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Taxonomy of the family Colubridae
Bibliography of the genus Cubophis
Biodiversity of the family Colubridae


Western Caribbean Racers

Westkaribische Zornnattern

Vestcaribiske Pilsnoge

2009 Cubophis Hedges & Vidal in Hedges, Couloux & Vidal (type species: Coluber cantherigerus Bibron 1840)
Contents: 6 species, of which 5 (83.3%) are endemic.
Endemism: 0% 100%
Remarks: The species of this genus were previously included in Alsophis (e.g., Schwartz & Henderson 1988).
Distribution: West Indies.
Reported from: Bahamas (incl. Great Inagua Bank [incl. Great Inagua], Little Bahama Bank), Cayman Islands (Cayman Brac, Grand Cayman, Little Cayman), Cuba (incl. Isla de la Juventud), Honduras (Islas del Cisne: Isla Pequeña).

Cubophis brooksi

Little Swan Island Racer


Little Swan Island-pilsnog

1914 Alsophis brooksi Barbour
Alsophis cantherigerus brooksi Lando & Williams 1969
Cubophis cantherigerus brooksi Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
Cubophis brooksi McCranie 2011

Remarks: Previously regarded as a subspecies of cantherigerus (e.g., Lando & Williams 1969; Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009). Revalidated as a separate species by McCranie (2011). However, still listed as a synonym of cantherigerus by Wallach, Williams & Boundy (2014).
Distribution: Honduras (Islas del Cisne: Isla Pequeña).

Cubophis cantherigerus

Cuban Racer

Kubanische Zornnatter

Cubansk Pilsnog

1840 Coluber cantherigerus Bibron in de la Sagra
Alsophis cantherigus [lapsus] Smith & Grant 1958
Alsophis cantherigerus Schwartz & Thomas 1960
Ocyophis cantherigerus Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto 2009
Cubophis cantherigerus Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1843 Dromicus angulifer Bibron (Schwartz & Henderson 1988)
Alsophis angulifer Barbour 1937
1864 Dromicus angulifer adspersus Gundlach & Peters
Alsophis cantherigerus adspersus Schwartz & Thomas 1960
Cubophis cantherigerus adspersus Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1959 Alsophis cantherigerus spielmani Grant
1960 Alsophis cantherigerus pepei Schwartz & Thomas
Cubophis cantherigerus pepei Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1969 Alsophis cantherigerus schwartzi Lando & Williams
Cubophis cantherigerus schwartzi Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009

Other common names:
adspersus: Eastern Cuba Racer
cantherigerus: Western Cuba Racer
pepei: Northern Cuba Racer
schwartzi: Schwartz's Racer
Remarks: Previously included brooksi, caymanus, fuscicauda, and ruttyi.
Distribution: Bahamas, Cuba (incl. Isla de la Juventud).

Cubophis caymanus

Grand Cayman Racer


Grand Cayman-pilsnog

1887 Alsophis caymanus Garman
Alsophis angulifer caymanus Barbour 1937
Alsophis cantherigerus caymanus Schwartz & Thomas 1960
Cubophis caymanus Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009

Remarks: Revalidated as a separate species by Hedges, Couloux & Vidal (2009).
Distribution: Cayman Islands (Grand Cayman).

Cubophis fuscicauda

Cayman Brac Racer


Cayman Brac-pilsnog

1888 Alsophis fuscicauda Garman
Alsophis angulifer fuscicauda Barbour 1937
Alsophis cantherigerus fuscicauda Schwartz & Thomas 1960
Cubophis fuscicauda Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009

Remarks: Revalidated as a separate species by Hedges, Couloux & Vidal (2009).
Distribution: Cayman Islands (Cayman Brac).

Cubophis ruttyi

Little Cayman Racer


Little Cayman-pilsnog

1941 Alsophis angulifer ruttyi Grant
Alsophis cantherigerus ruttyi Schwartz & Thomas 1960
Cubophis ruttyi Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009

Distribution: Cayman Islands (Little Cayman).

Cubophis vudii

Bahamas Racer, Brown Runner

Bahama-Zornnatter, Bahama-Peitschennatter


1863 Alsophis vudii Cope
Ocyophis vudii Zaher, Grazziotin, Cadle, Murphy, Moura-Leite & Bonatto 2009
Cubophis vudii Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1935 Alsophis vudii aterrimus Barbour & Shreve
Cubophis vudii aterrimus Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1935 Alsophis vudii raineyi Barbour & Shreve
Cubophis vudii raineyi Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1935 Alsophis vudii utowanae Barbour & Shreve
Cubophis vudii utowanae Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009
1937 Alsophis vudii picticeps Conant
Cubophis vudii picticeps Hedges, Couloux & Vidal 2009

Other common names:
aterrimus: Grand Bahamas Racer
picticeps: Bimini Racer
raineyi: Crooked Island Racer
utowanae: Great Inagua Racer
vudii: West Indies Racer
Distribution: Bahamas (incl. Great Inagua Bank [incl. Great Inagua]), Little Bahama Bank).