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Bibliography of the genus
Indotestudo (Asian Tortoises)

(Reptilia: Testudines: Testudinidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Indotestudo in general
Harvan, M. 2013. [The genus Indotestudo]. (In French). Cheloniens 30: 18-22.
Iverson, J.B. 2001. Phylogenetic relationships among the Asian tortoises of the genus Indotestudo (Reptilia: Testudines: Testudinidae). Hamadryad 26(2): 272-275.
Parham, J.F.; Macey, J.R.; Papenfuss, T.J.; Feldman, C.R.; Türkozan, O.; Polymeni, R.; Boore, J. 2006. The phylogeny of Mediterranean tortoises and their close relatives based on complete mitochondrial genome sequences from museum specimens. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 38(1): 50-64.
Indotestudo elongata
Anonymous. 2015. The relationships between body weight and size of the Elongated Tortoise shell, Indotestodo elongata at Khon Kaen Province, Thailand. KKU Science Journal 43(1): 49-59.
Baenziger, H.; Baenziger, S. 2010. Mammals, birds and reptiles as hosts of Lisotrigona bees, the tear drinkers with the broadest host range (Hymenoptera, Apidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 83(3-4): 271-282.
Bahuguna, A.; Sharma, N. 2014. New record and habitat of endangered species of tortoise Indotestudo elongatus (Blyth) from Sonanadi Wildlife Sanctuary (Nainital, Uttarakhand). Annals of Forestry 22(2): 262-265.
Bezuijen, M.R. 2012. Geographic distribution: Indotestudo elongata (Elongated Tortoise). Herpetological Review 43(2): 303.
Bhupathy, S.; Silori, C.S.; Sunderraj, S.F.W. 1994. Additional locality records for two Indian tortoise species. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 91(1): 149-150.
Biswas, S.; Acharjyo, L.N.; Mohapatra, S. 1978. Notes on distribution, sexual dimorphism and growth in captivity of Geochelone elongata (Blyth). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 75(3): 928-929.
Calmonte, A. 1971. Die Gelbkopf-Landschildkröte Testudo elongata Blyth, 1853. Aqua Terra 8: 122-124.
Choudhury, A. 2001. Some chelonian records from Mizoram. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 98(2): 184-190.
Coutard, C. 2007. Note sur l'elevage et la reproduction de la Tortue a tete jaune, Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853). Manouria 10(35): 16-24.
Das, K.C.; Gupta, A. 2015. New distribution records of tortoises (Chelonia: Testudinidae) from Barak Valley, Assam, northeastern India with notes on ecology and vernacular traditional taxonomy. Journal of Threatened Taxa 7(3): 7017-7023.
Dathe, F. 2010. Haltung und Fortpflanzung von Gelbkopfschildkröten, Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853), im Tierpark Berlin. Milu 13(1): 51-66.
Datta, M.K. 2012. Natural availability and trade of Testudines in Tripura (India). Environment and Ecology (Kalyani) 30(4A): 1449-1451.
Deuti, K.; Das, I. 2011. Geographic distribution: Indotestudo elongata (Elongated Tortoise). Herpetological Review 42(3): 389.
Dunn, R.W. 1976. Breeding the elongate tortoise Testudo elongata at Melbourne Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 16: 73-74.
Eberling, G. 2001. Haltung und Nachzucht von Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853). Draco 2(4) (8): 61-71.
Eberling, G. 2001. Haltung und Vermehrung der Gelbkopfschildkröte, Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853). Elaphe 9(2): 2-10.
Eberling, G. 2005. Beobachtungen bei der Aufzucht von Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853). Schildkröten im Fokus 2(3): 3-12.
Fang, P.W. 1930. Notes on chelonians of Kwangsi, China. Sinensia (Nanking) 1(8): 95-135.
Frazier, J. 1992. The land tortoise in Nepal: a review. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 89(1): 45-54.
Furrer, J. 1981. Nachzucht bei Testudo elongata. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 34(12): 438-439.
Gad, J. 1994. Die Ultrastruktur der Eischalen von Geoemyda spengleri, Indotestudo elongata und Sacalia bealei (Testudines). Salamandra 30(4): 277-280.
Gairdner, K.G. 1915. Notes on the fauna and flora of Ratburi and Petchaburi districts (Part II). Journal of the Natural History Society of Siam 1(3): 131-156.
Grossmann, W. 1997. Zur Carapaxgrösse der Gelbkopf-Landschildkröte Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853). Sauria (Berlin) 19(2): 7-10.
Grychta, U. 1998. Der Beckenzirkel nach Martin als Messinstrument für Schildkröten bis 50cm Carapaxlange. Sauria (Berlin) 20(4): 41-42.
Harit, D.N. 2009. Chelonians and lizards in Champhai district of Mizoram State, North East India. Journal of Experimental Zoology India 12(2): 289-296.
Harvan, M. 2013. [Indotestudo elongata: biology, breeding, reproduction]. (In French). Cheloniens 30: 23-33.
Harvan, M.; Artner, H. 2004. Nachzucht der Gelbkopf-Landschildkröte Indotestudo elongata Blyth, 1853 in menschlicher Obhut. Emys 11(6): 25-32.
Huong, M.Y. & al. 1990. A study on the karyotype of Geochelone elongata. Chinese Journal of Zoology 25(2): 13-16.
Ihlow, F.; Dawson, J.E.; Hartmann, T.; Som, S. 2016. Indotestudo elongata (Blyth 1854) – Elongated Tortoise, Yellow-headed Tortoise, Yellow Tortoise. Chelonian Research Monographs 5(96): 1-14.
Ihlow, F.; Geissler, P.; Sovath, S.; Handschuh, M.; Böhme, W. 2012. Observations on the feeding ecology of Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853) in the wild in Cambodia and Vietnam. Herpetology Notes 5: 5-7.
Ihlow, F.; Handschuh, M. 2011. [Reintroduction of Indotestudo elongata in Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary in north Cambodia]. (In German). Marginata 32: 16-23.
Ihlow, F.; Handschuh, M.; Raffel, M. 2011. [Care and breeding of the Elongated Tortoise (Indotestudo elongata) in Angkor Centre for Conservation of Biodiversity (ACCB), Cambodia]. (In German). Marginata 32: 24-28, 30.
Ihlow, F.; Rödder, D.; Bochynek, T.; Sothanin, S.; Handschuh, M.; Böhme, W. 2014. Reinforcement as a conservation tool - assessing site fidelity and movement of the endangered Elongated Tortoise Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1854). Journal of Natural History 48(39-40): 2473-2485.
Jha, A. 2009. Order Testudines: first recorded instance in Sikkim. Tigerpaper (Bangkok) 36(1): 31-32.
Khin Myo Myo; Platt, S.G. 2016. Natural history notes: Indotestudo elongata (Elongated Tortoise). Maximum body size. Herpetological Review 47(2): 285-286.
Moll, E.O. 1989. Indotestudo elongata - elongated tortoise. Occasional Papers of the Iucn Species Survival Commission 5: 116-117.
Petzold, H.G. 1963. Über einige Schildkröten aus Nord-Vietnam im Tierpark Berlin. Senckenbergiana Biologica 44(1): 1-20.
Philippen, H.D. 2011. [The form diversity of (Indotestudo elongata). It is the most widely spread tortoise of south east Asia and is hardly researched]. (In German). Marginata 32: 9-15.
Platt, S.G.; Khaing, S.T.; Win, K.K.; Kalyar 2001. A tortoise survey of Shwe Settaw Wildlife Sanctuary, Myanmar, with notes on the ecology of Geochelone platynota and Indotestudo elongata. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1): 172-177.
Platt, S.G.; Platt, K.; Myo, K.M.; Moe, K.; Soe, M.M.; Naing, T.Z.; Lin, N.; Rainwater, T.R. 2013. Noteworthy records of chelonians from the Chindwin River Basin and Naga Hills of western Myanmar. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8(2): 335-350.
Ross, C.A.; Crumly, C.R. 1982. A range extension of Geochelone elongata. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 79(2): 429.
Sanz, A.; Valverde, F.J. 2002. Captive breeding of the elongate tortoise, Indotestudo elongata. Reptilia (GB) 20: 43-47.
Senneke, D. 2006. Husbandry and breeding of Indotestudo elongata in a temperate environment. pp. 96-101. In: Artner, H.; Farkas, B. & Loehr, V. (eds.). Turtles: proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium, Vienna 2002. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 618 pp.
Shrestha, T.K. 1995. New survival of rare chelonian in the altered habitats of Himalayan rivers of Nepal. pp. 52-56. In: Devaux, B. (ed.). International Congress of Chelonian Conservation. France - Gonfaron - Tortoise Village - 6th to 10th of July 1995. Proceedings. Editions SOPTOM, Gonfaron, France. 344 pp.
Som, S.; Cottet, M. 2016. Rescue and relocation programme of turtles and tortoises and Elongated Tortoise monitoring programme in the Nam Theun 2 Reservoir (Laos). Hydroecologie Appliquee 19: 383-406.
Spencer, B. 1988. The elongated tortoise and its management at the Minnesota Zoo. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 23(3): 37-40.
Sriprateep, K.; Aranyavalai, V.; Aowphol, A.; Thirakhupt, K. 2013. Population structure and reproduction of the Elongated Tortoise Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853) at Ban Kok village, northeastern Thailand. Tropical Natural History 13(1): 21-37.
Swindells, R.J.; Brown, F.C. 1964. Ability of Testudo elongata Blyth to withstand excessive heat. British Journal of Herpetology 3: 166.
Wangyal, J.T.; Wangchuk, D.; Das, I. 2012. First report of turtles from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 11(2): 268-272.
Ward, M. 2018. Natural history notes: Indotestudo elongata (Elongated Tortoise). Unusual mortality. Herpetological Review 49(1): 108-109.
Ward, M.; Ihlow, F.; Nadolski, B.; Crane, M.S.; Knierim, T.; Artchawakom, T.; Strine, C.T. 2018. First record of male combat in the Elongated Tortoise Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1853) from north-eastern Thailand. Herpetology Notes 11: 585-587.
Ward, M.; Trageser, S.; Strine, C.T.; Artchawakom, T. 2016. Natural history notes: Indotestudo elongata (Elongated Tortoise). Carapacial scarring. Herpetological Review 47(4): 653-655.
Zhang, Y.Y.; Nie, L.W.; Huang, Y.; Pu, Y.G.; Zhang, L. 2009. The mitochondrial DNA control region comparison studies of four hinged turtles and its phylogentic significance of the genus Cuora sensu lato (Testudinata: Geoemydidae). Genes & Genomics 31(5): 349-359.
Indotestudo forstenii
Caskey, L. 2011. Natural history notes: Indotestudo forstenii (Forsten's Tortoise). Reproduction. Herpetological Review 42(2): 232.
Elston, J.J. 2012. Coming out of their shells: enrichment for tortoises. Animal Keepers' Forum 39(7): 323-328.
Harvan, M. 2013. [Rearing of Forsten's tortoise, Indotestudo forstenii (Schlegel & Mueller, 1844) and Travancore tortoise, Indotestudo travancorica (Boulenger, 1907)]. (In French). Cheloniens 31: 28-34.
Innis, C.J.; Garner, M.M.; Johnson, A.J.; Wellehan, J.F.X.; Tabaka, C.; Marschang, R.E.; Nordhausen, R.W.; Jacobson, E.R. 2007. Antemortem diagnosis and characterization of nasal intranuclear coccidiosis in Sulawesi tortoises (Indotestudo forsteni). Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation 19(6): 660-667.
Ives, I.; Spinks, P.Q.; Shaffer, H.B. 2008. Morphological and genetic variation in the endangered Sulawesi tortoise Indotestudo forstenii: evidence of distinct lineages? Conservation Genetics 9(3): 709-713.
Ives, I.E.; Platt, S.G.; Tasirin, J.S.; Hunowu, I.; Siwu, S.; Rainwater, T.R. 2008. Field surveys, natural history observations, and comments on the exploitation and conservation of Indotestudo forstenii, Leucocephalon yuwonoi, and Cuora amboinensis in Sulawesi, Indonesia. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(2): 240-248.
Moll, E.O. 1989. Indotestudo forstenii - Travancore tortoise. Occasional Papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission 5: 118.
Platt, S.G.; Lee, R.J.; Klemens, M.W. 2001. Notes on the distribution, life history, and exploitation of turtles in Sulawesi, Indonesia, with emphasis on Indotestudo forstenii and Leucocephalon yuwonoi. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 4(1): 154-159.
Praschag, R. 1999. Schildkröten und Krokodile in der Natur und in Schaustellungen. Teil 2. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 52(6): 37-41.
Riyanto, A.; Soemarno, S.; Farajallah, A. 2010. Laju Kehilangan dan Kondisi Terkini habitat baning Sulawesi (Indotestudo forstenii) di Semenanjung Santigi, Sulawesi Tengah, Indonesia [The loss and recent condition habitat of Sulawesian tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii) at Cape Santigi, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia]. (In Indonesian). Jurnal Biologi Indonesia 6(2): 185-194.
Sanz Villar, A. 2007. Care and captive breeding of Forsten's tortoise. Reptilia (GB) 51: 48-53.
Sharath, B.K. 1998. Range extension of the Travancore tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii) and the cane turtle (Geoemyda silvatica) Reptilia: Testudines: Testudinidae & Emydidae, along the Western Ghats of South India - a report. Testudo 4(5): 51-63.
Struijk, R. 2009. Efolgreiche Haltung und Nachzucht der Sulawesi-Landschildkröte, Indotestudo forstenii (Schlegel & Müller, 1844). Radiata 18(1): 53-58.
Wiarda, R. 2006. Keeping and breeding the Celebes tortoise (Indotestudo forstenii) from Indonesia. pp. 102-110. In: Artner, H.; Farkas, B. & Loehr, V. (eds.). Turtles: proceedings: International Turtle & Tortoise Symposium, Vienna 2002. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 618 pp.
Wiarda, R. 2006. Zuchtbuch Sulawesi-Landschildkröte (Indotestudo forstenii). Minor 5(2): 27-28.
Zhang, Y.Y.; Nie, L.W.; Huang, Y.; Pu, Y.G.; Zhang, L. 2009. The mitochondrial DNA control region comparison studies of four hinged turtles and its phylogentic significance of the genus Cuora sensu lato (Testudinata: Geoemydidae). Genes & Genomics 31(5): 349-359.
Indotestudo travancorica
Auffenberg, W. 1964. A first record of breeding colour changes in a tortoise. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 61: 191-192.
Auffenberg, W. 1964. Notes on the courtship of the land tortoise Geochelone travancorica (Boulenger). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 61: 247-253.
Bhupathy, S.; Choudhury, B.C. 1995. Status, distribution and conservation of the Travancore tortoise, Indotestudo forstenii in Western Ghats. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 92(1): 16-21.
Boulenger, G.A. 1907. A new tortoise from Travancore. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 17(3): 560-561.
Deepak, V.; Noon, B.R.; Vasudevan, K. 2016. Fine scale habitat selection in Travancore Tortoises (Indotestudo travancorica) in the Anamalai Hills, Western Ghats. Journal of Herpetology 50(2): 278-283.
Deepak, V.; Ramesh, M.; Bhupathy, S.; Vasudevan, K. 2011. Indotestudo travancorica (Boulenger 1907) - Travancore Tortoise Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 054.1-054.6.
Deepak, V.; Ramesh, M.; Bhupathy, S.; Vasudevan, K. 2011. Indotestudo travancorica (Boulenger 1907) - Travancore Tortoise. Chelonian Research Monographs 5: 054.1-054.6.
Deepak, V.; Vasudevan, K. 2009. Endemic turtles of India. ENVIS Bulletin Wildlife and Protected Areas 12(1): 3.
Deepak, V.; Vasudevan, K. 2011. Telemetry study on two endemic turtle species in the Western Ghats. ENVIS Bulletin Wildlife and Protected Areas 13(1): 145-150.
Deepak, V.; Vasudevan, K. 2015. Factors influencing the occurrence and vulnerability of the Travancore Tortoise Indotestudo travancorica in protected areas in south India. Oryx 49(4): 669-676.
Ferguson, H.S. 1907. A new tortoise from Travancore. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 18: 186.
Harvan, M. 2013. [Rearing of Forsten's tortoise, Indotestudo forstenii (Schlegel & Mueller, 1844) and Travancore tortoise, Indotestudo travancorica (Boulenger, 1907)]. (In French). Cheloniens 31: 28-34.
Kanagavel, A.; Raghavan, R. 2013. Hunting of endemic and threatened forest-dwelling chelonians in the Western Ghats, India. Asian Journal of Conservation Biology 2(2): 172-177.
Kanagavel, A.; Rajkumar, S.; Raghavan, R. 2013. [Turtle consumption in the Western Ghats, India. Wildlife use, the example of two endangered rainforest species]. (In German). Marginata 39: 43-50.
Ramesh, M. 2002. Observations on the Travancore Tortoise (Indotestudo forsteni) in captivity. Reptile Rap (Newletter of the Reptile Network of South Asia) 4: 4.
Ramesh, M. 2004. A note on external injury in wild travancore tortoises (Indotestudo travancorica). Reptile RAP 6: 1.
Ramesh, M. 2004. Long distance dispersal by a Travancore tortoise, Indotestudo travancorica. Hamadryad 28(1-2): 105.
Ramesh, M. 2007. Hole-nesting in captive Indotestudo travancorica. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 104(1): 101-102.
Ramesh, M. 2008. Preliminary survey of Indotestudo travancorica (Testudinidae) at the Indira Gandhi Wildlife Sanctuary, southern India. Hamadryad 33: 118-120.
Ramesh, M. 2008. Relative abundance and morphometrics of the Travancore tortoise, Indotestudo travancorica, in the Indira Gandhi Wildlife sanctuary, southern Western Ghats, India. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 7(1): 108-113.
Ramesh, M.; Parthasarathy, N. 2006. A note on the diet of Travancore tortoise Indotestudo travancorica. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 103(1): 106.
Sane, L.S.; Sane, S.R. 1989. Some observations on growth of the Travancore tortoise (Geochelone travancorica). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 86(1): 109.
Vasudevan, K.; Deepak, V. 2008. Field studies of the endemic turtles of India. Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 12: 14-16.
Veerappan, D.; Vasudevan, K. 2012. Feeding ecology of the Travancore tortoise (Indotestudo travancorica) in the Anamalais, Western Ghats, India. Herpetology Notes 5: 203-209.
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