. Herpetological Review 34(3): 210-211.
Arroyo, G.O.; Cerdas, L. 1986. Microestructura de las escamas dorsales de nueve especies de serpientes costarricenses (Viperidae). Revista de Biologia Tropical 34(1): 123-126.
Borges Nojosa, D.M.; Lima Verde, J.S. 1999. Geographic distribution: Lachesis muta rhombeata (South American Bushmaster). Herpetological Review 30(4): 235.
Burchfield, P.M. 1975. The bushmaster Lachesis muta in captivity. International Zoo Yearbook 15: 175-177.
Cochran, D.M. 1944. Dangerous reptiles (popular). Rep. Smithson. Instn. 1943: 275-325.
Corrales, G.; Gómez, A.; Flores, D.A. 2016. Reproduction of South American Bushmaster, Lachesis muta (Serpentes: Viperidae), in captivity. Herpetological Review 47(4): 608-611.
Costa, A.C.O.R. da; Almeida-Santos, S.M. de; Germano, V.J.; Oliveira, L. de; Scartozzoni, R.R.; Salomao, M. da G. 2005. Manutencao de serpentes em cativeiro no Instituto Butantan: II - a longevidade dos generos Bothrops, Crotalus e Lachesis. Publicacoes Avulsas do Instituto Pau Brasil de Historia Natural 08-09: 63-68.
Díaz-Ricaurte, J.C.; Guevara-Molina, S.C.; Cubides-Cubillos, S.D. 2017. Lachesis muta (Linnaeus 1766). Verrugosa, cascabel muda. Catálogo de Anfibios y Reptiles de Colombia 3(2): 20-24.
Frechette, J.L.; Sieving, K.E.; Boinski, S. 2014. Social and personal information use by Squirrel Monkeys in assessing predation risk. American Journal of Primatology 76(10): 956-966.
Hoge, A.R.; Romano-Hoge, S.A.R.W.L. 1978. Lachesis muta rhombeata (Serpentes: Viperidae, Crotalinae). Memorias do Instituto Butantan (Sao Paulo) 40-41 [1976-1977]: 53-54.
Magalhaes, A.; Ribeiro Monteiro, M.; Magalhaes, H.P.B.; Mares Guia, M.; Rogana, E. 1997. Thrombin-like enzyme from Lachesis muta muta venom: isolation and topographical analysis of its active site structure by means of the binding of amidines and guanidines as competitive inhibitors. Toxicon 35(10): 1549-1559.
Martinez, V.; Bolanos, R. 1982. The bushmaster, Lachesis muta muta (Linnaeus) (Ophidia: Viperidae) in Panama. Revista de Biologia Tropical 30(1): 100-101.
Read, V.M.S.J. 1986. An onychophoran from the summit of Mt. Aripo, Trinidad, with notes on other animals from that locality. Living World 1985-1986: 28-30.
Sanchez, E.F.; Costa, M.I.E.; Chavez Olortegui, C.; Assakura, M.T.; Mandelbaum, F.R.; Diniz, C.R. 1995. Characterization of a hemorrhagic factor, LHF-I, isolated from the bushmaster snake (Lachesis muta muta) venom. Toxicon 33(12): 1653-1667.
Schweizer, H. 1956. Der Buschmeister Lachesis muta L. im Terrarium. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 9(5): 132-133.
Solé, M. 2012. Respekt vor Giftschlangen. Terraria-Elaphe 2012(34): 46-47.
Souza, R.C.G. de 2007. On the biological clock of the Atlantic Bushmaster, with regard to reproduction. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 42(6): 89.
Souza, R.C.G. de 2007. Reproduction of the Atlantic Bushmaster (Lachesis muta rhombeata) for the first time in captivity. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 42(3): 41-43.
Switak, K.H. 1969. First captive hatching of bushmasters Lachesia muta. International Zoo Yearbook 9: 56-57.
Vial, J.L.; Jimenez-Porras, J.M. 1967. The ecogeography of the bushmaster, Lachesis muta, in Central America. American Midland Naturalist 78: 182-187.
Visinoni, A. 1994. Contributi alla conoscenza dell'erpetofauna Boliviana. Lachesis muta muta (Linnaeus, 1766) (Serpentes: Viperidae) in Bolivia. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Venezia 43 [1992]: 209-219.
Lachesis stenophrys
Chacon, D.; Valverde, R. 2004. Natural history notes: Lachesis stenophrys (Bushmaster). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 35(1): 68.
Gutierrez, J.M.; Avila, C.; Camacho, Z.; Lomonte, B. 1990. Ontogenetic changes in the venom of the snake Lachesis muta stenophrys (bushmaster) from Costa Rica. Toxicon 28(4): 419-426.
Hohmeister, A. 2005. Der Zentralamerikanische Buschmeister (Lachesis stenophrys Cope, 1876) im Terrarium. Reptilia (D) 9(50): 56-62.
Ripa, D. 1994. The reproduction of the Central American bushmasters (Lachesis muta melanocephala and Lachesis muta stenophrys) for the first time in captivity. Vivarium (Lakeside) 5(5): 36-37.
Shaw, C.E. 1971. A record longevity for the Central American bushmaster, Lachesis mutus stenophrys Cope. Zoologische Garten (Leipzig) 40(3): 143-147.
Sosa-Bartuano, A. 2018. Miscellaneous notes: Distribution notes and comments on the diurnal activity of the Central American Bushmaster, Lachesis stenophrys (Cope, 1875), in Panama. Mesoamerican Herpetology 5(1): 202-203.
Sunyer, J.; Fonseca, J.G.M.; Maynor, A.F.; Olivas Milton, F.U.; Obando, L.A. 2014. Noteworthy snake records from Nicaragua (Reptilia: Serpentes). Check List 10(5): 1134-1147.
Villa, J.D. 1971. Notes on some Nicaraguan reptiles. Journal of Herpetology 5: 45-48.
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