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Bibliography of the genus
Elseya (Sahul Snapping Turtles)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Chelidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Elseya in general
Armstrong, G.; Booth, D.T. 2005. Dietary ecology of the Australian freshwater turtle (Elseya sp.: Chelonia: Chelidae) in the Burnett River, Queensland. Wildlife Research 32(4): 349-353.
Artner, H. 1999. Nomenklatur aktuell: Die Gattung Elseya. Emys 6(3): 30.
Georges, A.; Thomson, S. 2010. Diversity of Australasian freshwater turtles, with an annotated synonymy and keys to species. Zootaxa 2496: 1-37.
Le, M.; Reid, B.N.; McCord, W.P.; Naro-Maciel, E.; Raxworthy, C.J.; Amato, G.; Georges, A. 2013. Resolving the phylogenetic history of the short-necked turtles, genera Elseya and Myuchelys (Testudines: Chelidae) from Australia and New Guinea. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 68(2): 251-258.
Lieb, C.S.; Sites, J.W.; Archie, J.W. 1999. The use of isozyme characters in systematic studies of turtles: preliminary data for Australian chelids. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 27(2): 157-183.
Limpus, C.J.; Limpus, D.J.; Hamann, M. 2002. Freshwater turtle populations in the area to be flooded by the Walla Weir, Burnett River, Queensland: Baseline study. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 48(1): 155-168.
Thomson, S.; Amepou, Y.; Anamiato, J.; Georges, A. 2015. A new species and subgenus of Elseya (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae) from New Guinea. Zootaxa 4006(1): 59–82.
Todd, E.V.; Blair, D.; Georges, A.; Lukoschek, V.; Jerry, D.R. 2014. A biogeographical history and timeline for the evolution of Australian snapping turtles (Elseya: Chelidae) in Australia and New Guinea. Journal of Biogeography 41(5): 905-918.
Turner, G. 2004. Nesting behaviour in the white-throated Snapping Turtle Elseya sp. aff. dentata from the Johnstone River, north Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 34(1): 48-58.
Wells, R.W. 2002. Taxonomic notes on some Australian freshwater turtles of the genera Chelodina and Elseya (Reptilia: Chelidae). Australian Biodiversity Record 2002(2): 1-30.
Wells, R.W. 2007. Some taxonomic and nomenclatural considerations on the class Reptilia in Australia. A new genus of the family Chelidae from eastern Australia. Australian Biodiversity Record 2007(3): 1-13.
Wells, R.W. 2007. Some taxonomic and nomenclatural considerations on the class Reptilia in Australia. Some comments on the Elseya dentata (Gray, 1863) complex with redescriptions of the Johnstone River Snapping Turtle, Elseya stirlingi Wells and Wellington, 1985 and the Alligator River Snapping Turtle, Elseya jukesi Wells 2002. Australian Biodiversity Record 2007(2): 1-12.
Elseya albagula
Clark, N.J.; Gordos, M.A.; Franklin, C.E. 2008. Diving behaviour, aquatic respiration and blood respiratory properties: a comparison of hatchling and juvenile Australian turtles. Journal of Zoology (London) 275(4): 399-406.
Eiby, Y.A.; Booth, D.T. 2011. Determining optimal incubation temperature for a head-start program: the effect of incubation temperature on hatchling Burnett River Snapping Turtles (Elseya albagula). Australian Journal of Zoology 59(1): 18-25.
FitzGibbon, S.I.; Franklin, C.E. 2010. The importance of the cloacal bursae as the primary site of aquatic respiration in the freshwater turtle, Elseya albagula. Australian Zoologist 35(2): 276-282.
Franklin, C.E. 2006. The influence of body size on the diving behaviour and physiology of the bimodally respiring turtle, Elseya albagula. Journal of Comparative Physiology B Biochemical Systemic and Environmental Physiology 176(8): 739-747.
Gordos, M.A.; Hamann, M.; Schauble, C.S.; Limpus, C.J.; Franklin, C.E. 2007. Diving behaviour of Elseya albagula from a naturally flowing and hydrologically altered habitat. Journal of Zoology (London) 272(4): 458-469.
Hamann, M.; Schäuble, C.S.; Emerick, S.P.; Limpus, D.J.; Limpus, C.J. 2008. Freshwater turtle populations in the Burnett River. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 52(2): 221-232.
McDougall, A.J.; Espinoza, T.; Hollier, C.; Limpus, D.J.; Limpus, C.J. 2015. A risk assessment approach to manage inundation of Elseya albagula nests in impounded waters: a win-win situation. Environmental Management 55(3): 715-724.
Micheli-Campbell, M.A.; Connell, M.J.; Dwyer, R.G.; Franklin, C.E.; Fry, B.; Kennard, M.J.; Tao, J.; Campbell, H.A. 2017. Identifying critical habitat for freshwater turtles: integrating long-term monitoring tools to enhance conservation and management. Biodiversity and Conservation 26(7): 1675-1688.
Thomson, S.; Georges, A.; Limpus, C.J. 2006. A new species of freshwater turtle in the genus Elseya (Testudines: Chelidae) from central coastal Queensland, Australia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 5(1): 74-86.
Todd, E.V.; Blair, D.; Limpus, C.J.; Limpus, D.J.; Jerry, D.R. 2012. High incidence of multiple paternity in an Australian snapping turtle (Elseya albagula). Australian Journal of Zoology 60(6): 412-418.
Tucker, A.D.; Guarino, F.; Priest, T.E. 2012. Where lakes were once rivers: contrasts of freshwater turtle diets in dams and rivers of southeastern Queensland. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 11(1): 12-23.
Turner, G. 2006. Natural history notes on the white-throated Snapping Turtle, Elseya sp., from the Johnstone River, North Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(1): 41-56.
Elseya branderhorsti
Artner, H. 2006. Haltung und Nachzucht von Branderhorst's Elseyaschildkröte Elseya branderhorsti (Ouwens, 1914) nebst Ergebnissen einer Freilandstudie im Verbreitungsgebiet der Art. Emys 13(3): 4-16.
Elseya dentata
Coventry, A.J.; Tanner, C. 1973. Notes on the short-necked tortoises Emydura australis (Gray) and Elseya dentata (Gray) in the Victoria River system, Northern Territory. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 90(12): 351-353.
Goode, J. 1968. Morphological variations. International Turtle and Tortoise Society Journal 2: 8-12.
Kennett, R. 1996. Growth models for two species of freshwater turtle, Chelodina rugosa and Elseya dentata, from the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. Herpetologica 52(3): 383-395.
Kennett, R. 1999. Reproduction of two species of freshwater turtle, Chelodina rugosa and Elseya dentata, from the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. Journal of Zoology (London) 247(4): 457-473.
Kennett, R.; Tory, O. 1996. Diet of two freshwater turtles, Chelodina rugosa and Elseya dentata (Testudines: Chelidae) from the wet-dry tropics of northern Australia. Copeia 1996(2): 409-419.
Legler, J.M. 1976. Feeding habits of some Australian short-necked tortoises. Victorian Naturalist (Melbourne) 93(2): 40-43.
Wells, R.W. 2002. Taxonomic notes on some Australian freshwater turtles of the genera Chelodina and Elseya (Reptilia: Chelidae). Australian Biodiversity Record 2002(2): 1-30.
Elseya flaviventralis
Thomson, S.; Georges, A. 2016. A new species of freshwater turtle of the genus Elseya (Testudinata: Pleurodira: Chelidae) from the Northern Territory of Australia. Zootaxa 4061(1): 18-28.
Elseya irwini
Cann, J. 1997. Irwin's Turtle, Elseya irwini sp. nov. Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 9(1): 36-40.
Schaffer, J.R.; Hamann, M.; Rowe, R.; Burrows, D.W. 2016. Muddy waters: the influence of high suspended-sediment concentration on the diving behaviour of a bimodally respiring freshwater turtle from north-eastern Australia. Marine and Freshwater Research 67(4): 505-512.
Turner, G.S. 2011. Hypomelanism in Irwin's Turtle, Elseya irwini, from the Johnstone River, North Queensland, Australia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 10(2): 275-281.
Elseya lavarackorum
Freeman, A.; Thomson, S.; Cann, J. 2014. Elseya lavarackorum (White and Archer 1994) – Gulf Snapping Turtle, Gulf Snapper, Riversleigh Snapping Turtle, Lavarack’s Turtle. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(82): 1-10.
Thomson, S.; White, A.; Georges, A. 1997. Re-evaluation of Emydura lavarackorum: identification of a living fossil. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 42(1): 327-335.
White, A.W. 1999. Initial observations and survey results of freshwater turtles in the Gregory River and lawn Hill Creek, northwestern Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 29(2): 37-48.
Elseya novaeguineae
Georges, A.; Alacs, E.A.; Pauza, M.; Kinginapi, F.; Ona, A.; Eisemberg, C. 2008. Freshwater turtles of the Kikori Drainage, Papua New Guinea, with special reference to the pig-nosed turtle, Carettochelys insculpta. Wildlife Research 35(7): 700-711.
Obst, F.J. 1976. Über den Holotypus von Platemys novaeguineae Meyer, 1874 (Reptilia, Chelonia). Zoologische Abh. st. Mus. Tierk., Dresden 34(1): 43-46.
Philippen, H.D. 2014. [Elseya novaeguineae (MEYER, 1874) New Guinea Common Snapping Turtle]. (In German). Marginata 42: 31-34.
Rooij, N. de 1913. Dimorphismus bei Emydura novaeguineae Meyer. Zoologischer Anzeiger 42: 2-7.
Siebenrock, F. 1906. Bemerkungen zu zwei seltenen Schildkröten. Zoologischer Anzeiger 30: 127-130.
Siebenrock, F. 1912. Über den Dimorphismus bei Emydura novaeguineae Meyer. Zoologischer Anzeiger 40: 301-304.
Thomson, S.; Amepou, Y.; Anamiato, J.; Georges, A. 2015. A new species and subgenus of Elseya (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae) from New Guinea. Zootaxa 4006(1): 59–82.
Elseya rhodini
Thomson, S.; Amepou, Y.; Anamiato, J.; Georges, A. 2015. A new species and subgenus of Elseya (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae) from New Guinea. Zootaxa 4006(1): 59–82.
Elseya schultzei
Thomson, S.; Amepou, Y.; Anamiato, J.; Georges, A. 2015. A new species and subgenus of Elseya (Testudines: Pleurodira: Chelidae) from New Guinea. Zootaxa 4006(1): 59–82.
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