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Kangaroo Island
[terrestrial spp.]

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In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Anonymous. 1972. Proposed plan for the future development of the Mt. Lofty Ranges area: reptile conservation in the Mount Lofty Ranges. South Australian Naturalist 46(4): 53-54.
Anonymous. 2003. 2003 review of the status of threatened species in South Australia. (Discussion paper). National Parks and Wildlife Council & Department for Environment and Heritage. 59 pp.
Armstrong, G. 2000. Results of a survey of the reptiles of Karte & Peebinga Conservation Parks, in South Australia's Murray Mallee. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 30(2): 25-31.
Aslin, H.J. (ed.) 1985. A list of vertebrates of South Australia. Biological Survey Co-ordinating Committee & Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide. 74 pp.
Baker, G.H. 1986. Coleoptera, Scorpionida and Reptilia collected in pitfall traps in Engelbrook National Trust Reserve, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 110(1): 43-48.
Barker, S.; Cornwall, G.C.; Lay, B.G. 1989. Terrestrial biology of the Lake Eyre region. pp. 67-93. In: Bonython, C.W. & Fraser, A.S. (eds.). The great filling of Lake Eyre in 1974. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, Adelaide. 120 pp.
Barrington, D.; Corns, T. 1993. Fauna laws in South Australia. pp. 356-358. In: Lunney, D. & Ayers, D. (eds.). Herpetology in Australia: a diverse discipline. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales. 414 pp.
Baverstock, P.R. 1979. A three year study of the mammals and lizards of Billiatt Conservation Park in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. South Australian Naturalist 53(4): 52-58.
Boehm, E.F. 1943. Reptiles and amphibians of the Mount Mary Range, S.A. South Australian Naturalist 22(1): 11.
Brandle, R. 2002. Reptiles. pp. 51-53. In: Brandle, R. (ed.). A biological survey of the Murray Mouth reserves, South Australia, March 2002. South Australia Department of Environment and Heritage, Adelaide. 109 pp.
Carthew, S.M.; Horner, B.; Jones, K.M.W. 2009. Do utility corridors affect movements of small terrestrial fauna? Wildlife Research 36(6): 488-495.
Edwards, A.; Tyler, M.J. 1990. Reptiles & amphibians. pp. 55-67. In: Watts, C.H.S. (ed.). A list of the vertebrates of South Australia. Biological Survey Coordinating Committee and the Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide. (overall pagination unknown).
Ehmann, H. 1976. The reptiles of the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. 1. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 8(1): 2-5.
Ehmann, H. 1976. The reptiles of the Mount Lofty Ranges, South Australia. 2. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 8(2): 2 pp.
Field Naturalist's Society of South Australia Mammal Club 1976. Results of a survey of Fairview Conservation Park conducted by the Field Naturalist's Society of South Australia Mammal Club. South Australian Naturalist 50(4): 73-80.
Foster, A. 1997. Flinders Ranges camp. Geelong Naturalist 33(7): 8-9.
Goonan, P.; Mann, A. 1992. Fauna of the Brookfield Conservation Park in the Murray mallee, South Australia. 1. Preliminary results of a survey of the small vertebrate community in a mallee-spinifex habitat. South Australian Naturalist 66(3): 44-48.
Goonan, P.M.; Mann, A.L.; Morley, T.P. 1993. Fauna of the Brookfield Conservation Park in the Murray mallee, South Australia. 2. Annotated checklist of the amphibians, reptiles and mammals. South Australian Naturalist 68(1-2): 4-14.
Greenbaum, E. 2000. Herpetofaunal observations in disparate habitats in South Australia, New South Wales, and Queensland, Australia. Herpetological Bulletin 72: 6-16.
Greer, A.F. 1989. The biology and evolution of Australian lizards. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. 264 pp.
Hale, H.M. 1936. The reptiles of the National Park. South Australian Naturalist 17(1-4): Unpaginated.
Head, W. 1991. Mammal Club annual report June 30 1990 - June 30 1991. South Australian Naturalist 66(2): 34-38.
Henle, K. 1989. Ecological segregation in an assemblage of diurnal lizards in arid Australia. Acta Oecologica Oecologia Generalis 10(1): 19-35.
Herrmann, H.J. 1994. In den Adelaide Hills - die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt Südaustraliens. 2. Teil. TI-Magazin 120: 41-46.
Houston, T.F. 1973. Reptiles of South Australia; A brief synopsis. South Australian Yearbook 1973.
Houston, T.F. 1978. Dragon lizards & goannas of South Australia. South Australian Museum, Adelaide. 84 pp.
Houston, T.F. 1979. Sea Turtles in South Australia. South Australian Naturalist 53(3): 42-46.
Houston, T.F.; Hutchinson, M. 1998. Dragon lizards & goannas of South Australia. South Australian Museum, Adelaide. 88 pp. (first published in 1978).
Howchin, W. 1925. The building of Australia and the succession of life: with special reference to South Australia. Part I. Handbooks of the Flora and Fauna of South Australia, Adelaide. 203 pp.
Hudson, P.; Mirtschin, P.; Garrett, C. 1981. Notes on Flinders Island (S.A). Its reptiles and birds. South Australian Naturalist 56(2): 21-31.
Hutchinson, M.N. 2010. Reptiles (last update Jan 2010). pp. 5-54. In: Owens, H. & Graham, A. (eds.). Census of South Australian vertebrates - 2009. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, South Australia & South Australian Museum.
Johnston, G.R. 1983. The herpetofauna of the Middleback Range area, South Australia. 1. An annotated checklist. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 14(1-2): 52-60.
Johnston, G.R.; Ellins, P. 1979. The reptiles of the Sir Joseph Banks Islands, South Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 10(2): 9-12.
Kinghorn, J.R. 1924. Reptiles and Batrachians from South and southwest Australia. Records of the Australian Museum 14(3): 163-183
Matejcic, P. 2002. Herpetology survey of Manning Fauna and FLora Reserve, near McLaren Flat, south of Adelaide 14th-18th December 2001. South Australian Naturalist 76(3-4): 17-27.
Mitchell, D.J. 1992. A survey of the reptiles of the Cobbler Creek Recreation Park, Salisbury East, South Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 22(2): 36-37.
Mitchell, F.J. 1951. The South Australian reptile fauna. I. Ophidia. Records of the Australian Museum 9: 545-557.
Mitchell, F.J.; Behrudt, A.C. 1949. Fauna and flora of the Greenly Islands. 1. Introductory narrative and vertebrate fauna. Records of the South Australian Museum 9(2): 167-179.
Morley, T.P.; Morley, P.T. 1984. An inventory of the reptiles of Danggali Conservation Park. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 15(2): 32-36.
Moseby, K.E.; Hill, B.M.; Read, J.L. 2009. Arid Recovery - a comparison of reptile and small mammal populations inside and outside a large rabbit, cat and fox-proof exclosure in arid South Australia. Austral Ecology 34(2): 156-169.
Moseby, K.E.; Read, J.L. 2001. Factors affecting pitfall capture rates of small ground vertebrates in arid South Australia. II. Optimum pitfall trapping effort. Wildlife Research 28(1): 61-71.
Moseby, K.E.; Read, J.L.; Paton, D.C.; Copley, P.; Hill, B.M.; Crisp, H.A. 2011. Predation determines the outcome of 10 reintroduction attempts in arid South Australia. Biological Conservation 144(12): 2863-2872.
Paton, D.C.; Prescott, A.M.; Davies, R.J.P.; Heard, L.M. 2000. The distribution, status and threats to temperate woodlands in South Australia. pp. 57-85. In: Hobbs, R.J. & Yates, C.J. (eds.). Temperate eucalypt woodlands in Australia: biology, conservation, management and restoration. Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton. 430 pp.
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Pedler, R. 2011. Annual report of the Outback Field Naturalists, Roxby Downs, South Australia. South Australian Naturalist 85(2): 111-113.
Pedler, R.D. 2010. The impacts of abandoned mining shafts: fauna entrapment in opal prospecting shafts at Coober Pedy, South Australia. Ecological Management & Restoration 11(1): 36-42.
Pelgrim, K.; Fenner, A.L.; Schofield, J.A.; Bull, C.M. 2014. Dynamics of a temperate grassland reptile community in the mid-north of South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 138(2): 257-266.
Pianka, E.R. 1984. 4. Reptiles. 4.6. Diversity and adaptive radiations of Australian desert lizards. pp. 371-376. In: Archer, M. & Clayton, G. (eds.). Vertebrate zoogeography & evolution in Australasia (Animals in space & time). Hesperian Press, Carlisle, Western Australia. 1203 pp.
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Read, J. 1996. Fauna of the Elliot Price Conservation Park. South Australian Naturalist 70(3-4): 4-11.
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Read, J.L. 1995. Subhabitat variability: a key to the high reptile diversity in chenopod shrublands. Australian Journal of Ecology 20(4): 494-501.
Read, J.L.; Badman, F.J. 1990. Reptile densities in chenopod shrubland at Olympic Dam, South Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 20(1): 3-8.
Read, J.L.; Moseby, K.E. 2001. Factors affecting pitfall capture rates of small ground vertebrates in arid South Australia. I. The influence of weather and moon phase on capture rates of reptiles. Wildlife Research 28(1): 53-60.
Read, J.L.; Scoleri, V. 2015. Ecological implications of reptile mesopredator release in arid South Australia. Journal of Herpetology 49(1): 64-69.
Richman, A.D.; Case, T.J.; Schwaner, T.D. 1988. Natural and unnatural extinction rates of reptiles on islands. American Naturalist 131(5): 611-630.
Robinson, A.C. 1980. Notes on the mammals and reptiles of Pearson, Dorothee and Greenly Islands, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 104(5): 93-99.
Robinson, A.C. 1986. Reptiles and amphibians. pp. 68-74. In: Wallace, H.R. (ed.). The ecology of the forests and woodlands of South Australia. The Flora and Fauna of South Australia Handbooks Committee, place of publication not given. 291 pp.
Robinson, A.C.; Armstrong, D.M.; Armstrong, G.P.; Dalzell, B.; Canty, P.B.; McDowell, M.; Hall, L.M. 2003. The Encounter 2002 expedition to the Isles of St Francis, South Australia: Vertebrate fauna. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 127(2): 129-139.
Schutz, A.J.; Driscoll, D.A. 2008. Common reptiles unaffected by connectivity or condition in a fragmented farming landscape. Austral Ecology 33(5): 641-652.
Schwaner, T.D.; Miller, B. 1984. Range extensions of reptiles in South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 108(3-4): 215-216.
Schwaner, T.D.; Miller, B. 1984. Reptiles new to the fauna of South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 108(3-4): 217-218.
Schwaner, T.D.; Miller, B.; Tyler, M.J. 1985. 13. Reptiles and amphibians. Occasional Publications of the Royal Society of South Australia 4: 159-168.
Shurcliff, A.A.; Gillman, T. 1975. Reptiles of the Eden Hills - Bellevue Heights area. South Australian Naturalist 49(4): 66-67.
Simpson, K.N.G. 1973. Amphibians, reptiles and mammals of the Murray River region between Mildura and Renmark, Australia. Mitteilungen Naturhist. Mus. Hamburg 34: 275-279.
Smith, M.J. 1989. Mammals from the Dalhousie Springs area, with notes on some reptiles and frogs. pp. 119-121. In: Zeidler, W. & Ponder, W.F. (eds.). Natural history of Dalhousie Springs. South Australian Museum, Adelaide. 138 pp.
Smyth, M. 1972. Big Heath Conservation Park. A guide to its natural history: reptiles. South Australian Naturalist 47(2): 37-38.
Stott, P. 1994. Climate change and its implications for the terrestrial vertebrate fauna. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 118(1-2): 59-68.
Swanson, S. 1987. Lizards of Australia. Angus & Robertson, North Ryde. 160 pp.
Symon, D.; Robinson, T.; Brandle, R.; Bates, B. 2002. The Moon Plain. South Australian Naturalist 76(3-4): 4-16.
Tait, C.J.; Daniels, C.B.; Hutchinson, M. 2006. The urban ark 4: the historical evolution of the reptile and amphibian communities. pp. 159-175. In: Daniels, C.B.; Tait, C.J. (eds.). Adelaide: nature of a city: the ecology of a dynamic city from 1836 to 2036. Biocity, Adelaide. 609 pp.
Thompson, M.B. 1978. Notes on the herpetofauna of Forest Range. South Australian Naturalist 53(1): 13-14.
Thompson, M.B. 1979. Tortoise egg predation at Lake Bonney, South Australia. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 11(1): 25-26.
Thompson, M.B.; Tyler, M.J. 1983. 14: Reptiles and amphibians. Occasional Publications of the Royal Society of South Australia 3: 151-156.
Tubb, J.A. 1938. The Sir Joseph Banks Islands. Reports on the expedition of the McCoy Society for Field Investigation and Research. 2. Reptilia, Pt. 1: General. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of Victoria N.S. 50(12): 383-393.
Turner, A.K.; Shurcliff, A.A.; Pillman, S. 1976. A report on reptiles from the Hundred of Kappakoola, Eyre Peninsula. South Australian Naturalist 51(2): 25-27.
Twigg, L.E.; Fox, B.J. 1991. Recolonization of regenerating open forest by terrestrial lizard following sand mining. Australian Journal of Ecology 16(2): 137-148.
Tyler, M.J.; Edwards, A.; Johnston, G.R. 1990. Amphibians and reptiles. pp. 183-188. In: Tyler, M.J.; Twidale, C.R.; Davies, M. & Wells, C.B. (eds.). Natural history of the north east deserts. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide. 226 pp.
Tyler, M.J.; Hutchinson, M. 1993. Edgar R. Waite and "The reptiles and amphibians of South Australia". pp. iii-xi. In: Waite, E.R.. The reptiles and amphibians of South Australia. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles), St. Louis, Missouri. 270 pp.
Waite, E.R. 1915. Scientific notes on an expedition into the north-western regions of South Australia, Ophidia. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 39: 737-739.
Waite, E.R. 1917. Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Ophidia. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 41: 435-440.
Waite, E.R. 1923. The flora and fauna of Nuyts Archipelago and the Investigator Group. No. 10. The snakes of Francis Island together with a note on the name of the geographical group. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 47: 127-128.
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Waite, E.R. 1993. The reptiles and amphibians of South Australia. SSAR (Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles), St. Louis, Missouri. 270 pp. (facsimile reprint of 1929 original).
White, J. 1976. Reptiles of the Corunna Hills. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 8(1): 21-23.
White, J. 1979. Brief observations on tortoises in Minkie waterhole, Innaminka. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 10(2): 31.
White, J. 1979. The road to Mokari. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 11(1): 13-16.
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Zietz, A. 1888. List of the Ophidia of South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 10: 293-297.
Zietz, F.R. 1915. Scientific notes on an expedition into the north-western regions of South Australia. Lacertilia. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 39: 766-769.
Zietz, F.R. 1917. Results of the South Australian Museum Expedition to Strzelecki and Cooper Creeks. Lacertilia. Transactions Royal Society of South Australia 41: 469-472.
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