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Malay Archipelago

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Bibliography of the genus
Malayopython (Malayan Pythons)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Pythonidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Malayopython in general
Hoser, R.T. 2013. The taxonomy of the snake genus Broghammerus Hoser, 2004 revisited, including the creation of a new subgenus for Broghammerus timoriensis (Peters, 1876). Australasian Journal of Herpetology 16: 19-26.
Hoser, R.T. 2014. New snake taxa from Australasia, Asia and Africa. Australasian Journal of Herpetology 23: 13-21.
Reynolds, R.G.; Niemiller, M.L.; Revell, L.J. 2014. Toward a Tree-of-Life for the boas and pythons: multi locus species-level phylogeny with unprecedented taxon sampling. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 71: 201-213.
Malayopython reticulatus
Anonymous. 1968. Reticulated pythons - a first. Animal Kingdom 71(4): 29.
Abel, F. 1998. Status, population biology and conservation of the water monitor (Varanus salvator), the reticulated python (Python reticulatus), and the blood python (Python curtus) in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia - project report north Sumatra. Mertensiella 9: 111-117.
Araki, K.; Onaka, S.; Nishi, H. 1988. Breeding reticulate python, Python reticulatus, at Takarazuka Zool. and Bot. Gardens. (2) Mating, laying and artificial incubation. Journal of Japanese Association of Zoological Gardens and Aquariums 30(1): 1-5.
Auliya, M. 2002. A trap designed for capturing Python reticulatus (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in the wild. Hamadryad 27(1): 142-145.
Auliya, M.; Abel, F. 2000. Zur Taxonomie, geographischen Verbreitung und Nahrungsökologie des Netzpythons (Python reticulatus). 1. Einleitung, Material und Methode, Taxonomie und geographische Verbreitung. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 22(127): 5-18.
Auliya, M.; Abel, F. 2000. Zur Taxonomie, geographischen Verbreitung und Nahrungsökologie des Netzpythons (Python reticulatus). 2. Nahrungsökologie, Danksagung und Literatur. Herpetofauna (Weinstadt) 22(128): 19-28.
Auliya, M.; Mausfeld, P.; Schmitz, A.; Böhme, W. 2002. Review of the Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus Schneider, 1801) with the description of a new subspecies. Naturwissenschaften 89(5): 201-213.
Auliya, M.A. 2006. Taxonomy, life history and conservation of giant reptiles in west Kalimantan (Indonesian Borneo). Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 432 pp.
Barker, D.; Barker, T. 1995. Big snake bites. Vivarium (Lakeside) 7(2): 36-40.
Barker, D.G. 2008. Will they come in out of the cold? Observations of large constrictors in cool and cold conditions. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 43(6): 93-97.
Barker, D.G.; Barten, S.L.; Ehrsam, J.P.; Daddono, L. 2012. The corrected lengths of two well-known giant pythons and the establishment of a new maximum length record for Burmese pythons, Python bivittatus. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 47(1): 1-6.
Betmead, D.; Hugh Jones, T. 1987. The care of a juvenile reticulated python. Snake Keeper 1(5): 15.
Biswas, S.; Acharjyo, L.N. 1976. Notes on the skin sloughing of reticulated python in captivity. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 73(1): 224.
Booth, W.; Schuett, G.W.; Ridgway, A.; Buxton, D.W.; Castoe, T.A.; Bastone, G.; Bennett, C.; McMahan, W. 2014. New insights on facultative parthenogenesis in pythons. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 112(3): 461-468.
Brongersma, L.D. 1947. Zoological notes from Port Dickson. 1. Amphibians and reptiles. Zoologische Mededelingen (Leiden) 27: 300-308.
Clarke, E.; Reichard, U.H.; Zuberbühler, K. 2012. The anti-predator behaviour of wild white-handed gibbons (Hylobates lar). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66(1): 85-96.
Coborn, J. 1981. Oviposition in the reticulated python Python reticulatus. Rephiberary 42: 6.
Cock Buning, T. de 1979. Feeding behavior and the morphology of thermoreceptors in Python reticulatus. Japanese Journal of Herpetology 8(2): 64.
Cock Buning, T. de; Dullemeijer, P. 1977. Thermoreceptors in Python reticulatus. Acta morph. neerl.-scand. 15(3): 237-239.
Cock Buning, T. de; Poelman, R.E.; Dullemeijer, P. 1978. Feeding behaviour and the morphology of the thermoreceptors in Python reticulatus. Netherlands Journal of Zoology 28(1): 62-93.
Cox, M.J. 1997. Reticulate pythons (Python reticulatus) in Bangkok. Reptile & Amphibian Magazine 46(March-April): 20-24.
Dathe, H. 1959. Erstaunliche Lebensfähigkeit einer Riesenschlange. Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde 29: 71-72.
Dowling, H.G. 1961. How old are they and how big do they grow? Animal Kingdom 64: 171-175.
Ellis, A.G. 1934. Python egg and young. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 9(3): 329-330.
Esmond, E. 1955. Note on the rearing and growth-rate in captivity of a reticulated python, Python reticulatus (Schneider). Mem. Hong Kong Biol. Circle 3(6): Unpaginated.
Fredriksson, G.M. 2005. Predation on sun bears by Reticulated Python in East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 53(1): 165-168.
Funk, R.S. 1979. Python reticulatus in east Pakistan (=Bangladesh), correction of an erroneous record. Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society 14(3): 92.
Gairdner, K.G. 1914. Sluggishness of a python. Journal of the Natural History Society of Siam 1(2): 125-126.
Gairdner, K.G. 1915. Notes on the fauna and flora of Ratburi and Petchaburi districts (Part II). Journal of the Natural History Society of Siam 1(3): 131-156.
Gay, M. 1990. The reticulated python in captivity. ASRA (Association for the Study of Reptilia and Amphibia) Journal 4(1): 3-6.
Gibb, I.O. 1979. Breeding of reticulated python. IZN (International Zoo News) 26(4): 23.
Gursky, S. 2002. Predation on a wild spectral tarsier (Tarsius spectrum) by a snake. Folia Primatologica 73(1): 60-62.
Headland, T.N.; Greene, H.W. 2011. Hunter-gatherers and other primates as prey, predators, and competitors of snakes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108(52): E1470-E1474.
Honegger, R.E. 1970. Beitrag zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie von Boa constrictor und Python reticulatus (Reptilia, Boidae). Salamandra 6(1-2): 73-79.
Honegger, R.E. 1971. Beitrag zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie einiger tropischer Reptilien. Freunde Kölner Zoo 4 [1970]: 175-179.
Hoser, R.T. 2004. A reclassification of the Pythoninae including the descriptions of two new genera, two new species and nine new subspecies. (Continued from Crocodilian 4(3), 2003). Crocodilian 4(4): 21-39.
Jacobson, E. 1938. Reutenslagen en Hun Prooi [Python reticulatus]. De Tropische Natuur 1986: 49-51.
Jakel, T.; Henke, M.; Weingarten, B.; Kliemt, D.; Seidinger, S. 1997. In vitro cultivation of the vascular phase of Sarcocystis singaporensis. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 44(4): 293-299.
Kaiser, H.; Taylor, D.; Heacox, S.; Landry, P.; Sánchez, C.; Ribeiro, A.V.; Araujo, L.L. de; Kathriner, A.; O'Shea, M. 2013. Conservation education in a post-conflict country: five herpetological case studies in Timor-Leste. Salamandra 49(2): 74-86.
Kalaiarasan, V. 1990. Captive breeding of the reticulated python (Python reticulatus). Cobra (Madras) 1: 9-11.
Kalki, Y.; Schramer, T.D.; Wylie, D. 2018. On the occurrence of Malayopython reticulatus (Schneider, 1801) (Squamata: Pythonidae) on mainland India. Herpetology Notes 11: 703-708.
Kardong, K.V.; Berkhoudt, H. 1998. Intraoral transport of prey in the reticulated python: tests of a general tetrapod feeding model. Zoology (Jena) 101(1): 7-23.
Kock, D.; Schroder, H. 1981. Die Gattung Python in Bangladesh (Reptilia: Serpentes: Boidae). Salamandra 17(3-4): 112-118.
Kölner Aquarium am Zoo 1989. Nachwuchs beim Netzpython. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 42(12): 716.
Kopstein, F. 1927. Over het verslinden van menschen door Python reticulatus. De Tropische Natuur 1927(4): 65-67.
Krishnamurthy, V. 1995. An account of the treatment of a regal python (Python reticulatus) at the Madras Snake Park. Cobra (Madras) 19: 17-20.
Kumar, S.S.; Chandrakasan, S. 2011. Breeding of captive Reticulated Python Broghammerus reticulatus from the Nicobar Islands. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 108(3): 233-234.
Kumar, S.S.; Saxena, A.; Chandrakasan, S. 2011. Captive breeding of the reticulated python Python reticulatus in Andaman and Nicobar islands, India. Herpetological Bulletin 117: 28-30.
Lederer, G. 1944. Nahrungserwerb, Entwicklung, Paarung und Brutfürsorge von Python reticulatus (Schneider). Zoologische Jahrbücher (Abteilung für Anatomie) (Jena) 68: 363-398.
Lim, B.L. 1958. Colour patterns of some Malayan snakes. Malayan Nature Journal 12: 116-118.
Lim, B.L.; Waters, J.P.J.; Omar, A.R. bin 1960. Observations on some captive snakes. Malayan Nature Journal 14: 181-187.
Lim, N.T.L.; Ng, P.K.L. 2008. Predation on Manis javanica by Python reticulatus in Singapore. Hamadryad 32(1): 62-65.
Low, M.R.; Bickford, D.P.; Tan, M.; Neves, L.C. 2016. Natural history notes: Malayopython reticulatus (Reticulated Python). Diet. Herpetological Review 47(1): 148-149.
Luiselli, L.M.; Bonnet, X.; Rocco, M.; Amori, G. 2012. Conservation implications of rapid shifts in the trade of wild African and Asian pythons. Biotropica 44(4): 569-573.
Matz, G.; Matz, J. 1971. Les boides ou serpents constricteurs. 2. Python Daudin 1803. Aquarama 5(15): 29-33.
McCarty, V.O.; Cox, R.A.; Haglund, B. 1989. Death caused by a constricting snake - an infant death. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34(1): 239-243.
Mukherjee, S.; Santra, V.; Gautam, A. 2012. Reticulated Python, Python reticulatus (Schneider, 1801) in Hooghly, West Bengal, India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society (Calcutta) 65(2): 114-117.
Murray-Dickson, G.; Ghazali, M.; Ogden, R.; Brown, R.; Auliya, M. 2017. Phylogeography of the Reticulated Python (Malayopython reticulatus ssp.): Conservation implications for the worlds' most traded snake species. PLoS ONE 12(8): e0182049
Natusch, D.J.D.; Lyons, J.A.; Mumpuni; Riyanto, A.; Khadiejah, S.; Mustapha, N.; Badiah; Ratnaningsih, S. 2016. Sustainable management of the trade in Reticulated Python skins in Indonesia and Malaysia. Occasional Papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission 61: 1-46
Nettelbeck, A.R. 1995. Predation on barking deer by reticulated python and dholes in Khao Yai National Park. Natural History Bulletin of the Siam Society 43(2): 369-373.
O'Shea, M.; Lazell, J.D. 2008. Geographic distribution: Python reticulatus (Reticulated Python). Philippines: Batanes Province. Herpetological Review 39(4): 486.
O'Shea, M.; Temsiripong, Y.; Lynam, A.J. 2004. Natural history notes: Python reticulatus (Reticulated Python). Site selection, sleeping, and escape behavior. Herpetological Review 35(1): 71-72.
Ott, B.D.; Secor, S.M. 2007. Adaptive regulation of digestive performance in the genus Python. Journal of Experimental Biology 210(2): 340-356.
Panouse, R. de la; Pellier, C. 1973. Ponte d'un python reticule (Python reticulatus) eleve en terrarium, et incubation des oeufs. Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (Zoologie) (Paris) 79(1973): 37-48.
Peters, U. 1981. Drei bemerkenswerte Nachzuchten: Netzpython, Nashorn-Leguan und Gopher-Schildkröte. Aquarium (Bornheim) 15(139): 33-37.
Peters, U. 1982. The breeding of endangered reptiles, a success story. Zoologische Garten 52(1): 21-28.
Petzold, H.G. 1980. Wie lang wird die 'grosste Riesenschlange der Erde'? Aquarien Terrarien 27(11): 375-379.
Rathinasabapathy, B.; Kalaiarasan, V. 1995. Observation on sloughing in reticulated python (Python reticulates). Animal Keepers' Forum 22(6): 223-225.
Reed, R.N.; Rodda, G.H. 2009. Giant constrictors: biological and management profiles and an establishment risk assessment for nine large species of pythons, Anacondas, and the boa constrictor. U S Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1202: 1-302.
Reichard, U. 1998. Sleeping sites, sleeping places, and presleep behavior of gibbons (Hylobates lar). American Journal of Primatology 46(1): 35-62.
Riquier, M. 1998. Status, population biology and conservation of the water monitor (Varanus salvator), the reticulated python (Python reticulatus), and the blood python (Python curtus) in Sumatra and Kalimantan, Indonesia - project report Kalimantan. Mertensiella 9: 119-129.
Rohde, B. 1987. Bericht über eine erfolgreiche Vermehrung von Python reticulatus. Aquarien Terrarien 34(2): 62-64.
Rose, P. 2007. The long and short of it; insular morphs of Python reticulatus, Schneider 1801. Herptile 32(3): 116-119.
Roule, L. 1927. Note sur deux pieces d'ichthyologie et d'erpetologie recemment entrees au Museum. Bulletin du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle (Paris) 1927: 217.
Schwertner, P. 1980. Einige Verhaltensweisen des Netzpython. DATZ (Die Aquarien- und Terrarien-Zeitschrift) 33(3): 102-103.
Shine, R.; Ambariyanto; Harlow, P.S.; Mumpuni 1999. Reticulated pythons in Sumatra: biology, harvesting and sustainability. Biological Conservation 87(3): 349-357.
Shine, R.; Harlow, P.S.; Keogh, J.S.; Boeadi 1998. The allometry of life-history traits: insights from a study of giant snakes (Python reticulatus). Journal of Zoology (London) 244(3): 405-414.
Shine, R.; Harlow, P.S.; Keogh, J.S.; Boeadi 1998. The influence of sex and body size on food habits of a giant tropical snake, Python reticulatus. Functional Ecology 12(2): 248-258.
Sims, K.J. 1973. A note on the hatching of a clutch of reticulated python (Python reticulatus) eggs. Malayan Nature Journal 23(4): 173.
Smith, M.A. 1937. A Bangkok python. Journal Siam Soc. (Nat. Hist. Suppl.) 11(1): 61-62.
Sy, E.Y.; Tan, E.K. 2015. Geographic distribution: Malayopython reticulatus (Reticulated Python). Herpetological Review 46(2): 220.
Tsuji, Y.; Prayitno, B.; Suryobroto, B. 2016. Report on the observed response of Javan Lutungs (Trachypithecus auratus mauritius) upon encountering a Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus). Primates 57(2): 149-153.
Twigger, R. 1999. Big Snake: The Hunt for the World's Longest Python. Victor Gollancz, London. 319 pp.
Ussher, C.A. 1979. Brunei's largest snake. Brunei Museum Journal 4(3): 180-181.
Uyeda, L.T.; Entang, I.; Azhari, P.; Pamungkas, J.; Wirsing, A.; Dyes, R.C. 2016. The role of traditional beliefs in conservation of herpetofauna in Banten, Indonesia. Oryx 50(2): 296-301.
Wall, F. 1926. The reticulate python Python reticulatus (Schneider). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 31: 84-90.
Webb, G.J.W.; Vardon, M.J.; Boeadi 1996. An assessment of the harvest levels and status of three species of reptile (Varanus salvator, Python reticulatus and P. curtus) in Indonesia. pp. 75-82. In: Kitchener, D.J. & Suyanto, A. (eds.). Proceedings of the first international conference on Eastern Indonesian-Australian vertebrate fauna held at Manado, Indonesia, November 22-26, 1994. Western Australian Museum, Perth, Western Australia. 174 pp.
Wiens, F.; Zitzmann, A. 1999. Predation on a wild slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) by a reticulated python (Python reticulatus). Folia Primatologica 70(6): 362-364.
Williamson, M.A. 1967. Notes on the growth rate of Python reticulatus. Herpetologica 23: 130-132.
Woellner, K. 2007. Unbekannte Vielfalt: Farb - und Zeichnungsvarianten den Netzpythons (Python reticulatus). Reptilia (D) 12(64): 70-74.
Wöllner, K. 2011. Der Netzpython - Python reticulatus. Natur und Tier-Verlag, Münster. 64 pp.
Xanten, W.A. 2014. Natural history notes: Python reticulatus (Reticulated Python). Diet. Herpetological Review 45(1): 147.
Zylka, A. 1981. [The reticulate python - the largest snake in Asia]. (In Polish). Wszechswiat 1981(12): 283-284.
Malayopython timoriensis
Anonymous. 1970. Python timorensis Müller, 1844 (Reptilia): specific name suppressed under the plenary powers. Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 27: 178-179.
Kratzer, H. 1973. Seltenes Angebot: Timor-Python! Aquarium Aqua Terra 7(48): 244-245.
Luiselli, L.M.; Bonnet, X.; Rocco, M.; Amori, G. 2012. Conservation implications of rapid shifts in the trade of wild African and Asian pythons. Biotropica 44(4): 569-573.
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