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Taxonomy of the genus Toxicodryas Biodiversity of the family Colubridae

Bibliography of the genus
Toxicodryas (African Tree Cat Snakes)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Colubridae)

Note: In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.

Toxicodryas in general

Woodward, S.F. 1960. A bat-eating snake. Nigerian Field 25: 172-174.

Toxicodryas blandingii

Akani, G.C.; Luiselli, L.; Wariboko, S.M.; Angelici, F.M. 2003. Natural history notes: Kinixys homeana (Home's Hingeback Tortoise). Predation. Herpetological Review 34(1): 57-58.

Amri, K.; Chippaux, J.P. 2012. Envenimation bénigne par morsure de Toxicodryas blandingii (Hallowell, 1844) en Suisse. Bulletin de la Societe Herpetologique de France 142-143: 145-148.

Auliya, M.; Wagner, P.; Böhme, W. 2012. The herpetofauna of the Bijagos archipelago, Guinea-Bissau (West Africa) and a first country-wide checklist. Bonn Zoological Bulletin 61(2): 255-281.

Broaders, M.; Ryan, M.F. 1997. Enzymatic properties of the Duvernoy's secretion of Blanding's tree snake (Boiga blandingi) and of the mangrove snake (Boiga dendrophila). Toxicon 35(7): 1143-1148.

Goodman, J.D. 1985. Two record size Blanding's tree snakes from Uganda. E.A.N.H.S. (East Africa Natural History Society) Bulletin 1985(Aug.-Oct.): 56-57.

Groves, F. 1973. Reproduction and venom in Blanding's tree snake (Boiga blandingi). International Zoo Yearbook 13: 106-108.

Hughes, B. 2000. Polymorphism, sex, size and other aspects of the African snake, Boiga blandingi (Hallowell, 1844). Herpetological Bulletin 74: 8-12.

Jones, T. 1961. Notes on bat-eating snakes. Nigerian Field 26: 69-70.

Luiselli, L.; Akani, G.C.; Barieenee, I.F. 1998. Observations on habitat, reproduction and feeding of Boiga blandingi (Colubridae) in south-eastern Nigeria. Amphibia-Reptilia 19(4): 430-436.

Nagy, Z.T.; Kusamba, Z.C.; Tungaluna, G.C.G.; Lokasola, A.L.; Kolby, J.; Kielgast, J. 2011. Foraging acrobatics of Toxicodryas blandingii in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Herpetology Notes 4: 91-92.

Parker, H.W.; Moreau, R.E.; Pakenham, R.H.W. 1940. Notes on the herpetology of the East African islands. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Ser. 11) 5: 309-314.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Albert, J.L.; Arrowood, H.; Mvele, C.; Casanova, M.; Dodane, J.B.; Morgan, J.; Primault, L.; Thepenier, L.; Fenner, J.N. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica X. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(8): 133-138.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Carlino, P.; Chirio, L.; Meunier, Q.; Okouyi Okouyi, J.V.; Orbell, C.; Rousseaux, D.; Testa, O. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica IX. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(6): 97-102.

Perret, J.L. 1961. Études herpétologiques Africaines. III. Bulletin Soc. Neuchâtel. Sci. Nat. (3) 84: 133-138.

Rahm, U. 1953. Einige Schlangen des westafrikanischen Urwaldes. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 6: 292-294.

Rasmussen, J.B. 1997. Afrikanske slanger. 10. Boiga blandingii. [African snakes. 10. Boiga blandingii]. (In Danish, English summary). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening 40(3): 97-103.

Toxicodryas pulverulenta

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Chirio, L.; Neil, E.J.; Berry, S.; Texier, N.; Rosin, C. 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica VIII. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(3): 41-46.

Pauwels, O.S.G.; Essono, T.B.B.; Carlino, P.; Chirio, L.; Huijbregts, B.; Leuteritz, T.E.J.; Rousseaux, D.; Tobi, E.; Vigna, C.; Neer, W. van 2017. Miscellanea Herpetologica Gabonica VII. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 52(1): 1-7.

Perret, J.L. 1961. Études herpétologiques Africaines. III. Bulletin Soc. Neuchâtel. Sci. Nat. (3) 84: 133-138.

Rasmussen, J.B. 1997. Afrikanske slanger. 11. Boiga pulverulenta. [African snakes. 11. Boiga pulverulenta]. (In Danish, English summary). Nordisk Herpetologisk Forening 40(4): 106-110.

Ullenbruch, K.; Böhme, W. 2017. Six new records of Afrotropical lizard and snake species (Reptilia: Squamata) from the Republic of South Sudan. Bonn Zoological Bulletin 66(2): 139-144.