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Taxonomy of the genus Tiliqua Biodiversity of the family Scincidae

Bibliography of the genus
Tiliqua (Blue-tongued Skinks)

(Reptilia: Sauria: Scincidae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Tiliqua in general

Adler, K.K. 1958. Observations on the Australian genera Egernia and Tiliqua in captivity. Trimon. Rep. Ohio herpet. Soc. 1(3): 9-12.

Barden, W. 1995. 'Mobbing' behaviour. Reptile reaction. Bird Observer 752: 10.

Barton, F. 1931. Habits of Blue-tongue lizards. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 48(3): 47.

Bustard, R. 1958. Blue-tongued and stump-tailed skinks. Water Life 13: 698-699.

Coleman, E. 1944. Lizards under domestication. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 61(8): 137-138.

Cooper, T.; Vernes, K. 2011. Mycophagy in the larger bodied skinks of the genera Tiliqua and Egernia: are there implications for ecosystem health? Australian Zoologist 35(3): 681-684.

Dennert, C. 2000. Ein Beitrag zur Ernährung der Blauzungenskinke. pp. 58-67. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Edwards, J.E. 1962. Notes on the sloughing in captivity of skinks of the genus Tiliqua. Western Australian Naturalist 8: 75-76.

Ehmann, H. 1983. The natural history and conservation status of the Adelaide pigmy bluetongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 14(1-2): 61-76.

Fleay, D. 1931. Blue-tongued lizards. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 48(1): 9-10.

Glauert, L. 1960. Herpetological miscellanea. XII. The family Scincidae in Western Australia. Part. I. The genera Tiliqua, Trachysaurus and Egernia. Western Australian Naturalist 7: 67-77.

Hauschild, A. 2000. Die Gattung Tiliqua im Tagesablauf der Aborigines: Mythos, Totemtier und Nahrung. pp. 24-26. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M.; Werning, H. (eds.). 2000. Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hauschild, A.; Hitz, R. 2000. Bestimmungshilfen für die Echsengattung Tiliqua (Gray, 1825). pp. 205-211. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Herrel, A. 2000. Die Funktion der Zungenfärbung bei Blauzungenskinken (Tiliqua spp.). pp. 27-30. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hitz, R. 1984. Geschlechtsbestimmung bei Echsen der Gattung Tiliqua und Trachydosaurus mittels der Sondenmethode (Sauria: Scincidae). Salamandra 20(1): 39-42.

Hitz, R. 2000. Trächtigkeits- und Geburtskomplikationen bei Blauzungenskinken. pp. 53-57. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hitz, R. 2001. Neuigkeiten in der Gattung Tiliqua (Echte Blauzungenskinke). Elaphe 9(2): 61-64.

Hitz, R.; Hauschild, A. 2000. Neue" Blauzungenskinke der Gattung Tiliqua aus Indonesien. pp. 195-204. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hitz, R.; Henle, K. 2000. Hinweise zur Literatur über die Gattungen Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. pp. 255-273. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M.; Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Werning, H. 2004. Blue tongued skinks: contributions to the knowledge of Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus. Matthias Schmidt Pub., Münster. 287 pp.

Hitz, R.; Ziegler, T. 2000. Zur Geschlechtsunterscheidung bei Blauzungenskinken (Sauria: Scincidae: Tiliqua). pp. 35-44. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Honda, M.; Ota, H.; Kobayashi, M.; Hikida, T. 1999. Phylogenetic relationships of Australian skinks of the Mabuya group (Reptilia: Scincidae) inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. Genes & Genetic Systems 74(4): 135-139.

Horn, H.G. 1980. Die Riesen mit den kleinen Beinchen: Echsen der Gattungen Tiliqua und Trachydosaurus. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein Darmstadt Bericht N.F. 4(2): 7-12.

Hutchinson, M.N. 1981. The systematic relationships of the genera Egernia and Tiliqua (Lacertilia: Scincidae). A review and immunological reassessment. pp. 176-193. In: Banks, C.B. & Martin, A.A. Proceedings of the Melbourne Herpetological Symposium May 19-21, 1980. Zoological Board of Victoria, The Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens, Parkville, Victoria 3052. 199 pp.

Longley, G. 1944. Notes on hybrid blue-tongue lizard. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1943-44: 22-23.

Matz, G. 1972. Einige australische Skinke der Gattungen Egernia und Tiliqua. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 25: 136-139.

McIlroy, J.C.; King, D.R.; Oliver, A.J. 1985. The sensitivity of Australian animals to 1080 poison. 8. Amphibians and reptiles. Australian Wildlife Research 12(1): 113-118.

Mitchell, F.J. 1950. The scincid genera Egernia and Tiliqua (Lacertilia). Records of the South Australian Museum 9(3): 275-308.

Morris, K.D.; Rice, G.E. 1981. Some vertebrates recorded on a visit to Queen Victoria Spring in December 1977. Western Australian Naturalist 15(1): 11-13.

Mudrack, W. 1969. Einiges über Pflege und Zucht von Blauzungenskinken im Zimmerterrarium. Aqua Terra 6: 23-24.

Newsome, A.E.; Corbett, L.K.; Catling, P.C.; Burt, R.J. 1983. The feeding ecology of the dingo 1. Stomach contents from trapping in south-eastern Australia, and the non-target wildlife also caught in dingo traps. Australian Wildlife Research 10(3): 477-486.

Peters, W.C.H. 1866. Über neue Amphibien (Amphibolurus, Lygosoma, Cyclodus, Masticophis, Crotaphopeltis) und Fische (Diagramma, Hapalogenys) des Kgl. zoologischen Museums. Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1866(February): 86-96.

Peters, W.C.H. 1874. Über neue Amphibien (Gymnopis, Siphonops, Polypedates, Rhacophorus, Hyla, Cyclodus, Euprepes, Clemmys). Monatsberichte der Königlich Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1874(October): 616-624.

Reber, U. 1982. Blauzungen - Interessante Echsen vom 5. Kontinent. Aquaria (St. Gallen) 29(5): 83-84.

Schildger, B.J. 1987. Endoscopic sex determination in reptiles. pp. 369-375. In: Anonymous. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Zoological and Avian Medicine. Association of Avian Veterinarians & American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. 586 pp.

Shea, G. 1982. Observations on some members of the genus Tiliqua. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(2): 18-20.

Shea, G. 1990. The genera Tiliqua and Cyclodomorphus (Lacertilia: Scincidae): generic diagnoses and systematic relationships. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 29(3): 495-519.

Shea, G. 1993. The anatomist John Hunter (1728-1793), the eastern bluetongue skink Tiliqua scincoides (Squamata: Scincidae) and the discovery of herbivory in skinks. Archives of Natural History 20(3): 303-306.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Geschichte und Systematik. pp. 11-23. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Synomymliste für die Gattungen Cyclodormorphus und Tiliqua. pp. 247-254. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Shea, G.M.; Kent, D.S. 1988. Albinism in blue-tongued lizards (Scincidae: Tiliqua). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 18(2): 3-4.

Strauch, A. 1866. Über die Arten der Eidechsen-Gattung Cyclodus (Wagl.). Bull. Ac. Sc. St. Petersb. 10: 449-462.

Turner, G. 2001. Keeping Blue-Tongued Lizards. Australian Birdkeeper / Reptile Publications, Burleigh, Queensland. 40 pp.

Werning, H. 2000. Haltung, Gefährdung und Schutz. Blauzungen gestern und heute. pp. 234-246. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Ziegler, T.; Böhme, W. 2000. Zur Genitalmorphologie der Blauzungenskinke (Scincidae: Lygosominae: Tiliqua). pp. 45-52. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Tiliqua adelaidensis

Armstrong, G.; Reid, J. 1992. The rediscovery of the Adelaide pygmy bluetongue Tiliqua adelaidensis; (Peters, 1863). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 22(2): 3-6.

Armstrong, G.; Reid, J.R.W.; Hutchinson, M.N. 1993. Discovery of a population of the rare scincid lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis (Peters). Records of the South Australian Museum (Adelaide) 26(2): 153-155.

Bull, C.M.; Godfrey, S.S.; Mehregan, E.; Fenner, A.L. 2015. Long and short term residence in refuge burrows by endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizards. Amphibia-Reptilia 36(2): 119-124.

Clayton, J.; Bull, C.M. 2015. The impact of sheep grazing on burrows for Pygmy Bluetongue Lizards and on burrow digging spiders. Journal of Zoology (London) 297(1): 44-53.

Clive, L.F.R.; Bull, C.M. 2018. Natural history notes: Tiliqua adelaidensis (Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard). Mortality. Herpetological Review 49(1): 122.

Ebrahimi, M.; Fenner, A.L.; Michael, B.C. 2012. Lizard behaviour suggests a new design for artificial burrows. Wildlife Research 39(4): 295-300.

Ebrahimi, M.; Godfrey, S.S.; Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2016. Scatting behaviour of the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard. Amphibia-Reptilia 37(2): 207-213.

Ebrahimi, M.; Godfrey, S.S.; Fenner, A.L.; Michael, B.C. 2014. Mating behaviour in Pygmy Bluetongue Lizards: do females 'attract' male lizards. Australian Journal of Zoology 62(6): 491-497.

Ebrahimi, M.; Michael, B.C. 2012. Lycosid spiders are friends and enemies of the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 136(1): 45-49.

Ebrahimi, M.; Michael, B.C. 2014. Resources and their distribution can influence social behaviour at translocation sites: Lessons from a lizard. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 156: 94-104.

Ebrahimi, M.; Michael, B.C. 2014. Short-term dispersal response of an endangered Australian lizard varies with time of year. PLoS ONE 9(8): e106002.

Ebrahimi, M.; Michael, B.C. 2014. Visual conspecific cues will not help in pygmy bluetongue lizard translocations. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 151: 102-109.

Ebrahimi, M.; Michael, B.C. 2015. Behavioural changes in an endangered grassland lizard resulting from simulated agricultural activities. Journal of Arid Environments 113: 102-107.

Ebrahimi, M.; Schofield, J.A.; Michael, B.C. 2012. Getting your feet wet: responses of the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis) to rain induced burrow flooding. Herpetology Notes 5: 297-301.

Ebrahimi, M.; Schofield, J.A.; Michael, B.C. 2012. Natural history notes: Tiliqua adelaidensis (Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard). Alternate refuge. Herpetological Review 43(4): 652-653.

Ehmann, H. 1983. The natural history and conservation status of the Adelaide pigmy bluetongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 14(1-2): 61-76.

Fellows, H.L.; Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2009. Spiders provide important resources for an endangered lizard. Journal of Zoology (London) 279(2): 156-163.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2007. Short-term impact of grassland fire on the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard. Journal of Zoology (London) 272(4): 444-450.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2009. Natural history notes: Tiliqua adelaidensis (Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard). Mating behavior. Herpetological Review 40(1): 91-92.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2010. The use of scats as social signals in a solitary, endangered scincid lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Wildlife Research 37(7): 582-587.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2011. Central-place territorial defence in a burrow-dwelling skink: aggressive responses to conspecific models in pygmy bluetongue lizards. Journal of Zoology (London) 283(1): 45-51.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2011. Responses of the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard to conspecific scats. Journal of Ethology 29(1): 69-77.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2007. Omnivorous diet of the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Amphibia-Reptilia 28(4): 560-565.

Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2008. Injuries to lizards: conservation implications for the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis). Wildlife Research 35(2): 158-161.

Fenner, A.L.; Hutchinson, M.N.; Bull, C.M. 2006. Unique tail regeneration in a Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 68-69.

Fenner, A.L.; SchoField, J.A.; Smith, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2008. Observations of snake predation on the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 38(2): 105-109.

Fordham, D.A.; Watts, M.J.; Delean, S.; Brook, B.W.; Heard, L.M.B.; Bull, C.M. 2012. Managed relocation as an adaptation strategy for mitigating climate change threats to the persistence of an endangered lizard. Global Change Biology 18(9): 2743-2755.

Hutchinson, M.N. 1994. Adelaide pygmy bluetongue. Australian Natural History 24(8): 18-19.

Hutchinson, M.N.; Milne, T. 2000. Die Adelaide-Zwergblauzunge Tiliqua adelaidensis (Peters, 1864). pp. 113-119. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hutchinson, M.N.; Milne, T.; Croft, T. 1994. Redescription and ecological notes on the pygmy bluetongue, Tiliqua adelaidensis (Squamata: Scincidae). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 118(3-4): 217-226.

Milne, T.; Bull, C.M. 2000. Burrow choice by individuals of different sizes in the endangered pygmy blue tongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis. Biological Conservation 95(3): 295-301.

Milne, T.; Bull, C.M.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2002. Characteristics of litters and juvenile dispersal in the endangered Australian skink Tiliqua adelaidensis. Journal of Herpetology 36(1): 110-112.

Milne, T.; Bull, C.M.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2003. Fitness of the endangered pygmy blue tongue lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis in artificial burrows. Journal of Herpetology 37(4): 762-765.

Milne, T.; Bull, C.M.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2003. Use of burrows by the endangered pygmy blue-tongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis (Scincidae). Wildlife Research 30(5): 523-528.

Nielsen, T.P.; Bull, C.M. 2016. Natural history notes: Tiliqua adelaidensis (Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard). Territorial defense and fighting. Herpetological Review 47(2): 304-305.

Nielsen, T.P.; Bull, C.M. 2016. Impact of foxes digging for the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 140(2): 228-233.

Nielsen, T.P.; Bull, C.M. 2017. The impact of sheep grazing on the fecundity and timing of reproduction in the endangered pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Amphibia-Reptilia 38(4): 401–409.

Nielsen, T.P.; Ebrahimi, M.; Bull, C.M. 2016. A thirsty little lizard: drinking by the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 140(1): 1-6.

Nielsen, T.P.; Fildes, S.; Bull, C.M. 2017. Does sheep grazing affect burrow choice of the pygmy bluetongue lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis)? Journal of Arid Environments 142: 22-30

Nielsen, T.P.; Jackson, G.; Bull, C.M. 2016. A nose for lizards; can a detection dog locate the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard (Tiliqua adelaidensis). Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 140(2): 234-243.

Oschman, C. (ed.) 1993. Snake's last meal proves to be an extinct lizard. Zoon (Pretoria) 1993(2): 23.

Pettigrew, M.; Bull, C.M. 2012. The response of pygmy bluetongue lizards to simulated grazing in the field during three drought years. Wildlife Research 39(6): 540-545.

Pettigrew, M.; Bull, C.M. 2014. Prey capture behaviour by pygmy bluetongue lizards with simulated grazing. New Zealand Journal of Ecology 38(1): 45-52.

Pettigrew, M.; Michael, B.C. 2011. The impact of heavy grazing on burrow choice in the pygmy bluetongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Wildlife Research 38(4): 299-306.

Ruiter, M. de 1993. Adelaide-Blauzunge: (Noch) nicht ausgestorben. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 46(10): 619.

Schofield, J.A.; Fenner, A.L.; Pelgrim, K.; Michael, B.C. 2012. Male-biased movement in pygmy bluetongue lizards: implications for conservation. Wildlife Research 39(8): 677-684.

Schofield, J.A.; Gardner, M.G.; Fenner, A.L.; Michael, B.C. 2014. Promiscuous mating in the endangered Australian lizard Tiliqua adelaidensis: a potential windfall for its conservation. Conservation Genetics 15(1): 177-185.

Shamiminoori, L.; Bull, C.M. 2016. Can we use head scale symmetry in endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizards (Tiliqua adelaidensis) to alert managers to population condition. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11(1): 188-198.

Shamiminoori, L.; Bull, C.M. 2016. Ontogenetic changes in head scale symmetry in the Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 140(1): 7-16.

Shamiminoori, L.; Fenner, A.L.; Michael, B.C. 2014. Weight watching in burrows: variation in body condition in pygmy bluetongue lizards. Australian Journal of Zoology 62(4): 284-293.

Sharp, A.; Schofield, J.A.; Fenner, A. 2010. The effects of cell grazing on the longevity of spider burrows, and the potential consequences for the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard. Ecological Management & Restoration 11(1): 69-72.

Smith, A.L.; Gardner, M.G.; Fenner, A.L.; Bull, C.M. 2009. Restricted gene flow in the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard, (Tiliqua adelaidensis) in a fragmented agricultural landscape. Wildlife Research 36(6): 466-478.

Souter, N.J.; Bull, C.M.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2004. Adding burrows to enhance a population of the endangered pygmy blue tongue lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Biological Conservation 116(3): 403-408.

Souter, N.J.; Bull, C.M.; Lethbridge, M.R.; Hutchinson, M.N. 2007. Habitat requirements of the endangered Pygmy Bluetongue Lizard, Tiliqua adelaidensis. Biological Conservation 135(1): 33-45.

Tiliqua gigas

Abramjan, A.; Bauerova, A.; Somerova, B.; Frynta, D. 2015. Why is the tongue of blue-tongued skinks blue? Reflectance of lingual surface and its consequences for visual perception by conspecifics and predators. Science of Nature 102(7-8): 42.

Davies, R.; Davies, V. 1990. Blue and pink. Thames and Chiltern Herpetological Group Newsletter 110: 5-9.

Gassner, P. 2000. Haltung und Vermehrung von Tiliqua gigas (Schneider, 1801) im Terrarium. pp. 190-194. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Hoser, R.T. 2014. New Bluetongue Lizard and Sailfin Dragon Lizard taxa from Indonesia (Squamata: Sauria). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 24: 12-15.

Lapthorne, T.A.; Lapthorne, A.A. 1987. Some notes on the captive reproduction of the New Guinea blue-tongued skink. SWHS (South Western Herpetological Society) Journal 1(1): 32-33.

Protheroe, J. 1991. Raising the blue tongue skink, Tiliqua gigas, in captivity. Herptile 16(1): 47-51.

Riches, B. 1988. Unplanned breeding of blue-tongued skinks. Herptile 13(2): 52-54. (Reprinted from Newsletter of the Avon and District Herpetological Society).

Rose, T. 1990. Success story. Rephiberary 155: 5-6.

Rose, T. 1992. Husbandry and successful breeding of the New Guinea blue-tongued skink. ASRA (Association for the Study of Reptilia and Amphibia) Monographs 2(2): 22-28.

Shea, G.M. 1982. Insular range extensions for the New Guinea bluetongue, Tiliqua gigas (Boddaert) (Lacertilia: Scincidae). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 13(2): 7-12.

Shea, G.M. 2000. Die Neuguinea-Blauzunge, Tiliqua gigas (Schneider, 1801): Ökologie und Übersicht über die Unterarten nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Unterart, Tiliqua gigas evanescens subsp. nov. pp. 177-189. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Wareham, D. 1990. Notes on the captive breeding of the blue-tongued skink. ASRA (Association for the Study of Reptilia and Amphibia) Journal 4(1): 24-28.

Tiliqua multifasciata

Fyfe, G. 1984. Some notes on sympatry between Tiliqua occipitalis and Tiliqua multifasciata in the Ayers Rock region and their associations with aboriginal people of the area. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(1): 18-19.

Hauschild, A. 2000. Lungata, der gebänderte Blauzungenskink Tiliqua multifasciata Sternfeld, 1919. pp. 120-126. In: Hauschild, A.; Henle, K.; Hitz, R.; Shea, G.M. & Werning, H. (eds.). Blauzungenskinke. Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus. Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. 287 pp.

Kinghorn, J.R. 1931. Herpetological notes. 2. Records of the Australian Museum 18: 85-91.

Peterson, M.; Metcalfe, D.C. 2014. Natural history notes: Tiliqua multifasciata (Centralian Bluetongue Lizard). Predation. Herpetological Review 45(2): 333.

Pianka, E.R. 2011. Notes on the ecology of some uncommon skinks in the Great Victoria Desert. Western Australian Naturalist 28(1): 50-60.

Price-Rees, S.J.; Brown, G.P.; Shine, R. 2013. Spatial ecology of bluetongue lizards (Tiliqua spp.) in the Australian wet-dry tropics. Austral Ecology 38(5): 493-503.

Price-Rees, S.J.; Brown, G.P.; Shine, R. 2014. Activity patterns and movements of free-ranging Bluetongue Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia and Tiliqua multifasciata in the Australian wet-dry tropics. Journal of Herpetology 48(3): 298-305.

Price-Rees, S.J.; Lindstroem, T.; Brown, G.P.; Shine, R. 2014. The effects of weather conditions on dispersal behaviour of free-ranging lizards (Tiliqua, Scincidae) in tropical Australia. Functional Ecology 28(2): 440-449.

Shea, G.M. 2006. Diet of two species of bluetongue skink, Tiliqua multifasciata and Tiliqua occipitalis (Squamata: Scincidae). Australian Zoologist 33(3): 359-368.

Shea, G.M.; Peterson, M. 1981. Observations on sympatry of the social lizards Tiliqua multifasciata Sternfeld and T. occipitals [occipitalis] (Peters). Australian Journal of Herpetology 1(1): 27-28.

Sternfeld, R. 1919. Neue Schlangen und Echsen aus Zentralaustralien. Frank-furt. a. M. Mitt. Sanckenb, Ges. 1: 76-83.

Switak, K.H. 1986. Zwei Echsen aus Australien: Tannenzapfen- und Blauzungenskink. Verhalten und Pflegeansprüche. Aquarien Magazin 20(7): 296-299.

Tiliqua nigrolutea

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Tiliqua occipitalis

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Tiliqua rugosa

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Tiliqua scincoides

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