Related bibliographies:
Malay Archipelago

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Bibliography of the genus
Dogania (Malayan Softshell Turtle)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Trionychidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Dogania subplana
Anonymous. 2010. Le Trionyx de Malaisie - Dogania subplana (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809). Cheloniens 18: 54.
Fidenci, P. 2005. Geographic distribution: Dogania subplana (Malayan Softshell Turtle). Herpetological Review 36(4): 465.
Fidenci, P.; Castillo, R. 2010. Some data on the distribution, conservation status and protection of freshwater turtles in the Palawan Island group, Philippines. Testudo 7(2): 76-87.
Grossmann, W.; Grychta, U. 1998. Bemerkungen zur Grösse der Malayen-Weichschildkröte Dogania subplana (Geoffroy, 1809). Sauria (Berlin) 20(2): 11-13.
IUCN Asian Turtle Trade Working Group. 2016. Dogania subplana. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T46578A97399789. http://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2000.RLTS.T46578A11061078.en.
Karl, H.V. 1999. Paleogeography and systematics of the genus Dogania Gray, 1844 (Testudines: Trionychidae). Studia Geologica Salmanticensia 35: 3-8.
Lim, K.K.P. 1994. Fauna: Vertebrates. Reptiles. pp. 213-227, 331, illustr. In: Ng, P.K.L. & Wee, Y.C. (eds.). The Singapore Red Data Book: threatened plants and animals of Singapore. Nature Society (Singapore), Singapore. 343 pp.
Platt, S.G.; Platt, K.; Myo, K.M.; Soe, M.M.; Rainwater, T.R. 2014. Natural history notes: Dogania subplana (Malayan Softshell Turtle). Diet and island population. Herpetological Review 45(4): 687.
Regodos, I.C.; Schoppe, S. 2005. Local knowledge, use, and conservation status of the Malayan Softshell Turtle Dogania subplana (Geoffroy 1809) (Testudines: Trionychidae) in southern Palawan, Philippines. Sylvatrop 15(1-2): 113-128.
Sato, H.; Ota, H. 2001. Karyotype of the Chinese soft-shelled turtle, Pelodiscus sinensis, from Japan and Taiwan, with chromosomal data for Dogania subplana. Current Herpetology 20(1): 19-25.
Webb, R.G. 1995. The date of publication of Gray's Catalogue of shield Reptiles. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 1(4): 322-323.
Yong, K. 1990. On two species of softshell turtles native to Singapore, including a note on Lissemys punctata (Lacepede, 1788) (Reptilia: Testudines: Trionychidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 38(1): 27-30.
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