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Bibliography of the genus
Simalia (Scrub Pythons)

(Reptilia: Serpentes: Pythonidae)
In order to limit redundancy, relevant literature indexed in the related bibliographies in the left column may not have been included in this page. For a comprehensive search of literature, these bibliographies should therefore also be consulted.
Simalia amethistina
Banks, C.; Schwaner, T.D. 1984. Two cases of interspecific hybridization among captive Australian boid snakes. Zoo Biology 3(3): 221-227.
Bär, R. 2005. Neuere Erkenntnisse zur Nomenklatur des Amethystpythons (Morelia amethistina (Schneider, 1801)) und des Seram-Pythons (Morelia clastolepis (Harvey et al. 2000)) sowie erstmalige Vorstellung einer weiteren Inselpopulation innerhalb des Morelia amethistina-Komplexes von der Aru-Inselgruppe. Elaphe 13(2): 49-51.
Barker, D.; Barker, T. 1995. Big snake bites. Vivarium (Lakeside) 7(2): 36-40.
Barnett, B. 1993. The amethystine python (Morelia amethistina). Captive keeping, reproduction and growth. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 13(6): 184-195.
Bickford, D. 2004. Natural history notes: Morelia amethistina (Amethystine Python). Diet. Herpetological Review 35(2): 178-179.
Boos, H.E.A. 1979. Some breeding records of Australian pythons Pythonidae. International Zoo Yearbook 19: 87-89.
Charles, N.; Field, R.; Shine, R. 1985. Notes on the reproductive biology of Australian pythons, genera Aspidites, Liasis and Morelia. Herpetological Review 16(2): 45-48.
Dowling, H.G. 1961. How old are they and how big do they grow? Animal Kingdom 64: 171-175.
Fearn, S. 1998. A range extension for the scrub python Morelia amethistina (Serpentes: Boidae): a record from Magnetic Island, north Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 28(2): 39-40.
Fearn, S. 2002. Natural history notes: Morelia amethistina (Scrub Python). Diet. Herpetological Review 33(1): 58-59.
Fearn, S. 2002. Notes on a maximal sized Scrub Python Morelia amethistina (Serpentes: Pythonidae) from Kuranda, north east Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 32(1): 2-3.
Kenchington, L. 2017. The lure of Amethistina; the care and captive husbandry of Simalia amethistina, clastolepis and nauta. A brief natural history of the Simalia genus. Herptile 42(3): 97-104
Kinghorn, J.R. 1921. Some large non-venemous snakes and their food. Australian Museum Magazine 1(2): 53-55.
Korzhov, A.V.; Kudryavtsev, S.V.; Latyshev, V.A.; Vassiliev, D.B. 1995. Keeping and breeding in captivity the Indonesian scrub python Liasis a. amethistinus (Schneider 1901) at the Moscow Zoo. Russian Journal of Herpetology 2(1): 68-70.
Loop, K.A.; Miller, J.D.; Pollard, D. 1995. Observations of the amethyst python (Morelia amethystina) feeding on rainbow bee-eaters (Merops ornatus). Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 38(2): 504.
Martin, R.W. 1995. Field observation of predation on Bennett's tree-kangaroo (Dendrolagus bennettianus) by an amethystine python (Morelia amethistina). Herpetological Review 26(2): 74-76.
Oliver, B. 1998. Captive reproduction of the Amethystine Python (Morelia amethistina). Monitor (Journal of the Victorian Herpetological Society) 10(1): 18-21.
Peters, U. 1975. Erfolgreiche Nachzucht der Amethyst-Python Liasis amethistinus. Aquarium Aqua Terra 9(67): 34-36.
Shaw, C. 1992. A breeding of the New Guinea amethystine python, Morelia amethystina, in captivity. Herptile 17(4): 149-153.
Stock, R. 2004. Pflege und Zucht des gelben Amethystpythons Morelia amethistina amethistina (Schneider, 1801). Elaphe 12(4): 34-38.
Sues, L.; Shine, R. 1999. Natural history notes: Morelia amethistina (Australian Scrub Python). Male-male combat. Herpetological Review 30(2): 102.
Wills, J.K. 1991. The Indonesian amethystine python, Morelia amethystina amethystina. Nematodes and captive husbandry. Herptile 16(2): 70-73.
Simalia boeleni
Austin, C.C.; Spataro, M.; Peterson, S.; Jordan, J.; McVay, J.D. 2010. Conservation genetics of Boelen's python (Morelia boeleni) from New Guinea: reduced genetic diversity and divergence of captive and wild animals. Conservation Genetics 11(3): 889-896.
Brongersma, L.D. 1969. Note on Liasis boeleni Brongersma. Proceedings Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen 72(2): 124-128.
Flagle, A.R.; Stoops, E.D. 2009. Black python. Morelia boeleni. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 157 pp.
Heuberger, W.; Heuberger, K. 2017. Erfolgreiche Haltung und Nachzucht von Simalia boeleni. Reptilia (D) 22(127): 22-29.
Kraus, F. 2013. Further range extensions for reptiles and amphibians from Papua New Guinea. Herpetological Review 44(2): 277-280.
Kwapena, N. 1978. Wildlife habitat conservation and biological resource utilisation in Papua New Guinea. Wildlife in Papua New Guinea 78(19): 1-14.
Murphy, J.B.; Lamoreaux, W.E.; Barker, D.G. 1981. Miscellaneous notes on the reproductive biology of reptiles. 4. Eight species of the family Boidae, genera Acrantophis, Aspidites, Candoia, Liasis and Python. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 84(1): 39-49.
O'Shea, M. 2009. Threats to the Boelen's python. pp. 80-91. In: Flagle, A.R. & Stoops, E.D. Black python. Morelia boeleni. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main. 157 pp.
Worrell, E. 1958. A new Papuan python. Proceedings of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales 1956-57: 26-27.
Simalia clastolepis
Bär, R. 2005. Neuere Erkenntnisse zur Nomenklatur des Amethystpythons (Morelia amethistina (Schneider, 1801)) und des Seram-Pythons (Morelia clastolepis (Harvey et al. 2000)) sowie erstmalige Vorstellung einer weiteren Inselpopulation innerhalb des Morelia amethistina-Komplexes von der Aru-Inselgruppe. Elaphe 13(2): 49-51.
Harvey, M.B.; Barker, D.G.; Ammerman, L.K.; Chippindale, P.T. 2000. Systematics of pythons of the Morelia amethistina complex (Serpentes: Boidae) with the description of three new species. Herpetological Monographs 14: 139-185.
Kenchington, L. 2017. The lure of Amethistina; the care and captive husbandry of Simalia amethistina, clastolepis and nauta. A brief natural history of the Simalia genus. Herptile 42(3): 97-104
Simalia kinghorni
Augusteyn, J. 2004. Southerly range extension for the Amethystine Python Morelia kinghorni (Squamata: Boidae) in Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum 49(2): 602.
Breeden, S. 1966. Australia's largest snake. Wildlife in Australia 3: 54.
Crossman, B. 2004. Southern range extension for the Qld Scrub Python, Morelia kinghorni. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 34(2): 119-120.
Dean, S. 1954. Length of python. North Queensland Naturalist 22(107): 13-14.
Dobbs, K.A.; Miller, J.D.; Card, M.A.; Mather, M.; Haselmayer, J. 1997. Birds of Milman Island. Corella 21(2): 37-43.
Fearn, S.; Novak, D. 2007. Photographic confirmation of the occurrence of the Scrub Python (Morelia kinghorni) in Hervey's range, North Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 37(2): 68-70.
Fearn, S.; Schwarzkopf, L.; Shine, R. 2005. Giant snakes in tropical forests: a field study of the Australian Scrub Python, Morelia kinghorni. Wildlife Research 32(2): 193-201.
Fearn, S.; Trembath, D. 2006. Southern distribution limits and a translocated population of the Scrub Python Morelia kinghorni (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in tropical Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 36(2): 85-87.
Fill, J.M.; McBride, P.; Powell, A.J.; Shanahan, L.K.; Stark, J.R.; Freeman, A.B.; Curran, T.J. 2012. Diet of Amethystine (Morelia kinghorni) and Carpet Pythons (Morelia spilota) in North Queensland, Australia. Herpetological Review 43(1): 30-34.
Freeman, A.; Bruce, C. 2007. The things you find on the road: roadkill and incidental data as an indicator of habitat use in two species of tropical pythons. pp. 152-165. In: Henderson, R.W. & Powell, R. (eds.). Biology of the boas and pythons. Eagle Mountain Publishing, Eagle Mountain. 438 pp.
Freeman, A.; Freeman, A. 2009. Habitat use in a large rainforest python (Morelia kinghorni) in the wet tropics of North Queensland, Australia. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 4(2): 252-260.
Grow, D.; Wheeler, S.; Clark, B. 1988. Reproduction of the amethystine python Python amethystinus kinghorni at the Oklahoma City Zoo. International Zoo Yearbook 27: 241-244.
Hoser, R. 1981. Australian pythons (part 3). The larger Liasis. Herptile 6(4): 3-12.
Hoser, R. 1992. Notes on a captive scrub python Morelia amethistina kinghorni. Litteratura Serpentium (English Edition) 12(4): 78-84.
James, B.; Fearn, S. 2009. A record of oviposition site, clutch size and hatchling size for a free ranging Scrub Python Morelia kinghorni (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in north Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 39(1): 2-6.
Lloyd, R.; Fearn, S. 2005. Intraspecific combat in free ranging Scrub Python Morelia kinghorni (Serpentes: Pythonidae) in north-east Queensland. Herpetofauna (Sydney) 35(1): 30-34.
Stull, O.G. 1933. Two new subspecies of the family Boidae. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology University of Michigan 267: 1-4.
Turner, G. 2001. Fatal ingestion of a large prey item in the Scrub Python (Morelia kinghorni). Herpetofauna (Sydney) 31(2): 112-115.
Simalia nauta
Csaba, G. 2008. Morelia nauta. The Tanimbar python in captivity. Reptilia (GB) 58: 48-55.
Ferencz, B.R. 2005. Terrarienhaltung und Vermehrung des Tanimbar-Pythons Morelia nauta Harvey, Barker, Ammerman & Chippindale, 2000. Elaphe 13(3): 22-28.
Harvey, M.B.; Barker, D.G.; Ammerman, L.K.; Chippindale, P.T. 2000. Systematics of pythons of the Morelia amethistina complex (Serpentes: Boidae) with the description of three new species. Herpetological Monographs 14: 139-185.
Kenchington, L. 2017. The lure of Amethistina; the care and captive husbandry of Simalia amethistina, clastolepis and nauta. A brief natural history of the Simalia genus. Herptile 42(3): 97-104
Simalia tracyae
Harvey, M.B.; Barker, D.G.; Ammerman, L.K.; Chippindale, P.T. 2000. Systematics of pythons of the Morelia amethistina complex (Serpentes: Boidae) with the description of three new species. Herpetological Monographs 14: 139-185.
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